
(1.4 MB, 2480x3508, 2.28a.jpg) (2.6 MB, 2480x3508, 2.29a.jpg) (1.8 MB, 2480x3508, 2.30a.jpg) (1.4 MB, 2480x3508, 2.32a.jpg) (1.7 MB, 3508x2480, 2.34a.jpg)
I decided to bite the bullet and make one, the thread is for posting translations along with advice and possible requests
>>163701 (OP)
Who's the artist? Also now do I access the thread?
>>163701 (OP)
Please download Wild Words for translating most manga. If someone clicks on some work on Exhentai and sees this font, they'll view it as amateurish.
(6.7 MB, 4962x7016, 1.22.jpg)
The artist is Takaya, these are the few untranslated pages from his Ai-San gains series. Also yeah the thread is for everyone.

Alright thanks, I was trying to find the font that most matched the previous translators work. Also do you know how to get the white outlined font thats used for sound affects.
I can't be the only one who thinks keeping the Japanese onomatopoeias is a stupid choice, they always seem confusing
>>163743 I don't understand what's so difficult to get about never telling the truth while in America. Some jokers..
What the fuck are you talking about? I mean the various "fuu", "bu-fuu" and "fuiii"
Fetish Art in Japan has sound effects to enhance the mood. When the anime adapts manga, it creates the vfx for expansion characters. This is why lactation sounds like rain or a squirt bottle.
Very nice work and quick too! Whats your process and how do you go about choosing the most natural form of dialogue. What size font do you use for the dialogue and whats that font for the Japanese onomatopoeias?

I like huff puff sounds.
The font for the Onomatopoeias is called Boba Cup. As for font size, I just try to focus on making it nice-looking and readable. As for my process, I just go through the text, try and understand the context and meaning as best I can, then translate that into what would best capture that in English.
(1.2 MB, 2428x3439, 1.jpg) (1.3 MB, 2428x3439, 2.jpg)
Thanks! I took a stab at trying to translate the other one
>Also do you know how to get the white outlined font thats used for sound affects.
You need to rasterize the text in Photoshop, select everything in the layer, then add a white stroke to the outline.
Its good being able to share info like this, more translators means more translated works :)

Ok I see now, thanks. Although I guess that means no more MS paint..
Cup Chan
Too blind to read the bottom right corner scribbling properly... who is the sauce for this?
Would anyone be interested in audio translation? I have this multi part asmr about a girl getting fat and being turned on by it. It's all in JP
Yeah I'm interested! post it!
God damn. Please tell me there's more to this series, or am I just blind and missing it?
(642 KB, 860x1214, 1.png) (704 KB, 860x1214, 3.png) (725 KB, 860x1214, 2.png) (759 KB, 860x1214, 4.png)
I did this in exactly 4 minutes with Cotrans
strangely this manga didn't translate as cleanly as the others I've experimented with ( and haven't uploaded anywhere)
possibly because there are a lot of symbols,elipses and even sweat drops/lines in the speech bubbles.
(1.9 MB, 1447x2047, a.png) (1.5 MB, 1254x1771, b.png) (4.6 MB, 2150x3035, c.png)
As a test I ran these 3 images through cotrans https://cotrans.touhou.ai/
and the translation is almost identical, it even did the sign in the 2nd image, as well as the bottom text box in the 3rd image
(133 KB, 768x1024, IMG_2539.jpeg)
Would anyone be interested in translating this picture
Very grateful for this anon. Cannot thank you enough for bothering translating this.
Maybe someone can tell me what happens at the end of this? She stays chubby but hoping they didn't put her on a diet at the end. https://youtu.be/V-yp8hFgHm4
i actually just found the artist today and was going to do this translation anyway on dA, give me a few minutes
The pages re-ordered when I uploaded them, use the filenames for the real page order.
I ran the page with the yellow dress through a different translator, essentially she's saying "another hand me down?" and the older girl says "it's a waste if you don't wear it, I kept it for you to grow into"
(1.1 MB, 1080x1620, 2.png) (1.3 MB, 1080x1620, 1.png)
$10 says you set the language as something other than English.
(1.4 MB, 1080x1620, e231b282-52cf-4a33-9333-d373e72bf40f.png) (1.2 MB, 1080x1620, bdaa5884-c706-465a-b7a5-6365b3f31fdd.png)
Alternate translation using Google translate from the german translation.
I kind of can't make sense of this one.
>Gets fat and dates the boy in panel 2
>boyfriend wants to move in with her
>has a job getting big and fat with some muscular guy who feeds and bathes her, they have sex
>fucks the muscular man at her job(?)
>boyfriend calls and wants to meet her
>she's worried because now she's even fatter and has been fucking guys at work (?)
(1.5 MB, 1463x2048, Elf.png) (1.2 MB, 1463x2048, Elf2.png) (1.3 MB, 1500x2100, Elf3.png) (1.6 MB, 1500x2100, Elf4.png)
Old elf girl translation I did.
Does anyone have Benichiga-ya (Stigaya)] translate only couple but rest not
I struggled a bit when I was translating the initial Ai-San pages, the best source I found for looking up sound effect translations has since gone down, but thankfully it still works on archive.org


