
Inb4 lesbian niggas say "Nooo don't post hetero stuff here!1!!11"
yuritrannies are insufferable
She's definitely going to be immobile next valentines day damn salt!
The fuck is all the pedos doing posting transphobia? Post fats or die 💀💀💀
>>166904 (OP)
Crazy hot scenario but fat doesn't work like this, it looks like he's grabbing a balloon filled with sand.
Shut the fuck up, we ain't here for realism
Fat should actually look like fat, or it might as well be inflation porn. Have some standards.
Genuinely looks totally fine to me, though. I don’t really see how it’s unrealistic
very nice now for someone to color them
(38 KB, 739x712, d8e942bfc3cdf6e5.jpg)
the grab does look a little painful but it's still an impressive piece

mad respect to BWS for contributing some juicy hetero action into this damn fetish where 90% of the coomerbase are too deep in the autism spectrum to be able to relate/self-insert to a dude getting some action with an actual woman
Self inserts are cringe, it's part of why lucyguy is hated. If a guy is able to get in on the action, it's best done with a canonical character or an OC that's not a self insert.
Except this shit ain't self-insert, you fucking schizo. The dude in the drawing is as bland as you could possibly imagine
what fucking canonical character you insaniac this is just fucking fat hentai none of this shit real holy shit why are people so fucking retarded
you draw it then dipshit
>you draw it then dipshit
I accept your concession.
who are these characters?
There’s a pic of Scarle Yonaguni that salt made but I can’t find it myself
No, it's hated because it's literally Lucyguy himself interacting with his waifu as if she lived in the real world, would be different if it was just a generic nameless dude
>>166904 (OP)
Is it bad to say I wish her hands were tied up
Stop writing this shit in caps, you fucking autistic nigga
>>167064 Hey AIfag, that doesn't exactly help.
It must be really empowering to say the n word on the internet
Tell me youre an edgy teen without saying youre an edgy teen.
Does anyone have the colored sketches from June? They aren't on kemono...
Yeah, you can bet your ass it is
Fight fight fight fight!
Can someone color in the other sketches
God blessed this summer anis
Has he put out the nude aerith piece yet?
If I like Lucy, so be it. I don't need to be persuaded to think otherwise. Self inserted OC or not.
I know a couple, funny thing is when I saw it, I thought salt couldn't fill the last spot in time.

I recognise Noelle Silva and Celeste Ludenberg, which is cool
More BWS Iowa, what a great day!
>>167220 plap plap plap plap plap plap plap
>more haha funny cybernetics
I hope areku gets run over by a bus
A cybernetic bus, if you will
rare bellyfuck
you love to see it
(308 KB, 512x512, smug.png)

>Implying that those are even mine

I'm flattered that your first instinct is to think of me, though
If only there was a crack in the wall during the fucking.
That'd be awesome.
Areku is here?!? Omg 😳, I've got nothing against you, we may have different tastes and opinions but I respect your preferences 👍
(1.9 MB, 1181x2232, Grizzly.png)
Pretty sure the one in the top row with the tentacle hair is from Splatoon, and I think the girl in the bear suit is from Girls Frontline, but with an alternate outfit that's used for a story BWS is providing the artwork for.
Also the two in the middle row next to the cybernetic girls are Nijisanji Vtubers, who have actually shown up quite a few times in previous sketch packs to the point where there's almost a mini story arc connecting them.
>on fucking bbwchan of all places
yikes dude
I dunno, you're kinda fucking annoying since you're literally everywhere. Still not as close as Lucyguy though
I'm pretty sure Chloe will lose, almost fucking everyone hates her after all
Nah, that goes to Brooke, she fills me with so much unbridled rage it’s not even funny.
I'm with you, Chloe is my favorite, while Sammy is my second and Courtney my third 🙌
No witch?
Retard, she's not even an OC...she is a character from Harvest Moon
Yeah, Marina from Splatoon 2, and Frye from Splatoon 3.
Lol nah. Brooke and Olivia exist, he never drew them again after their comic ended and I don't think there was any demand either. Nicole will probably end lower than Chloe due to being left in the basement for so long
Did everyone forgot about the green-haired witch he drew for several Halloweens years ago?
Not everyone hates Chloe. I just expect to see her lower because her type of personality is very polarizing
I think the problem is that everyone liked Olivia better than Brooke

