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Old thread got saged, so here's the new one.

What better way to start a new thread than with the latest page of Log Myu, featuring child abuse.

Still, yeesh, this is a more justifiable reasoning for the mental block Myu has. Botched hypnotism, a bit of body dysmorphia, and being struck by her mom. She needed therapy.
ok, well, the game has officially changed
This is reaching DrBlackJack levels of WTF, anons. I didn't like Log Myu before, but now I'm even less interested in giving a shit about it. Like, seriously Pixiveo? I don't want crap like this in a porn comic, c'mon
>>164488 damn right, i just expected some weird illness from her family and not this lmao
I never realized just how much of a spoiled brat myu is. All this could easily have been avoided if she communicated her problem better, it being Maia herself rather than Myu being fat. Then again we wouldn't get much of a story then would we.
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to be fair she was a child and they're not necessarily known for their critical thinking
New log Myu page is up
Does anyone have the new stuff?
I swear this stuff will pop off when we finally get around to the good stuff
Mom should have been an actual abuser ngl, would have added more interesting lore to the story.

It's weird how Pixiveo dips their toes on very dark stuff, but retracts as soon as they think they are gonna get backlash. They should man the fuck up and go in there.
Definitely agree with you there
What was Mia's problem?
Probably neglect, since the parents are focused on Myu and not her, leaving her to just play video games
New log Myu page up today
Her playing video games was the problem
For context, the position of these pages is reversed. The first is 402 and the second is 401.

When they “another bad decision” they’re referring to keeping maia occupied with video games.

When they say “another bad decision” the first was keeping maia occupied with video games.
Damn it its Mai not maia
I thought Mai was just genuinely autistic and didn't get the proper care for that disorder.
>>164482 (OP)
It only took 300 pages for some action, woo!

Not that I mind the slow burn...
The loophole is not seeing the food
Thats why she could eat while blindfolded, so I guess theres that now
She was in a linker so that doesn't make sense
Then how did she swallow all that liquid from the feeding tube?
A linker's body is different from Myu's body. It's only purpose was to be able to be used for fat sports, such as Sumo or some other sports. Myu had her mind trapped in the linker, due to a technical error with the linker itself.
Probably the loophole is being fed by someone else
There's new stuff
My guess is that it’s based off of how much she thinks she needs, since they did say ‘as long as she eats what she needs to she’ll be fine’ which means if she thinks she needs to eat more, she’ll be able to do so
Loophole probably is my can't feed herself too much food but if someone else feeds her then her mental conditioning doesn't count that.
New Log Myu page is up
Well that just means more erotic feeding sessions, lets just hope the filler pages end soon
Better find Illya then. Since I doubt Zinnia is willing to do that for her yet, and I don't think she's had Rena or Nadette do it for her.
Just one problem, where is Illya?
Asking the important questions, been missing the cow girl. She’s bound to have gotten even bigger, really hope she returns soon
Also looks like we're behind a page
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Page 405
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Higher Rez.
New page
Another new page up
New page up
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I hope Myu's Mom gets run over by a car😊
>>167382 Bro myus mom didnt just make a one time whoopsie. Shes legit a shit person
you guys decided to call her out for yelling at her for leaving her friend outside?

*Nods in disappointment*
I want myu’s mom to trip and fall down the stairs
>mature woman has no concept of privacy
>or that anything about her daughter’s past can be difficult for her
>or that said daughter would need support outside the family for issues brought on by her past
Myu's mom's a bitch womp womp. Wake me up when myu gains weight.
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We just have to make the mom fatter than anyone in the comic.
There's new stuff
It's the only way to set things right
New page for Log Myu up
Yes they did. "Nods in circles"
Anyone have new posts?
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Is Pixiveo watching you shit on her or something? What the fuck...
She will go back to being the worst mom ever in 2 days
New page 410 of Log Myu is up
Soooooo Maia is the main antagonist of this comic?
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My point still stands

It would have been so much interesting if she was a bad person. Pixiveo wants to do a long comic, well why not just leave plot points open instead of solving them in like 5 pages.
I think she was trying to organize some kind of sport for fat girls or something.
Bruh when this bitch gonna get fat asf. This nigga tryna write a whole ass novel over here
He has single image pieces.

