
(183 KB, 662x850, 000.png)
Where the fuck are the art lessons?
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The images you attached are kinda mediocre. Really hard to understand, took me a while to understand a few. The one with how to make fat more squishy was a bit helpful though. Would be cool to see a guide to make bigger sizes, I really struggle at drawing really huge women. There's a point where it looks weird.

I'll attach some drawings of mine.
Bro these are good! Just keep at it and practice.
Is the Morpho book as good as people say it is?
anyone knows how to draw slime or some kind of slime inflation?? or just fat??
(584 KB, 738x1228, kill_em_all_e_1.png) (678 KB, 869x1223, kill_em_all_e2.png) (334 KB, 984x1080, dfjzhyj-82d74529-f357-4bd5-9cc3-36367241c18d.png) (688 KB, 1244x1372, dfjxl2j-f7f97f8e-4850-438c-a40d-3147310d02dc (1).png)
it might help you understand where folds should and shouldn't exist, which is 30-40% of the battle with drawing fat-of-shes. However, as with Loomis I don't think it's an end-all-be-all resource, nor do I think it's always correct. Far be it from me to dab on anyone else's anatomy when I'm constantly scuffing mine, but my point stands
(1.1 MB, 2296x3146, 20230905_001604.jpg)
Yeah, I feel that. I haven't read much of the Morpho book but I've seen how most of the better fat artists draw the folds, for example BWS and Belt Buster.

Some of my observations:

The belly is in between the ribs and pelvis. It's split into 2 masses. The top one is smaller than the one in the bottom. It sits in between the boobs. Depending on how big the woman is, the two masses split above the belly button. If the woman is huge, the belly button splits it. The bottom mass is the biggest part of the belly. If the bottom mass really huge and sags down, it's split by the belly button.

For the thighs and boobs, I'm not really sure. I just make them larger than I would for a normal person. I just play around and see how to make it look good.

Here's a drawing I made last night. Practiced a bit of the fat creases to make it look more squishy.
(134 KB, 437x946, whatev.jpg)
any tips or advice?
(1.1 MB, 2287x3126, 20230907_045530.jpg)
Not really qualified to give much advice but I think you should learn art fundamentals, like shape, form, perspective, anatomy, etc. Helps out alot if you try to learn some. I personally studied a bit and I improved drastically.

Drew another drawing. Decided to draw Lucoa. I might redraw this digitally. Gonna go draw some more.
(89 KB, 400x596, Slender_Man_Paper.webp)
The drawing looks good enough to convey that this wasn't your first time picking up a pen, and you did a decent job at avoiding unnatural symmetry, whether that was deliberate or not.

With that out of the way, I think your linework is easily your most urgent shortcoming. There's almost a complete absence of anything resembling a confident line, excluding the facial features. Because everything else is constructed of chicken scratches, the face ends up looking very detached from the rest.

Aesthetically, chicken scratches are mainly used to convey a childish vibe (pic related). It's not a good look to go for deliberately in a nsfw softcore porn context if you want your stuff to have at least some degree of mass appeal.

These chicken scratches also make it difficult for me to gauge your art skill more accurately, because they mask a lot of other weaknesses your linework could potentially have.
(1.3 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1390.jpg) (1.5 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1517.jpg)

it is good if you have a good working knowledge of figure drawing, but it is not a shortcuts, Peter looked at as a guide or reference for study
(138 KB, 1084x984, lineart.png)
I haven't drawn fats in a while so here's something a couple months old. For this I used techniques described in >>167806 (OP), drawing the original body for the base gesture and placing the shapes/forms on top of it. Used a bunch of panels from Losing Control as references.
any one have a tutorial or how to draw

Fat faces or sweating and burping?
>Peter looked at as a guide or reference for study
oh wait nvm lol I'm dumb
Holy shitamoli, that's good stuff m8!
How did you render the skin?
(666 KB, 2064x2896, SPOILER_chub_yuri.png)

Do you guys know how to add highlights to drawings? I haven't been able to figure out how to add highlights and I feel that they would make my stuff look way better.

Anyways did this in like 3 hours or so.
A combination of HRB and blending.
Highlights are the area where light directly hits the surface, about how to draw them, it usually depends on the material it hits and the style you're going for. I recommend looking at good artists who draw in a similar to your style or style you like.
Hey man, your art looks very good, you don't have to be shameful, love how you paint the skin!
can't wait to see your future drawings
Thanks a lot ! Will make sure to post here
I'm not supposed to see Wario's clothes and get turned on dammit
In all seriousness this looks great !
(105 KB, 456x923, fatrun.jpg)
Getting back into drawing because I want to make a little comic. What are some things I can work on?
Try practicing arms some more
(210 KB, 987x1200, sonya-recolor.jpg) (311 KB, 987x1200, sonya.png)
I find that a lighter touch works better for my highlights. I cel-shade shadows but use a softer airbrush for highlights. Shadow layers are set to multiply and highlights to soft light, I often drop the opacity of one or both as well. Honestly I find a lot of the times with cel-shading that I hardly need to add highlights at all. In your case I'd recommend making the shadows larger, and perhaps a warmer more saturated tone.
Here's a picture I drew last year, with a second version where I set all the highlights to white and all the shadows to dark gray to kind of show how and how much lighting is applied.
(1.0 MB, 2536x2896, SPOILER_chub_yuri2.png)
I honestly don't know why but you made it click for me. Was able to understand more from this example than any youtube tutorial I've seen. Thanks bro.

I drew some more.
not sure how this posted in a completely different thread than I intended to post it in just because I clicked the link and it didnt load until the second I pressed reply but whatever
(1.6 MB, 2513x2411, IMG_1156.png) (2.3 MB, 2559x2843, IMG_1155.png)
Still really new at drawing fat girls, especially at this size

Love your artstyle! Even if you're new to draw big girls, it's already so cool
i don't have any social where i post my bbw art, i prefer to post my art here
I'm the catgirl guy, you can find me under FapusMaximus on the usual sites
(1.1 MB, 3421x2861, SPOILER_chub_yuri4.png)
Another one. Criticism is welcomed. Especially with my colors, I've been doing these to practice my coloring and rendering.
(3.1 MB, 2559x2843, IMG_1173.png)
Thank you! I really appreciate that, especially from someone with such an incredible and unique style

I don't post my work anywhere, no confidence for it

I did clean up this sketch though
I love your art! Do you have any more to share or is this all of it?
I gotta say also your art is awesome, lines & anatomy on point, generic question but how long have you been drawing for? You'll get very far either way!
(2.8 MB, 2752x3005, dale boca dale bo.png)
What do you think of my drawing?

postscript: Dale Baca, Dake bo

wow man, you have a page where i could see more of your art? it's amazing
sorry, i don't have any socials where i post my nsfw art but i can still post here
Je me doutais que tu étais français a ton style graphique et j'avais raison ahah
Au risque de me répéter, really nice job !
(170 KB, 889x1085, Grab Grab.jpg)
Pretty proud of this one! Trying some different ways of shading

ahah jsuis grillé! Merci encore ça fait plaisir
you probably should start a deviantart or something, since this site is gonna shut down soon we won't be able to see your art anymore and that'll be a damn shame because you've clearly got some skill, the pics you posted here look really nice
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Hello y’all, isn’t problem if I can share some of my artworks in this thread?
It’s basically that am gonna show some of my sketches based in (SSBBW/BBW or Fat ladies) that I already done in little while ago, and If y’all wanna know more of my drawings and going check there, heres a link that I can share my own account, and hopefully y’all have a great Tuesday 🙏🏼
Link: https://twitter.com/Lu0510_Santos
(Again, If u want to check it 😉)
Okay, heres my sketch of fat ladies.
I feel tempted to make this into an edit related to the Russia-Ukraine war for shitposting and trolling purposes.
(162 KB, 1012x993, runned.jpg)
Another practice work, any criticism is appreciated!
(373 KB, 1259x1283, redline.png)
Hey, I'm certainly not the most qualified person to give feedback, but since no one was responding I feel like I can at least try !

