
(2.6 MB, 2200x1700, 2d2af072afcbef85d3e93e25644732440cf0a663_s2_n2_y1.png) (2.4 MB, 3368x1700, 859a5112fa39813e8696db7e04e3b8109975293f_s2_n2_y1.png) (2.3 MB, 2400x1606, 1691172772.ffanumber5_safe_ych_052523_2_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png) (2.9 MB, 2400x1606, 1691029358.ffanumber5_safe_ych_052523_1_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png)
I like a lot of this artist's stuff but she acts like a total cunt online, blocks on a hair's trigger, and has the most retarded reasoning for uploading shitty quality versions of all her pics...

So I'm gonna drop the ones that I'm particularly fond of. Got these shits off both her old patreon pages (big shoutout to kemono.party) and the newer pics which weren't on there, I ran through waifux2 so at least some of that shitty pixilation and 300x480 resolution is taken care of.
(621 KB, 2034x1572, 18_sequence_1_10_by_ffanumber5_dfpv9wh-pre_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png) (483 KB, 2034x1572, 18_sequence_3_10_by_ffanumber5_dfpv9wr-pre_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png) (510 KB, 2034x1572, 18_sequence_4_10_by_ffanumber5_dfpv9ww-pre_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png) (630 KB, 2034x1572, 18_sequence_2_10_by_ffanumber5_dfpv9wk-pre_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png) (561 KB, 2034x1572, 18_sequence_5_10_by_ffanumber5_dfpv9x0-pre_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png)
(643 KB, 2034x1572, 18_sequence_6_10_by_ffanumber5_dfpv9x5-pre_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png) (707 KB, 2034x1572, 18_sequence_7_10_by_ffanumber5_dfpv9x8-pre_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png) (640 KB, 2034x1572, 18_sequence_10_10_by_ffanumber5_dfpv9xl-pre_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png) (664 KB, 2034x1572, 18_sequence_9_10_by_ffanumber5_dfsr8ve-pre_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png) (755 KB, 2274x1406, 18_sequence_11_10__epilogue__by_ffanumber5_dfpvboa-pre_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png) (817 KB, 2034x1572, 18_sequence_8_10_by_ffanumber5_dfpv9xc-pre_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png)
(1.8 MB, 3300x2550, ffa hilda.png)
Shame she's so difficult, her stuff is great.
Got any more pics she didn't upload on DA?
(1.6 MB, 3300x2550, clutchwizard_120522_3.png) (1.1 MB, 3300x2550, clutchwizard_120522_2.png) (1.0 MB, 3300x2550, clutchwizard_120522_3 (1).png) (3.4 MB, 3300x2550, daisydoodlesteamy.png)
Aside from some of the more degenerate furry stuff she draws, I can't really pick out what she has and hasn't uploaded (I'm blocked on DA and Twitter despite almost never interacting with her directly) I just don't give enough of a shit to constantly lurk on an alt account y'know?
How the hell did she block you anyways?
Holy shit, lmfao. I joked on TheAmericanDream's thread about whenever there's a new thread dedicated to an artist most people on here have a tendency to bitch about the artist. Didn't think someone would literally do it. Funniest shit I've ever seen since Pickle Rick.
It's very sad. But i think that her behaviour is normal in artist's commonity. We should let them to be as bad as possible with their subscribers and very soon they will lose their simps. For example, BWS just banned me for my qustion how i can improve my art (in that moment i didn't use AI or another tools).
This means rant threads are back? Fuck yeah, time to sperg out about any artist I hate
(910 KB, 2034x1572, 24f821c88f2d1bdcb1944812f78acfcfa78207de_s2_n2_y1.png) (2.0 MB, 3300x2550, 848f4e3cdedb533898b3372b1feac2dd7d597274d0912f79d3e9023851137281.png) (3.4 MB, 3300x2550, dva.png) (2.5 MB, 3300x2550, bellybumpin.png)

I'm not trying to revive the schizo rant threads you retards, try to keep this shit centered around this cunt. I'm just honestly surprised nobody else started a thread for uploading high-quality versions of her art considering how she DOES have a good chunk of talent but decides to act like an unapproachable bitch.