Definitely would prefer people actually attempt to translate them, as frustrating as it can be. I end up going with things like "bwuhh" to try and maintain the general sound from the Japanese but make it sound more like someone struggling to breathe. Sometimes I'll also just use asterisks around the word because *wheeze* doesn't have any ambiguity to it.
oh as for your confusion, i think (could easily be wrong) shes embarrassed and panicking because a friend she hasnt seen in a long time is coming over
How does this guy nail it so hard with so many short comics? He doesn’t just get it, he’s mastered it.
I kneel
Any tips on how you keep the transparent text bubble?

That was you??? You did such a great job with it!
Thanks. I was definitely phoning it in by the end though, did not expect it to go on for so long
my response:

ページ 1
こま 2: Savory food! (この文章では、何が香ばしいかを示す必要がある。)
こま 4: Iekei ramen restaurants! (強迫観念は最初のコマで示されているので、ここで頻度を示す必要はない)
ページ 2
こま 2: can't stop my chopsticks, this strong flavor is the best! ("強い味は良い "ではなく、"最高の強い味 "と書いてある。)
こま 4: oh, that was delicious (正しくない主語)
ページ 3
こま 1: a sudden gust of wind? (言葉がつながらない)
こま 2: rare this time of the year. (接続語欠落)
>I'm getting a little scared that I'm gonna gain too much weight...
The mad lady might actually push her to 200kg at this point
(108 KB, 850x1200, 02682701_1DAF_491E_998B_55D2C00843E8.jpg) (157 KB, 1280x906, 3B000A2B_47A6_4AF5_B42E_DFAB9A434197.jpg) (241 KB, 1254x1771, 96685A74_B796_497B_A9EF_0C159F1D6C00.jpg)
The official translation of this finally made the 2nd to last pages make sense to me, I didn't understand at all that her goal was to get fatter so that she wouldn't be forced to wear her sisters hand me downs anymore.
I thought she was actually gaining weight in order to wear her sisters clothing without it being loose on her.
The 2nd fridge raiding page which was originally textless really filled in the blanks for me, and then the official translation of the page where she's stretching the overalls clears it up further, my god I didn't get it at all
I wonder if this will continue or that's the last page, which doesn't seem like bad place to end it one. Then again he can draw blobs.
He's planning to do some "daily life" chapters not focused on stuffing/gaining. She'll still probably be gaining weight, but likely under 10kg throughout this arc. After that, he said he plans to do a full-on gaining arc, likely pushing her to Ayano/Habutton sizes.
(1.2 MB, 1438x2048, 1.png) (1.4 MB, 1446x2048, 2.png) (1.5 MB, 1439x2048, 3.png) (1.5 MB, 1452x2048, 4.png)
I can't find the thread where I found this, so I'm posting it here, god bless you every one. praise up,
I will probably get around to doing a new translation of Takaya's Ai-san saga, when I feel like it.
No, these four are the only ones of the comic.
(714 KB, 860x1200, 2.jpg) (657 KB, 860x1200, 3.jpg) (693 KB, 860x1200, 4.jpg) (744 KB, 860x1200, 1.jpg) (682 KB, 860x1200, 5.jpg) (763 KB, 860x1200, 6.jpg)
This one is bretty good.
Ew, fuck no
Do you even know what that artist draws?
Was not expecting fat art of professor Layton tbh, someone translate this please.
(940 KB, 6071x8598, 1.png) (1.5 MB, 6071x8598, 2.png) (1.8 MB, 6071x8598, 3.png) (1.0 MB, 4961x7016, 4.png)
Slowly working on all of Takaya's stuff featuring this character seen in the OP. (Her name is Ran going by the furigana, not Ai as it normally would be with this kanji.)
(1.2 MB, 6071x8598, 5.png) (1.2 MB, 6071x8598, 6.png) (1.4 MB, 6071x8598, 7.png) (3.7 MB, 6071x8598, 8.png)
I hate deciphering Kansai-ben
Will someone translate this master piece?
(898 KB, 1201x1698, 13.jpg) (884 KB, 1201x1698, 14.jpg) (946 KB, 1201x1698, 15.jpg) (923 KB, 1201x1698, 16.jpg)
Last set I'm posting here.