The area under her belly isn't anatomically possible, the fupa area gets bigger to connect to the belly

You defined her jawline but since you put some fat in her chin area that jawline would become harder to notice, so using a line there sends off wrong signals about the shape of her face

The shading you added made her appear flat, as if she were 2D,
you need to either smooth out the shadows over the surface of her skin, or "bend" them to give some relief
(753 KB, 844x872, WTFman.png)
I had a hunch this was traced. since everything was anatomy correct but not the fat elements.
Why the fuck are you wasting others time asking for criticisms for traced shit. fuck off.
Bruh moment
>Why the fuck are you wasting others time asking for criticisms for traced shit.
For attention/clout, probably
Bruh, what a fucking clown
I was asking about the other picture they posted
It's actually much hotter with the original underneath
"Fattening stock images" should be a thing
dang ok sorry guys. I was trying to use stock images as a base for drawings so that I could make a decent looking comic without AI. I'll stop posting here tho my b
(155 KB, 1099x952, Pixelshit.png)
Did a lil pixel brush thing for fun

>>1745 (Dead)
Obviously you can create whatever images you want, but asking for criticism on (frankly) bad looking traced images is a waste of everyone's time, and I'd be surprised if you didn't know what you were doing.
Props for owning up to it, but please do stop posting that here. If you actually draw something by yourself at some point, I'd be glad to help you out on that at least
(10 KB, 767x767, Screenshot (2465).png)
I'd wanna see more of what you make, hell it has me curious actually loving the chubby belly on it plus the face is cute
(379 KB, 1791x1763, Untitled_Artwork.jpeg)
I’m a little new to all this.. Any suggestions/criticisms would be much appreciated!!
This is awesome ! nice colors and rendering
her fupa seems strangely absent but overall I really like your style
really nice art you've got here, main criticism I have is that her right breast looks a little weird, but other than that it's great, I know I ask this pretty much every time someone posts their own art to this site, but do you have a deviantart or anything?
They look pretty nice. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Yes, I do. Funky-Pipo. Thanks for your input and compliment.
(1.6 MB, 2315x2614, navel_reach_3.jpg)
Hey anons! Here's a rushed sketch I did this week
(2.5 MB, 2732x2387, IMG_1225.png)
Thank you both! I don’t have much past this, other than some very crappy unfinished sketches that aren’t worth anyone’s time.

I appreciate the question though! I’ve only been drawing for about three years though and started from the bottom.

I’ll give it some thought after this encouragement.

I did find some time to do another sketch of this gal though.
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I can't be the only chubby chaser that hates fat positivity shit like in the last image. It's so fucking retarded. Mostly because the ones that keep saying it often are quite ugly. Like in this guide, they draw the fat in a way that makes it look so unappealing. I just hate it.
you are not the only one
Yeah, I like chubby girls but I think fat positivity is bullshit. We can have or fetishes but let's not delude ourselves into thinking it's healthy. Sure, being lean doesn't guarantee good health but that doesn't mean being fat isn't unhealthy. That's like saying "non-smokers still get cancer so smoking cigarettes is fine."
>>176832 I always took fat positivity to be more along the lines of, don't look down on fat people just because they are fat. Like trying to belittle fat people and have that be endorsed because they personally don't find it attractive. Or something like that.
damn--this is excellent. Do you post your art anywhere? (Forgive me if you are a regular artist and I just don't recognize your style).
>>176798 Can agree. I like fat chicks, but I can't stand when some fattie says its fatphobic because someone said that losing weight isn't a bad idea. Bait or not.
(380 KB, 2500x1929, NN Day 12 Gem.jpg)
A piece I finished for a Navel November prompt
Thank you, I'm FapusMaximus, I posted earlier but I keep forgetting my Id keeps changing, my bad
This is fucking awesome dude, love your style
>>886730 (Dead)

Dude cheers for you on your fat art. Looks great! I also love that you chose a twi'lek to draw. It's hard to find decent fat art of Star Wars.
(1.2 MB, 2480x2650, 2.jpg)
Bro, this looks fucking amazing. Tell me how you rendered this. I wish I could render like that.
Hey guys! The trick is in the layers. A layer of solid colors, another of shadows, blush and highlights. Play with opacity and layer modes.

By the way I'm open for commissions :D
(194 KB, 2480x3508, kaytay.jpg)
I call her kaytay
(199 KB, 2480x3508, kaytay2.jpg)
Kaytay redrawn
(249 KB, 2480x3508, Kaytay3.jpg)
Same character smaller size still chunky though
Anyone up for discussing newer artists that have been improving/have great potential here?
Keep drawing, you'll get there as long as you pay attention. Since you seem to be very new I'd recommend DrawaBox up to the 250 box challenge. Right now a lot of your drawing is resembling symbol drawing, i.e. drawing what you think instead of what you see. There are a million different things you could do, but I'd recommend understanding the form of a normal-sized girl, so it'll help you know how fat better fits on the body.
Make sure you have fun!
>Anyone up for discussing newer artists that have been improving/have great potential here?
lots of good guys here, or did you mean up and coming artists on other sites like twitter/discord/etcetera
I'd say both. There's a few gems hiding around here, but sometimes I just see an occasional rough gem on social media. Just anyone to talk about really.
contact info? any examples of your work?
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I normally lurk here, but I could use an outside perspective to take a look at my sketches and help me work on my form. For reference I drew these in the last week or so.
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Can one of you guys please draw Kilmaria from My One Hit Sister in her “Shell bikini”?
draw thread exists for a reason y'know
Pretty decent, the only issues I really see is with the breasts and some weird lighting, the right breast looks smaller than the other, and I think the left one should sag more towards the left. As for the shading, it’s unclear where the light source is in the drawing. It looks like each body part has its own light source. And the lighting where the left hand meets the belly is pretty bad. But overall, it’s good.
thanks bro. I've been thinking of learning to do some lighting, since I've been struggling to do it. also this is like one of my worst drawings I've made recently tbh.
Each one has kind of different things
1 the head proportion is rather larger. Her breast needs to sag a bit more unless it is an implant. Her belly pressing on the table should be a different angle going up. Her panties should pinch the skin.
2 her belly and top look only clipped. Her breasts should curve more where they meet her top or have the top look like it is sitting on her breasts not pained on. Fingers are a bit wonky when connected to the hand.
3- Hand looks a little forced. Belly does not sit right next to her thighs d the fabric is a bit confusing.
4 hair looks painted on her breast it needs volume especially on her left breast. Not sure what that triangle-ish shape is in her hair.