If the big word boxes are scaring your pea brain away.
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good job pretending to be retarded
>lol watch me pretend to misunderstand the point so i can preload the answer into my argument
u just earned the prize!
it's times like these i would feel no remorse in raping and killing u
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>If the big word boxes are scaring your pea brain away.
Ah yes because we're suppose to be gaining such wisdom and knowledge from a... *checks notes* "fetish comic". Nigga it's not that fucking deep.
patience is a virtue, something you niggers wouldn't understand
yeah and lust is a sin and thats why we're all here, so who cares about virtues
Page 411 is out
Page 412 is out
how is she not fat yet lol
Holy shit, we might finally be getting what we followed this comic to see
You guys are getting too optimistic. This is Log Myu we're talking about here. Ilya is inevitably going to be traumatized from the linker accident and flooding, and is going to never want to stuff Myu ever again because of the trauma. And then 30+ pages of convincing her to restart it, before some other interpersonal drama interrupts it again, and Myu will have gained 2 pounds in 40 pages
Or instead they both just get fatter lmao
Log Myu more like Long Myu lmaooo
Page 413 of Log Myu is up
Wait what, I thought it was called LONG Myu.
I have been reading it wrong the whole time.
Page 414 up for Log Myu
415 for Log Myu is up
Also can we talk about this bws drawing, fuckin amazing
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Page 416 up for Log Myu
Wait, so zina still has a visibly injured leg? Or she just walks with a pimp limp?
What’s going on with zina anyway? I generally don’t read a single page where she isn’t depicted.
this is what page 10,000 will become
10,000 of Log Myu and One Serving Choice
Page 417 up for Log Myu
10000? Geez, Pixievo should really take his time, push it back to page 50000
Still better than One Serving Choice
Someone please upload page 417
Very low bar.

"Don't worry guys, at least it's better than dogshit."
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Page 418 up for Log Myu
Kinda want to make a Zina chatbot
Any time Zina is not on a page, my eyes glaze over and I ignore it until a new page is posted.
Myu should get liposuction and have all the fat transferred to Zina, who goes on to become the main character.
Page 419 for Log Myu is out now
I hope the series ends with Zina becoming immobile. Actually now that I think about it more Zina's whole weight issue due to her injured leg may be resolved if she ironically just get the whole leg amputated and get a futuristic prothetic leg that would give her mobility without the pain.
I don't know if it is a French thing or a pixiveo thing or stuff women just do normally when at home but how often do women really just chill in their house topless or even naked doing stuff like watching tv? There are two other roommates and there were even times the Nat was walking around top less and naked with little regard for indecency as well as her roommates not really taking nudity as a big issue.
I swear to god if Myu doesn't get fat I'm going to find Pixievo's address
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is there a nude art with Ilulu?
Page 420 of Log Myu is up now
Can someone please upload page 420?
Where can we find the page?
Right now either Kemono or straight from Patreon

Just checked kemono, new page isn't there. We need a hero
But where can we find the new page other than here or Kemono?
Your guess is good as mine
You could pay for it like good little boys and girls
It's like Netflix, buddy.