Will probably upload them on Sadpanda from here on out, just so it's archived better.
What's this manga called?
Thanks! This looks pretty cool, which one is your favorite panel?
>(Her name is Ran going by the furigana, not Ai as it normally would be with this kanji.)

The last two years of my life have been a lie.

(Thank you for giving this a proper translation)
(3.1 MB, 3277x4096, TL1.png) (4.5 MB, 3277x4096, TL2.png)
Uploading piecemeal because I'm over the file size limit somehow
(653 KB, 1501x697, birooonjr.png)
I was wondering if anyone made translations for some of these newer Birooon Jr. works yet. I only know of the ones on e-hentai and nhentai. Some of the older untranslated ones seem interesting too.
Not really a request but I'd be grateful for any new translations of Biroon's stuff.
Anyone Know What Name Of This Character ?
Related: is there a way to get around DLsite Viewer's copyright protections? That might explain the lack of new RAWs.
Nice work as well Malorne, first time seeing this artists
Nice, heard about this series but never looked into
Very nice anon, can't wait until you get to the part where the short haired nerd girl shows up
Awesome work mate I remember someone was working on translating more of his stuff but I guess they got side tracked or something
Doing the lords work anon
Not going to typeset it because I'm not interested enough.

>Oi, oi, oi. Don't go rummaging through the fridge in the middle of the night!
>Hey... Hasn't your body gotten sorta pudgy?

>Well, admiral, it's because the food you make... is so delicious...

>But it's all just premade food. (sob)
(329 KB, 1447x2048, GClzsiebcAAVIB9.jpeg) (244 KB, 1448x2048, GClmN8UaUAAdJMg.jpeg)
(Not sure where should I post this but I'm guessing this would be the most appropriate thread) Cup Chan is releasing a new short book soon. Last one was posted on Fantia and someone translated it, I'll try to look it up and post it here later
Fantia is such a shitty platform, I'm surprised anyone would even bother buying this stuff just to translate it
(671 KB, 1361x1892, 7feb0bab-d92b-45ba-a281-1e95093eb30d.jpg)
Not that I disagree but people did in the past, I mean, he's on Kemono (although it wasn't updated anymore after he started being less active + the Fantia importer doesn't even work anymore) and I've seen people posting some of his recent stuff too
That's why I'm surprised, Fantia actively works against the consumer and it makes piracy extremely hard (It doesn't help that Kemono has become a shitty platform lately)
I'm not home bc new years, but if none upload until then, I'll do it.
reminder there's no translation yet.
Absolute legend, also great to see what that weird otaku girl was really saying
You're a legend anon, also looking forward to that one shot translation too looks cute
OP, do you have the new 9 Takaya comics?
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can anyone translate these
ill sub to takaya next month since i dont see the new 126kg series anywhere
(5.1 MB, 3507x2480, イルザ01.png)
Anyone able to translate this one
Could you plz compile them somewhere when you do?
Eh, might aswell send it all at once.