Overall use more references for hands and how bodies interact with objects such as clothes hair and when they press against things.
That being said I want to end on what I like.
Faces are great. I love the change in her size and the poses you picked are very fun and playful. Keep going and I would love to see more.
(1.9 MB, 3180x3000, 2burger.png)
It's funny that I don't care that the game is about fucking machines literally having thoughts and feelings. XD?

oh and 2b is filling his face with oil from 100 years old with dust, moh and who knows how much more filth
(68 KB, 370x500, shebsh 2 wtrmk.png)
Made using tips I gathered from this thread!
Critisism welcome
lovely rendering, well done.
confident lines and honest drawings. Good attention on the backshot where she is on the chair, I feel that if you really emphasize the form that the pattern on the leggings would take (ellipses) in your future drawings it would help unflatten her legs.
good! Check the curve between the right character's thighs, which way should the pelvic region be curving from that angle?
taut, bulbous form, charismatic little doodle.
Well presented, nice use of texture. I'd try distorting the front symbol outward to really sell the form being displaced as the hands sink in.
Charming sketch, looks a tiny bit like Kricfalusi's work.
The proportions could use some work, take the size of the head or how big the hands are in some pieces. Try building a basic figure via Construction and building the forms upon that. Also try drawing heads and faces at different angles, they look copy-pasted in the thumbnails. Thanks for sharing, these are good efforts.
Very neat, well composed and apparently on-theme. Check the alignment of the sleeve on her left arm where the radius meets the humerus vs where is sits on the opposite. Maybe either move her left hand outward more to accommodate the size of her thigh or obscure the arm with an overlap of thigh mass- her left arm is almost straight down, but her left thigh, despite appearing so massive, seems to fit within the space of a normal pelvic bone.
The hotdog background is cute, great effort on that belly squish. Cool logo! Check the angle on the clavicle and remember it meets the top of the deltoid, these are flying off. I enjoy the aliased linework as you have used here, but I feel the rendering could benefit from a light source vs being pillow-shaded.
> I feel the rendering could benefit from a light source vs being pillow-shaded.
Yeah I'm really happy with how the shading looks when its flat, but when I smooth it out it never quite looks right. Probably the thing that needs improvement most.
>Cool logo!
Thanks so much!
(1.5 MB, 3508x4559, Fat Girl 65.png) (1.2 MB, 4020x4961, Fat Girl 66.png) (1.0 MB, 4222x5234, Fat Girl 67.png)
A few more pieces I've done recently.
When you talk of the size of the head, do you mean they tend to be too large like the other anon said? I'd probably say that some of those pieces I drew at sizes larger that what I'd usually stick to so maybe that's a lack of knowledge showing.
It's one I struggle with cause take this piece, https://www.deviantart.com/newmetrack/art/SUMIRE-GIRL-YOU-HAVE-DONE-IT-964052159
That's one of the sizes I for sure want to get good at. But the proportions become confusing fast as it looks like she's 8-9 heads tall in my perspective. Or at least the legs give that feeling, if you know of any tips for wrapping around legs and hips at that size I'd be grateful!
(469 KB, 1746x1643, 1705198236381099.jpg)
Starting fresh, trying to actually improve my abilities without feeling like I need to be perfect immediately
You said it yourself. "Feel" dont feel the fucking A.I. algo doesnt give a shit how you feel at any time or day.
(163 KB, 600x960, rittifat01_b.png)

psa: Before you do any rendering/shading, do what you can to mirror your image (horizontally) and review your linework, it's crazy how many perspective and proportion errors get revealed when you do this. Work them out in the mirrored iteration of your art and flip it back regularly.
(328 KB, 1024x1024, beccastudy00.png)
random becca studies. hard to apply vilppu method but it helps.
This is more about creative advice than specifically art, but fuck it:

I’ve noticed that a lot of artists like Salt, Nonnbell, Axelrosered, etc have their own OCs that people like; I would like to make some of my own, but I don’t really know how to make characters that people would find interesting on their own, while also being put in wg/kink scenarios.

So does anyone with experience making their own characters have any advice/tips?
(5.6 MB, 4500x2500, yuri_dayo.png)
I would have made the pattern on the pants go along the form but I don't really like putting effort on these types of drawings. They're all sketches anyway.

I've heard this tip so many times and it's very helpful, but I've gotten to the point where I don't really see any mistakes when I flip the canvas. It feels so good tbh

The main thing is that you make stuff you like. Literally the best advice, so you can put as much more love and effort to it. So first, look at how people interact in real life too. Can't get realistic characters if you don't know how people act in real life. Then study alot of characters from anime, movies, tv shows, etc. Like their character traits, how they interact with other characters, and their designs too.

After you have an idea for a character, write down their basic traits, how they are, and what they do. After that, design them based off their traits. Change their design constantly until you got a nice design you like. Also don't be afraid to "steal" ideas from characters you like. Most stuff you see is very derivative from other stuff. With time, they become their own thing.

You then write several short stories with the character to develop their character traits more. You develop them until they become so real that you can answer personal questions about the character.

I'll give an example with a character of mine. (attached a pic of her) I started her off as a generic anime girl. Made her when I was like 15. IIRC, I based her design off Lucoa from Dragon Maid, since I really liked her design when I was younger. Then I had an idea of making her a NEET, after learning about hikikomoris and experiencing the COVID lockdown. As I got better at drawing, I then realize I could make her chubby because of her NEET status. Then I gave her the type of clothes I wear when I don't go to work and spend all day inside. So that's what I got so far. Went from a generic anime girl to an aspie chubby NEET girl. Got to the point where I can imagine talking to her out of boredom.

Honestly, I could 100% make a fat fetish comic out of her, about her being a NEET and getting fatter over time as she develops a loving relationship with a food delivery guy (which is another character I have too) but I don't want to. Doesn't feel right to me. So I'll just continue to post fat fetish drawings I make of her when I make them. I lurk this thread alot, so if you guys have any more questions, I can respond.

Hopefully it helps to anyone who reads. There are definitely more nuances to making characters but that's what I've learned over my 7 plus years of drawing.
(473 KB, 1280x1024, hairs.jpg)
I like her poses, expressions, and body language.
I'd recommend simplifying the level of detail you put into hair. Drawing a bunch of points works well for heavily styled or shorter 'dos, but for longer hair it can look like dreadlocks or fronds rather than flowing hair.
I did a quick paintover to sort of show what I'm trying to say...? Not perfect but I hope it gets across what I'm trying to say about how few, looser lines can give hair a more flowing look.
Try to think about how it behaves - does it get caught on her shoulder when she turns to look backward? Things like that.
Really nice feeling of "softness", especially in the second two.
The pose in the first one doesn't feel particularly natural, and it seems like her legs would be casting a shadow on her torso (and wouldn't they block her view of the TV as well?).
Great advice! I've always struggled coming up with OCs (even non-kink characters) so I'll keep some of your tips in mind.
>>185679 Im glad the softness was captured well in the second two! Honestly the first one was kind of a rush job and I knew there was a lot wrong with it but I thought I'd post for feedback anyways.
>>185676 Your points about OC's is spot on, and I'd like to add a bit more to it. You are so right about someones character traits effecting the way they look. If you are struggling to make a compelling and dynamic character, think of a character you like (It doesn't have to be a character you are attracted to, or even a woman) and analize why you like them. Once you have done that you can incorporate those aspects you like into your own characters. As you prevoisly said, write short stories about them to guage how they interact with scenarios outside of fetish content.
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That's the perfect attitude to have when it comes to art. You learn the most from trying and failing a lot and becoming incrementally better instead of trying to be perfect right out the gate.