Olivia seemed like the more flashy OC yet she was the one that lost weight, while Brooke ballooned up despite being the boring one

Kinda made them both unnapealing
I imagine that most of the polling will look like this with people telling him that they love all of his characters (which is pretty useless as feedback). I would be more interested to see what kind of comments he gets on them.
I miss the rant threads.
Unfortunate Brooke hate. Ex-jock bitchy girls are the best just look at Sammy
I assume a couple reasons Brooke is so low, is her design just looks like Chloe but with black hair, and hypocrisy could one of them. Not to mention it feels like it's leading up to extreme humiliation but it just goes nowhere....
I hate to say it, but the anti-yurischizo is kind of right. Vanilla lesbians are boring.

My favorites are definitely Chloe, Nat and Nicole.
(188 KB, 1121x1349, 321737172.png)
Who dis? And any kind anon feel like coloring her in? Pls and Ty
Lesbians in general are vanilla.
Rangiku Matsumoto from Bleach
(6.2 MB, 2325x2921, BULK.png)
I'd rather see a feedee girlfriend and feeder boyfriend comic from him eventually. I just want to see the size differences throughout the relationship.
The hypocrisy is the hottest part
And that feeder? Lucyguy.
Anyone know who the girl is in the car at the top right? (Really hoping this gets colored too)
That’s not Rangiku, it’s Scarle Yonaguni of Nijisanji
I thought so, it said on the kimono page it was on >>167519
Those new Lucy pieces are GOLD 😳👍
Damn I…really don’t care about any of these
Me when it's another fucking Lucy drawing: I sleep
I just like a big fat Lucy. I don't care if it's for a self-inserting storywriter, I don't care if its been done many times, it's just what I like to see, and that's fine. We all have our preferences and kinks.
(1.1 MB, 1538x1601, Exposed on Camera.png)
I just want people to shut up whenever Lucy is posted. It's a tired meme at this point.
(467 KB, 2481x2601, Beer_Belly.jpg)
Anyone got the Nude version of this? Also minus the barrel.
Lucy is my favorite Salt OC.

she aint even an OC lmao

please someone color the Itsuki Nakano (Bottom Left)
(513 KB, 1256x1329, 1655879781681.png)
bit too blobbish and lacking in form for me.
the belly smooshing into the sand and the feet are kino tho.
i love dangerhairs who have an equal craving for sugar and dick so she's basically my dream gf.
Every time you people say blob in bws' thread I'm dumb founded, specially to refer to sizes like this sequence.

Like, not gonna lie, you all sound like the guys who would call a slightly out of shape woman a whale.

When I think of blobs, I think of like shit Saxxon draws. This is so vanilla compared to actual blobs.
(132 KB, 1280x926, mountain_of_meat_by_better_with_salt_ddt5vov-fullview.jpg) (148 KB, 1280x926, return_to_meat_mountain_by_better_with_salt_dfyhm1l-fullview.jpg)
Thank you, finally someone says this! I never understood how people on this thread could call near immobile sizes blobs. Not to mention there's plenty of artists who categorize immobile and blob as different sizes, cause like this guy's saying, I also view blobs as the stuff Saxxon does. For example, these Nikumes where she takes up most of the bed are immobile, but if she filled up the entire room instead, that's blob.
Actually you’re wrong, this is 100% blob
This guy gets it. Selene in year 6 would already be immobile in real life, if we're being realistic for a moment. In the three final parts she's a blob imo because she's much fatter than any real woman could ever realistically get. Same goes for Nikume in bed with all the pizzas and the weight gain shake keg. What size is she here? 1,500 - 2,000 lbs? Val is immobile, realistically speaking and Courtney is borderline immobile as well.
I think youve gotten brainrot from too much fat art my guy.
Let him get it out of his system... Some people need it
>Selene in year 6 would already be immobile in real life
Her size in year 6 is equivalent to real life women who's 500-600 lbs, which is still a mobile weight range. Real life SSBBWs like Mary Boberry, Juicy Jackie, and Brianna are each over 500+ lbs, even 600+ lbs in Brianna's case and are all have show that they're still mobile.

