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Hello everyone, if possible, could someone share art from this user? Their designs are so impressive that they look like real giantesses.
>>167945 (OP)
A thread after this artist is a bad idea. Their art is good, but they have an aneurysm anytime someone reposts their work to a point that they cancel comics or halt their artwork entirely.
He also threatened to kill himself multiple times for this reason, so...yeah, he's kind of a schizo
Let's see, it's not my intention, I'm just doing it in case someone wants to share it, nothing more
My goodness, it's not to offend or anything but I think that's crossing the line, we don't want him to do that, it's just for enjoyment and nothing more, we don't want him to suffer, the best thing if it can be is that he doesn't find out if it's possible
Just imagine if he finds out about kemonoparty...
nikutsuki is the japanese harry du bois
Well, I hope he doesn't find out, and speaking of kemonoparty, it's been a while since anything about Nikutsuki has been published on that site, and it's true, it's so good that I'd even say it's cool
He hangs out on this site you know.

Might be best just to delete this thread
If it's really on that website, how come there haven't been more of his works seen lately? Just to ask since we haven't seen any of his drawings since May, but before that I would like to say something, I see his work and I like it. quite a bit, I mean it, so much so that sometimes it makes you wonder when you see them what they would be like if they were giant size, that is, what they would be like if they were true giantesses, since they would vary from modest giantesses (which would vary from 15 meters to the size of Statue of Liberty or even 50 meters) to true colossal titans (Which would vary from things like the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building or even any of the tallest buildings in the world)
Honestly, why would you even give a shit about this thread? He's just overreacting like a drama queen
>If it's really on that website, how come there haven't been more of his works seen lately?
Because people know to take his threats seriously.
Well, I don't understand it, since some of us, as we said, do not do it for the simple fact that they have a bad time, but because we enjoy their projects and other things, since most of what they publish in kemonoparty cannot be found in other places
This is what happens when you live in a country that treats Mental Health like voodoo magic.
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I love the guy’s art but it is next to impossible to prevent your own art from being shared around. It’s not the first tantrum i’ve seen over this but ironically it’s only ever western artists who flip their shit.

Can understand why tho desu, i’d flip my shit if it was my art
I guess Japanese artists can flip their shit too, but meh
Another thing, he also published some of his works on a site called skeb, but unfortunately some of them are in "Private" and if possible, could someone publish the ones that are published in "Private" if anyone has them?: https://skeb.jp/@nikutsuki
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If ya ask me the dude is being selfish, so what? His art is shared and we all enjoy it, what's so bad about it? I say just let it go
For the Japanese, they take art seriously, they get mad at scanlation sites for translating work without permission. They likely view it as theft when westerners post their art without permission. The thing is this is the internet, not everyone on here is Japanese and doesn't follow their beliefs and customs. Every day someone on here is doing something they find offensive and rude.

Plus, part of why piracy happens is the fact that some stuff isn't easily available and it's easier to use piracy to find stuff. Plus English versions of their work isn't easily available. If I bought certain manga, it would be me buying something in a language I can't read. While I could learn, I feel that saying that an audience can't have something available in their native language feels jingoist. Like if I said to a Spanish speaking audience that I won't put out my work in Spanish, wouldn't that seem rude?

Anyway while they are overreacting to a very common occurrence on the internet, further antagonizing them won't make things better. They likely aren't being selfish, they're just reacting to something seen as rude in their culture. They should still understand that this is the internet, I won't get mad if my stuff gets pirated. I will just let it go. Sometimes I'm happy about it if it means my work being available in some form.
>>165166 (Cross-thread)
Well said, after all, to begin with, we do not steal your work, but rather share it with more people, that is why I propose that we compare them from sites such as Twitter, Kemonoparty, Skeb, Patreon (if you have one, of course) and Any other site where your works are published
Can the mods delete this thread. We don’t need some retards screeching about how they’re actually justified for this, the majority of people already know how Niku is like.
Mods I spilled my juice! Mods!
We don't give a shit about your juice, you can lick it from the floor
To me, this is also Japanese people not understanding that the rest of the world doesn't share the collectivist views on art. That not everyone shows respect for artists work and an artists personal distribution of said art. Or that everyone on the internet will just do as they're told. I'm sure I can tell a comment thread "don't talk about x", but then they'll talk about x. This issue will happen again and again until they realize that you can't tell people on the internet not to do something. Work by mangaka and artists will be reposted without their consent. They will make fusses about it but in the end, all you can do is nothing. I will just let it go if someone reposts my work. I'll just let it happen and not do anything, because it's just too much hassle for nothing.
Let's see, I'm going to clarify this, if many of us do it it's not because we lack respect, on the contrary, some of us even respect it, we just do it to share it so that more people can enjoy it
I wonder how he feels over the fact that I've downloaded his entire portfolio kek
Wait, do you have his portfolio, that is, do you have his work? Could you share it here and could it be on MAB or Google Drive?
Whatever you do, don't dump it all in this thread!
>>167945 (OP)
One of my favorite artists, sad he's so "protective" of his art. That and he's always drawing the same characters from Fairy Tail and One Piece, but, well, we all have favorites. I just hope his mental health doesn't deteriorates.

He's Japanese, their default state is for their mental health to deteriorate.
One Piece is borderline hentai at this point. Nami went from burglar to porn star wife for Luffy. Fairy Tail is already a hentai. You have lesbians and monsters who want to make Lucy their sex slave. Erza's torture was pretty much Bible Black and Lilith Games.
Actually it's more that both sides have a point. Japanese creators are right to be mad at us for doing stuff that is considered offensive to them. But we're right in that they shouldn't expect every person on the internet to respect and abide by the rules of their culture. I didn't say we are respecting them by committing piracy. While it can be respectful to share artists works with the internet, and may be essential should the work be unavailable through legit means, the Japanese may not see it as such.

They will view what we do as rude and as a violation. While they are right to grumble, there's not much they can do about it because asking everyone on the internet to not do something is a futile gesture.

I just figure sooner or later these creators, may just need to accept people pirating their works and that there's nothing they can do about it.
>>168278 I find it kinda funny (and a little disturbing) that there's a late-era Black Sabbath song called Bible Black that was released 9 years afterwards.
Fairy Tail and One Piece are not hentai, ecchi at times, but not hentai. For them to be hentai, they would need to have full uncensored nudity and explicit scenes. What they have is sexy women and censored nudity. Sexually enticing yes, but not full on nudity or explicit scenes. Ecchi would be when we get frequent scenes of curvy women in skimpy outfits in sexually enticing situations. Like a premise where we have loads of near nude women and moments of censored nudity and sexy situations. Fairy Tail and One Piece most certainly have these scenes and moments. It's like saying about the difference between softcore porn and hardcore porn. The difference between censored nudity to explicit content.
I don't know what you mean anon. Japanese creators are middling artists who don't have Toriyama's free wheeling style of writing to tell a story. Interest in Naruto and Bleach are both on the decline because Kishimoto and Kubo cannot write a story. Fairy Tail is the outlier because it's creator can do three stories at the same time.