I'm not an expert so feel free to disregard, but one thing that jumps out at me is the eyes being a bit too far apart. The mask certainly makes things more difficult, but eyes should be around an "eye-width" apart, meaning you could comfortably fit a third eye between the two.

The other is that the belly shape feels a bit "crinkley". Fat is soft and malleable, but it still retains a general round shape and has mass. Here's a couple of references that might be useful:

(also I recognized the head/mask immediately but had no idea they made a girl version of Beelzemon so that's pretty cool)

>but I don’t really know how to make characters that people would find interesting on their own
Just like >>185676 said, you should focus on making what you like first and foremost. I think focusing more on the character side of things than the fetish side of things can be extremely helpful too. For example, if I wanted to make a fat witch character, I spend more time and have a lot more fun brainstorming the "witch" part of the character than the "fat" part.
Genuinely thank you, you've got some good insight. And I'm glad you recognized her to an extent. Beelstarmon is a cutie, and figured doing someone relatively unknown would be fun.

Her mask and face were a pain in the ass and took most of the work because the perspective and shaping really threw me off. I can see what you're saying with the eye width though, I knew something was still nagging when I finished but I couldn't place just 'what' at that time.

And yeah, crinkley is a good descriptor for her belly. Working out how to draw good fat that looks somewhat realistic without going too lumpy. I asked elsewhere about that, too, because even I thought it was still off. I'm sure it's something I'll get a better eye for as I draw more ladies. This was definitely the biggest I've tried, but it was a good exercise. I'll have to reference others more often and see what I can just glean from their styles.

I intend to be more purposeful and consistent with drawing so I can both work on anatomy concepts while also trying full figures like that on occasion. Nonetheless, I appreciate your critique!
(356 KB, 1024x1024, georginastudy00.png)
Some georgina studies. I'm still learning how to see.
(2.1 MB, 3180x3000, 2big.png)
Thanks bro, I took your suggestions and half fixed those details, and improved the aesthetics of the drawing, really thanks
(2.8 MB, 1746x1643, Beelstarmon Edit.png)
Before I made my post I had messed around with the drawing a bit to make sure I wasn't talking completely out of my butt. You seem pretty receptive to criticism, so hopefully you won't mind me posting it for the sake of reference. Again, I'm no expert, and absolutely don't want to come across as trying to dictate what your art should look like.

I've only dealt with masks a few times but it absolutely is a pain. I'm already bad at balancing eyes as is, and masks just add an extra layer of complexity to it...

The thing with bigger women is that there's a variety of ways to handle drawing them, which makes it a lot of fun too. A "crinkley" look isn't necessarily wrong, but it can be extremely hard to pull off. One of the reasons why I was hesitant to post the edit was because I didn't want to make it seem like the belly had to look a certain shape/size when you could've been aiming for something else.

Also I forgot to mention, but I really like the shape you have going for the boobs. Only reason I redrew them was to interact with the new belly, and I was having trouble replicating the shape/feel you had. The leg positioning felt a bit off, especially after drawing a different belly in, so I messed with it a bit, but it's something I struggle a lot with myself so what I did doesn't look quite right either...

And yes, Beelstarmon is extremely cute, and drawing obscure/neglected waifus to fatten them up is one of the noblest goals out there.

These are really nice! The rendering on the pinch is especially good.
(453 KB, 1348x2048, F7RXfV0bwAAMVg0.jpg) (468 KB, 1346x2048, EsuuH3xUwAISpH0.jpg) (473 KB, 1108x2048, EtX6f2bUUAY-SPZ.jpg)
I was going to comment on the hair but >>185679
did a much better job at it and provided a great reference too. I found these tutorial images lying around and thought it might compliment anon's advice (two are in Japanese but are still excellent refs in general).

Both the hair you've drawn and these tutorial images have defined "chunks", but notice how the artist in the tutorial images and anon have erased or used very fine lines to lessen the border between the sections so they feel more connected and have a more natural, flowing look.
Okay I want to preface this all with the shift in the belly. Godly, and honestly more of what I want to aim for. I think what I struggle with is a desire to maintain some level of "realism" while drawing proportions and sizes that don't lend well to that.

But I don't mind this at all! Criticism is welcome when it's proper criticism and not just "this is shit." My exact style has a ways to go and I want to do some experimentation. That lumpy, crinkley look is my default but in a year's time, it may shift.

I do think what your edit did though was shift things to be more "correct" in how I had intended. I look at the original and I realize I'd fucked up the orientation of that far leg, something you managed to fix. The way I have her, it would almost look like she's leaning to her right rather than just sitting. I think in your change it might still be off proportionally still, but the angle/position are more logical to her body and the belly you tweaked.

But thank you for the compliment on the boobs. I'm not sure how well that shows, but I was aiming to have them carry some weight and not just be big balloons sitting on top of the belly. I would assume there would be some natural sag and that they would splay either direction across her belly. It wasn't perfect, but it's something to work on, the more I look at the old.
(214 KB, 1000x750, Kabocha_demon.png) (58 KB, 572x800, kABOCHa.png)
Tried to remake the last panel of this page, made by ThickerTreat. What do you think?
any tips or lessons to draw BHM and BBW and the folds? if you can teach me i'll be very glad please someone teach me u.u
looks a lot better than their art imo, love the style
Oi are you the same dude who draws the legendary Kip panels?
If you're talking about the shitposting leaks, yes is me!
Do you have a deviant art page or some where to see all of your art?
Do you know how to change the name of the Deviantart account?
you either buy core or get gifted core and it lets you change your account's name
(96 KB, 574x779, 000.PNG) (139 KB, 600x500, 9579647674636.jpg)
It's a pity that without talent it is impossible to learn to draw
that's just cope for lazy people. you don't need talent. you just need dedication. everyone will start off terrible at drawing and that's fine. if you try and go out of your way to learn every single thing there is about drawing, you'll get better over time. also drawing alot will help too. you gotta practice what you learned.

I would recommend starting with learning the art fundamentals. First off, form, which is just being able to manipulate 3d shapes. Like before you start drawing, for like 5 to 10 minutes, just draw cubes, rectangular prisms, and cylinders. By time, you'll get better at drawing them. Then once you get good at them, start drawing them with all floppy and bendy. Like just bend them at all possible angles you can.

There's also perspective, composition, anatomy, and color. but those are too complex to explain in one message.

