
Any Danmachi?
Does anyone have the catwoman pin up?
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Does anyone have Love Trap?
Call it morbid curiosity, but does anyone have the sequel to "Gerudo's Hospitality"?

Something I always wondered about that last page. Did the original Paige just suddenly cease to exist after that? Did she merge with the dude when he fully turned into her? Was she ever real in the first place?
Did they ever continue this?
Could have sworn there was a sequel, at least in the sketch phase. Though I think it pissed a lot of people here off since I vaguely recall it having them transform Zelda INTO a Gerudo.

Nah, I think that was, like, the original ending to it.
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Yeah he scrapped it since he didn't wanted to face the same backlash as he did with his Darkness comic.
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Honestly the comic isn't bad, it's just how he made the ending that ruins it for me. Anastimafilia could've honestly kept the ending of "Darkness is a fat immobile cowgirl now" by just giving Darkness cow ears and horns with the tail, but when he adds the cow snout and the cow udders, the ending felt way too much like a TF fetish ending than a fat fetish one. Should've been an alt ending, rather than the actual ending.
L move
TF is not for everyone, but there is a difference between a borderline animal tf and a race tf

Its not like Gerudo aren't hot
>Yeah he scrapped it since he didn't wanted to face the same backlash as he did with his Darkness comic.
simply untrue, like I said many times in past threads, I scrapped the gerudo TF+WG scene because the comic was getting too long by the end and the stuff I had planned for that TF extended the comic beyond the scope of 13 pages I like to usually set on, simple as

This comic was made before TOTK existed, so why don't you guys give me some ideas on where to take this project next?
That's what he tends to do. His comics have a great start to them, but by the end he throws in some extra fetish that the majority of people hate, like TF or male weight gain shit. He had a great thing going with the Darling comic as well, but even though it didn't have any of those side fetishes, it abruptly ended when it still had room for Marin to grow. Dude has a hard time staying on a straight path to save his life, and it's frustrating that it's a constant thing from him.

First of all, not having Link be in the comic at all would be fantastic, because him being part of Zelda weight gain art has been overdone to hell and back, and people would appreciate it more if you kept the focus exclusively to Zelda herself. Secondly, have her take part in Purah's experiments, those of which over the course of the comic is what fattens up Zelda to the point of immobility, with each failed attempt of Purah trying to fix or undo the failures being what makes Zelda extremely fat. Thirdly, keep it vanilla weight gain, none of that TF shit. Lastly, have it so only Zelda gains weight. Keeping Purah thin will show off size difference and the scope of how massive Zelda would be.
Immobility is cringe by dude
yes I know I draw it but I only do it for commissions, I hate drawing immobiles
I'll think about everything else, I'm also open to more feedback from other anons
> Thirdly, keep it vanilla weight gain
Plump Fiction is literally just that and it sold horribly compared to Gerudo's Hospitality
>Immobility is cringe by dude
>yes I know I draw it but I only do it for commissions, I hate drawing immobiles
No wonder you cut off weight gain drives early in the past if they became too successful. Your hate of them shows when you did those pick where the weight goes drives, because those super bottom heavy ones look bad.