Japan is upfront that anime and manga are just PowerPoint presentation to the point many wonder how Poro is making money, or how Queen Bee, or these other cheap brands that charge $60 for a slideshow are making money.

Ecchi died a long time ago gramps. Tenchi and Eiken killed the genre. Milk Junkies and Nami SOS had something resembling a story, but the nihilism present in hentai killed whatever hope that anything that isn't Taimanin can sell.
Hard to say, Japanese men doesn't have the testosterone of Norio Wakamoto to make men turbo gay. All they have is Ryusei Nakao, aka Frieza's VA because he has an excellent singing voice
Ironic how many said Mashima copied Oda yet Oda ended up becoming as horny as Mashima.
Lucy, Erza, and Juvia aren't weaklings like Orihime, Sakura, or Hinata. They wear the pants in the relationship. Nobody's going to question Levy falling for Galeel
Anyway, we can all agree that both Fairy Tail and One Piece are overrated crap
>>168288 Slightly off topic, but Ozzy or Dio?
(143 KB, 1208x896, 8d5d8e526ad229ad7b65685f17c3739a (1).jpg)
It feels overrated cause the MCs just don't have Goku's fashion sense. Goku had more drip in the Dragonball endings than any of these anime fashionistas. It's like Char cutting loose in Zeta and getting to be a dumb jock.
>Fanservice = hentai
I remember years back, I saw someone pissing and shitting himself over this shit and like you, being a complete tool over what was done to Erza.

Eiken couldn't even make it past two episodes and Tenchi didn't even have half the fanservice I saw out of the anime that came out back then.

Mashima can't write shit and every new series has the brunt of main characters being palette swaps of the previous main characters.

I agree with Fairy Tail but from what little I know of One piece, it's practically the only series to come out of Japan with a world that actual feels like high fantasy.
quick, share before he sees this here
He’s just being a pussy ass faggot because some virgin repost artwork

And have a mental breakdown about his art was stolen and not being credited

Art is meant to be stolen all the time
Yes please, if possible in MEGA or Google Drive
I remember he wanted to off himself cause of his art appearing on toonami what a shit show it was so many people finding out about his work
As I keep saying, the Japanese have a different view of art than us. While it's normal to us to commit piracy, to them we are doing something incredibly rude and offensive even when asked to stop we are continuing to do so. While rudeness on the internet is common for us. To Nikutsuki, they are likely mad that we are continuing to do something they find rude again and again and ignoring them. I'm sure to them, we're rude foreigners who have no respect for their customs.

Though you are right, sooner or later, Japanese creators will have to accept that not everyone on the internet is Japanese, not everyone follows their etiquette, not everyone has their beliefs regarding respecting an artists work, not everyone will do as they are told just because someone told them no. Piracy of work will always happen, even if Japanese creators get mad about it, it will continue to happen whether they want it to or not.
When you say "piracy", are you talking about their sold works or the art they post on their twatters?
Toonami was only good when it aired Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Zoids, Tenchi, Ruroni Kenshin, YuYu Hakusho, and G Gundam. I don't think anyone is staying up late to watch My Hero Academia, One Piece, Naruto. Anime nowadays are for people who're trying to copy Utena and Evangelion without understanding those are supposed to be limited.

Anime is the decline because the pay for voice work and animation are low while demand is high. There's strict censorship put in place on erotic films like no genitals or vulgar language.
>Anime nowadays are for people who're trying to copy Utena and Evangelion
The fuck are you smoking? Are you actually generalizing everything with two females as Utena? An idea that has been stuck in the Japs heads since Anne of Green Gables? I really have no idea what you're talking about with Evangelion.

>the pay for voice work and animation are low while demand is high
The VAs bolster their money with appearances and other jobs but like any job, you gotta work at it to get up in the world.
Nobody watches anime. Ratings in Japan has been on the decline
>Nobody watches anime. I like how you make a bs statement out of thin air. Just because you don't doesn't mean everybody else follows suit.
Didn’t know that Japan was the whole world.
Both, it would refer to someone reposting their work without their permission. Whether it's posting manga pages on a scanlation site or on forums like these, uploading anime episodes without consulting the companies who own the episodes. Or reposting art they posted on twitter, facebook, instagram, pixiv, fanbox, etc. If I upload the art, here on DeviantArt, porn sites, etc. This counts as piracy, in short when I repost work they did without their permission on various websites. They also likely hate sites like this for encouraging sharing and downloading their art without the permission.
By sold art, would pages for a manga series count? LIke stuff sold in volumes or in a magazine? Like posting pages of One Piece or Fairy Tail on a 3rd party website?
We should we care what Japan thinks? Just like Gal-ko's creator, the artist would get arrested for possession of CP
Hello, please, as I said at the beginning, someone share Nikutsuki's art, whether from Patreon, Pixiv fanbox CC, etc...
As I keep saying, as much as these creators grumble, there's nothing they can do about it. All they can do is complain that we use their art without permission. It's going to keep happening. I was just saying that what we're doing is rude to Japanese creators, but there's nothing any of them can do about it. It's going to keep happening. I am agreeing with you that piracy of their work is going to happen and they should just accept it.
I could say that this thread should be taken down and there should be no nikutsuki threads in the future, but I doubt that's going to happen because internet.

I was just explaining why nikutsuki is making a big deal about this. Just that what we're doing is considered rude to them, not we should listen and respect their wishes.
I wouldn't say to respect their desire to never pirate their works ever again because that's just ridiculous and impossible to do. To ask that everyone on the internet never again pirate someone's work will never happen.
My guy, I'm more than likely younger than you. Why are you so proud about strutting your retardation and strawman?
Please, if not to share Nikutsuki's works, do not respond
Do you actually have it or do you just said that just to say it
Does ratings cover streaming? Either it wouldn't surprise me that ratings are down since they flood the airwaves with a ton of half assed filler series instead of rolling it into a smaller number of series that have quality.

Reposting pictures thrown up on free sites open to everyone isn't piracy you dingus; that's like getting pissed that while you were handing away free buttons at a stand, someone gave theirs to a friend.

As far as I'm concerned if the Japs are gonna give someone 2 years for posting a lets play of a game, they can kill themselves over reposted art for all I care.

>One Piece
You'd get the dicking of your life if you tried fucking with Toei and Shonen Jumps bread and butter. At least with Toei, it'd be the likes of Disney during its prime.

Don't bring up cheese pizza when you're fighting in defense of western entertainment.

>there should be no nikutsuki threads in the future
I agree, his art's shit so it'd be one less eyesore, though that's pretty much just a drop in a bucket with what gets posted here these days.
I just like his variety of characters and that he replicates the artstyle of the shows he draws fat art about well.
Because we love their drawings, also as I said, some of us imagine them as if they were authentic giants, just look at their size>>168653
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Mrmisterio95(i think that was his name) made a few translations of his works. I just have a few CSM pics (which where on the Chainsawman thread). He also translated a Bleach comic about some captain named Bambi or some other shit(i did'nt watch the show).
You know, it won't be bad it atleast, just atleast, people give credit to art, just...atleast, is not that complicated
Yes, that was me, unfortunaly, i got in a problem with Nikutsuki himself, i deleted all the translations from my Deviantart account because i don't wanted to make him feel bad in any way, right now i'm currently trying to do drawings by myself, and by the way, if someone could told me how to delete post from here, i would aprecciated, thank you very much
Listen guys, you must know that Nikutsuki tends to watch those places and by that, he loses motivation for drawing, how about we just deleted this thread and we support him by following on his different pages like Twitter, Pixiv and Kemono? Instead of straight up posting his drawings without permission and acting like if that won't affect him soon or later

Literally this.