A youtube channel named, Proko has good videos on anatomy. He has a playlist breaking down every human body part. Would also highly recommend reading George Bridgeman's Constructive Anatomy book, best anatomy book imo but read it once you have a solid understanding of form.

As for the other fundamentals, there are multiple sources on youtube. just avoid any clickbait videos that go like "learn X in a few minutes" or "you're doing X wrong" you get nothing out of those videos other than a vague explanation of it. But a youtuber who does that but gives good advice is Marc Brunet. He has alot a videos on the different fundamentals and general tips on how to improve.

I would love to show you my old art but I don't have any, i somehow lost all of it. I don't even think I drew fat porn when i was terrible.
Associate degree college thesis.an attempt was made. Polandooo
>>187603 uh oh we got an edgy nihilist here
I remember hearing back about some trend called "Cube a Day" or something and always wondered how it helped people draw better, but that actually makes a lot of sense. I've always had trouble sitting down to practice (or draw in general) but that sounds pretty manageable.
(140 KB, 629x492, imagen_2024-02-04_001428611.png)
anyone knows how can i improve my lineart?

i think or i thought i know the basic and that but i really want to improve in that and too doesn't look so shitty like this
(1.7 MB, 3000x3000, the_money_store.png) (1.4 MB, 2296x3180, 20240204_212741.jpg) (1.1 MB, 2296x3099, 20240204_212722.jpg) (1.5 MB, 2296x3568, 20240204_212700.jpg)
you got a sorta solid line confidence, pretty straight but the issue is that you don't connect them to each other where it's supposed to connect, so it makes it have that sketchy line feel. Don't be afraid to go past other lines, you can erase the excess. Also all the lines look the same width, try making the lines around edges or in shadowy areas thicker and thiner lines in places like hair stands and or creases in clothing. Also noticed you go over the same lines, don't do that. Try making lines in a single stroke. Ctrl + Z lines until you got it perfect.

attached a drawing i did recently with some linework i really loved, hopefully you can get a feel of what I'm talking about.

plus some sketches i did yesterday and today. might do some more sketches later. these sketches are barely fitting on the copy paper i sketch on. wouldn't mind some criticism on them.
(1.5 MB, 1280x1707, imagen_2024-02-05_012414162.png)
Thank you very much for that adv. but i think other problem i have its the stroke pulse, and i don't know which brush to choose,idk and

attachement and oldie draw in traditional and i think my problems looke even more here
(1.1 MB, 3750x3000, Fat Girl 74.png) (889 KB, 3000x3750, Fat Girl 75.png) (762 KB, 3250x3250, Fat Girl 76.png) (760 KB, 3000x3750, Fat Girl 77.png) (1.1 MB, 3000x3750, Fat Girl 78.png)
I've been practicing as much as I can. A good chunk is fat drawings, but others normal studies.

Thanks for the tips! Been focusing on a lot of projects but I'll be working on this and hopefully keeping it in mind as I draw.

The rendering on the pinch. Please tell me your tips.
You're showing a lot of progress! I especially like 75 and 77. Would she happen to be one of those rabbit girls from FF14?
This is looking pretty nice, big girls in workout attire is always a fun look.
im the one who posted >>188085 and other similar drawings in this thread. i just wanted to say something.

every single time I post my drawings here, my whole body becomes sluggish af and i feel like shit. there is no reason i should be feeling like that. i have a good sleep schedule, eat well, workout, and my mood is always good. but literally every single time i post a drawing here, i have a few terrible days. then when the thread doesn't get bumped for a while, i start feeling better. literally is happening right now, i even knew it would stop me from drawing more porn if i just posted it here. it's happened too many times for it to be a coincidence.

might just be schizo thoughts, but i feel like the few people who wank to my drawings are draining my energy in some way. like i remember hearing about how you drain a woman's energy when you wank to them. might be the same case with my drawings. not sure if that's the case but those are my thoughts. makes me wonder if that's why some of the popular fat fetish artists have some terrible drawings or make terrible comics. they be feeling all drained but they gotta deliver the goods, so they make mediocre shit.

anyways, anyone else who posts here feels like that after you post?
Great work here anon, I love how soft the bellies look!
>he just found about the secret society draining artists' life force through fat fetish porn
(922 KB, 3254x3668, Fat Girl 79.png) (774 KB, 2876x3865, Fat Girl 80.png)
Might as well post a few more drawings I got done of my bun. Maybe some of these I push the position or perspective more than I'm ready, but it's at least fun.
Thanks! And yeah, she's a Viera based off my character.
(1.1 MB, 3840x2160, fantasy_clothes.png)
> be me
> jerking off to a drawing of fat girls in a fantasy setting
> suddenly an idea pops into my head, the hottest possible fantasy outfit to stuff a fat girl into
> in a horny haze, stumble to my computer and scrawl out my dream outfit as fast as I can before I can get a chance to forget it
> I'm technically an artist, but I never draw fats, I'm just a guy that looks at a lot of fat art
> inspect my artwork once post-nut hits, and I don't think I did half bad

What do you think anons? Is this good or bad? What can I improve? etc. etc.
Pretty sweet in both parts tbh
I get anxious about posting things publicly, not to mention having to psych myself up for it, so that tends to wear me out.
This is quality milf, very nice.
Experimenting with a variety of poses is probably the best thing you could be doing. It's something I wish I was better at, honestly.
Also I look forward to more bun, she's really starting to grow on me. I've never played FF14 but her features and the shape of her ears seemed familiar.
>fat girls in a fantasy setting
I like it a lot! Only thing I can really nitpick is that the light portion looks sorta tucked in under the belly and between the thighs. If that's intentional then it's fine, but it looks like a portion of the outfit that would be a bit more free and flowing? I've tried doing outfits a bit like this before and trying to figure out how to handle that exact spot on fat girls is always a bitch (made all the worse because I can't draw clothes to save my life).
(299 KB, 800x800, 000.png)

Hard defined lines make things 'pop', so for the belly button or arms, try to either do only lines or only shadows
(1.1 MB, 3000x4059, Viera Valentione Simple.jpg) (920 KB, 3000x3750, Fat Girl 82.png)
Got around to coloring and posting a piece on my socials. Honestly I will do everything in my power to make people love her as much as I do. And, of course, trying out new things that I love. Though guys really feel like the veggies for this art, at most a quarter of the time on this was working on him.
But I'm trying new head styles that I like, just gotta make less busy.

Thanks! I'd honestly want to do more to endear her to others. I think kinda stuff around ffxiv is just my niche, or was what pushed me to draw my viera over 100 times now.

Never did much 3d fats despite my degree, but the orange android is far too fast to appreciate the fat wobbling. I think after it'll be easier to spot some things, but I think the belly is moving too far to the side for that size. But good luck, doing fats in 3d is something that I love seeing done well.
(305 KB, 1276x2048, D2-schKVYAIybsu.jpg) (367 KB, 1490x2048, EJFZSL-UUAA_Tsb.jpg) (229 KB, 1532x2048, GAQjyPDbUAAMTX4.jpg) (1.4 MB, 3950x4096, FNTFlQYagAIXC6V.jpg)
She's got a nice level of softness all around and a very cute, hefty paunch.
The colored piece is looking good! I wasn't expecting her to be a choco bunny but that just makes me like her even more. Giving both character different ear types is a really nice touch, and I'm glad to see you experimenting with fur texture on 82.

