
(86 KB, 849x941, ramona_flowers___fat_bread_by_skelesoda_dftw0sz-pre.jpg) (3.2 MB, 2700x3000, 682e99639e8e854bc2461b6132a1537d08ab033b64216afcb6c4637be91791e0.png) (41 KB, 903x885, too_much_bread_by_veehhs_df4n6vp-pre.jpg) (74 KB, 828x1109, bread__etc__by_the_kappass_dg6z4xx-414w-2x.jpg) (79 KB, 828x1229, lisa_miller_by_some_weird_dude_devfkwi-414w-2x.jpg)
Hope to see some more love for the Scott Pilgrim girls. Includes Ramona and Kim ofc but it'd be cool to see the others who aren't as drawn like Knives, Envy, Roxie, or Lisa.
Scott Pilgrim ruined an entire generation of fetish porn
Its sad to think to she's someone's Fetish.
with the family, never cherished.
But honestly, I'd still fap if i could..
>>168177 She saw Ramona Flowers, and felt so empowered
By a drawing made, on DeviantArt.
What's the artist for the 2nd and 6th image assuming they're by the same person? They got really good lighting and soft looking bodies
>>168265 looks like cozynakovich but I have no idea if he's still active because he went on a spergy tangent
(360 KB, 1649x1761, envy.jpg)
There is a criminal lack of Envy art.
(800 KB, 1650x2550, weight___100_by_axel_rosered_dfkminf.png) (385 KB, 3005x3000, FOu2hhCVQAAokY0.jpeg) (167 KB, 1170x1200, media_EiZRIBJU4AIURaM.jpg) (107 KB, 1081x1081, what_are_you_looking_scott__by_shinybelly_dfqe2sz.jpg) (805 KB, 3500x2893, deviantart_932725365_= Fattytober 04 _ Grab =.png) (706 KB, 4096x3737, ACANTHOCYBIUMS1-1563689093762060288-20220828_014506-img1.jpg)
I'm pretty sure that pic in OP's post is the only fat art of Lisa.
(108 KB, 1060x754, a_leaf__by_superspoe_dg87ss4-pre.jpg) (108 KB, 1280x615, fattened_flowers_by_noh_buddy_dd0opwd-fullview.jpg) (67 KB, 827x1078, pinetrunks_by_hypnagogum_d83lma5-414w-2x.jpg) (479 KB, 828x1032, knives_chau_down_by_thicker_treat_den13hx-414w-2x.png)
I am the OP and I can confirm lmao. It sucks too because she's literally called out for wearing slutty clothing. That one image i found has her in some overalls instead (she should be bigger too)

Also wow that's a great roxie pic, almost didn't recognize her. Who's the artist?
>>168443 I've never watched/read Scott Pilgrim but I'm assuming you meant the second picture which is by Exponential-atomic-mass/ExponentialMass.
(119 KB, 1160x850, 3DE44D78-ED7B-45EA-8211-4A8D5936C8B8.jpg) (700 KB, 3174x1828, RamonaAndEnvy.png) (3.9 MB, 3420x2813, ramon_gSOqqT7.png) (298 KB, 903x469, 6d9073abfdd2_image0-246.png) (83 KB, 1236x1134, 437B3F08-A6D8-4876-9548-5521DCC485F9.jpg) (91 KB, 1080x935, 644852e7801047fe52aaf4b3c7eca8738dee735e3dad7911f86e10143f0e3da9.jpg)

I have a mighty need for some Lisa stuff, but wish there was more Volume 1 Ramona, casual Envy and Roxie.
(126 KB, 1284x2028, CamScanner 09-10-2023 00.48.jpg)
Got the motivation to draw some fetish art and Kim is the only one I know how to draw well. I'm proud of how this turned out. I might ink it later.

I might try to draw the others. Would y'all prefer Lisa or Envy? Maybe even Julie since I haven't seen her mentioned at all yet.
(172 KB, 1380x1996, Lisa1.jpg) (157 KB, 1404x2020, Lisa2.jpg)
Finished some drawings of Lisa. One without clothing just in case it's too obstructive. It's kinda rough since it's a pencil sketch so I might try and do a digital version later. I'm open to any criticism as well in case I should improve anything.
(29 KB, 681x1091, blue_envy_1_by_bo_the_sno_dg6vxlp.png) (65 KB, 892x1088, F3t8oZJWIAAIqTJ.jpeg) (265 KB, 1377x1454, F5o4BqOWgAARNBM.jpeg) (84 KB, 1602x1264, F3skK6nW8AA1Zdf.jpeg) (810 KB, 1684x1200, _doodles__sp_and_the_infinite_fatness_by_mx_fa_dexwy7r.jpg) (78 KB, 1693x1600, blue_envy_2_by_bo_the_sno_dg6vxtm.png)
Nice. Good to see more Lisa stuff. Envy and Julie are good shouts. Would love to see someone give Hollie a bit of love too.