Look, I get that people like his art and want to share it which is something we can all get behind, but the man is entitled to his wishes despite the internet’s desire to archive and repost everything.

He has stated several times he gets demotivated to do things and that results in no work being done which is significantly worse than just having work reposted and people pointing and laughing.

Literally nothing is lost from having a thread deleted.
Glad to hear someone understands, nothing to worry about
I'm fine with supporting him on those sites, the problem is that Nikutsuki doesn't post ALL of his work on those sites precisely
That Sagiri pic makes my dick diamonds.
>>168767 if only the guy upstairs posted the portfolio we could end this here without any problems
I bet that guy was just lying and he doesn't has anything.
It's his decision which drawings he will post on which sites
And that is why I have published it, in case anyone has art of theirs that has not been published on said sites and would be kind enough to share it
And it won't be bad to ask for permission, but i'm pretty sure non of you did that, so that's why this thread should be deleted, out of respect for him
FOR THE LAST TIME, I have not published it out of lack of respect (I respect him), but to share his work with other people and thus be able to enjoy his works
Can't say I respect the guy who flips tables about his art being shared despite posting it on the internet.
Also like I said, he doesn't always share it on the internet
He got a point there, some of us are still trying to respect his words you know......
Wish too he would share more variety apart of his Fairy Tail/One Piece/Chainsaw Man art.
As you wish, good luck
Listen buddy, long ago i made a lot of translations from his drawings and post them here and in my Deviantart account, i though at first that i was support him, and maybe he would be happy about it, but he was sad after finding out, i even uploaded those translations without his permission, i was acting like an asshole, that's why i deleted them and apologize to him on Twitter, and he accepted my apologize, you also have to understand the cultural difference that is in Japan when it comes to piracy.
So anon, in my opinion, if you and everybody else in this thread wants to respect him and his works, we must delete this thread, that's it
Listen buddy, As I mentioned many times, many of us really respect him, seriously, we don't want to wish him any harm or anything, we just would like to see all his work, but unfortunately, not all of his work is shared on many sites, so that we can enjoy his works, it's just that
And if you truly respect him, you wouldn't be posting his art here, i understand all of you want to see his art and that he doesn't upload it on all his websites, but i think all of you can see his art without the need of posting it here
And you know what's gonna happend if you keep posting his drawings? He's gonna stop drawing and BOOM, no More Nikutsuki, no more drawings, no more content for all of you to share, so please, the only thing i'm asking all of you is to delete this thread, for him, just think about what all of you are doing
And how could we see them without having to publish them here?
the guy here is right
On the other hand, I made more topics about sharing works and not even 24 hours passed and they were deleted
Okay, you win, how do you eliminate it? But please let him publish his works in places other than Twitter or Kemono, because as I said he doesn't always share his works.>>169018
Please screenshot the post, because it didn't load for me.
He said this:
I hate to say this but let's close the thread, if anyone knows how to do it...

In addition, all the works that have been published are on Kemono and Twitter
I disagree this fag of and artist doesnt deserve any special treatment, if he cant take how art flows in this community he should just quit
So you don't care about what could possibly happend to him and instead you just to jerk off to his art, even if those are behind paywalls and were uploaded here illegally
Thanks for understanding the situation
Well, you're the one that started, so maybe you're the one capable to delete it
I do not know how to do it
I suppose I would have no other option, also as long as I keep publishing them on Twitter and Kemono is fine, but before doing so I will just say that it was never with bad intentions.
Here the content of paid artists is posted on the site , not only Nikutsuki . There is no need to make him a unique artist with special content .
He doesn't understand that we, on the contrary, help him become more famous and he will have more fans of his work.

Sorry for the mistakes , I don 't know English well .
Nta, but yeah, this is all pretty stupid, if the guy wants to quite just because an image he made public was shared, then he is free to do it. All this thread is reaching reddit levels of stupidity
We know we're poking a jaguar with a short stick here, right gentlemens?
Its literally just some nip drawing fats lmao
but he is temperamental with his work, we should be more understanding
but let's let the matter drop, I'm more worried about the criminal who continues to create a pedo topic...... on this site
So what? In that case, we should close all the boards cause no one asked anyone permission to share their content, this is just stupid.if the guy wants to stop drawing over such a LITTLE thing, then he can go fuck himself
That dude that appears once too many times with those pics?
Lol now im expecting him to off himself in pure jap style
Exactly, this sick son of a bitch
everything has a limit,don't say nonsense😒
Huh? Who? The guy that makes that "ilegal and """cool"""" worded posts with cheesepizza or this artist?
the illegal and definitely not cool
Ah yes, that mf. Why does he only spawn here in bbwdraw? All of us want to see abnormally overweigheted bitches, not some poor kids being used for those things
probably because someone still hasn't caught the bastard in the act and brought the old west kill justice

"BBW chan Hero: Caught a predator and CP poster"

Still, does he or she think that post Will blend in with the other posts here?

I think he handles CSM's girls better than anyother artstyle
These wretches don't follow sense

It's fucking tiring entering bbwdraw to have a wank or see if theres something new to only see that post and that interest goes out the Windows, having to wait until it gets removed or have to ignore it but still knowing that it's there, that last one makes you feel guilty as fuck

Same thing could be said of Kemono, you enter and you get an ad or a direct of a person that is way too small or the body doesn't match up to be a shortie adult.
Sometimes, not always
Very well then, did you find a way to delete this thread?
Nice,i love that mitsuru
Is the first one Kanbaru from Monogatari?
No one is gonna delete the thread, go back to reddit
Did you try deleting the first message? The one which started this thread?
Go back to the first message, touch the arrow and choose the option "delete post" , it's gonna ask to put a password, that's where the trouble begins
He aint gonna do It, retard
If you dont like the thread, then gtfo with the crybaby jap artist you defend so much
Yes, it is a problem, because I don't know what password to set to delete it.
Good, then go back to reddit and stay there
To the fucker crying about piracy. This a piracy site. There is no copyright law here. Shut the fuck up. This message will self destruct when I remember
Hello, I try to delete the thread, but it asks me for a password
Forget, now not relevant (all who asked for this was banned as i understand)
Hello, please stop deleting the messages and tell me how to delete the thread, since it asks me for a password
For what?
Dude,dont do that, dont be manipulated by some aspies
If we want Nikutsuki to continue publishing and creating...
Man,fuck the guy, if he wants to cry over his art being reposted (art that he shared not on private websites, on social media) then he is a crybaby fag and he can go fuck himself
I really don’t why he gets upset that stuff that he shared publicly on twitter get shared, like the guy posted it to everyone to see and gets mad
Can we please ask the mods to delete this thread? Thanks.
This right here, please guys, have some common sense and don't be like this, think about him, Nikutsuki makes amazing drawings and what do you do? Some of you treat them like a baby, you're not helping him, you're hurting him
In which sense are you saying it?
Its fairly obvious he’s made an appeal not to have his stuff shared because it demotivates him to create more things.