For general critique, I think the hands could use a bit of work, but hands (and feet) are the bane of almost every artist, so hopefully these hand refs will be useful for a couple of people here (myself included).
(214 KB, 1280x1389, reference_sheet__chloe_by_better_with_salt_dfooen6-fullview.jpg) (179 KB, 1280x1239, reference_sheet__nat_by_better_with_salt_dfooh2b-fullview.jpg) (203 KB, 1280x1389, reference_sheet__sammy_by_better_with_salt_dfqgqtd-fullview.jpg) (185 KB, 1280x1236, reference_sheet_courtney_by_better_with_salt_dfzaop4-fullview.jpg)
might be too off topic, but does anybody have reference sheets for fat characters? I started learning 3d this year and other than pic related i can barely find anything, i think i´ve got enough to work with along with some irl stuff, but i´ve been faked out by wg sequence pics so much i want to see more of them just out of curiosity lmao
(910 KB, 1280x720, bulges.webm)
thanks for the tip on the speed. Is something like this too fast, btw? And hey, I started blender because there wasn't enough animated fat stuff; if you have a degree in it you should too. The chocobunny is really cute
(1.4 MB, 3607x3538, Fat Girl 83.png) (943 KB, 3750x3000, Fat Girl 84.png) (888 KB, 3218x3670, Fat Girl 85.png)
Some more drawings. Might dedicate March to more colored pics, but we'll see. Though I'm messing around with my sizes and probably the biggest ones I'd do outside of requests.

Hands will definitely be my nemesis, but I'm not going to back down by hiding them. Also choco bunny is too perfect, wish I could just keep drawing her for my posts but she's not that popular yet.

Thanks! But yeah, that's still too fast. I'd try looking at 3/4 or half speed and see how that works. Animations like this are fine fast, but I've found speed communicates power and that jazz, so at your current speed I'd find it more fitting if the gain were larger. But it could still benefit from more ending lag. But I haven't used 3d in ages, crunch is a terrible thing.

Love the Gwen here! I'd say her side from her armpit down on the left needs work. The form needs to be more defined and the shaped doesn't work as well when it just changes. But the belly grab is the best part. I'd also say with more practice on the arms and legs the Heather pic would look great too!
(771 KB, 4578x2748, chub_yuri2-4.jpg) (1.1 MB, 5000x3000, chub_yuri2 (1).jpg) (532 KB, 2609x2748, chub_yuri2-2 (1).jpg)
this might be my last rime posting here. i want to quit my stupid porn addiction but since i can fucking draw almost anything, its so hard not to pick up my pencil or pen, and just draw fat porn of my oc. might as well post these digital sketches after i relapsed.

also this is to a discord friend who frequents this imageboard, tell everyone I'm alright, just need to take a break off discord for a while.

bro, how often do you draw? i wish i had that same amount of dedication to drawing.
You take requests? This art looks great!
(781 KB, 3100x3520, Kaisa Simple.jpg) (1.0 MB, 3750x3000, Yshtola small.jpg) (835 KB, 3000x3750, Fat Girl 86.png) (891 KB, 3000x3750, Fat Girl 88.png)
Here's a good collection of my recent works. Been doing a lot of irl stuff so I didn't get as much done as I wanted. But every step it feels like there's another nuance to drawing that I haven't seen yet.

It varies but I draw 3-8 hours a day, usually with the goal of finishing a piece. But good luck, it's good to take a break and gain some discipline, drawing fetish stuff like this can be a bigger toll on your mental than you realize.
Just have fun out there!

Thanks, but not at this moment. Sometime in the future I'll try to do a larger ffxiv character project with submitted girls, but I'll mention it and what.

Like the blob and back poses! I'd say the proportions of the third pic need some ironing out.
great work anon, i love how soft you make the bodies look, sizing is good too and I hope you continue your drawing journey with success!
Ok, cause I was wondering since I was wanting a “oddly specific” scenario, if anyone wants a crack at it, feel free to hit me up on discord. It’s biker_buckets#1702
The fat distribution is mad good and I love the variety and diversity of the details/designs you got here. Good shit anon, love me some historical fatties! You got any socials?
(1.6 MB, 3750x3000, Fat Girl 89.png) (667 KB, 3218x3670, Fat Girl 85 Simple.jpg) (1.0 MB, 3000x3750, Fat Girl 91.jpg) (1.9 MB, 3200x3750, Fat Girl 90 Light.jpg)
Back at it with some of my favorite colored pieces. I'll give you one guess. 85 and 90 were probably a week apart at most when I finished them and it feels like a massive jump to me. Though I'd love to hear what you have to say on them!

Thanks! It's been easier to work each time I do this and the satisfaction over seeing this done has been amazing.
(356 KB, 2454x1820, amberblobface.png) (564 KB, 2660x2074, amberblobface2.png) (494 KB, 2660x2074, amberblobface2notext.png)
I don't usually draw stuff like this, but I just felt like doing some blobfaces. Both of these girls are OCs of mine, and for context, the clown girl knows a few tricks to modify bodies, both her own and others', so I may well do a few blobface pics with her too
(394 KB, 1886x1921, test.png)
Trying Photoshop after a long time. Seems like some kind of wallpaper , but I like the result lol.

I love that blobface. As a constructive criticism, try to make the clown tits more baggy, but the rest is nice.

Love the poses. I'm having a bad time trying arm/hand poses and I like how the aiming looks so natural.
(285 KB, 612x797, weedcat_cr_e_final2~2.png)
>I'm having a bad time trying arm/hand poses
Always remember that there's no shame in ripping poses from references. Once you figure out how things should look, winging it will get much easier.
Thanks for the tit tip, I'll keep it in mind. I've definitely seen tutorials on how to draw more natural-looking breasts, so maybe I should look at those again some time
(151 KB, 710x862, uzuki.jpg)
yo,any tips or advices? asking for a friend
Thanks anons. And no, no socials, I occasionally post on /d/ though.
(2.7 MB, 1869x2376, cowgirl_by_megusta45_dh330fe.png)
Yeehaw sketch I did, first time trying out cellulite. Got too lazy to traditionally shade the skin.
A car-crushingly huge ass is a lovely thing to behold, very nice cellulite and fur texture too. The nod to duelists turning sideways is a nice detail, especially with the "Ignore" prompts.
It's a bit hard to tell since it's uncolored, but is she wearing bottoms or does she only have panties on? Also I'm guessing she's missing an ear from battle or something?
The milk spilling into the water makes this.
Your work is coming along very nicely! The coloring adds a lot to your pieces and I love the posing and expressions of 88 and 90. It really is impressive seeing how much progressive you've made when looking back on your earlier posts in the thread.
She looks like a tired milf with a cute chubby face and saggy gut and I can very much get behind this.
>It's a bit hard to tell since it's uncolored, but is she wearing bottoms or does she only have panties on?
Yeah, she's got pants but I know it's hard to tell. My lack of coloring/decent shading is probably the weakest part of my art right now. Glad you noticed the texture work though, I've been experimenting with that a lot lately.
>Also I'm guessing she's missing an ear from battle or something?
Yep. Not sure of the exact lore because she's a friend's OC, not mine.
(10.3 MB, 960x540, final product part 1 smaller size.webm)
This is a 3 minute fit to blob animation. Feedback would be nice. Stuff like fluid not working and model errors were technical limitations, and the robot wasn't my first choice either. Still though, I'd like to share it with you all. Part 2 in the next reply
(1.1 MB, 3500x4500, WII.png)
Hello, look I have a question, is my drawing anatomically correct?
Good vid bro. Also that sound design... 💀💀💀
(789 KB, 1500x3000, mitsuru_sketch.png)
Did a sketch of Mitsuru. Drawing with a mouse is annoying lmao.
(1.2 MB, 3750x3400, Fat Girl 92.png) (761 KB, 3282x3228, Fat Girl 94.jpg) (1.0 MB, 3870x3368, Fat Girl 95.jpg) (1.6 MB, 4200x3000, Fat Girl 96.jpg)
Been busy with a Sumire sequence, took a while but I'm glad I got this little story out. Hopefully here I'll work on my turnaround time and get posting on a smoother schedule.