More fat art should reference the fact that Scott is a decent cook, since the garlic bread bit is like beating a dead horse.
(649 KB, 1600x1600, Fy9DDWYaAAI8LJx.jpeg) (92 KB, 827x1018, cm_round_ramona_by_superspoe_dfbsinm-414w-2x.jpg) (84 KB, 889x899, ramona_by_kafeikafe_detejvh-pre.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1958x1229, random_fanart__roxie_richter_from_spvstw_by_oda_lee_decm7uu.png)
Tbh, any female character should get more love. Surpised how most of the art is only Ramona and Kim when you got a TON of characters. Haven't seen anything for Hollie, Stacey, Julie, or Lynette (although understandable since she barely has any time to shine)
We do have that one fat girl from the game tho. Buta if I remember her name.
Does anyone have the one of Kim and Ramona stuffed at a table in like a diner booth? I’ve been looking for a bit now and can’t find it and I don’t remember the artist
(71 KB, 878x910, bread_joke_by_the_kappass_db7sx94-pre.jpg) (52 KB, 828x983, ramona_by_blimpy4000_d83a9ss-414w-2x.jpg) (111 KB, 828x966, cm__birthday_bash_by_superspoe_dbmnqi9-414w-2x.jpg) (365 KB, 988x809, ramona_n_scott_by_joekie3wl_dbx0yei-pre.png) (73 KB, 857x932, big_buta_by_roxas617_deeu2zj-pre.jpg) (126 KB, 1066x750, buta_from_scott_pilgrim_vs_the_world__the_game_by_oda_lee_de4yqjl-pre.jpg)
You sure it's not the first image in >>168332 ?
Yeah, it’s not that one.
(872 KB, 1134x1431, miller.png)
Finally got finished with the drawing. Hope yall enjoy
I don't blame them for wanting to find that lmao. That's hot as hell
I need more roxie richter
(108 KB, 2013x2025, D9F1F734-680B-45DD-8461-EE02523E3634.png) (823 KB, 1016x2000, 1622781550519.png) (833 KB, 2026x2000, 728703983438430208.png) (223 KB, 2672x1276, ACANTHOCYBIUMS1-1508610815150202886-20220329_020341-img1.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1852x1308, _cm__rocking_a_whole_bakery_by_solitaryscribs_desmtgh.png) (1.0 MB, 1974x2055, InflatedRoxanne.png)
Here's everything I have of Roxie that hasn't been posted, plus a rare Julie I found on Tumblr
I know that Kim and Ramona will get the bulk of the fat art when the anime airs. But I’m hoping that Knives and Roxie at the very least get a decent amount too.
does anyone have the slob alternate to that third one? been trying to find it for years
(508 KB, 2179x2293, EhRBtgpWsAAq2ru.jpg) (553 KB, 2179x2293, EiZQKpzWoAUrjES.jpg) (128 KB, 1280x1560, tumblr_b5ee6b093274103d82ef9a849583e775_5d5637de_1280.jpg) (257 KB, 2235x2355, FxWAxbWWcAAwV40 (superspoe i think).jpg) (292 KB, 1999x1478, Fy14cqFWcAMiBQC (skalesstash).jpg) (5.9 MB, 2160x2160, if_your_life_had_a_face__i_would_stuff_it_by_sickstar_dfwpb2f.png)
This might be a dumb question, but have you tried just asking the artist directly? He drew me a commission with gas recently so it's not as if he's sworn off drawing it.
(46 KB, 750x750, doodle__are_you_beach_body_ready__by_superspoe_dbfv9ei-375w-2x.jpg) (57 KB, 750x1125, stuffed_pine_practice_by_noh_buddy_ddtlr7v-375w-2x.jpg) (46 KB, 750x750, cm__reluctant_beach_bod_2_2_by_superspoe_dbhx1yf-375w-2x.jpg) (73 KB, 1024x586, doodle__husky_kim_by_superspoe_dck41pf-fullview.jpg) (45 KB, 750x631, _cm__kim_pine_by_solitaryscribbies_deejene-375w-2x.jpg) (39 KB, 750x423, _cm__kim_pine_returns_by_solitaryscribbies_df4835q-375w-2x.jpg)
I wonder if there’s more fat knives art
>Kim Pine keeps getting love from fat admirers
It's like a UNO reverse to "ruined a whole generation"
>>181510 He saw Totally Spies, and then got a stiffy, from a animation company based in France
The surge of new fat Kim art gives me life. I've been wanting more art of her for many many years.
Funny how people went from poking fun at fat people in the 2010's to swooning, fetishizing, and admiring them these days.
I recall a similar thing happening with Panty and Stocking with Stocking's fat episode where people thought it was a joke and funny only for it to awaken a generation into fat goth gfs.
Oh how the tables have turned.
so, there's like a gallery on ehentai that has lots of fat stuff of scott pilgrim girls there, mostly Kim Pine.

I can't find it rn, but its cool

also does anyone happen to have fat art of the girl with blue twintails background character from the game?

I know someone made that, and I had it saved but I lost everything when my phone died-
I can't really post any thing...for now
(24 KB, 432x508, 130.jpg)
I need help with finding the full image.
(686 KB, 966x1200, GE5zPeIW0AA2Jgm.png)
hey I remember that, there was this artist named Mocha who did bbw/ssbbw meme edits/memes and that was their pfp on Twitter a while ago!...sadly it's all I can remember, but I'll try to be on the lookout for it!

on another news, I found a "new" pic
does anyone have the one of gender swapped scott, i think it's pretty recent. I saw it on twitter this morning but I didn't like it and then i lost it

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