>Plump Fiction is literally just that and it sold horribly compared to Gerudo's Hospitality
Gerudo's Hospitality featured high profile Nintendo characters and was one story, while Plump Fiction was 3 separate smaller stories that featured OCs. It's no wonder GH would sell better, even though it had male weight gain in it, because Zelda is very popular. Try vanilla weight gain again for Zelda, because at the very least it's unlikely to net you backlash like the Darkness comic did.
>No wonder you cut off weight gain drives early in the past if they became too successful.
what kind of backwards logic is this? why would I cut a WG drive that's doing good numbers? how can you even make that claim without being able to see how much money is coming in? here's a hint: if the WG drives doesn't get any more pics that's because donations dried out and its hard to justify a new pic.
>even though it had male weight gain in it
literally 3 frames of link, lmao
and yeah I get it, it's zelda and all but that comic was a response to that complaint of me adding too many other fetishes into my comics, so I tried to make it as vanilla as possible and it sold horribly, I'm not getting the message here you say you're sending
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...You literally told us that you scrapped the Gerudo TF ending because you work on a 12 page basis for your comics, but then tell us that you made it in response to people that bitched about you adding too many fetishes to your comics... Apologies for not understanding it, but I'm confused
>and yeah I get it, it's zelda and all but that comic was a response to that complaint of me adding too many other fetishes into my comics, so I tried to make it as vanilla as possible and it sold horribly, I'm not getting the message here you say you're sending
I'm saying I don't think vanilla weight gain was why Plump Fiction sold poorly. My guesses are that either your OCs aren't marketable enough to your followers when it comes to comics, or it's because the damage from earlier comics was already done, so there wasn't enough trust from your followers for them to make the purchase.
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Not to defend Ana, but he stated in his streams that one of the major reasons why he doesn't like drawing immobiles is because they're limited with their poses and always feel the same, as in "always sitting down and not being able to do much". And before anyone says anything, yes I get it, they're immobiles, they can't do much, that's the point. But to Ana it just limits his ideas on how to draw a fat person compared to a commission of a lady louging down. I can relate to Ana about this, since, well... I'm kind of an artist myself. Drawing the same thing over and over again can be maddening or boring to someone.
yeah sorry for the misunderstanding
by this
>and yeah I get it, it's zelda and all but that comic was a response to that complaint of me adding too many other fetishes into my comics, so I tried to make it as vanilla as possible
I was referring to plump fiction being 100% vanilla WG as a response to GH's complaints, in fact it contains more WG than any comic I've made before
>My guesses are that either your OCs aren't marketable enough to your followers when it comes to comics
that's most likely what happened yeah, I guess it was a bold decision but working with my OCs gives me the freedom to tackle any WG idea/scenarios that otherwise established franchise wont always allow
Despite what most of you guys might think, this is a very common complaint among artists. I'm not going to name names, but I've spoken with many high-profile artists before who also share their distaste for immobiles because of how little you can do with them.
If your fans love that kinda stuff, you just need to bite the fucking bullet and accept similar commissions, especially when you're raking in large amounts of money. You hate immobile fats? Cool, but then again you're not really making art for yourself are you?
>especially when you're raking in large amounts of money.
lmao, you've got no idea how wrong you're, but hey, I wish you were right
>you're not really making art for yourself are you?
I do a lot of the time, it's not very profitable but I do still enjoy drawing my own ideas and concepts
Yet most artists including yourself are still willing do them for commissions. I think the reason why they're so popular for commissioners is because they know how rare it is for artists to do them completely on their own will, with nothing making them do it.
I can only think the reason why you're still doing them is because you either want the money, or because you feel a sense of satisfaction from your customer's satisfaction with what you do.
> Implying BBW Artists are making bank.
right now not even the tax I charge for immobile commissions is enough of an incentive for me, I really don't like drawing the same puddle of fat over and over again, its so tiring, regular commissions are repetitive enough already because commissioners literally can't think of good ideas for images, I mean I'm thankful they commission me even if their end goal is to simply support me but man, its tiresome how repetitive it can get but I guess this extends to any work area, so yeah, it is what it is
>1 high profile artist making a ton of money implies that every other artist in the same market is making the same kind of money
So what exactly is it that makes you do immobile commissions at all if you apparently hate them and that the money isn't enough of an insensitive? Clearly there's something tying you to them, otherwise I'm going to think you don't hate as much as you say you do.
>So what exactly is it that makes you do immobile commissions at all
a better question would be "what exactly made you accept immobile commissions in the past" as I'm not currently accepting them anymore and it's been this way for a couple of months now
I never said I hated all immobiles, I think the concept can be neat if its done well, I'm still not a huge fan but I definitely do not hate the idea, I accepted them before because I was not as burned off of it as I'm now. it is that simple
damn it's quite depressing to see you say metalforver is high profile and to see it making that kind of money
>I never said I hated all immobiles, I think the concept can be neat if its done well, I'm still not a huge fan but I definitely do not hate the idea, I accepted them before because I was not as burned off of it as I'm now. it is that simple
It would've been better if you said from the start that you were simply burnt out. It's a size that still has loads of potential for ideas despite it's limitations, plus it's another size artists can do for variety's sake at the end of the day if that's what they want.