The exact reason why that is so are his own and I really don’t see why people get so defensive and double down about going against that wish just for the internet cred or out of embarrassment forcing them to double down.

No one is mad or angry but as a bunch of guys on a private website who love fat women and niku’s work, I for one would love to see him produce more and if the price of that would be the simple deletion of a thread, I’m all for it.

Save what photos you want to and then just shut it down so we can get some new content instead of more reposts
Thanks for understanding


I’m tired of reposts and want new stuff. Support the guy on pixiv and let’s get some good new content out.
You are being a white knight just because a guy drew something that made you coom once
Go outside and touch some grass, jesus
I was speaking as a janny when I said shut the fuck up. No dmca means we only delete actual shit. Other than that. Pirate away.
For the record I give no fucks about this board, but I won't let some little bitch force his will in a place with no dmca. Eat a dick trip fag
Very well then, if you're gonna act like that, then go ahead, i'm just telling you that i already inform a lot of people on Twitter to report this thread, so yeah, good luck trying to keep this thread alive, dumbass
Go ahead mod, keep deleting my posts, i already took a screenshot and upload it to Twitter, i already told people to retweet it to take down this thread
"UnBeLiEvAbLe BeTa" i don't care, i won't stop
Hope to God you get in a car crash or someone you loves dies. Fucking loser.
Degenerates like you deserve to be hung and burned.

Guess it’s down to whatever OP wants to do.
Also, do you realize if you keep doing this, they won't make art? So to enjoy the art, you basically ruin the artist's life so they will eventually stop making the art you like. Smells like a fucking idiot if I ever smelled one, and I know a lot of people who deserve to be killed.
>>169315 (Dead)
Jesus fucking christ, you truly are an asshole, it seems that you think with your dick instead of your brain, if you even have both of those
>>169315 (Dead)
I work a full time job. Not like a racist asshole would know what a well paid job is. Yeah, I'm retarded, at least I mean it in good heart when I say people like you deserve to be killed. Did someone already die in your life? That's good to hear. They probably regret even loving a failure like you. Also, what are you doing with these pictures? Not sure you should be a hypocrite.
The thread is gonna disappear soon or later, good luck trying to keep it alive
You really are acting like an asshole
Pretty sure they don't need to act. I think that's how they live their pathetic life. Hopefully someone comes along and snuffs them out.
Seethe harder, little coombrain fag
Yeah, hopefully. The good news is that the tweet is spreading fast, so the elimination of this thread will be soon
Look at him, he keeps insulting thinking that he's gonna do something
Love watching people like that throw a temper tantrum as if they even matter to this world.
You mad, cummiebrain? Cope more please
Is that all you can come up with? Seems like you're burnt out. Perhaps drinking some bleach will clear that mind up for you.
I don't think bleach will be enough
Already shared this on several artist discords.
Interesting, can you tell me some examples?
Hey, did you comment which artist's Discords you sent this? Or you didn't? I just noticed that the messages were deleted
looking at Nikusuki's twitter seems to show that the fuck-tit that's been telling us to stop reposting has been directly in his ear tattling on us for sharing. at this point, the guy can fuck off if he's so averse to sharing his work ANYWHERE besides his tiny shitty little hard-to-access platforms, then he really can fuck off.
Great job, talked to Nikutsuki and they said they're quitting on doing art. Thanks to everyone here, we lost a good artist.
Please, for everyone's sake and for Nikutsuki's sake, please delete the thread once and for all.
Because we arent doing anything ilegal nor inmoral, all the imagen i shared were publically shared by nikutsuki, if he wants to behave like a asshole and stop drawing because of that, then its his problem
Therein lies the problem, because of this thread, he will no longer make art and we will have lost him forever, please you have to understand it
Again, if he wants to stop doing art because im doing something that aint illegal nor inmoral, he can do fuck himself
Please, someone who agrees with me DELETE THE THREAD, I don't care if it is illegal or not, it is better to delete it than to have the artist not make his works again.
Dude, you are panicking over one jap that does fap material, chill the fuck out
SHUT UP YOU SON OF A BIG BITCH, I'm doing it so we can have more of his art again. Or is it that you don't want me to continue making more art?
Please, someone delete it, and I promise not to create any more threads like this or share any more of your work, unless you give me your permission.
Dude, you are acting really pathetic now, have some dignity
its a hollow threat, the artist is just a crybaby.
Pathetic you will be, and all the people who share their art, I just want Nikutsuki to make art again, nothing more
Worst part is, that guy is the responsible of letting nikutsuki know of this thread in the first place, so if the jap dont want to draw, you know who yo actually blame
Ok men, keep crying over a dude that made you coom once, idgaf
Then why did you send him the thread retard. If you hadn't said anything he literally wouldn't have seen this thread.
I was also saying even if we take this thread down, another will pop up, and then when that gets taken down, another and so on. Then there's people on the internet who will post nikutsuki's work on other sites. It will just keep happening again and again and again.
also the fact that twitter clown who's crying is just making the whole ordeal worse
he cant really get the thread taken down, its not illegal and the mods dont want to delete the thread.
instead his thrashing is just drawing even more people to the thread, at most ~50 people would have entered the thread, thread eventually hits the bump limit, thread gets archived, and then thats it. its done, people have had their fun.
now the amount of lurkers will probably double at the very least because he's screaming on twitter about
>LOOK! PIRATED ART. isnt it terrible that people are posting ART THATS BEHIND A PAYWALL that you can view FOR FREE?
God damn you’ve been going at it all day, get a job haha
Please DELETE THE DAMN THREAD once and for all.
save his shit while you can, he's prob gonna nuke his twitter again lmao
Well this is all just sad
You’re a retard haha
The only retards here are you and those who continue publishing their art, even though many of us have decided to stop publishing it here
Dont you see no one is gonna delete the thread, you stupid autist mutt?
Shut your fucking mouth, you fucking subnormal
Lmao, go touch some grass, you aspie retard
And fuck you, you fucking asshole, don't you see that because of you, Nikutsuki stopped publishing his works?
Oh no, you wont be able to coom anymore! Such tragedy, the only thing left for you is suicide i guess
The truth is that the only ones who should not exist are the scum who want to do harm like you.
Well, i Will be here to torture you, so get used to It :^)
(2.8 MB, 1650x1275, Alice Blimp.png)
I just wish he'd draw more Harribel and Rangiku instead of these random generic girls.
Do anyone knows who is the girl at the top left (the one who has black hair and is crying)?
The truth is that a little variety is good
ENOUGH NOW, stop posting your art and delete this damn thread once and for all
Why not? Don't you understand what's happening?
Arent you tired of crying all the time?
>>169632 (Dead)
And don't you get tired of continuing to publish that you have been told to stop doing so over and over again?
Why should we stop? Because we are hurting the feelings of a bunch of coomer brain autists? Grow some balls and do something with your life, fag
For the sake of that user, and because he continues to publish more of his art in the future, so do us a favor and disappear, especially your SON OF THE GREAT BITCH
you know sperging out like this wont get you anywhere.
And what do you want me to do so that you can close the thread as requested?
Kill yourself
Nah jk, you cant do anything dude, enjoy the free content
Yes, of course, and that Nikutsuki stops making that type of content FOREVER? Or even that something serious happens to him? NEVER
Please, what do I have to do for you to delete this thread once and for all?
How old are you? There is no way an adult full grown man can be this fucking pathetic
You will be pathetic, you are doing nothing but harming an artist who likes the art he makes, and because of you, pathetic beings will stop doing those works.
fuck off you and those who don't stop criticizing those of us who want it to be closed for the good of many.
Whom ? Dude calm down. You are only motivating me to continue. Thanks by the way.