Thanks! Really getting into this and I've been finding myself wanting to draw more and more, but not having time to do it all.

Looks fine! I'd say you should take a look at drawing some gestures, the pose feels a little stiff and I think that'd help.

Looks nice! I'd say the connection between the limbs looks off, but at these sizes it'd take a tech savant to get it to look much better than that. Especially with how infamous 3d animation is with weight gain. My personal note is I'd prefer it with a human but I gather you're more a fan of robo with this.

Nothing sticks out to me. I'd say it's the head proportions that stick out to me. Seems a bit long from her face to the back of the head. Or maybe the shape's just a little flat at that angle.

Get to drawing with paper or a tablet. Only a few savants have done drawing with a mouse and it feels awful. Fine for what's been done though. Just needs more practice in general.
learning about keyshapes and ended up making a weight gain animation
>as a joke
not posting though since i will be using this character for normal stuff and i don´t want to be known for fat fetish stuff, at least for now
(237 KB, 2462x1879, PXL_20240409_2128139532.jpg)
Been a minute, tried my hand at something again. Yeah the feet on Nastasia are pretty bad but I was less focused on that and more making the general body shape, poses, and facial expressions look better.
Having formless hands really helped on this one, too, though I'll have to keep practicing there for sure.
(114 KB, 773x1268, drawing2.jpg)
Still have a ways to go but it's progress
(55 KB, 675x900, 340624782_1352153005332246_541658091836586924_n.jpg)
Hey guys just here to take a little opinion or tutorial of how to study an art style.

I mean i want to have a similiar style but i don't know how to study and analizyng thar shit

PLease if someone can help me can answer me to this discord

always try to observe and analyze, ask to yourself "how and why they do this or that"" everytime you try to emulate that art style you like hope that works and sorry for my shitty english i only know how to read it
Don't worry im not a native english peaker or something xd but well

entonces como?
wacha la cosa es asi: por default ten conocimiento basico de la anatomia humana, ahora entrando a lo que es el estilo de dibujo como dije observa y analiza el estilo de dibujo en el que te vayas a basar, mira distintos dibujos de ese artista en concreto para que te vayas dando una idea de como el maneja las cosas y les vayas adaptando eventualmente y cuando menos te des cuenta ya tendras un estilo similar, usar referencias es totalmente legal total estas aprendiendo en resumen presta atencion a lo que estes haciendo y no dibujes sin pensarle amenos que nomas estes calentando la mano en ese caso dejate guiar por instinto
Entiendo... okay...

Bueno mi anatomia es medio mala y medio buena pero entiendo entonces es mucho de observar y analizar ok

Gracias mi amigo sudaca
Denada amigo mexa y suerte en tu travesia
Esta mierda va a ser mas dificil de lo que crei, pero bueno lo voy a lograr
Bienvenid@ al mundo del arte
(736 KB, 867x863, 4k4bci.png)
I'm gonna learn how to draw just so I can make the fat art that I wanted to see others make wish me luck gamers
Plenty more plenttttttty
good for you, that's how I started out too
Starting art from literally square one so does anyone have any tips
Let us know how it goes
Good luck bwo, you can do it.

As for advice, like >>198170 said, just draw. It's probably going to feel and look like crap but just keep pushing. Practicing with simple, geometric shapes might be a good starting point. Doing super simplified sketches of people (gesture drawing) is also a good practice. It helps you get a feel for shapes, anatomy, placement, and flow.

Some useful sites for gesture/poses:
Thank you for the advice

Already seeing a little bit of progress but still a long way to go give me another year and maybe I can draw a fat bitch
301h Veg cool
301b flower warm
Drawing belly is too hard I think I'll just kms
Yeah it is...

a little bit... but depends more of what kind of belly do you want to draw?

I mean personally i have a lot of problems drawing vore and those things

Pues creo que le voy agarrando mas la onda o eso creo me falta mucho mejorar
Maybe trying different shapes will help. There's plenty of variety with models and you can always look at how other artists draw bellies to get an idea of how they define the shape.
>I mean personally i have a lot of problems drawing vore
Belly bulges can be pretty tricky, especially if you're doing a BBW pred or bigger. I find subtler, softer shapes work better, especially if there's supposed to be a layer of fat on top. It also helps to break up the shape of the gut and not have it completely round to better sell the idea that there's something big/active inside. Ultimately it's up to you, so draw it however you find it the hottest.
Is there even a point learning how to draw with all this AI crap on the rise
Yes, quit being a pussy
>>198905 Spite is a great motivator.
Drawing is a tangible and valuable skill and the process can be rewarding. AI art tends to be pretty homogenized and that can get boring real fast if there's no artistic/stylistic variety. I also feel like it's harder to get something super specific with AI art, whereas it's easier to get the desired result if you do it yourself/buy a commission.
Also this.
probably but who cares,we're gonna die sonner or later
you can't give up just like that, it hasn't even been 2 weeks, it takes more time than that.
(5 KB, 225x225, 735473.jpg)
In the last 5 years alone, I have spent about 3000 hours drawing. In all this time I haven't learned anything. Drawing is a talent.
Actual skill issue lmao, not some pre-ordained talent at all.
Sounds like skill issue to me
Bost more drawings resulting from those 3K hours bud.
Come on nigga you can't give up yet... i've been drawing for two years and i'm not so good but not so bad neither too you and no its not a talent maybe you're lack of Determination

>In the last 5 years alone, I have spent about 3000 hours drawing. In all this time I haven't learned anything. Drawing is a talent

That's Robot001 cope. You're better than that.
(1.2 MB, 4041x2508, 3 to 100 comp.png)
>Giving up

Bro I was scared to draw just over half a year ago. Just take a look at this with mindful study almost everyday since.

Still practicing some things lol
Who would want to take art advice from Lordstormcaller? His art is shit
Nice art bro, how you learned about the fat folds and that things?

You don't badmouth him.