We can't pay it so we chose Cuevana
Page 421 up for Log Myu
Where recent pages
Is there a reason the mods keep deleting so many posts? I feel like a lot Have been deleted
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420, 421
RIP to all the real ones we lost along the way here, especially through the “MC goes home” arc.
So much for the poly route. Ah well, Myu x Ilya is still cute enough.
Page 422 for Log Myu is up
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Page 422
She better be fat as fuck I swear to god.
An even fatter than before, massive tittied Ilya eating a burger would complete me
Can someone upload the new Mina pic
Let them have hope and you shut up
Now what?
Now she should aim to touch the ceiling if people know what that means
>Anon reads one random comment
>Somehow the comment is annoying for Anon

Why you have to reply every fucking comment you don't like? Like they will change their opinion after seeing your reply lmao.
Page 423 out now for Log Myu
Page 424 up for Log Myu
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Page 423
What the hell is a cultivator already?
I bet Myu's linker will still be down in the flooded levels
My guess would be the device she uses to make linkers
Page 425 up for Log Myu
why is she skinny again?
Because that's an old page, it's like pre 100 I think
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I wouldn't be surprised if someone payed pixiveo to redraw these two in that pose wither nude or fatter or both.
Log Myu page 426 is up now
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Agios ischyros materi tempesta 1611
I didn't realize rena's breasts are about head sized
If only the comic was always this good and we didn't have to wait 200 pages of nothing happening!
page 426 is up
Log Myu page 427 is up
Page 428 for Log Myu is out
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Five bucks says the "third party" is Maia.
Ilya in the bottom right? Are we about to finally see the fat cow
Just checking in here but it amazes me how overblown and overwrought the concept of "eat food -> gain weight" has become in this comic.
A Distrusting insect creature
Fuck I mean a disgusting incest creature
Page 429 of Log Myu is up
>acting this averse to incest when kip has been doing it for years
lmao even
It's Ashley from the coffin of andy and Leyley.
Shot in the dark, but maybe Maia's headset fucking with Myu possibly left some residual 'her' inside the linker? Just a guess, but it does have the potential to go somewhere if I'm right.
I’m no fan of kip either, drawing roughly the same bodytype for years gets so fucking boring, they all fall into the same category of moderately big hips and boobs while having a globular gut. No rolls, no real fat, not even arm fat or chubby cheeks, a pale imitation at best is all Kip can manage. Incest is gross too
You missed my point.
Kip has done incest for years, and all I heard was "WINCEST WINCEST WINCEST"
There was an ai in the linkers brain designed to learn from the users actions… so you can imagine what it learned from myu
Yeah, I thought of that, but it that could just be a red herring. The question is, what's Maia's stake in giving Myu the AI test linker, it then fails as the plot demands, then it conveniently ends up in her possession anyway?

The AI can only learn so much just by her doing things, but Myu was TRAPPED inside that linker for longer than normal. What if it did a little more than just learn from her, but actually scan and copy her personality?

This stuff gets dubious when you remember that Maia likes Myu, at least physically. Having a pet robot of Myu who shares both Myu's and Maia's fetishes seems like a half-decent compromise to own Myu in some capacity.
Page 430 of Log Myu is up
Page 431 of Log Myu is up
Okay, that's concerning. It's one thing to not pick up. It's another to suddenly no longer live where you used to and leave no indication as to where you went.

Is Ilya just flat out ghosting them at this point? Even then, where the hell did she go?
I’m really hoping she’s fattened up more, maybe getting experiments done since she’s an ushi to create fattening milk or something after the linker incident? I don’t remember if she got caught up in that or not
She gave up the city life, works on a farm in the country side now as a heifer
What if shes in jail or underhouse arrest
Operating by actual law logic, she wouldn't be able to move in either case.
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New page is out
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New page
wrong thread.. might be regarded
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Does anyone have the Mina X Choco Rework?
New page of Log Myu is up
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Praying thats Ilya on the phone
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Page 435 of log Myu is up
Hold up, they didn't call for a wellness check? What do they even do in France?
>inb4 the ad is actually from ilya
She moved. None of them know where she lives right now.
>What do they even do in France?

