
>>164665 (OP)
Someon can color the first pic like the second one please
I'll see if I can, if I got enough time
Thank you, take your time, I will wait!
(2.9 MB, 4209x2508, 20230815_202231.png)
Someone Can Color This Picture ? (Elma From Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
This is perfect! Thank you so much, I love it!

Thank you so much, it amazing and I was shocked to see how fast you responded to it
Nice to hear! Hope you enjoy that chubbylicious Anis! 🥵 😼
(115 KB, 517x968, Rupee_FB.webp) (2.5 MB, 3904x2716, 35.png)
Can someone color Rupee from Nikke?
God damn, this is good. Thanks man.
You're welcome, it's my 18th work I've done in this thread, I think I'm getting better and better!
Oh wow this came out great, thanks a lot!
Please Someone Color This Picture. >>165150
Thank You. :)
I second that, specially the second image of her voluminous belly unzipping her jammies, that's perfection right there.
Okay so celebrating that Nier x Nikke is coming your colorization goes next 😼
Calm the fuck down and wait like the rest of us
I forgot to put the "please" xd
Oh, thanks man! You're the best
You literally deleted the old comment and bumped your request again, retard
Hey, what the fuck? Someone has already colored this one, you literally have to scroll up
I was the one who colored the previous Anis illustration, but this is a different one
Bra too. Bra and Panties are black. Skin and hair match the art provided
I'm re-requesting this one
Keeping this thread going, also Re-Requesting this one plz.
Sorry this is late, but this turned out great, I really like the 2B edit you did as well
(119 KB, 400x437, IMG_6591.jpg)
Could anyone color this?
Not the original requester but thank you for coloring her in, she looks great! Always love me some Rika
Re-Requesting on this one plz
Gonna ask for this request again
(3.4 MB, 3194x4170, jklyu.png)
I know there's a colored version of this, but I can't find it. Does anyone have it?
(637 KB, 2843x1826, e283a8ddd98ac3a7cbc85802e2f37966fcaf062fedacf85e3c5646b72721b265.png) (220 KB, 2504x1946, 52dc9ced1aa5ade10e0c1170417dd1c6f85a73e53e307082cb705e4e7f852a36.png) (239 KB, 2617x2054, c1a55a48a08333766eb2f0bc46ee18585c5335ce8bd6e830a8856061157acaf4.png) (613 KB, 1856x2857, 964b780545d5f983bfb155d07d65a751a51fd9a9d19d6a09252ad43fc429437a.png) (162 KB, 462x599, dpc-maylene.png)
Here's a request
If someone can do this maylene set from Cross-crescent it would be great
Please Someone Color This Picture.
Thank You. :) Colors Is Nice.
Plz can anyone color this one plz?
Thank you so so much, I've been waiting for this one.
Damn I guess spamming the thread with bumps will get your artwork completed...
Would someone mind coloring this one?
You're the best! I thank you very much
Thank you, it looks great
Son of a batch, I was gonna request that! XD
>>169976 Well, i saved you the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I am now just realizing I said "batch" instead of "bitch"... God damn it
Does anyone have the Hinoka saved from last thread?
Sorry for the bump but I'd like to see this colored
Looks great! Very grateful about the Rika content from this thread
I'm going to give it a shot, let's see
The requester rudely hasn't replied, but I think you did a great job on this
Ah, its nice seeing a decent anon here every now and again.
Would anyone mind coloring this one?
Can you just kill yourself plz?
I'm terribly sorry about that one My friend, too much?
(1.2 MB, 1800x3200, frankiepatreonwallpaper.jpg) (2.0 MB, 1665x1844, Daisy_SSBU.png) (69 KB, 520x870, frankie_foster_by_ta_na_ddcclkm-fullview.jpg) (49 KB, 877x1024, 9a837aa3687adbc11c1ba9aaaa160f354db44b7er1-1376-1606v2_hq.jpg) (974 KB, 1800x3200, rosalinapatreonwallpaper.jpg) (1.3 MB, 1800x3200, daisypatreonwallpaper.jpg)
Ok so this one is really upsetting because i was hyped for this. In short the artist was going to color and complete these sketches and have clothed, nude and sweat variants of them and only completed the samus one. If i could choose which sketch i would want completed easily daisy. I know that the og artist has had some... drama but i would at least like to still have those phone wallpapers done. If not understandable.
(69 KB, 520x870, frankie_foster_by_ta_na_ddcclkm-fullview.jpg) (49 KB, 877x1024, 9a837aa3687adbc11c1ba9aaaa160f354db44b7er1-1376-1606v2_hq.jpg) (1.3 MB, 1800x3200, daisypatreonwallpaper.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1800x3200, frankiepatreonwallpaper.jpg) (974 KB, 1800x3200, rosalinapatreonwallpaper.jpg) (2.0 MB, 1665x1844, Daisy_SSBU.png)
Ok so this one is really upsetting because i was hyped for this. In short the artist was going to color and complete these sketches and have clothed, nude and sweat variants of them and only completed the samus one. If i could choose which sketch i would want completed easily daisy. I know that the og artist has had some... drama but i would at least like to still have those phone wallpapers done. If not understandable.
(2.0 MB, 1665x1844, Daisy_SSBU.png) (69 KB, 520x870, frankie_foster_by_ta_na_ddcclkm-fullview.jpg) (1.3 MB, 1800x3200, daisypatreonwallpaper.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1800x3200, frankiepatreonwallpaper.jpg)
Ok so this one is really upsetting because i was hyped for this. In short the artist was going to color and complete these sketches and have clothed, nude and sweat variants of them and only completed the samus one. If i could choose which sketch i would want completed easily daisy. I know that the og artist has had some... drama but i would at least like to still have those phone wallpapers done. If not understandable.
Deeply sorry on my end i sent the same three messages once. Fuck.
(1.3 MB, 2693x1981, 50 sin título_20230929104729.png)
I'm really sorry for the second pic, my paint app is trolling me, now it's fixed! I know I'm filling spaces of this thread and I'm really sorry for the inconvenience
Would someone mind coloring this one?
Anyone interested on this one?
Fuck off with this western crap, retard
Sorry my apologizes, I was just asking anyone.
Gonna re-request this one.
(2.7 MB, 6000x5000, sugoi.jpg)
This is Hana Uzaki.
Might give it a try shading just wouldn't look as good since I do cellshading
(1.2 MB, 1000x1000, fiona.png)
Can't be assed with the background, but I've added color while preserving the original shading
Damn son, well done thanks for coloring this
Hey can someone color these in
Thanks king
Anyone interested on giving this one a shot?
Can someone color these please?
Looks like ffanumber5 if I would guess. Would also match up with there being a Samus version
Someone Can Color This Picture Please ?
(394 KB, 740x1172, IMG_20231030_093337.png)
I did this colored version just for fun! It's from a bws sketch
(162 KB, 400x600, IMG_8721.jpeg) (113 KB, 800x775, IMG_8720.webp)
Could someone color this Anna Yamada from The Dangers in My Heart
Anyone interested on this one?
Thank you so much! Will you color the other three at some point?
Can you go fuck yourself already, retard? Nobody even bothered to color that crap in over a month, you should give up
I understand what you saying, but sometimes give up isn't always a option. Plus I do say interested, so if I don't want to force anyone that isn't interested of it. Plus I really do love waiting, makes it worth the wait.
yeah, i'll do it when i have some free time
Awesome! Thank you again!
Btw, does anyone know some tips to learn Spanish as a beginner? Someone told me to change my phone's language to improve, but I don't think it's working.
when i started learning english, it helped me a lot to watch shows and play games in that language, i assimilated it over time. don't know if it would work the same way for you
Thank you for coloring them! These are great!
Imma see if I can do it today!
Anyone interested on this one? Understandable if not.
Just go hang yourself or something, you'll do everyone a favor
Thank you very much,you re god of olympus :)