>In the three final parts she's a blob imo because she's much fatter than any real woman could ever realistically get.
The her size in the last 3 parts are equivalent to a real life USBBW named Adeline, who was still mobile despite being over 700+ pounds.

>Same goes for Nikume in bed with all the pizzas and the weight gain shake keg. What size is she here? 1,500 - 2,000 lbs?
The heaviest weight recorded for a real life woman was 1,603 lbs. While not very feasible, it is proven still possible.
What a way to say that you're not fully informed. Maybe if you followed more people then exclusively BWS, you'd know more.
What a weird hill to die on.
>Maybe if you followed more people then exclusively BWS, you'd know more.
Most of the artists I follow don't draw blobs at all, which makes it a lot easier to notice when salt does it
>>167725 what severe porn addiction does to a mf
>Most of the artists I follow don't draw blobs at all
No wonder you're not informed of what blobs actually look like. You need to broaden your horizons.
(1.2 MB, 1400x2000, dfc7wxv-aaae067c-8fcd-41c1-9b50-012d8164a7b5.png) (2.9 MB, 1875x2300, dfrx5hh-9305fb17-9aa7-4fdb-8583-ae2e3bcb5a75.png) (186 KB, 1280x1431, patreon_fanart_14___elma_by_roundersofter_df60hel-fullview.jpg) (243 KB, 1920x1208, melony_vs__gingerbread__2_2_by_p1antgems_dfribuy-fullview.jpg) (129 KB, 1280x854, bikini_marin_by_educabezon_dg686hc-fullview.jpg) (5.0 MB, 4313x2165, dfmnbdq-9a2d8aa5-39bf-4a30-ae23-487c1e3a632c.png)
Time to educate you on sizes. Each of these were done by different artists to broaden your horizons.

>1st image
>2nd image
>3rd image
>4th image
>5th image
>6th image
>4th image
>5th image
>6th image
Why the fuck is there a debate about what a blob is or isn't. It's getting dumb. No meed to try and justify it. It's literally fetish art.
Guys, what is it with the sensitivity!? BWS' stuff doesn't even come close to saxxon's impossibly huge style. And besides, there are janitors working here, so I suggest that we should just focus on posting stuff from BWS because that's what this thread is for.
Me too homie. Lucy will always have a special place in my heart for this reason. I look forward to when the next part of the Lucy's stuffing comic remake is made.
Artist is in the file name
It's not a debate, there's just one idiot who doesn't know what a blob is.
All I got was random numbers in the filename
These are arbitrary terms. We all have our own ideas of where they apply. My opinion of a girl being a blob is similar to yours, however, it is not to others. Stop pretending to be the law on fat girl art and shut the fuck up.
hey can someone upload the newsletter and any WIPs that are there?
It's only $1 a month. Do it yourself.
Holy fuck, that's amazing!