They leave
Bro how did absolutely nothing happen this page da hell
not a good time for a fake out when we've only had one actual weight gain sequence in over 400 pages of comics
Page 436 of Log Myu is up
Somebody should probably make an abridged version of the comic
Make Myu say Domain Expansion after Zina pops her shirt

Funniest shit Ive ever seen
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Is this the biggest Zina has gotten in a non-flashback so far in the comic?
I know it's not new but Jesus CHRIST this comic is not formatted correctly. It's like trying to read through all of the LoTR books in the form of a 3 panel Garfield strip every Sunday.
Dbz abriged this shit is taking years and don’t even know wtf or care what they talking about anymore
DBZ has fast pacing because Toriyama worked for magazines before being a cartoonists
That's because art schools teach artists to work on the newspapers like Newsday, The Telegraph or design logos for companies. People want Peanuts.
If pix had an editor, removed Myu's weird mental conditioning thing and replaced it with just "she can't eat a lot at one time", and switched to long manwha/Belt Buster style and length comics, I think this would have been at least an A tier series.
Page 438 of Log Myu is out
Dude calm down
If so desperate pay for it, butch
Why isn't Zina being Myu's feeder? If not to get aroused by it at least do so to not make Myu get herself sick all the time.
She’s reluctantly offering but Myu knows she wouldn’t be comfortable with it.
Man I am so checked out of the story at this point, but it's nice when we get a couple good Zina panels every 100 pages or so
Page 439 now up for Log Myu
Yeah, it's become something to check back in with like once a year at this point.
Please upload page 439, now!
Claro patrón algo más?
I do like the recurring thing with Myu in this comic where she constantly selt sabotages her goal of gaining weight due to being so narrow minded and so sure of herself
Page 440 up for Log Myu
Can someone update the kemono?
it's made waiting on weight gain a bit of a hassle tho
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Page 441 up for Log Myu
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If you're u are not gonna post the page then fickk off
At this point, I'm hoping the date doesn't work out so that Zina can hook up with Myu. Make it a threesome with Ilya for good measure.
Hey can someone update kemono
"Don't pinch your belly it might be too sexy" in a fat fetish comic.
"My priority is to get fat" on page 442 after years of NOTHING HAPPENING.

What is this comic talking about?
What is ANYBODY in this comic talking about?! Jesus H Reginald Christ dude
You have the reading comprehension of an amoeba

Bruh this comic is as dry as War and Peace and we all know it. I know from the way they talk like stilted aliens that it SEEMS like there's intelligence and deeper meaning, but this stuff is really, really going nowhere.
Anyone have the Azuras?
Please upload page 443
Anyone Have the new pages?

You are black

There is no excuse for your skin tone
Hey do you guys like fat girls? Boy do I like fat girls. I like fat girls sooo much.
>>181524 dumbass thinking you get to choose your skin tone
Well this thread took a turn

People come here for fat girls. But what they get is 300,000 incredibly bland picture of the same cookie cutter characters saying ream and reams of very very boring things. I do not know how the writer can keep even himself feeling interested.
What is wrong with everyone these weeks? They were supposed to upload new pages here!
Shut the fuck up you entitled little brat.
181615's got a point, arrogant bully. This thread's basically manchildren ranting over a single artist.
Nigga that’s literally every single thread here dedicated to an artist
Oh really? Then explain every single goddamn post YOU see before you! Are they EVEN dedicated to the artist? HMM???
I'm pretty sure this thread is dying, i think the people who usually post left lol
Policy I usually use is to check the image count, if it's just replies going up and no images i usually ignore the thread
holy shit can we send some new art its been fucking ages
Is nobody uploading new pages anymore? We've waited for almost two weeks!
Yeah probably

What I find interesting is...

Sure, its boring in terms of the overall 'plot', 'dialog' and 'characters'; nothing happens, people say very dull, stilted sentences mostly at random, and the characters are defined mainly by color scheme.

But its also boring on a single page level. The same layouts, the same color scheme, the lack of depth and background and different poses and different locations; it's like someone obsessively performing the same simple motion over and over again.