>damn it's quite depressing to see you say metalforver is high profile and to see it making that kind of money
He's high profile due to how he's been part of the community longer then most other artists. He'd likely be making more if he did vore and pregnancy less often, despite those being his two big fetishes.
>It would've been better if you said from the start
if you read here >>167410 I said I hate drawing immobiles, not immobiles themselves and here >>167472 I was replying to this anon >>167470 who pretty much nailed the reason why immobiles can be tiresome to draw, again, focusing on the idea of drawing them.
Just looked Kip is making 6k a month how in the world is one of the most mid artist in this community making that kind of money?
this post is not endorsed by me, I'm not shilling my patreon here
HE shouldn't be considered a FA artist in first place IMO
but I know how sensible kip's fans are so that's all I'm gonna say, lol
You mean how his fans aren't sensible?

I'll support him once he stops doing his weird TF shit and lowers his male posting rate by a big margin. His fat females can be really good, but there's too much of everything else there right now that I don't care for.
>I'll support him once he stops doing his weird TF shit and lowers his male posting rate by a big margin.
I'm not asking anyone to sub anon, but that seems like a petty reason not to, I haven't posted fat males anywhere in a long time, you speak as if 60% of my content is fat males when realistically it is like a 1%, with TF I can't say but it still super niche, again I'm not trying to convince anyone to sub, just calling out your lies
>you speak as if 60% of my content is fat males when realistically it is like a 1%
That's a big exaggeration of what I'm saying.
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>damn it's quite depressing to see you say metalforver is high profile and to see it making that kind of money
Forgot that you have a hate boner for Metalforever
Oh geez, any other bad high profile FA artists we should now about?
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Nah, Kip's just a Stuffing/Vore fetish artist that got popular and people liked his weight gain stuff so much that Kip was forced to only make weight gain stuff, cuz the moment he made vore or stuffing, he got trashed for it.
hate is not the word I'd use, I'd say its more like disgust or distaste for his art.
I don't consider Kip to be a FA artist to begin with so no I wouldn't call him a bad FA artist, he's more into stuffing and vore and you know that
Kip draws vore? Since when??
didn't mean to reply twice, sorry
he hasn't drawn vore in a long time
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>hate is not the word I'd use, I'd say its more like disgust or distaste for his art.
So you do hate his art. Y'know, maybe one of the reasons why everyone has more Patreon members than you is because they don't talk shit about other artists. No sane artists does it unironically my guy.
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>Y'know, maybe one of the reasons why everyone has more Patreon members than you is because they don't talk shit about other artists
yeah man patrons do periodic checks on discord drama and such before ever subscribing to any artist, that's just something they all do
It stopped me from subbing/buying anything of yours.
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I don't consider anyone who posts on my threads to be a potential client, you never intended to be one, and again, I'm not trying to change anybody's mind.
Let me post some more art. These threads are better when you just enjoy the content.
sometimes I like to listen to constructive feedback.
Ana doesn't buy into the pirates that pirate things just to try it before buying it for real to support. The BBWchan-ers and Kemono party-ers are best clients!!
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>yeah man patrons do periodic checks on discord drama and such before ever subscribing to any artist, that's just something they all do
I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say here. Minus the big amount of support that these artist have, they generally don't spew toxicity in their servers nor do they try to see themselves as the "pedestal" of fetish artists. That way, clients don't get thrown off or disturbed or disgusted by what they say and keep on supporting them. They don't have to beg for money because they don't trash other artists or ban people for speaking their minds. And most importantly, they're not a laughing stock among the community.
>sometimes I like to listen to constructive feedback.
Okay then, here's some constructive feedback on your attitude then before I go to bed: Drop the toxicity, admit that you can be wrong on occasions, unblock those who've mocked you on Twitter and apologize for your past actions. You never even bothered to acknowledge any of them. It's okay to be wrong, so just admit it and with luck, it'll give you more Patreon supporters. We're all humans here, so none of us are perfect. And don't pull the whole "you're putting me out of context" bullshit excuse. I've seen enough of DarkSydePhil, Andrew Dobson, WingsOfRedemption, LowTierGod and QuantumTV to know that this excuse never works. You should be better than them, not on their same level.
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>says stupid shit and awful stuff
>does nothing to correct himself
>gets surprised when saying stupid shit and awful stuff is not tolerated
>does nothing to correct himself