I'll try to collect everything I can find.

Will need to create a topic with an archive
By the way . Who can collect an archive with all the material?
Yes, worse by doing that you are making the original creator STOP doing his work.
By reacting this way you are making things even worse. You only give motivation to this topic to exist.

Streisand effect
And what am I supposed to do to get the thread deleted?
Just don't do anything. Don't embarrass yourself.
(76 KB, 1280x1410, nikutsuki_1345497016843997184_20210102_152741_img1.jpg)
Dude, you are crying because one artist maybe Will stop doing drawings that you use to masturbate sometimes, do you understand how fucking pathetic you and the people like you are? Jesus christ, kill yourself and i mean it this time
You are the pathetic ones, who are preventing their art from being published anymore, that is, the only ones who should really die are you.
Please, do the society a favor and an Hero yourself, please
That's what I'm trying to do, but because of SCUM like you...
(10 KB, 279x181, 1.jpg)
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(948 KB, 1668x2046, Ultear.jpg) (150 KB, 882x1200, Nanoha.jpg) (134 KB, 973x1200, Sayaka.jpg)
Wow, he drew Lenalee from D Gray man? That's a character you don't often see being fattened.
By far my favorite set of pictures he has ever drawn.
the artist has threatened suicide before.
i dont really give a shit what he does.
are people really THIS retarded?

He has said countless times that he does not like other people posting his art without permission. That's why he has such massive watermarks. He's nuked his entire online presence before too. Keep this up and he'll do it again.
(225 KB, 1280x1365, 20.jpg)
This has to stop, don't even post anything new, for the sake of Nikutsuki and the healthy community, the thread has to be deleted
You motivate me to continue this topic, do you want me to make an archive and publish it? Please stop if you want it to end. You're only making things worse.
Relax! Your so fucking histrionic. it’s like hanging out with a bitch on her period.
You sound like a dork lmaoooo ‘HaNgInG oUt WiTh A bItCh oN hEr PeRiOd’ you probably smell like nickels when it rains hahaha
I was quoting vice city stories… 👉👈
This Will stop when you kill yourself, please do ir
Yes please, If that makes this thread boring...
Where is this from? Is the first time I see it.
This is the full version
Yes, it's a shame that that account is blocked and cannot be seen.
Idk about the rest of you, but I prefer/miss his old paper sketch artstyle where the body fat on the characters weren't as excessive.
Don't get me wrong, I still like his current artwork, but still.
Good job, retards 👏🏽
Choke on dick, faggot
I love how big he draws girls now but yeah, I think his artstyle was better before. Still enjoy his current stuff a lot though.
Well, glad to hear that, though he's never making art again because of all you idiots.
maybe you should stop stuffing dog toys down your pee-hope
>likes the art that artist makes
>wants more art to be made
>won’t do the ONE thing the artist asks for to make sure that art is made
>no art gets made
>”F-fine! I didn’t want your shitty art anyway!”

Why are you guys like this?
finally, he's gone.
i was getting tired of his autistic behaviour.
The fact that i like his art doesnt mean im gonna let him decide what can i do just because i want to fap, thats Next lever coomer personality
How is it gone? What do you mean?
Yeah, no dude. Threatening to kys just because your art is being shared ain't a healthy attitude to have. Besides, it's fat fetish art, that's not something I would make money off of regardless of how good it is( yeah, I'm riffing on bws, jeetdoh, pewbutt,etc).
Please, this can't go on like this, delete the thread once and for all, apparently Nikutsuki will do more of his works as a child, please do it for him
christ, shut the fuck up goddamn sperg.
aren't you the anon who started this thread in the first place?
Shut the goddamn up, you motherfucking retard. It's your fault for creating this thread
We all continue the topic, so we are all to blame
Shut your fucking mouth, you fucking scum, you son of a bitch.
Yes, and the truth is that I regret what I have done, I did not know that what I had done was wrong, and that is why I try to erase it
Your fucking mother will be retarded, and yes, I did it but now I want to delete it, that's why I say it
It's true, but some of us can rectify it, and that's what I'm trying to do, since apparently Nikutsuki has disappeared, or at least he'll stop making more drawings.
Please stop making that CP thread you spergasaurus
Yes but to almost all the people in the thread, que dont give a fuck about the autist screams of pain of nikutsuki, he should man up or gtfo
That thing it's completely banned here and It should stay like this, also I can't tell you because those words are a reason of auto ban, glad that we have this really good moderators props to them!
the topic should be kept just because this discussion was really fun,you motherfuckers

Well, come on, moderators, because of you, Nikutsuki will not create any more of his drawings.
How many frickin' Latino people are here? Geez, all of you should learn how to write in English
1 This is the second time when he threatens to leave , in the end he returned with the best quality of drawings
2 He gets support on fanbox , by his departure he will throw subscribers who supported him . Seriously? Because of the schizo, will he refuse support?
3 He constantly blocks his Twitter for viewing . In a month, he opens the view only 2 times for 3-4 days
4 If the content is posted in free sources , that we have every right to post it on any sites .
5 Stop shaming yourself . Obviously , your efforts are useless .

Sorry for the mistakes , I don 't know English well .
1 Yes, but perhaps one day the time will come when you decide never to return. And then what?
2 Who knows, maybe one day you'll get fed up with all this
3 What if you decide to block it forever?
4 Kemono hasn't published anything else lately, and I fear the worst
5 Yes, of course, what if one day he decides to commit real suicide and we keep more of his art, what?
>>171793 In the worst case scenario, we'll give him a nice funeral.
Now I begin to understand why you are being so rudely answered.

Are you writing this to me in all seriousness? How long have you been following his work?

If he does not want his work to be freely posted on the Internet , then let him post it on paid sites . This will immediately solve most of the problems .

I do not perceive his reaction as adequate .