His art is just ice cream!
Didn't give up and I'm actually making pretty good progress with my art 💪
I'm still trying to learn the art style in question (Drilldan)
(1.3 MB, 5500x4000, so.png)
hi, friend
It's me again, this is the line art of my drawing, which you think is good or that everything is disproportionate.
There are still things I need to polish like the head of the gardevoir and maybe the pot, or whatever that is.
Do have have a deviantart or twitter or anything? This is some good stuff
You know it. All of em look at em troll me. Hahah im hanging in there im hanging in there
Cheers, I think I might have stumbled across your account before actually, nice stuff
(1.0 MB, 1600x2300, Fat Spaceship Bulma.jpeg) (240 KB, 2048x1538, GMbu6N1XgAM9VbB.jpeg)
My first time doing fat art, though I've done some perspective practice with regular pin-ups before. This was easier than I thought since my process was pretty much "stacking" fat layers, drawing what I see, and using shapes as well as gathering Cook's advice for her softer arms, thighs, and belly. I think I've got the shape down, but any helpful advice is welcome before I start inking (I'm an old-fashioned sketch n' scan Anon).

I really like how your 1st and 5th pic show heft, especially with the way those floating hands are groping Hancock's gut.
i'm a flaw
(322 KB, 3120x4160, IMG_20240504_002824_099.jpg)
Hello, I'm just getting back to drawing and I want some advice on my drawing, what I could improve or change.
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Some of the things I've been working on. Not all of it since it's meant for someone else, but been getting into a little groove.

Maybe I'll draw a more detailed version of what I do, but I used this Draw a Box lesson: https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/contourlines
Used that to get a basic understanding of form and my process goes as such. I construct a normal body roughly matching the pose I want usually without the arms visible, then I color in an area where I expect all the fat to take up, I usually use a different color to separate the limbs which I apply to fat rolls as well, and chip away at it by often drawing contour lines and seeing what best fits.
Maybe not the most concise, but I do that and just roughly drawing over, often going for what looks better as I work.

Looks fine! I would say that if you're trying to match that reference then you need to exaggerate the pose further, it looks too forward facing because you can see a relatively large amount of her front. Or by counting the distance of her head you can see that your is far longer in comparison. The main tips I can say is that the breasts would be blocking more of the belly and a few other things. I'd recommend taking a look a some more extreme angled reference so you can get a better image of what you want to do.

I'd say practice on proportions and form would help you most. Head looks a tad too small. But from what I see it looks like the body is twisting towards the viewer cause the curve of the lower belly roll is more sideways facing while the upper one implies it's mostly forward facing from the fold and breasts.
How does one draw a good tummy bruh
Can we get some more tutorials in here
all the tutorials in the world aren't going to help you if you're not willing to draw
I've been drawing lil bro I have an entire sketch book filled up now
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I tried anyway. Not an artist but here's my first fat drawing
>smaller size
are you planning to make a larger blob animation?
I dont expect an up tick on here until 9pm-10pm est time 👀
Anyone knows how to draw fat or round faces?
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No finish
gorgon is everywhere even bbwchan.
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man, its been a while i've been on this site and posted here. i relapsed once again. but it's getting better. this is the only thing i drew that's fat porn. the touhou image i drew out of boredom but i figure you guys might enjoy as well.
Could you port this to vrchat?
Yo they still look great tho
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I would like to draw a shortstack falling upside down and being in this pose, but I don't know how the fat and anatomy works in this pose, how should I do it?
If there are referential images, it would help me a lot.
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It looks like you've got the right idea, tbf. If the butt is hitting the ground, it needs to squash a bit more/flatten out, but otherwise I think you're good.

This is the only image I have on hand that might be a little helpful in terms of the foreshortening on the butt and legs, if you flip it upside down lol
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I don't normally post but i'll give it a shot.

The 1st pose i want to have the girl sitting on a chair like structure but u can see though it like glass but im short on refs. the second one im more confident in but any suggestions fellas?
Chair, bent idc want to see that phatty from all angles
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hI GUYS IM the same guy before who did this and i don't know if i'm getting better with that thing of the Style...

Any tips or something else? the artist who i'm inspiring is Drilldan and i think he got used a lot the power of the lines xd
hey this looks fantastic, great job
for a first time its pretty good, send a message in discord so we can more about this good art: noir0903
Looks good for a first try, I'd recommend maybe working the arms and overall shading
>>205017 Definitely better than me, good job anon
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Hello people i just want to know something about a these lines,,, i want to have an art style or almost just the lineart Like these... I don't know how to do it but i really want to so

I would like to know how to do the lineart and just the pencil plis

And i don't know how to do it.if any of you could help me, I would be very grateful.

my discord is stray_catz
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Just made one of my first fat art pieces. Never have actually made fat art as it's not something I'd publicly do but I do actually do regular art.
Might make more or might not but this really was a learning experience for me!
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Hi all, looking for some thoughts, opinions, feedback on my sketch of my OC Sophie! I know it might not be the most anatomically correct but I’m also looking for ideas / inspiration of hot stuff I can draw in the future!
Hoping my attempt to reply to another post above mine works - hot stuff, looks really good!
I'm not a pro myself, so take everything I say with a grain of salt...so here it goes:

- your lines look scratchy/unsure/not flowy
- the dotted paper is drawing attention away from your actual sketch
- the face looks to be very wierdly attached to the neck
- the pigtails look very flat and lack shape/form, same with hairline (looks almost like a flat swimming cap with a slid in it on her head)
- elbow looks off
- hands are misshapen
- don't add details like, bows in the hair, shoelaces etc. until your whole pose is more confident
- whole anatomy is off :/

So if i were you I would start to get into gesture drawing and general anatomy of the female body, shapes, lines, form and value before trying my hand at drawing obese figures.

This list sounds like a lot, but once you get a hang of your drawing fundamentals, many of these thigns will just fall into place.

Hope this helps ;)
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injured my right hand at work but im still drawing, just a bit slower than usual.
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Recently got to finish this

Spoiler for cum, and I guess if you got a fear of clowns
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Been sometime I posted here and I'm working on various things I'm just painfully slow. Here's some pics I got done in the last month.

This is a bit off my area of expertise, but aside from the face many of these lines appear to bee drawn over with a hard round brush. Really the main thing to think about is how the brain fills in the line of best fit when it's so messy with the lines, often done in 1 stroke. In these cases you need to start/end them in where it fits the flow. Often this mean following the contour of what's being drawn.

Like the collar fades well because the tapered end follows close to what the other end of the collar is doing.

Nice. I'd say watch out on going back and forth on the same brush stroke like around the knees. Interrupts what the form is selling imo.

Looks neat. I think it looks like she's leaning her belly a little forward with how her legs appear almost behind her.
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Could I get some feedback on the colouring I did of this so far? I am not too happy about it yet unsure of how I can improve it (aside from like shading which I do not know how to do yet).

Please and thank you
The colors look very nice, but this picture is great in general. Gotta love her large ass
Thank you!. Also you can thank Darkfireballz for that, I just added the colours is all
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I haven't drawn fat women in like a year. The face placement bothered me, so with a redline and a new reference I figured that sometimes simple is best. I'll post the right anyway for comparison.

love how the belly button gets progressively deeper, nice touch
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I don't mean to spam but I added shading.

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