Ana is like a perpetually surprised pikachu
I know this is random but do watch RTUstreams?
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>>167629 So it's another Minecraft Steve situation?
Not in this lifetime, maybe the next one
You've been posting this exact same post on many threads before, always the exact same screenshots, memes and comments, I'm actually surprised how consistent you're with it.
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>You've been posting this exact same post on many threads before, always the exact same screenshots, memes and comments, I'm actually surprised how consistent you're with it.
Well gee, maybe it's because of the fact that you just want to run away from it everytime it gets brought up. There's more to feedback than just criticizing your art.
I asked for constructive feedback about my art and probably even how I handle Patreon, I didn't ask for some discord drama copy pasta, lol, also, comparing someone to lowtiergod is not by any stretch of the imagination constructive criticism.
It's your loss if you don't.

>I don't consider anyone who posts on my threads to be a potential client
Not a great attitude to have.
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>I asked for constructive feedback about my art and probably even how I handle Patreon, I didn't ask for some discord drama copy pasta, lol, also, comparing someone to lowtiergod is not by any stretch of the imagination constructive criticism.
Well then, sorry that you rationalize your actions as normal then. Blocking a couple of artists that mocked you over your reaction of Steve? Totally normal and sane. Always complaining about others taking you out of context, but can't bother to show the full context? Clearly, those images can't speak for themselves. That's totally how a normal person would act.
That's a shame, I like your style and would have loved to see your takes on more of the girls from the older games.
Wasn't that like 3 years ago already? Lol, hey man if you want to get unblocked on Twitter just let me know via deviantart or maybe my piczel streams
I like how you also make it look like I blocked those accounts totally out of the blue, it was 100% undeserved and they did not provoke it in any way, really making it look one sided ey?
Hey I know you guys like to have that "I'm pirating your content" kind of power play here so yeah it's funny when you guys also pretend you had intentions to support me in the first place when realistically you literally never intended to.
And again I'm not trying to change your mind at all, you've already made it up your mind.
Yeah, I like pirating your shitty art. So what? It's not like I was going to give you my hard-earned money anyway. I prefer donating to people like Better With Salt and RounderSofter
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>Wasn't that like 3 years ago already? Lol, hey man if you want to get unblocked on Twitter just let me know via deviantart or maybe my piczel streams
I like how you also make it look like I blocked those accounts totally out of the blue, it was 100% undeserved and they did not provoke it in any way, really making it look one sided ey?
I can't even interact with your DA account since you blocked me on Twitter, lol. And yeah, those blocks are totally one sided.
You're digging yourself a hole with these assumptions of your's. People can make discoveries here, which can lead them to supporting artists if they like what they see.
Nah, let him believe his bullshit if he wants to. It's not like he can change our minds anyway
Was that Ana themselves?
I was just being honest, you don't like that? Well, I don't give a shit. You're on a website similar to 4chan, if you wanted a circle of mindless yes-men you could've just stayed on Patreon
What am I supposed to do with this link?
You say that, but the BWS thread still has a lot of mindless yes-men there.

Were either of these meant for me? You posted the post numbers in the same order for both of them.
You want to get unblocked right? Just draw your username there
I'll try again, sorry for the confusion, I'm on my phone

