
(64 KB, 1080x1077, 9e9.jpg) (410 KB, 750x1450, 881.jpg) (55 KB, 481x960, 369.jpg)
Honestly surprised there was variations to this
what are the contents of the bag supposed to represent?
Not the bag, it's to chest. It's clogged heart.
Any good/new chat ais?
>tfw busting nuts to wojaks
>tfw I have no face
Does anyone know which pic the 2nd one is based off of? I could swear I saw it before. Rachel Anastacia or Erica Lauren I think.
Heads up second one eating the burg is a dude ur a fag if u fap to him
Your dead assing, right?
That has to be a chick
They do look more like a femboy to me
>>172040 what a retard. This is a fat porn site, you're still not seeing heaven when you die either, let the fags have their wank, autist
the W in BBW stands for woman, you illiterate mongoloid
where's the image where a hand's grabbing the stomach and it's all red? I can't find the damn thing anywhere
Who's the lady from the 1st image? Please :)
Vin Who? It's thriveleak.
More like candii bane am I right haha

Name of the artist please
(101 KB, 556x500, drmg 1.jpg)
"'POV"': You are doomer girl's bathroom scale

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