God damn Courtney is the best.
Oh my fucking god, she's the ideal type of girlfriend
I'm loving this can't wait to see more of her during Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentines day!
This could've been Sammy.
We could've been fapping to Sammy's overstuffed ballooning gut as she angrily drinks a gallon of milk.
If I had the money I would start botting those polls.
Fuck you, beggar. You should be happy you got a drawing this good in the first place
Read again what I said, retard. Do a dozen IQ tests. If the number is over 100, respond again.
It's sad that Chloe isn't even in the top 3 favorite oc
the good thing about digi art is that nothing can stop you from putting a png of someones face on top of a body, paper style
Chloe treats Halie and Nat like shit despite them both being sweethearts, so of course she's not going to be towards the top for popularity. Only things she has going for her are that she's one of Salt's earlier OCs and is one of his bigger girls.
Yeah she’s a bratty bitch that’s what makes it hot….
Does anyone still has that Lucy stuffed animation?
So for you someone that act like an asshole to pretty much everybody is hot? Buddy, you might want to get a bit of help.
You trying to turn them on?
I think he's secretly a bratty bitch too, anon
has a couple more things, steals food, sits on other people, other girls are all a lot tamer by proxy
Is there a full body version?
Chloe lovers and Chloe haters are both united in wanting Nat or Halie's patience to snap and call her out on her antics (and weight). I'm eagerly awaiting the day she's forced to beg for cake.
>>168274 it's happened quite a bit but not to the point of torture (moreso Chloe eating stuff that doesn't exactly belong to her)
I'm surprised undertaker held back his mid waifu for long
Goddamn, imagine her walking towards you with that look
Salt has that very rare blend of huggable and fuckable in his girls
Isn't she that blind girl from Katawa Shoujo or something?
yeah, he somehow manages to consistently straddle the fine line of "I want to give them a hug" and "I want to rearrange their guts"
They were already posted before, retard
Yeah and? People repost stuff all the time here.
Hey areku, do you plan on making a folder of all the commissions you made? Not just from salt but from other artist?
Oh so when no asks for the August colored sketches they get posted.
But when I ask for the June colored sketches to posted I get called flamed, called a beggars and am told to just "get his patreon"
Why the fuck do you even care? Can't you just wait like everyone else?
I said the sketches from June... So yes, I have been waiting for two months >>168372
Lmaooo can you imagine not having 5 dollars?
$5 for 4 colored sketches that I already requested to be posted? No, I'm not paying for that >>168386
Then stop being butthurt when nobody posts them you troglodyte
Butthurt? Says the one calling an anon you will never meet a troglodyte
sounds like you should just pay lmao
I would, but I don't want to pay for a patreon where everyone else is a godamn sheep and where my votes won't matter as they are drowned in the several dozen votes for basic ass characters or pics that don't deservea sequel, prequel, etc.
Also Lucy Guy, I refuse to support an artist thats okay with drawing the same mid character for one guy a dozen times a year
Relatable, even though I'm a patron of his.
Thanks for understanding my opinion, unlike some people here... >>168434
We understand you dude, but you can't act entitled to seeing the sketches. Other people pay for it, and share it because they want to. You refuse to pay for it, and whine when people call you out for acting like an asshole.

Also, "a patreon where everyone is a godamn sheep" how? Because people don't dislike the things about his work that you dislike, I'm guessing?
I'm sorry If I'm coming off as an ass, I'm just frustrated. I ask for one work 2 months ago to be posted and get flamed by anons.

And then I see other more recent works get posted even though nobody asked for them. And yes most of the patrons are sheep cause they jut want fairy tale a MHA stuff, meanwhile his other sketches of better characters gets sidelined and eventually will probablyfall into sketch purgatory where BWS will never color them.