And yeah I guess it is a bit funny how people always shit on artists on here, I usually refrain from it but FFA is an exception
does anyone have that Miu Irumi pic he did?
no, it was a full body shot of her as a blob eating chocolate cake
I thought FFA was a real chick who hopped on the genderblob train, is there new lore that FFA is actually a troon???
Oh great, here come the schizos.
Gee, it's almost as if you make a thread out of spite, you bring out the shittiest people to sperg out for the stupidest reasons possible
As long as it’s about the cunt in question being a cunt then I don’t see the problem it’s not like this is a super popular thread anyways so it’s not like it’s gonna constantly be renewed like the old schizo threads. I would post pics but I’m on mobile.
Thank you so fucking much my guy
>>164281 (OP)
Can we see the convo that led to FFA blocking you?
(144 KB, 1280x1024, ashley_by_ffanumber5_demccn9-fullview.jpg) (108 KB, 1280x990, big_tomboy_by_ffanumber5_del6ht5-fullview.jpg) (3.2 MB, 3300x2550, blumaorchichi_1_nude_nolines.png) (1.0 MB, 2034x1572, callie_commission_by_ffanumber5_dftwl24-pre_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png) (167 KB, 1280x1280, boba_babe_by_ffanumber5_deepvb4-fullview.jpg) (133 KB, 1280x1600, beelzebub_by_ffanumber5_deh6g2c-fullview.jpg)

That's just it, there really isn't one, I asked why she uploaded in such shit quality/resolution and she got all pissy about it.
Thats legitimately the only time I've directly spoken to her... through like 4 tweets
link the tweets coward.
Hell no. There were 21 of those bloody things and almost all of them were 10% Legitimate complaints and the other 90% was the most unhinged unintelligible political rants that stayed further and further away from anything even remotely related to the topic. The 21st one, which I think was called "Civil Discussion Thread" or something like that, was the breaking point. That thread started off genuinely pretty decent and actually had some of the most unexpectedly civil discussions but as soon as the usual suspects found out it was another rant thread they ran it to the ground with the incomprehensible political drivel. Catching a catfish was the peak of those threads.
Can’t wait to read the thread where people say that a male artist liking cock is the fall of western civilization.
So you're lazy, got it.
(165 KB, 1280x1600, another_forgotten_pokemon_npc_by_ffanumber5_decrw33-fullview.jpg) (3.1 MB, 3300x2550, dabandlat_comsweat.png) (313 KB, 3004x2270, EZIAo3tWAAUHGoY.jpg) (420 KB, 3004x2270, EZIAo3MXYAA2fE8.jpg) (170 KB, 1280x1600, EpszclXWMAAImBI.jpg)
How about you quit hyper-fixating an autistic amount about shit that doesn't matter and actually contribute something to the thread hm?

>"Hey anon go find this needle in that haystack!"
> "No I don't want to and it isn't worth my time."
I just don't like to share art in threads made out of spite. Plus, seeing you coping is funny.
(65 KB, 503x400, oki2.png)
>what's up guys
>ever heard of this artist?
>yeah she acts like a total unapproachable difficult degenerate cunt so I'm making this thread to shit on her
>she's banned me on all her socials even though we've basically never ever chatted ever, this is all about some tweet or two
>"may we see them?"
>UGH HOW CAN YOU HYPERFIXATE ON THIS SO MUCH besides do you have any idea how long that would take and you're just autists anyway btw and shitting on this artist isn't relevant to the thread, why ask about something that doesn't matter at all
my sperg radar points at you for the time being
(6.1 MB, 2550x3300, ayuko.png) (130 KB, 1280x1024, pool_fresh_ayuko_by_ffanumber5_debuzca-fullview.jpg) (2.2 MB, 2400x2400, pinkbabe.png)
I said in the beginning, I didn't care about shit-talking her as long as it didn't turn into the old schizo threads retard.

It's called a spite thread because the whole reason she uploads crusty-ass jpegs is to deter people from reposting her art.

Bro called it and they're making shitty greentexts because I don't wanna find the tweets some faggots told me to.
This bitch is mediocre at best and is cut whole cloth from the faggot-adjacent mafia on twitter. Tell me op, why exactly do you like her art?
OP on mobile here, and idk the way she draws barely mobile sizes just hits the spot for me. Call it a guilty pleasure or whatever, I think her art is fine, good even. The heft her shit has and the little imperfect, uneven rolls and folds are nice. Again to each their own, I just like her art, it does a lot for me.
Not gonna even argue that other point though, you’re completely right, I’m sure it’s ant least partially why she acts like a turbo cunt. Unfortunately a lot of decent artists fall into the twitter mafia mindset so eh- what can you do?

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