I’ll try, send all again pls
Could you reupp? Thank you in advance
that was really cute. is it truly just a one-shot?
Takaya is starting a full-on weight gain arc with Ran in March
(1.7 MB, 1080x2220, Feeder Cover Page.jpg)
I have the entire Feeder Comic downloaded. If I postit would anyone be willing to translate it?
(243 KB, 1200x542, 14.jpg) (325 KB, 1700x768, 20.jpg) (188 KB, 1200x492, 15.jpg)
ive got a few of these from an old thread but not all, sorry
Who's the artist? Also, does anyone have more translated art from them? I really like their art, but their thread indeed was ended a while ago x'd
Which artist drew that comic?
This is a fantastic concept. Incredibly hot despite barely even showing a fat girl
sorry to trouble you, but is the page 2 missing from there with a duplicated page 4?
Thank you for translating Fat Woman. It is truly a work of art. Out of curiosity are there other comics you have translated? What about the Feeder comic
>189997 ?
Sorry, I don't typeset things, but here's my translation. What's the source?

(from top to bottom, right to left in each frame, q:quote, t:narrative text box, onomatopoeia)
<top frame>
q: Yes?
t: Today is my first time
<bottom right>
o: huff, huff
q: Hello ....
o: (fat shifting a little)
<bottom left?
t: calling a lesbian prostitute.

<top right>
q: A-ah ...
<top left>
q: *huff* So ... is this your first time?
q: ... yes, it's just that I
q: when I get horny, I get fat.
o: (something heavy hits the floor; a beat)
q: Uh..

<top right>
o: (bulging out)
q: O-oh<3
<top left>
q: Last year, I was examined by doctors
q: they said it was a very rare illness.
o: (more intense bulging)
q: I ... this is the first time I've felt quite like this ...
o: pant, pant
<bottom right>
q: oh
q: mmmhm <3
<bottom left>
o: (small twitch)
q: Mhmm<3

o: (slower bulging out)
q: Wow, you're already bigger than me
<bottom right>
q: Up until today I would have thought that so much meat/fat would have been awful
o: (something heavy dropping)
<bottom left>
q: How about we couple up? Besides we can help each other out, so I'm sure it wouldn't be too bad ...
q: pant ... pant ... c-couple ... up? huff
>Out of curiosity are there other comics you have translated?
Only a couple of oneshots and munimunimomoko’s puu-chan’s manga.
On my todo list. Is there only one part? I swore it wasn’t a one off
I pulled a 16 shift on 4 hours of sleep. Aaww cut it out 😆
(959 KB, 2400x3000, lilcomier.jpg)
I'd love to see this translated if anyone can
Everyobody know its you sergeant give up LMAO
Streets need a body. Streets need a body. Streets need a body. I said the fucking streets need a body! STREETS NEED A BODY!
(179 KB, 674x859, 1702886784481740.png)
I could easily but I don't like this series. To prove that I could just to piss u off, lemme do the first img but after that idc
>Thanks, Gojo-kun. This is a big save, you adjusting my bra's size for me.
Im buying more weeklies on my account without a debit card lmao
Thanks, asshole. You could've been a little more nice about this though
If you couldnt sleep there dont take your kids there!!!!!!!!! Their lose!
You Translated the Feeder comic! That is awesome!
it's a shame catbox gives random filenames, uh, what is the full english translation of the title of this comic? anyone know?