Again, I'm sorry if I'm being an ass. I just want one of my favorite artists patreons to actually be worth it.
>>168444 i gotta agree at an extent, there's a lot of wasted potential with some polls, but hey his content is pretty good still
On a more lighter note, Should we make chatbots for the rest of Salt's OCs? we have bots for Chloe, Nat, Sammy, Halie, Courtney and Selene. But we don't have bots for Val, Nicole, Shannon B(itch)rooke, Olivia and The Black and Green witch salt does for halloween.
Probably, but some of those gals don't have enough personality to start a bot imo. Unless of course we want to make our own assumptions on them
fuck it let's do it! Who's first? Brooke? Olivia? Val? "The Salt Witch"?
But a lot of what I want to be explicit or have a sequel are just sketches rn. So they need to win an upgrade poll... and then win another poll. It just seems like a low chance of happening considering the amount of sketches there are to be in polls.
Yeah... he is probably the most popular and talented fat artists, but a lot of it is the same gals.
MHA, Fairy Tale, even his OC's to an extent imo. He just does them to much because they're popular and what his patrons want, even though there are people who don't want them. But they're the minority, and the majority always wins... its just frustrating...
Vivi ain't a fucking OC, she's from a videogame. Stop assuming BWS or another dude created her
Well, I don't know about you and everyone else here... but personally I really like Val (most because of the two recent amazing pics with her)
(4.2 MB, 4696x1510, Witch.png)
I was referring to this one...We really need her back soon...Like real soon...
Haha lets all laugh at the retard for assuming
1. Yeah, that's how polls work. Sorry to break it to you, but majority wins.
2. Why are you assuming he draws his OCs just because they're popular with his patrons? He probably draws them because he likes drawing them.
I did say to an "extent" with his OC's, as I know he does more than likely draw them because he wants to. But there are also times in polls where he puts his OC's in
Some of those characters have never actually spoken, right? How the hell would you make a chatbot out of that? What data would you have to train it on?
Art can tell many things about them
and then Halie comes in with a dildo strap Hehehe.
What a fatass, even Chloe didn't crack the glass with her fat ass.
nah this is the AU where Halie is a Dominant Sexual Deviant
She got taken down for confirming that no actual WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) where present in Saddam Hussein's Iraq - the whole lie George W. Bush peddled to justify an invasion of said country.
I created that Chloe chatbot months ago but I decided to take it down, and going by your comments it was really fucking worth it
Yo what the hell, this is the exact scenario that some anon talked about in the previous salt thread complaining about Chloe, but it got deleted.
Link to the chatbot Salt OCs?
>>168652 WDYM her death was obviously ruled as a heart attack
she wouldn't have the hypothetical balls to even walk in the bathroom at the same time
My god, he needs to do more ass focused stuff, this is like something out of a dream
Crazy she gets even W I D E R
Best girl confirmed
(3.4 MB, 3194x4170, jklyu.png)
Need AU where Halie is the fattest girl and Chloe is a fit bully
Great piece and great pick of the poll. That explicit is so magnificent!!
Yeah, someone's got to get get on that stat >>168742
Wasn't this colored? Does anyone have the colored version? >>168742
Role reversal is fucking boring, I don't think any fat artists have done a sexually violent OC before...
>Sexually violent OC
Yeah, there's a very good reason for that, anon...
You have shit taste, my dude
I'm not sure rapist Halie is the angle bws is looking for with his audience. Shannon and Courtney had a pretty dominant dynamic
Where's Chloe's billboard forehead? How could Pew fuck up like this?!
How the fuck would an overweigh woman be able to be convincingly sexually violent? fucking retard
I know it's Pew-Buttm but where did this come from?
(104 KB, 640x512, IMG_0474.jpeg)
No it would be skinny Halie and she’d dress like one of the pervs from manhunt 2 (pic related)
i think the most common threshold for "blob" is beyond what's physically possible IRL, and that more than qualifies (not that it's a bad thing). you're losing your grip on reality
What was posted on >>167574 is physically possible, what are you talking about? It's impractical, but not impossible. I'm surprised no one's bothered reading >>167722.
>>168886 No it‘s not really possible, though. That other post made no sense either. In Beach Body part 6, Selene is basically the size of Reenaye Starr, who is 700+ and immobile at this point. In parts 7-9 she‘s so fucking fat, that she would never actually be seen at a beach cause she‘d probably have to be on an oxygen tank to stay alive. She wouldn‘t be able to stand either. You can also tell how unrealistic that size is by the fact that she suddenly looks super tall in those final parts. It just looks off. Therefore, blob.
>Reenaye Starr
