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Some concept art for my comic book about Taylor Swift devouring NYC.
Get this retard shit out of here
Taylor Swift sucks and so does Primus
god tier shitpost
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Retooled the premise for a more anti-hero demon spawn sorta vibe.
objectively looks bad on all accounts
delete this thread
Why do you retards need to clog the fucking website with stuff like this? I'm genuinely curious
Constructive criticism is fine but your being kinda dense here.
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K grats, your thread is bad enough to get a brave valid neovagina posted in it so the mods delete it

All black "people" will get shot by roaming gangs of wignats in pickup trucks when America balkanizes, BY THE WAY!!!
>>167390 Go post gore some where else
If that’s a woman’s vagina, then God is dead, all lives don’t matter, and we should just piss through our natural resources until the ozone layer is wafer thin and we all get cancer and burn alive. Because that $70,000 mess belongs in Hell before it gets a show on TLC, aka the circus freak network.

But yeah, I agree with everyone else, nuke this thread from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure…
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We're seriously doing this? For real mods????

I can make this 10x worse for you, in fact I can keep exponentially increasing this shit until the entire site goes down in a flood of infested neovagina pus. I will literally ruin everything you care for if you don't listen to my paltry demand and by the end you will be left shaking your head acknowledging that your stubbornness and pride in "not negotiating with terrorists" was not worth it

You do not have the same antispam 4chan has which makes this incredibly easy like I was doing back in 2010 on 4chan. I will not be ignored, do you understand? I will make you kneel
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This nigga INSANE bro.

Like wtf??? I know OP is a retard yeah, but this is going too far. Pretty much the equivalent to the so-called "hilarious chud bots" who post CP in a attempt to take down the site.

No offense, but you're an equal retard to OP himself.
Is the art bad? It worked buckets for me either way.
>>167421 Go post this shit on another thread I don't want to see tranny shit
So you want to destroy this website? Bring it on, bitch. We're just like 4chan, we won't give in to the demands of a spoiled child
You sound pretty gay.

Yeah bro I am gonna post 5tb folder of trans pussy on a fetish site to own the libs
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>exponentially increasing this shit until the entire site goes down in a flood of infested neovagina pus

tbh this could potentially drive away some of the autistic summer children shitting up /bbwalt/ and /bbwdraw/ so I say go for it
>>167496 School already started for a bunch of students though
Including your sorry autistic ass?

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