Could someone color this please?
(1.2 MB, 3760x3396, Untitled.png)
only the one, but it makes no difference on the finished version because im no artist
Thanks! It's fine if you didn't do everything. I'm just glad someone was able to do most of the work for me.
(874 KB, 2500x3334, gains.jpg) (734 KB, 2500x3334, gains2.jpg)
Probably put way more effort than needed into these ah well enjoy
(104 KB, 749x788, roxy_s_own_by_candlebars_d1wsa2d-375w-2x.jpg)
I lnow this will probably be harder due to he shading, but, this is like,my go to Pic everytime time, the whole situation, the expression, the clothes, it drives m so wild, and if anyonecould colourit,I would be eternally grateful
I'm gonna give it a shot buddy! I need some reference for the colors tho
And I need the artist too please
can someone do this pls?
>>177501 do you have a better/more done version? this one has no shading on the hair and pants, which means i can't apply the gradient maps properly
insanely good job man, would you mind explaining how you did it?
Excuse me, anyone interested on this one?
Excuse me, are you actually autistic? And don't delete your comment, you fucking coward
Yes and I have autism. Also why would I delete something if I'm just asking anyone if their interested?
hey man, if someone wants to color that drawing, they will do it eventually. You don't have to keep asking every other week
Aww that is very true, I do humbly apologize for the questions about it. Guess I got a little carried away with it.
manual monochrome shading + gradient maps + correction layers on top + lighten blending mode on merged colors.
gradient maps basically let you turn the full range of a monochrome image into certain colors. so you select an area, you apply a gradient map locked to that area, adjust your colors and you get a result like this. some monochrome images are not made for gradient maps, the more tones you have the better, so you can add depth and lighting. if it's too cel shaded at that point just use the "color" blending mode on another layer, or color below it setting the "lineart" layer to multiply.
I'll have to try it out some time
(177 KB, 934x1393, IMG_8834.jpeg) (403 KB, 504x1084, IMG_8835.png)
Requesting a colored version of Mei Kamino sketch by BWS
Thank you very much, you are amazing
Thank you so much for this, I really do appreciate it! If I may though, is there anyway to give her a different hair colour than yellow? Also, is there anyway to colour her flesh as well? If not, I totally understand, I really do appreciate getting my favourite pic done up, so thanks so much again!
and with that, perfection is achieved. thank you so much again for this! This is honestly amazing
Would anyone mind coloring this one?
Dude this place is saved read the update.
oh dope guess it's not gonna be the last then
(70 KB, 360x1146, IMG_4597.webp) (721 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_4596.jpeg)
Humbly requesting a colorized version of this Mikasa by Sweetness Admirer
Anyone still wanna do this?
can someone color this?
(158 KB, 1184x1754, Img1.jpg) (132 KB, 966x2149, Img2.png) (9 KB, 676x380, Img3.jpg)
Could someone color these in? I added a photo of the model if that helps in any way.
(526 KB, 1243x1162, final fatties.png)
Since you guys are on a roll with Tifa and Aerith, humbly requesting to see these two colored.
(163 KB, 776x1030, IMG_6802.jpeg)
I’ve tried but struggled myself - and never got good results.