Sorry for the mistakes , I don 't know English well .
(321 KB, 1332x1748, 2048.jpg)
You sure he isn’t using them as NFTs?
My brother in christ, you started and created the thread. YOU CAN DELETE IT. ->
I fucking tried to warn everyone here. Posting his art without his permission makes him wail like a baby. I made a thread before in the alt board and he said he might not ever draw anymore and I took pity on him and just deleted it.
Dude, I've been trying to crack it seriously, but apparently it's asking me to enter a password and that's why I can't do it.
You fucking moron, it's asking for a password you didn't even write. That password doesn't exist, so there's no way you can delete it
Seriously calm down .

Nikutsuki won 't appreciate your efforts . Even if you can achieve a result , he will start again when he sees fit .

Damn, because of his psychosis, Nikutsuki threw his subscribers who supported him. He doesn 't care about those who support him with money .

Last time he left without any hype , for no particular reason , deleting his content . Realizing that no one is particularly interested , he returned . At the same time , the absence helped to improve the quality of his work .

Honestly , if he didn 't open his Twitter for viewing 2-3 times a month and didn 't behave like that , I would support you . For me , his current behavior rather causes only negative emotions or indifference .

Sorry for the mistakes , I don 't know English well .
(636 KB, 1758x1789, 5e9ee2d2ea779a714be5d0f030ec79c51d8801ec4917eeb69cc2d29e753d2178.jpg) (62 KB, 1035x772, 5fa683ad0cd6973709717f44176520e12b2dc4af02df4efd6e9012a636d73fda.jpg) (99 KB, 1401x1196, 7dd29d733ab85afb8931dfd3b0bdb0197d815818d39d201e9f6e83187cfd9b32.jpg) (86 KB, 1209x1200, 8bab958051f4babc67088a9d4f3d9578ecb330c521c2967ec60c3998101d4fc4.jpg) (125 KB, 1148x1514, 82f25fba564b2e6163ed8fa1cdf7c0cabb4b6f020b5f53d68c05b1624ff52c1c.jpg) (1.4 MB, 3473x2310, 9cd298f98175fdd046760c371624c3926ee119e5f57eb129f4567c226131f83f.jpg)
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I keep mentioning the reason they get upset is because we're doing something considered rude in their culture. In Japan artists must be consulted about distribution of their work. Since they live in a collectivist society, people are expected to do this. But since the internet is full of people with different types of thinking and who don't always follow the rules of etiquette this doesn't happen. How many times a day does someone post slurs or be a jerk on the internet? Even if I say, don't ever use slurs on this thread, how many of you are going to use slurs? We're used to people being rude on the internet but for Nikutsuki, they don't understand that we're not Japanese, we're going to do stuff rude to their culture all the time here. It's going to happen again and again. They threaten to go offline and stop because they feel it's the only way since they are being ignored time and time again.

As I said both sides have a point here. Nikutsuki is right at us doing stuff rude in their culture. We're right that the stuff they get mad at according to their culture happens every moment of every day here on the internet. That they should understand that rude stuff to them is going to happen again and again here.
Since no one is posting anything, it's best to close/delete the thread ONE DAMN TIME
>starts thread
>wants people to post art
>actually, doesn't want people to post art

Which way man
The last one, since it is harming Nikutsuki
Can you kill yourself already?
>>173468 My man, what is going on in your head?
Man has a point. Dude literally said he won't make anymore art until the thread is gone. No point in keeping this thread.

Also, you guys are truly stupid if you want art from an artist...yet, you cause the artist problems so that won't continue making art. Seems like idiots who don't even make sense on what they want. So do the world a favor, fuck off, leave the artist alone, and go do something right with your lives for once.
To the person who keeps deleting these responses, hope you have a special place in hell. Makes me wonder if you people are from the south, where most brainless people are born.

Keep this up, and I'll gladly find someone who can hack this website and have it get nuked.
Hey, at least now BBWchan is finally going under, so you shit for brains can get a life, possibly a job, and someone who can actually stand and be around you asshats.
If you dont like piracy, then what are you doing in bbwchan to begin with, you überfaggot
also, this thread keeps Up because of you and the other sperg, but if you have a "hacker boyfriend", then do It, hack the chan, we'll wait here lol
\I love how you think you're actually offending me. The new site has rules for anti-piracy so...good luck with trying to get through the rules.
The Nikutsuki threads on alt were crazy because they would almost always be very civil and chill and end in 15 posts and everyone would mutually agree to let it get pushed down and unbumped.
Are you actually retarded? There isnt gonna be another bbw Chan, and if It were, It wouldnt be so stupid to have a "anti-piracy rule". I Will continue posting nikutsuki on 4chan, and if you dont like piracy, go suck your hacker boyfriend's dick
Kill yourself, son of a bitch, I shit on your fucking mother
May Nikutsuki continue publishing his works
Man, thank goodness I finally found someone who understands me, that's what I've been saying, better delete the thread once and for all, or we'll stop seeing the artist's works
Could you pass me the 4chan thread?
Of course not.
Too much spam from you .

Thanks to you, I will try to distribute Ikutsuki's drawings not only on this site.

You motivate me.
Have you heard about the Streisand effect ?

Sorry for the mistakes, I don't know English well.
Of course not.
Too much spam from you .

Thanks to you, I will try to distribute Ikutsuki's drawings not only on this site.

You motivate me.
Have you heard about the Streisand effect ?

Sorry for the mistakes, I don't know English well.
Any attempt you make to remove content from the site will lead to even more of its spread and supports the existence of this topic .
Any attempt Nikutsuki to prohibit the distribution of free content will only accelerate its distribution .It is impossible to prevent this .

Sorry for the mistakes, I don't know English well.
Nikutsuki won 't continue . Thanks to you, he will return in a few months at best, in 1-2 years at worst.

I have been watching his work for a long time

Sorry for the mistakes, I don't know English well.
If he is concerned about the distribution of his content , then let him draw only paid content . Then his claims will make sense .