What are you even on about. Reenaye is still mobile, not much, but she can still walk around.
She can barely even stand up for 5 seconds to weigh herself. To call that „walk around“ would be very, very generous.
Aight bro, you just said she‘s mobile cause she can still walk around (she literally can‘t if you have seen her most recent content) and now she‘s still mobile cause she still can somehow manage to get up if she‘s in the right position, even though she immediately has to sit back down again since she simply cannot sustain her weight anymore.
I think you‘re confusing being immobile with being paralyzed.
(560 KB, 1126x1271, df484930-0e3e-466b-b9da-6ec633e01786.png)
I see you intend to be a jew about this I'll put it like this: If she can get up by herself, she can waddle by herself = mobile. Just because she can do a few steps at a time before needing to sit is irrelevant. Mobile is mobile. If she can't heave herself up then she is immobile.
Okay antisemetic asshole, listen: No, she actually can‘t waddle by herself. Go and watch her content. Also, she says herself that she is immobile now and I‘ll trust her assessment over someone‘s who‘s clearly never been with a USSBBW and has no clue what their day-to-day life is like. You live in a fantasy world.You‘re truly clueless.
You're one of those fags who puts immobiles and blobs as the same thing. You're beyond help.
(327 KB, 938x529, big-show-tonight-why.png)
Days of this thread without retards slapfighting or sperging out over fetish art:0
Nope. I literally differentiated between immobile and blob here >>167621 and also here
Have a great day! ☺️
Alright guys. Keep doing whatever it is you think you're all doing... It'll just get bump locked like any other thread hit with arguments like this... If you really are serious, why don't you just create a venting thread again?
Can you please post the link for Selene? I've seen all the other ones, but I can't find one for her
Am I the only one who thinks this game is mediocre at best? I mean, the setting and characters are pretty cool, but everything else...eehh. Even as a visual novel it's very boring
(214 KB, 640x540, tenor.png)
Hey, where's that person that animated some of BWS's art?
What a nothing post today. Wake me up when it's Thursday.
Expecting to like every piece he releases is a bit unrealistic, don't you think?
I'm the same person who posted >>167537, so it's not my first time saying that.
Then you should go to fucking sleep sometimes, complaining is useless
I don't even know what game she's from
Idk about Haley but Chloe being full fit snu-snu mode when she meets/moves in with the read head would be hot.
Idk how that would fit in the timeline of her skinny-fat to super fat progression arc from her OG picture though.
> You're one of those fags who puts immobiles and blobs as the same thing
That’s because they are you monkey
Yes, but these pictures go extremely hard. Great lighting and even better to see a salt pic where his girls actually do something halfway sexual instead of just being sexy.
eh, I chose Halie cause I'm tired of the whole "Waaagh I love this person but I'm too much of a fucking wuss to admit my feelings" Trope....
That's why Shannon gained weight in Couple's Stuff, because she was too much of a wuss to admit to Courtney that she loved both her and seeing all that weight she was gaining for her. I'd love to see a split timeline where Shannon stopped Courtney from feeding her, and confessed those feelings to her. The result being that Courtney's weight gain would go much further then it did in the comic, while Shannon remained chubby as a side effect from being Courtney's feeder. The size difference would be incredible to see.
No, she's clearly into it. Did you read the last five pages?
Are you retarded? You're creating your own headcanon where Shannon doesn't like getting fat, even though it's pretty clear she fucking does. And you also insist that if Shannon didn't gain weight Courtney would have been bigger? You don't fucking know that. Nothing in the comic said that Courtney slowed down. In fact, she still got stupidly fat by the end so once again, the comic is against your braindead headcanon.
I recall seeing an animated version of the second picture on here once. Does anyone have it?
I mean In terms of fumbling the bag, like how the fuck is Halie in a situation that guys like us will most likely never ever get the chance of being in, and still fuck up so badly? (For anyone wondering what I meant about “situation” I mean being with at least 5 fat girls with one of them being interested in you.)
Wait, is Nat into Halie?
Cuz my virgin brain sucks hard at reading signals. I thought they just were good friends with Halie being the only one wanting something else.
(52 KB, 263x720, couple_stuff__page_12_by_better_with_salt_dfj73ls-fullview~2.jpg)
Was talking about this panel that happened, before the last 5 pages. She was about to say that that's not what she wanted, but Courtney cuts her off before she could finish her sentence. I would've loved to see Shannon stand up for herself at this moment instead of allowing Courtney to walk over her the way she did.