I love it. It's a crime that this isn't up there with the most laughed-at webcomics of all time.
I can't tell if Nadette is suggesting Zina is being a hypocrite for saying Myu should listen to her when she isn't listening to someone, or if she's calling Zina dense for not listening to herself and realizing she's more than likely in love with Myu and hasn't realized it.

Myu x Ilya x Zina poly endgame.
Pixiveo for the love of everything that is good in this world, let this be a looooong ass time skip. Let these bitches be fat as fuck.
I wonder how fat myu is now. We all know by now these characters gain a lot of weight in a shorter time period than any real person can.
Page 437 takes place on day 200. Does four days really sound like a big difference?
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I actually really like this page, mainly Zina here.
Finally, some good shit. Quick and snappy montage.
Nadette's Ass squishing against her chair looks astonishing
That’s Rena

Naddet is the bear
Please upload page 446.
>>182569 only because you said please
I would care to see Myu eat food until reaching the explosion point and dies to detonacion. Best ending one with sexual energy. She will be fed until explodes.
Please upload page 447.
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>"Younger Ilya had Goku hair energy." -pixiveo
Kinda tired about how they've been talking about finding Ilya for like 20 pages but have yet to actually fucking do anything except talk about it
To be fair, it’s giving build up to her reveal when she finally does show up. And it’s not like they haven’t tried to find her, it’s just that she’s currently vanished completely
>To be fair, it’s giving build up to her reveal when she finally does show up. And it’s not like they haven’t tried to find her, it’s just that she’s currently vanished completely

you fucking summoned her bro. shit uhhh let me try

To be fair, it's giving build up to her being FAT AS FUCK with HUGE GODDAMN KNOCKERS. She's gonna have MASSIVE BAHOOKERS. Some REAL CHOMKY HONKALONKAGIGALOGONKERS and BIG SQUIDGY FAT TUMPY right on the next page.
Ah, she cut her hair? I liked the long hair she had...

Still, she should probably start coming back to work, don't want to see her get deported.
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Oh I should have mentioned that Pixiveo is doing a new short comic/sequence. He's also trying a new comic format that is supposed to allow him to do pages as fast as Log Myu without sacrificing color, and while allowing for the page sizes to be larger.
The title is "Green Growth"
Ohh exciting
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Page 3.
So it's gonna be a plant that makes you fat instead of a plant that makes your boobs big, weight gain ensues blah blah
You people can’t be happy with anything can you huh
In real life we call that corn to make high fructose corn syrup
aka: what "food" industry puts on every single thing they make
also seed oils
Honestly I kinda like the sketchy style of the lines. I wouldn't mind him using this style more.
He said specifically that he was considering this format for the next full comic once Log Myu ends.
I think Log Myu is kind of stuck with it's strip format
Please upload page 450
>lost her good haircut AND weight
I'm ngmi leave me behind
She looks awful. She's lost weight, that haircut sucks, and the bags under her eyes suggest she hasn't been sleeping.

Has guilt really been eating her up that badly?
Ilya was a feeder, she only gained weight because she was trying to fill that void.
At least her tits are still big. It'll be nice to stare at for 30 more pages before she decides to feed Myu again.
you're being way too optimistic anon
Typo. 50. And 20 more of the bald doctor.
Doesn't mean she had to lose the weight, and the pic they did showing them meant to be an AU where they became Zina's feeder showed she STILL gained weight alongside her, so her losing weight combined with the now crappy haircut just sucks ass.
Does anyone have the new page for midori's growth?
S curve grow or exponential grow ? make your bets ppl
All action no laggers lol
Either Ilya has an amazing poker face and is trying to ditch Myu, or something else is going on since she went from greatly shocked to see her to looking completely numb afterwards.