Sorry for the mistakes, I don't know English well.
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(223 KB, 1200x1897, nikutsuki_1441941958910349320_20210925_194527_img1.jpg) (221 KB, 1200x1900, nikutsuki_1441941958910349320_20210925_194527_img2.jpg) (148 KB, 974x1713, nikutsuki_1442850296661790724_20210928_075452_img1.jpg) (57 KB, 1280x933, nikutsuki_1443206182768832514_20210929_072902_img1.jpg) (85 KB, 1280x1297, nikutsuki_1449355549556961283_20211016_064425_img1.jpg) (165 KB, 1280x1682, nikutsuki_1449355933025333255_20211016_064556_img1.jpg)
(235 KB, 1188x1650, nikutsuki_1467138276964581376_20211204_072637_img1.jpg) (249 KB, 1280x1813, nikutsuki_1467476538417618945_20211205_055045_img1.jpg) (142 KB, 909x1473, nikutsuki_1467476538417618945_20211205_055045_img2.jpg) (177 KB, 1200x1744, nikutsuki_1467476538417618945_20211205_055045_img3.jpg) (216 KB, 990x2048, nikutsuki_1467476538417618945_20211205_055045_img4.jpg) (140 KB, 1075x1833, nikutsuki_1467476749034594305_20211205_055136_img1.jpg)
(255 KB, 1200x1853, nikutsuki_1467841370627125248_20211206_060028_img1.jpg) (75 KB, 1280x1321, nikutsuki_1468557784182853642_20211208_052714_img1 (1).jpg) (116 KB, 1280x1600, nikutsuki_1471120807078547467_20211215_071147_img1.jpg) (94 KB, 1280x1464, nikutsuki_1472186451802865667_20211218_054616_img1.jpg) (92 KB, 1280x1016, nikutsuki_1472186451802865667_20211218_054616_img2.jpg) (137 KB, 1156x1167, nikutsuki_1472556889141837826_20211219_061815_img1.jpg)
(145 KB, 1175x1392, nikutsuki_1472557280537497601_20211219_061949_img1.jpg) (166 KB, 1225x1712, nikutsuki_1474368374977462273_20211224_061627_img1.jpg) (122 KB, 1115x1702, nikutsuki_1474719596985077765_20211225_053205_img1.jpg) (96 KB, 1067x1373, nikutsuki_1475086453676081158_20211226_054950_img1.jpg) (77 KB, 1280x1162, nikutsuki_1475088652237942788_20211226_055835_img1.jpg) (84 KB, 1280x1192, nikutsuki_1476542201274716165_20211230_061428_img1.jpg)
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(71 KB, 1200x675, Pieck my beloved.jpg)
I vividly remember Nikutsuki did Pieck Finger from Attack on Titan once, I can recall seeing her being stuck in the trapdoor and another where we see her in the nape of the Cart Titan, can anyone confirm it?
Honestly, I would like to know what the drawings of these girls would have been like if they were full body
Maybe someone could tell him it’s okay to post stuff again since this site is getting shut down?
>>175945 no it's not read the update
Already informed him that the site isn't going down. Enjoy waiting some more, you asshats.
God damn it we were so close to this thread getting pushed down to the bottom.
Seethe more, jap cocksucker
At this point, I'm convinced you are like 12 or 15, in that case, aren't you too young to be on this site? Have your parents truly given up on you, or better yet, your parents are not present in your pathetic life.
Where'd you go? Come on, don't you want to throw around some more slurs and shit? Did you go to bed like the good boy you're suppose to be. People like you are the reason kids should get punished.
I see. Well, I have no clue why this site was funded yet again if this is the kind of shit you guys like and have on hand, Shows who the mental one's truly are, and this is coming from someone with actual autism. Guess I am more normal then I thought.
the hell is all the fuss about itt? This guy's art is mid as fuck. why do you all feel the need to go full retard over it?
Bro, read the title of the video he's making fun of them
Imagine having so little life that you waited for me to respond you in a thread about drawings yo fap to,you are truly pathetic, kys
You said It, please commit sudoku, your jap artist doesnt care about a fucking autist White knighting for him, retard, if you dont like piracy, what are you doing in bbwchan to begin with? Go back to reddit or better yet, kill yourself
I would just like to point out I have seen Sunny comment on a reposted version of his Love Live DLsite comic on e-hen. Do you know what he said?
He simply said 'If you all like my work please download it". That's it. He didn't screech to have it taken down, he didn't have a proxy fight his battles for him, he didn't threaten to kill himself (which is a sign you need professional help). He simply said 'If you like it please support me'.
Niku needs to get some help, his mental state is not healthy and this entire thing is him not realizing it's better for people to repost his art as free promotion.
>>176424 Was his attitude begin before the Toonami incident or afterwards?
Nikutsuki was always a self entitled lil bitch
Nikutsuki isn't a baby with mental issues. In japanese culture, it's rude to repost a creator's work without consulting them. They have a lot of respect for artists and art there. To Nikutsuki what we've done here is considered very rude to them. Since Japanese culture is collectivist, they don't know how to deal with people who ignore them repeatedly and continue to do something they consider to be rude. For us, we're used to rudeness. How many times on this site has retard, shithead and faggot been used?

They likely realized that there's nothing you can do about people reposting your work and has just given up. They aren't crazy, they just come from a culture where doing what we're doing is rude and doesn't know how to handle it.
>they just come from a culture where doing what we're doing is rude and doesn't know how to handle it.

That's a lot of words for someone being a crybaby. Either they can nut up and realizes we're not playing by Japan's rules, or they can shut up and leave. But this constant whining isn't endearing us to them.
Sunny is a Japanese artist you twat. If he is okay with one of his PAID WORKS being reposted then Nikutsuki can stop threatening suicide over someone posting his free work.
You are right, and that is why I say that we better eliminate this topic once and for all, out of respect for Nikutsuki, and so that he can publish his works again.
He will not continue to draw if this topic is closed. Don 't be such a naive idiot .
Closing the topic will not be a motivation for him to continue drawing .
This topic can be closed only when Nikutsuki himself asks for it . That 's the only way .

Only his personal official request in the message. Exactly the request .
Nope. Piracy board, we do not respond to dmca. It stays
We understand that he personally will not actually ask for it . Therefore , no one will delete this topic , and his free works will be distributed more and more on the Internet . :-)
Has no one listened?They are cool with their art being distributed freely now. We can post what we want without them threatening to stop production and take down their pixiv page. Plus with Japanese artists and the internet it can be a struggle for people to understand that not everyone on here follows your cultural rules and etiquette and will do things considered rude. Since Japan is known for being jingoistic at times, this idea that people on the internet will do things rude to your culture being common is something they likely have to deal with. Plus as a collectivist society, observing manners and treating artists a certain way is to be expected. Nikutsuki likely didn't know how to deal with us and those like us who repost their work without permission. Nikutsuki likely has accepted that so long as you post stuff to the internet, it will be reposted again and again. There's nothing you can do about it. I won't throw a tantrum if any of you repost my work here or on other sites. I just accept it and move on.

They weren't being a baby, it's just being in a culture where people are expected to follow the rules and etiquette makes you unprepared for people who break the rules repeatedly and who are rude constantly.
You 're stupid . Do you even know how to read ?
You are so retarded omg
(346 KB, 1280x1809, 33.jpeg)
Nikutsuki didn't make that image, it was Zeiniku_B, now known as Rin_Noheki.
Your fucking mother will be retarded
Same. It's one of my favorite pics he has made.
Well before. I've often thought about supporting nikutsuki on pixivFANBOX (as I do with many other artists) but their frequent hostility to the 'unauthorized' sharing of their art is precisely why I haven't. I want to give them money with the understanding that I will share their art with other people who might like it so they too, can perhaps give them money. That isn't rude; that's just how online fandom works.
>that's just how online fandom works
I should add: regardless of culture. Now you can debate the totality of online fandom and its myriad of issues but that's something more for /gen/.
Why do you worship him? He is not a unique artist enough to pray .
Goddamn the sheer amount of drama that happens on this site is unbelievable lmao
does he do any western type/styled characters?
Is anyone here following him on Twitter? He's got like 10.1K followers and I just wanna know if anyone on the inside can see if he's still making art or just taking an indefinite break
Hasn't posted anything since September 8th.
His Twitter remains blocked since the day this thread was published
What is the problem? He unlocks his Twitter account once every 1-2 months .
As soon as he realizes that his requirements are of little interest to anyone , he will draw conclusions .
If he does not , he will return in 1-2 years as the first time
With a 90% probability, he took a break for an indefinite period.
I am, but I don't really talk to him that often.