How do you explain the panel I just shared then? Her getting chubby was a side effect of being Courtney's feeder, and it wasn't until after Courtney forced her idea onto Shannon that she started gaining too.
>And you also insist that if Shannon didn't gain weight Courtney would have been bigger? You don't fucking know that.
And you don't know if Courtney would've been the same size she ended up being if Shannon hadn't gained the weight she did.
>the comic is against your braindead headcanon.
No shit, you raging retard. I said from the start that I would've loved to see it happen as a split timeline because it in fact did not happen.
>She was about to say that that's not what she wanted
In your headcanon, sure. there's so many things she could have been about to say. Unless you have evidence from Salt that's the case, this is nothing more than your headcanon, especially since again, she is 100% into it at the end of the comic.
Did you not read the fucking panel? With what she was responding too, what else could she have possibly said?
>She was about to say that that's not what she wanted
An assumption on your part. Could have been about to say "but that's not what we agreed on" "but that's not what you're into" etc etc.
Also, Courtney didn't "force her" she made a proposition. Courtney said she thought it was a long shot, meaning she wasn't going to force the issue if Shannon didn't want this.

>And you don't know if Courtney would've been the same size she ended up being if Shannon hadn't gained the weight she did.
I don't. But I'm not the one who's been saying in every salt thread that this is the case. You're making the argument, you need to back it up, fucking idiot.
> I said from the start that I would've loved to see it happen as a split timeline because it in fact did not happen.
That's not what I meant by your headcanon. Your headcanon is that Shanon didn't want this, and that this decision slowed down Courtney's gaining. Reading comprehension clearly isn't a strong point of yours though, so I guess I'm not surprised you didn't understand my comment.
And I've said multiple times that Courtney gaining more from Shannon not gaining WOULD'VE been nice, as a split timeline to not mess with the actual canon. Fucking christ, you people don't know how to fucking read everything I'm saying.
>Also, Courtney didn't "force her" she made a proposition.
By pinning her to the couch with her own body, after repeatedly cutting of Shannon mid-sentence, and shoving food in her face. "Not forced" my ass.
>Your headcanon is that Shanon didn't want this, and that this decision slowed down Courtney's gaining.
I have not once claimed it as outright fact, but have claimed that it was very much a possibility.
Anyway I wish we ended up with role reversal or a competition on who puts the most weight....
It's baffling how much of an alien concept Split Timeline and What If scenarios are to people on this thread.
The problem is that it takes importance from the headcannon, like that harem manga that got individual endings for each one of the fmcs, you cant please everyone, and on my regard your idea sounds lame af
1. But that's not what you said you wanted the cake for
2. But that's not what you told me before. You said you liked being fat. I didn't know you want me to be fat too
3. But that's not what we've been doing
4. But that's not what we were doing tonight. Can you give me a minute to think
5. But that's not what tonight's about is it? It's about you getting fat not me.
6. But that's not what you want is it? I didn't think you were into fat girls too.