REALLY want to know what the fuck happened, since I DO like Ilya and her relationship with Myu, and would rather it not be ruined.
I have a feeling it has something to do with myu's linker
Ilya's rather sheepish for a cow.
My theory is this is actually a linker for Ilya, and the real Ilya was shocked and lost control of it when she saw Myu. Im betting shes absolutely hyooge in reality.
That's what I'm assuming is gonna happen too Lol
If that turns out to be the case, I will be pleased. ESPECIALLY if she's, while not immobile, too big to be Myu's feeder, requiring Zina act as the feeder to BOTH of them.

Three way for the win!
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this is cope but I've been holding onto the hope that Nadette is talking about her here
Not only is it cope, it's outright wrong.
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myu needs to do some more physical therapy
Surely they’re going to the food court to go right onto a feeding session (BIG COPE) 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
Okay, the smile at least suggests she's not ma at her, but is she leading Myu somewhere, or is that a smile of general fondness along the lines of "I didn't realize how much I missed her till now".
I meant to say "not MAD at her".
Why would Ilya be mad at Myu?
>L cup
I'm assuming these are Japan sizes or something, because otherwise that's a gross overestimation at any band size
Even Japan sizing that's like an F cup ar most.
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Myu, the La Li Lu Le Lo are after me, you have to carry your 1+ ton linker out by yourself
Okay. What the fuck is going on?! Did I miss a page because I don't remember anything about someone spying on her!
Can't be about the myu linker incident, can it?
I love that the vowels are in the japanese order XD
Any new midori's growth pages?
Considering she was seen in the photo involving Myu's linker, she was probably forced to sign an NDA to gain access to it, and they're monitoring her to make sure she doesn't reveal its current purpose.

Maia is the most likely reason for it, since she seems set up to be the main antag for the story.

Also, Ilya's new hair is growing on me, but I still prefer the longer hair.
How is maia being set up as the antagonist?
The faulty linker headset that was supplied by her and Myu getting stuck in a linker as a result?
The fact that she's part of the reason Myu ended up getting hypnotized as a kid?
The tantrum she threw when her contract was terminated after Myu was hospitalized?

She's likely the one who currently has Myu's linker, and is keeping it to fulfill her long held feelings for Myu that Myu never reciprocated, and because she is someone Myu doesn't like and is connected to the problems Myu suffered regarding the linker, she qualifies as the "antagonist".
Nah. Shit isn't that deep. Plus the hand written note Myu got was written by Maia (probably)
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Myu, the linker... They're trying to turn it into a weapon to surpass metal gear.
So its probably a literal myu clone that is immobile and has a more gluttonous personality etc etc. That's super cool but also creepy if they ever meet
can't wait to see it in 4 years lol
So... the main question I have to ask is "Why?".

Why did they hire Ilya specifically for this project? She's a mechanic like Myu, not a programmer or a AI specialist. Is it just because she was there at MyuTwo's "creation"?

For that matter, why keep the original Myu OUT of it and have her be the last person involved? It can't be the risk of Myu and MyuTwo meeting causing MyuTwo to realize she's not the original Myu, since that's easily solved by just not telling Myu WHERE MyuTwo is. Is it because making a copy of her brain is sketchy and risks legal repurcussions? But if that's the case, why keep her employed at Doll anymore when that runs the risk of her finding out accidentally or by tracking down Ilya... like what just happened. For all their paranoia, did they seriously not expect Myu to want to see her friend/borderline-girlfriend again?

Hell, it would make more sense TO involve Myu, since she was integral to MyuTwo's creation, and if they want to recreate it, may as well have BOTH Myu and Ilya involved, but just express not wanting Myu to interact directly with MyuTwo if it was that risky.

God fucking dammit Anon
"Getting so horny from getting fat that you accidentally created a sentient AI program that scientists are trying to secretly recreate" was not a direction I expected this fetish comic to take.

I am not even annoyed at how many extra/unneeded details are being added, I now gotta see how deep this hole can get dug.
My previous prediction is starting to line up with what happened.
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Mi madre la tempestad, Mata a tu pdfile local
If we get a "lab arc" where myu just does tons of wg test that might be cool
Wait... so this means that you have all these linkers that can gain weight almost without limit going around, and all of their AI is based on a feedee.