Could anyone with better editing skills than me turn this bikini yellow at all?

Gimme a few days, one of my pets just died in my arms a few hours ago... If no one has colored by then, I'll probably have it between the 27th and the 28th...
(111 KB, 1109x1479, 1.jpg) (271 KB, 1280x1610, 38.jpg) (171 KB, 1280x1781, 34.jpg)
Can someone color these 2 in (mostly the girl only one)
(220 KB, 2048x2048, GBpAX2AWIAAvuJ-.jpeg) (583 KB, 1950x2205, image.jpg)
Can someone add Colour to this one, please?

PS: Keep the Panties colored White
Thank you so much! Perfect way to end off Christmas.
bro we do this every month, the private stream sketches are always colored by belt himself
Oh okay didn't know that
(176 KB, 1280x1455, Img3.jpg) (511 KB, 720x1080, RefImg1.jpg)
Could someone color in this Tali sketch? No shortage of them but getting stuck in a door is a favorite of mine.
Anyone up to color this?
>>182409 Bump someone color this
(56 KB, 600x510, IMG_0078.jpeg)
Can someone please color this picture of Virginia and Maya from Wild Arms 3?
It hasn't even been a week, stop with the bumps.
(475 KB, 1848x1500, IMG_0075.png) (2.4 MB, 1848x1500, IMG_0074.png)
Sure I’ll take a try. I made 2 with/ out background. Enjoy and Happy New Year
Anyone willing to do this one?
dang, you beat me to it. I'll post mine later
You better not blink or else you will miss the train.
Anyway, is she inside of a giant tank of purple goo or something else? I said it by the purple background.
Goddamnit...nobody's gonna work on the sketch I posted?
I tried to make it look like she was inside the tank based on the fact that there were bubbles drawn by the original artist around her and while I could have easily drawn a tank around her and been very explicit with it this is a color thread and not a draw thread I did not want to add lines to change the image.
Look I’m not adverse to coloring but as this is a general coloring thread it’s a bit of bad form to request that only one artist color an image.
I'll just bump my request here.
(5.3 MB, 2000x2158, IMG_0188.png)
Not bad.
I like how I had the same idea for the sweat. Their use of the skin texture was a nice touch.
man, i was doing this one too haha, it's a great drawing to color
Nice job. :)
Unfortunately, there was not too much we could honestly do with this work as the lines are doing a lot of the heavy lifting.
Would anyone mind giving this one some colors?
If you call that half assed than you got a lot of skill
Thank you
Though I still have a lot to learn. It may look like “Handsome Squidwar” now but in a few hours under new eyes it will look like “Old Bold and Brash”
This is awesome, going as far as to add a background? The original art was gloriously sexy but it's great to see this pile of fat look even more like Nami. Thanks!
Oh my fucking god, you went above and beyond, this is amazing. Thank you so much for this!
Hey you're really good, what program do you use for coloring? I would like to get even better, I've done several colorings in these threads before and I love it :)
You can't request someone to do it specifically, idiot
It totally was!!!!! Thanks!!!! Uwooooogh!!!!!
you reposted this two days ago and before that too, stop spamming. If someone wants to color it, they will do it eventually
See this. This is a great job.
So is this. Honestly, I wanted to do it but I got distracted.
Programs dont really matter. I used 2 different programs when drawing a few of these.
>>183431 procreate
>>183484 sketchbook
If I were to give some advice I would say watch a couple YouTube tutorials on coloring in what ever program you like then put those into use in a simple practice image.
The saying “Fuck around and find out” applies to art in a very good way. You don’t fuck around your never going to find out :)
Thx bud ;) I've seen thousands of different bbw arts but I never tried to use their techniques until now, I've become better now thx btw ^~^
Btw that Mei work is mine HAHAHA, I just learned to use more lightning :D

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