I could go on
Ok hes pulling things out of context to troll people.... hopefully the janitors just pudge the thread
I honestly have no idea where to even start
because halie's personality takes the concept of "will they won't they?" and breaks its bones until it becomes "how will she not confess this time?" and nothing else
How many comic pages/stories are there with the two of them? Like... 10?
Surpised he didn't draw Ashley again after RE4 Remake
nigga you gotta realize there is a significant group of people in this fetish who would probably not date beyond 250 irl, the difference between 'fat enough that they will die within 3 years' and 'fat enough to break physics' isnt really that big
And it's crazy how much of an alien concept letting something go is to you. Judging by the way you complain I'm guessing you're the guy who never shuts up about how much he hates the way Couple Stuff went.
I hope he does more lingerie/panty stuff in the future. Kind of a rare thing with fat art.
Anyone have the fat halie edit + the size chart with all the girls (including fat Hallie)
Since we're analysing a 20-page fetish comic way beyond the level it was ever intended to be, have you ever considered that maybe even if Shannon was about to say that that's not what she wanted, that perhaps she didn't actually mean it? That she was possibly too embarrassed to admit to liking the idea? Nobody was stopping her from not continuing to gain weight over the next two years, and yet she still did. Clearly she didn't have any reservations about gaining weight herself.
(3.5 MB, 2886x2686, unknown.png)
I want Sammy in place of Yang bullying Halie.
Also when are we getting a new timeline?
when are we getting a MULTIVERSE is the real question, trying to see thin chars interact with their fat selves
>fat Sammy vs fit Sammy
>supermodel skinny Chloe vs Chloe
>feeder Nat seeing feedee Halie
Someone should commission Salt for these.
that perspective is fucked lol
I guess he just didn't wanna draw an upskirt lol
When did halie get a fat side profile?!?!
Bro what is that perspective?
Does it have its own thoughts or the thoughts of the original Misaka? Did the clone do anything or did it inherit the OG’s actions? Is she hotter than Shapiffany??
Lol. My edit really out here causing a Mandela effect.
Bruh, what the fuck is this? I expected a third Misaki part
It’s a commission from a different person than the Misaki comms. Calm down.
Okay, so if Salt is in the thread (or anyone who understands art better than me at least), how the hell does he manage to make such fantastic textures? I am absolutely stunned, even more than for the sheer girth of these women. I need to know, someone teach me please.
i think a lot of them are generic textures you can find on clipstudio, usually as simple as overlaying them on top of your layer and changing the opacity

but that wouldn't look nearly as good if it wasn't for his amazing coloring
As people have said, the perspective is pretty bad, at least for me because they wanted that close up headshot. Honestly the simple fix would be to draw her body ratio properly and then overlay that head shot they wanted. Otherwise change the angle we see it from altogether.
>>168456 There was a Selene chatbot? Can you or someone else link it? I haven't seen one

on that note, can they, post the sacred texts? AKA the links
I was thinking of waiting until Carcharodontosaurus makes them, they would be higher quality than the ones available.
Man, I've gotten sick of those fucking shower drawings. He made much better stuff in the last two months
The Jill and Misaka ones were comms so no wonder. Also Sammy doesn't really work in this scenario, I know he wanted to complete the set but she doesn't contribute to anything here. Courtney would've been a much better choice if he wanted to keep up with the shower thing because she would fill up the whole space
There is only one logical and sane solution to remedy this issue.
Make Sammy fatterer!
Also Courtney would've exploded the shower cabin.
Now put them all together in one big shower with Halie in the middle and have them all complain about there not being enough space lol
Eh, that just makes Chloe easier to rape, which is good in my books cause the bitch looks like she needs a reality check
The thing gets me is how DEEP she is, like goddamn you probably can't even feel her ribs underneath all that flab even if you try your hardest.
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I knew it I knew she was next for a shower art piece
I hope she gets one she's hot
Are you Griffith by any chance? 💀 That mindset is so messed up
Why yes, the best thing about fat girls is...WHAT
We've found the retarded Berserk fanboy
My horny ass really wants to punish Chloe. No ALL THREE NAUGHTY BRATS! They’re just begging to be punished, I can’t think straight, I just wanna punish them so fucking har. They made me so naughty that I can’t think of anything else aside from Chloe, Nat and Halie. I gotta punishment, I need to!
Also salt posted something on his patreon last night, can anyone post it?
Fuck nvm it was already posted on patreon
Better Call Salt
Breaking bad (the scales)
low effort copypasta, do better next time
Funny enough that isn’t a copypasta, that’s my thoughts, I don’t think there’s a lot of S&M copypastas with bratty and punishment elements.
shit man, Covid and divorces does things to a mothafucka
Anyone got the new pic
same, can wait for some one to post it so I can make a new thread and finally end this one.
Anyone gonna post the new artwork?
Pretty nice but who is she?
Forgot the couple stuff ocs nikume and Serena those 2 from the gym comic that thick goth one the one with the blue hair from the beach comic and 20 other obscure ocs
The drawings are the covers of the Patreon levels, i only made a collage
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Does Anyone Have A Higher Quality Image If This??

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