
this thread doesn't make me angry, i'm just disappointed in you <3
art wise this is a good start, keep improving and ignore the nay sayers
The fact that you decided to open a thread about SMG4's shitty OCs makes me want to scream
Welp I tried. 🤷‍♂️
Bumping this thread won't make it magically more active, nigga
Not all of em suck ya know.
True. There is some of them that I do really like!
Especially Hederin345's art, they are the best.
Look, I get the rule exists, but sometimes there does not need to be porn from every series under the sun.
shit thread
This is probably the only time I’m going to bump this thread. I don’t see this thread going far, even though I do turn on for these girls. And if this message gets deleted, that’s ok.
If you're going to bump a thread without posting anything, then you're a fucking idiot. You might as well give up and leave it die. SMG4 isn't even that good anymore
I hope you die in a hellhole.

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