
>>166311 (OP)
The thread would've been appropriate if you just did Fantasy instead of overloading the title.
Its basically all the same tho >>166336
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bumping with content
Does anyone have any recent fat and weight gain related homebrew manuals?
I think they mean this right? >>169669
holy autism batman.
Kinda a shame it's just a rules set. be interesting to see a WG-focused fantasy setting. maybe magic burns calories or something, so spell casters need to be obese to have staying power.
could do some fetishy twists with some of the races and their societies as well. Like, in dwarf society dowaries are determined by weight, so dwarven women try to get as fat as possible so they can get a better price for marriage. stuff like that
Ok so 1.) "Holy Autism Batman"? Never that one before XD
And 2.) Totally agree with you, maybe adding weight per level/hit die. Maybe even spell X increases weight by Y amount?
Haven't looked through it too much though.
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desperate for more lae'zel, seeing her tight bod go to lard does something for me. shes so proud shed probably be in complete denial when she cant even walk 10 yards.
I'm desperate to never see Idle-Minded draw again.
I did make a dnd thing for a fat amzonian dragonborn clan that people could use for npcs and stuff
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>Lae'zel spends adulthood in the Astral Sea
>Hasn't needed to eat a meal in decades
>Comes to Sword Coast and suddenly is famished for the first time in years and can't regulate her appetite properly
>Blows up like a balloon

Shit writes itself
I know right? Its such good fetish bait

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