I made the mistake of making a thread about him on this site before on the alt board. I've tried to warn y'all that he gets very pissy when people post his art without permission but nobody here listens.
What in tarnation is going on here? It's like a full warzone or something
That doesn't makes sense, Nikutsuki, will only continue with his drawings if this topic Is deleted, as simple as that.
He has already said in multiple times that he doesn't likes those threads, he would thank us if we delete those. So, out of respect for him and his work, if anybody is capable to delete this thread once and for all, please do it, for him
Man, how did you manage to type all that out while having Nikutsuki's dick so far down your throat?
>>177817 I'm not taking you seriously because the original thread poster had a rhetorical hissy fit on Nikutsuki's art being posted, despite the fact that he wanted his art posted. I mean c'mon ffs.
That's what I'm trying to say, someone delete this thread once and for all, we haven't had any new works for a long time
Fuck you. You 're infuriating .

No one will listen to you , this is a pirate site .
Magic won 't happen , even if the theme is deleted , he won 't start drawing again .
Accept this as reality , Nikutsuki will be back in a year at best .
>>177873 Case in point. Don't try to feign ignorance. You started this thread, don't complain about it.
Niku is going to learn the hard way that their art isn't worth their attitude the way Cozy and so many others did. We will just move on to artists, some of who are better and more varied in who they draw, who don't throw bitchfits.
How can anyone put up with you egocentric red white and blue Americans?
Its not american culture, you twat, its chan forum culture, if you dont like it gtf back to reddit, fag
Fuck you and your fucking family, you shouldn't exist in this world, if it doesn't come back it will be because of people like you who don't feel like erasing it
And just like I started it, I also have the right to delete it
You can 't .
It looks like your stupidity entertains the admins , they like to watch you humiliate . You can be easily banned if desired . And since the topic is still in place , then your position is not supported .

Please don 't waste your time . You only cause irritation .

Why are you so naive ? Why are you so sure that he will start drawing again if this theme is removed ?
Accept this as reality , he will start drawing in a year at best .
>>177990 Are you delusional? You started this thread, now live with it. Don't complain about the fact that people are posting art, that's what you wanted in the first place.
Listen everybody, i understand that you want to share Nikutsuki's drawings. But here's the thing, he as said in multiple times that we don't share his art without permission, specially since the Toonami incident. I like his art, but i want the best for him, he works hard to do all those amazing pictures that we all love. So why can't we respect his request? Is not that complicated. There's no need to act like this, there's no need to act like assholes that think that they can get away with it, he never did anything bad to noon of us. So, admins, if any of you is watching please, if any of you love Nikutsuki's art, if any of one want more of his drawings, we just have to delete this thread, as simple as that, Thanks for reading this and i hope one of you understand this situation we're putting him through.
I 'll remind you . This is a pirate site , no one will delete it .
The one who created this theme is to blame .
What's best for him isn't kowtowing to a temper tantrum, especially if wanting to kill himself is something he honestly considers over it. No art is worth killing yourself over period. Yet you want to spoil him and continue to let him think that instead of seeking professional help.
>"Oh but it's Japanese tradition to see that as a weakness to overcome and-"
And that's why the suicide rates in the country are absurd. He needs help, not coddling.
He needs to realize throwing fits pushes people away from paying for his work. He needs to realize threatening suicide is both insane and pathetic. He needs to realize other Japanese artists are perfectly fine with their art being reposted.
He is the problem. He is the one letting us get to him, we are not sending tweets or DMs to him mocking him 24/7. He is the one throwing the bigger fit.
But I'm just talking to a wall with no free will or thought of their own other than 'BBW-chan bad'. Nothing I say will get through to you, or to him. Because you'd rather be stubborn and refuse to admit any flaws of your own and blame every problem on someone else.
So, is there are a way that the creator of this thread can delete it?
I know very well that Nikutsuki's mental state isn't very good, i know that he tends to dissapear out of nowhere, and i also understand that you want to share his art, but we can just, you know, look at his drawings right on Twitter(X) , Kemono, Pixiv, etc. I don't want to spoil him, i just want the best for him
I 'll remind you . This is a pirate site , no one will delete it .
Well, I'm sorry to tell you this, but it's been a while since I've posted on your sites, so that's why I say yes, we have to delete the thread.
Not sure who it was, just know it wasn't me this time
I've been trying to tell this ever since this thread came up. This is probably the most retarded thread on this entire site. Nikutsuki does not like his art being posted and he has expressed this opinion numerous times. And now he may very well never come back. I've made the mistake of posting a Nikutsuki thread in alt before and when he said he may never post art again I took it seriously and deleted the thread myself.
(1.5 MB, 2591x1879, 1673553065399.jpg)
>he may very well never come back
Here's hoping the Japs actually keep their word unlike everyone here in the West that throws a fit.

>This is probably the most retarded thread on this entire site
This ain't even the most retarded thread on this board and god help you if you think you can challenge alt.
Well tell me, what do I have to do to delete the thread?
(247 KB, 1200x1534, 1pDzkxyfseIPEEPtAnPSOYtu.jpeg) (169 KB, 1200x993, t9SGzJy2dM58hUmFjEUXKNPJ.jpeg)
You don't. No matter how much you beg, no matter how much you cry.

And simply because you piss me off so much, I'm gonna post the 2 (two) images he's posted on Fanbox since September. Anyone think they can remove the watermarks?
>Do not use
Huh? Like... at all?
He'll be back, calm down.
Nothing , it 's a pirate site .
The theme will not be deleted on your whim. You have no authority on this site .
(1.3 MB, 1200x1534, fix.png)
(75 KB, 800x411, Is_It_Possible_to_Learn_This_Power.jpg) (195 KB, 2048x1487, nikutsuki-1404050068693422083-20210613_131637-img1.jpg) (128 KB, 1583x1597, nikutsuki-1532706655997075456-20220603_135157-img1.jpg) (184 KB, 2048x1073, nikutsuki-1555890970394185730-20220806_131809-img1.jpg) (208 KB, 2048x1936, nikutsuki-1597191855044964352-20221128_113307-img1.jpg) (175 KB, 1654x1766, nikutsuki-1372527054835486721-20210318_123524-img1.jpg)
Would love to know how you did that
I found services on the Internet . There are more programs .
Thread reached bumplock and Nikutsuki has been active in twitter again, so he'll post again soon.
Thank god. Can't wait for this retarded thread to be removed from the site.

If not can you remove some watermarks for me?
Seriously? Well, I just entered your Twitter and it's still blocked.
His twitter is blocked, but if you follow him you can see his activity.
The most curious thing is that sometimes he unblocks his Twitter, and if you follow someone, could others see who you follow?

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