While i can see your point here >>167663 you can also read stuff like this >>167659
>You wanna get unblocked
>Yeah just go to that link and doxx yourself bro trust me
Thanks for clearing that up.
Nah, only I can see whatever you draw there
We know each other on Discord and Patreon tho. Why not sent my username there instead?
You can try whatever line of communication np
In case you're reading this, I did buy 2 of your comics back when you were still on DeviantArt
You obviously have never been in the BWS threads. It's full of hate stalking schizo's whining about every little minor/inconsequential thing.
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thank you!
the reason I can't post more art on dA is because I've received 2 bans and 1 final warning from the moderators
I can't recall why I got the other bans but I know one of them was because of pic related, IDK if somebody reported the pic as mature content (which it clearly isn't since there's no nudity) OR if dA mods look at my stuff with extremely high scrutiny, either way I had enough of that shit, the way I see it, I only had 3 options
>keep posting at the risk of getting banned a 3rd time for good and my account getting deactivated
>heavily censor all my pics
>stop posting altogether
you know which one I went with
all my dA old content is available on a public MEGA folder, you can find the link in my twitter bio and I still post previews and teasers on dA, always trying to keep it as SFW as possible
In case you were wondering how these bans were handled, let me tell you it was absolutely uncivil and unprofessional
I received no warnings whatsoever before receiving the ban, and the times that I did receive a warning they did it through dA notes instead of an email and I only received the note AFTER they decided to strike me with a ban, so after waiting months for the ban to lift up I saw the warning note on my inbox, fair play right? they never give you any time to update the files or remove the picture yourself, they go straight for the ban and I personally don't think that's how it should be handled, I've been on twitter for years now and not even once I've received any sort of warnings or anything, my content isn't even marked as sensitive content. but uh, yeah I figured if art is all you want from me you can check my twitter where I post all my stuff, I rarely post memes, reactions memes or non-art shit trying to keep my media tab clean, but I do wish they added a gallery feature
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Hey guys, what do you think about these lingerie designs for Petra? Option B won the poll on Twitter, but I'd like to hear some second thoughts.
My favorite out of these is option A, the inner side of her boobs bulging out that top is very nice. Do wish there was at least one option where her underwear wasn't over her belly.
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I am not sure if this was in the policies back then but maybe this was the reason why
someone have the konosuba girl, pls?
Where the new Megumin Pic?
Can we get more of the colorized Anastimafilia images? There's quite a few that had been colored on other threads like the one with Rem and Ram
>snomfan screeches about Anas for the tenth time
buy a scanner for your crayon drawings sheesh
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>Chieri fat art
>Posted in last November

Don't get me wrong, it's a good piece and I like the character. I just wasn't expecting her to have fat art this soon.
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blob faces really get me going lately, the transformation is sexy
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Can we get more of the colored Anastimafilia pics? The ones colored by an anon on the laat thread?
Do you have any more of them?
>Zero Suit Pyra
I'm more surprised nobody replaced her head with Samus'.
did he continue his comic on purah?
He’s been working on the recent pages in streams.
Anyone has the new comic?
So a heads up before you buy it/an honest critique of the piece because I know the creator checks here: In my opinion, respectfully, it was good but not great.

16 pages, 3 used for cover, copyright warning and a "to be continued" (yeah it's definitely not done), so 13 page comic. That isn't bad for 11 dollars, and the art is clean and well done...but

The problem for me is that it's very text/exposition heavy, which is funny because the plot leaves you with more questions than answers by the end.

If you're only here for the depicted weight gain, I mean it's there but it doesn't feel like the focus, man. Theres 2 thin to fat sequences (a page and 2 pages respectively), a semi wideshot of a really fat, then a page of fat to super fat at the end (but also not even a semi wideshot to show off the result, just a mini panel)

I don't know his outline or plans, but as a fellow writer it feels like he got ambitious with the narrative, then realized he had to draw it all out and ended up with more talking then gaining.

Again the art is great as in clean and well made, but I kind of expected more from a sequel to one of his best comics imo
So again I'm not going to post it because I'm weird about piracy, but I will post a base64 that has the general plot, that way you can decide if you want to buy it yourself

>>182332 It does sound a little mid. I even thought the previous sequence was kinda mid.
Honestly, i think I may be biased, because as i read through the old chats on here, the more it seems like a lot of the stuff he did was to people's requests here.

It's soley female vanilla wg, which seems to be what people wanted, he draws 2 immobiles despite hating them, and it shows 3 characters doing different gains.