There have been lulls in this series, but that concept is cooking with fire if done right.
Do not ever say he's a good writer again because this shit keeps getting more convoluted for no fucking reason.
Is this the plot of a new guilty gear?
Please dude, you don't wanna try a "2d4u" argument with Log Myu of all things. It's not something you will ever be able to win.
It's not that it's deep. It's that it isn't convoluted at all. The other anon is just a retard who can't focus for more than one minute.
Convoluted? The story is pretty straight forward rn
Disingenuous retard. You know that he didn't mean that he has a problem comprehending the story. But keep defending the introduction of a conspiracy subplot, when everyone just wants to see Myu become fat.
Anon. He literally said that the story was getting convoluted. The fact is that it isn't convoluted and the fact that he thinks so means he doesn't understand what is actually happening, which makes him a low IQ retard.
The Transformers films are convoluted. They aren't hard to understand. They just have too much bullshit going on.

There, I went along with your "pretending to misunderstand what he meant" plan. Now you can shut up, pixiveo.
LMAO. Take your fucking meds.
Also, per the definition of convoluted it would be hard to understand.
>Convoluted: extremely complex and difficult to follow
Like I said, you are a low IQ retard.
>third worldie ESL doesn't know about descriptive language
If I heard a native speaker saying something like "Transformers is convoluted," I wouldn't think he just didn't know what was happening in the film. Please stop learning English entirely by the dictionary.
>Can't refute my argument, so resorts to ad hominem attacks
I accept your concession.
>uses ad hominem attacks
>responds with a better ad hominem than "lol u low iq schizo" that actually buttblasts you
>cry ad hominem
I love to see it
Quit fucking arguing.
I have a feeling the headset Maia gave to Zina to give you myu was intentionally "buggy" and myu being trapped in her linker for as long as she was no accident. I used to think the myu ai happened because of myu's fetish being fat was so strong that her linker willed herself to become sentient. But now I think Maia headset was connected to myu for so long because it was in the process of duplicating myu's mind. Why? I'm guessing because Maia as a kid was obsessed with chubby myu but when myu got thin something snapped within her and she had a long term scheme to own a giant soft myu(s) for herself.
Yeah but Ilya described Maia as crazy and aggressive which I don't think we really saw that from Maia yet. So Maia may end up being more sinister than we previously thought.
You guys are both repeating points I made, >>176233 so technically 'I' would have been the one who called it. Good to know that's where the writing is leading you, but knowing Pix, even THIS is going to turn out wrong somehow.

Personally, I think Pix visits here and scans our opinions just so they can think of a way to subvert what we think will happen next.
Oh hey, I know that name. That's another pre-existing Pixiveo OC.
Well, now we know you called it out first. It's just a shame some of us didn't believe you before this came out.
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Tempescon 26-29 de abril cdmx
This gives strong vibes of a kidnap
Thats why you keep your 12 gauge shotgun within reach. Ppl want to be suprised yep
Close range how you want it. Keep fuckin playing with me. Im going to snap and black the fuck out.
myu shoot-em-up self-defense murder spree would be an unexpected yet not-unwelcome twist. Can't say it wouldn't shake things up LOL
You dense mothafucka, SHE IS IN LOVE WITH YOU!
Glad you realize now. Done talking in this mutha fucka. And that kidnap comment I still have my 12 gauge shotgun waiting for you to be suprised when you try. I travel with my shotgun.
I wouldn't be surprised if myu got caught by going inside a half beaten down van with the words "free candy" on it. She seems that desperate to get fat and dense to make this ridiculous scenario not completely an impossibility
Oh my god, is this comic STILL just people standing around talking??
Too cute, I wanna see these blue haired humanoid beauties suck face
New page is out
Are they going to abduct Myu?...

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