is it just the vague "feeder"?
really looking forward to the honi san stuff
did these ever make it out? i'd be willing to translate
Haven’t seen anything new translated from the cup chans so I don’t think so
Amazing work all round!
This sequence rocks, thanks for translating. (:
This is hot as hell.
Thanks for translation.
Also it would be cool if you'd translated his other sequence about scientist and her android
I might get to it eventually, but it doesn't quite speak to me the same way. I was thinking of doing some more toro ones next,
Is this series still ongoing?
It's really damn good.
The last batch is from a couple days ago, so I have hopes he does more. Although they have been very spaced out until now.
Awesome work as usual mate
>I was thinking of doing some more toro ones next,
(498 KB, 1336x2048, GPApAGDaQAA88E3.jpeg)
If you guys are craving more Toki there was also this short from a bit ago!
Does anyone have the latest cup-chan stuff?
It would mean the world to me if somebody could translate this
(83 KB, 1504x1446, 39.jfif) (252 KB, 2048x1447, 36.jfif) (255 KB, 2048x1447, 37.jfif) (244 KB, 2048x1447, 38.jfif)
Requesting a TL for the rest of this series, for some reason it stopped getting updates after a certain point. You can find the whole thing here:
(403 KB, 1400x1978, 01a.jpg) (1.4 MB, 1488x2105, 02.jpg) (1.7 MB, 1488x2105, 03.jpg)
A Takaya short if anyone is in the mood. First page was already translated on twatter by a benevolent soul
(23 KB, 200x298, Debutopia_-_cover.jpg) (53 KB, 256x360, 30393.jpg)
not sure if this is just an insane task or not but friendly reminder there are two entire feederism centered japanese eroge just waiting to be translated. I'd kill to be able to play Debutopia and Motto Debutopia
Man I'd kill to play this too, and I'd also kill if some images from the game could be posted too. The scenes seem super hot
I think there was talk of it being translated by fattyloveranon, the one who translated a good amount of doujin, and I believe most if not all of the scenes are on sadpanda, although obviously unstranslated. From my limited JP though, the writing is very basic even if the art is very good.
Why the fuck did you post this?
I'm a dumbass what does drm mean and how is it an issue?
Damn Fat Woman translation is finally over feels like the end of an Era. I'm surprised it had such a happy ending for the protagonist. Tha being said you really are the MVP fatty lover anon
DRM = Digital Rights Management. Means copy protection, in basic terms.

Not OP, but assuming the problem is that PC you can't crack the game open and just find the entirety of the words in a word doc you can translate and repackage. Mobile you can, but you can't play the game without buying it somehow and/or the game won't run of you mess about with the guts (like changing all the words to english)
(893 KB, 2508x3541, ua7fan.jpeg)
I asked my friend to translate this new piece by Rin and I he did an excellent job.

Someone had posted the audio for this and I still have a copy, other people might too. Might be a tall order to want a transcript.
(1.4 MB, 2400x3000, _hungary____vacation_by_superspoe_7_oldal_by_xenkoimksv_dhyptlm.png) (2.0 MB, 2400x3000, _hungary____vacation_by_superspoe_11_oldal_by_xenkoimksv_dhyptjd.png) (1.3 MB, 2400x3000, _hungary____vacation_by_superspoe_8_oldal_by_xenkoimksv_dhyptl6.png) (1.7 MB, 2400x3000, _hungary____vacation_by_superspoe_9_oldal_by_xenkoimksv_dhyptkf.png) (1.1 MB, 2400x3000, _hungary____vacation_by_superspoe_10_oldal_by_xenkoimksv_dhyptju.png)
Vacation comic by Superspoe

Part 3.
Where did you find this?

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