I, the minority, like the weird shit and would have ate up the tf aspect, but reading these messages, you guys should probably just buy it you'll probably like it.
Thx for the upload. Wanted to ask though. Do u have the 73 mb pdf file as well.
Link isnt working
Can you try uploading again cause the catbox file isnt working
Can you please fix the Link
The link works you just need to open it on a laptop or computer. The link does not seem to work on a phone>>182427
I dont have a computer to see it on can you just post the pages in the thread?
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They will have the Plump fiction comic
I agree with the other anon please post them without the link right here
go do your homework 12 year old
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is this pic have been colored by ana?
If the link doesn’t work on phone then let take some screenshots of the comic.
(1.3 MB, 849x1200, IMG_1090.png)
For the second part of VDD comic they should have them both end up massive in weigh as Marin gained too much weight and gojo still trying to fix iit only to receive half of Marin’s weight
Once again it doesn’t work on mobile goofball
I copy the link, paste it in my address bar, and it immediately downloads. How on Earth do you fuck up something that easy?
Does anyone have the PDF for Gerudo Hospitality?
Only the low res pdf was posted here. U ok with that as a reup?
Does anyone have VDD?
I think its on Drblackjacks kemono
does anyone know if he finished making his game?
I dont rlly trust files why cant someone just screenshot and send it here
It’s… a pdf… you can see the file type in the download
Because you're lazy as fuck, just download the files
Can someone put a wetransfer of sheikahs ingenuity here?
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Does anyone have the color version?
(9.4 MB, 6250x5760, albedo.PNG)
I swear I thought I had this somewhere. I've spent 30 minutes looking for it

oh well, here have this instead
Does anyone have a nagatoro pic he did I can't find,
it was a very fat nagatoro almost a blob I believe there was a colored version as well
Everytime you fart you think about me putting it in your butt.
Any1 here with the access to the Paid Content Mega Link for this month? I heard that the high res version of Sheikah's Ingenuity and other comics are available in that link.
Has anyone have access or has a backup of any mega folder it doesnt matter from what month is

Thanks in advance
another stuff?
is there news about a comic or art?
Can we get the photos from this comic instead please?
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Does anyone have the full comic of plump fiction
I would also like to know of anyone has that
anything new?
Honestly, I think I may be biased, because as I read through the old chats on here, it seems like a lot of the stuff he did was to people's requests here.
You totally get it. Lots of people bitch out loudly because there was a fat link for literally 3 frames in the first comic. They're so sexually insecure that they get uncomfortable seeing some heterosexual mutual gaining, which is funny to me because I was listening to feedback coming from people who didn't buy my comics and even pirates them to spite me.

But, yes, this comment >>182334 hits every nail. I was afraid of continuing the comic from where I left it in Gerudo's Hospitality; continuing that plot would require that fat link to be shown or awkwardly hidden, and since TOTK literally ignores the plot (if you can call it that) of BOTW, I decided it was okay to basically reconnect some stuff or ignore certain details. I went with an all-female cast and made it entirely about weight gain, nothing else, but there you have it. I listened to criticism and still received complaints from the same people who complained previously, so lesson learned.
>still received complaints from the same people who complained previously
What did they complain about in Sheikah's Ingenuity? I only recall Zelda's weight loss towards the end being one of those things.
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First and foremost: One, why would you listen to criticism from BBW Chan of all places, when the threads are filled to the brim with dumbasses who believe everything is "woke" or throwing fits about artists having different kinks other than Weight Gain or ranting about BWS drawing Lucy despite being paid to do so or shitting on his OCs because "they're boring". Plus you've openly said that there's some people in here that actively hate you, so I don't get why you'd try to listen to them. Never take any shit thrown here seriously, otherwise they're going to be the only attention you'll receive in your entire career. Two, only one guy bought it and gave an honest critique; the guy you're replying to. There's only two people who might've bought it , with one guy saying that it might be mid and another saying that it sucks. Those aren't the same people who complained at the previous comic, one's a person who gave you a genuine critique and LIKED your previous comic, one won't bother buying it while the last one is the kind of person that will openly fucking hate you no matter what you do. You could cure cancer and that motherfucker would still think that you're worse than a Nazi. None, and I repeat, NONE of the original users who bitched about your BOTW comic came back to throw a fit at your TOTK comic.
When update kemono page?
>They're so sexually insecure that they get uncomfortable seeing some heterosexual mutual gaining
Mutual gaining is homosexual. You're getting off to a man. Complain all you want from /bhm/, most people here have no interest in fat dudes because they're not gay.
Nah, if someone is only into male X female mutual gain, but not male X male, then not gay.

It's called self inserting into the man or just being into hetero relationships.
This is the equivalent of saying "getting off to a straight relationship is gay because one of the people having sex is a guy like me". Go back to 4chin
In a regular couple the man isn't much more than a prop or a self-insert, just like in regular porn.
If you are jerking it to a man getting fat, then you're gay. You're taking what you find attractive in a woman and applying the same thing to a man, there's as much heterosexuality in that as people who jerk off to traps or guys wearing maid dresses while yelling "no homo."

In cases where people self-insert as the dude in mutual gain, it's textbook autogynephilia and I don't doubt that most of them will end up in Dr Soyburg's office asking to become the fat girl.
Lol, nah. You are insecure.

There is nuances to everything, not everything is black and white.
>not everything is black and white.
In this case you're explicitly wacking it to a man becoming fat and feminised, there's no ambiguity as to whether that's homo.
If you need to retreat behind the thought terminating cliche "you're insecure" then you obviously have nothing to say on the subject that goes beyond a kneejerk reaction. Being repulsed by homosexual content when you're a straight person is not insecurity, it's just a innate reaction
Nah, because you would be right if the person in question also would wack it to the singular male but if they don't get any satisfaction from the singular male being alone in a image , then not gay.

This supudl be obvious, like think for a second
Jerk me off instead of whacking me?
We all insecure watching porn to fill time
You are by your own admission, turned on by a man. Hetro people aren't aroused by the guy in a porno, he's just there to make the action happen.
I don't think I need to labour the point any further. Mutual is gay.
You will never be tony soprano irish prick
Nah, it's turned on by the action done to the man, due to implication surrounding the relationship.

You are simplifying down things on purpose, avoiding the nuances going into the idea. Just to say "man in something=gay"

It's very counterproductive
Great the yuri argument is spreading
>Wacking off to a man and woman fucking is gay
Nigger be serious.
Can I have this comic colored, please?
Any1 here has the high res pdf of Sheikah's Ingenuity?
My bad was meant for the paid content thread. But this link does have some of Anastimafilia works
hey, zephyr... i saw a coastalbunny folder... does it has the game? DIET??
(196 KB, 952x1624, IMG_1175.webp) (3.3 MB, 6200x5500, IMG_1129.jpeg)
Well someone does the coloring… please do Android 21 in this comm as the Good 21…? I really appreciate it.
Nope but it did have the tik tok videos of Grandma's cooking.
(24 KB, 600x354, cirno_face.jpeg)
does ANYBODY have the pic of Cirno eating cake and crying?

I'm begging.... PLEASE
No gigachad. Damn its that time to troll already
anything else?
(6.3 MB, 18016x6000, wewewewewewewew.png)
He has been focusing on his visual novel, so he's been kinda busy with programming and coding the game.
This latinx idiot thinks he's better than everyone else lmao
The italian women shitting on all of yall with her new house. Dont even.
Yall some black haters from new york and it shows. We dont need that in new jersey fuck up out of here before I dox your whole family like your sister did you
>>202600 It's Latino you fucking retard
you can't grasp the concept of irony, lmao
>>202600 Hey mods, I'm not the fucking schizo! It's also Latino/Latina, not fucking Latinx!
someone has the flabby science 3 comic i can't find anywhere
(3.2 MB, 6000x5000, frieren.png)
Somethig I colored recetly
(192 KB, 2000x1161, GP0tHN3W8AAaaNR.jpg)
Did anas has posted the picture on top right on his patreon? Can someone post here or update his kemono pls?
Can anyone post his VN updates?
someone have the Pride Royal Ivy picture? plz
anyone know the current itch.io password to the reflections vn
Why i don't see the Pride Royal Ivy's picture on his patreon?
is there something going on with the VN? I feel like it's been years
this already got posted in the "civil discussion" thread, I guess you really needed to post it here right? you do realize the guy is being sarcastic right?
Any updates on the VN?

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