
>>162836 (OP)
Then you're an idiot because there's not enough to fill even a quarter of a thread even if you threw in everything else Watanabe did.

A true sad state of affairs; the great price of being interested in fattening a legend.
can you really blame artists for the lack of interest? If you're not into Faye (I'm not) or Ed (hell no), you've already run out of characters to draw.
Well, what the fuck should an artist do then? Draw fetish art of Trigun?
Yeah, I barely even know who Fuu is but she seems great. I wish there was more art of her in general
(75 KB, 828x828, doodle__ed_and_faye_by_superspoe_dcuvt7v-414w-2x.jpg) (107 KB, 827x813, see__my_hat_is_really_strong__by_satsurou_d5o5xr0-414w-2x.jpg) (54 KB, 377x852, fat_faye_valentine_by_jayteefa_d1g0occ-375w-2x.jpg) (110 KB, 826x646, hog_tied_by_theamericandream_d56xltt-414w-2x.jpg) (112 KB, 827x1138, my_blubbery_valentine_by_the_murdellicious_d8g3uvt-414w-2x.jpg) (239 KB, 827x1426, faye_valentine_s_got_munchies_by_theamericandream_d8gp4ke-414w-2x.jpg)
>If you're not into Faye (I'm not) or Ed (hell no), you've already run out of characters to draw
>Totally forgetting all the side characters and that Yoko Onno, Julia.

>Ed (hell no)
Nah, I don't care which side you're on, Ed needs to put on some weight.

Did the reboot bomb?

>I always wondered why there's not more fat Fuu art
Fuu still gets fat art, although it's every once in a while; she's pretty much dwarfs Rurouni Kenshin and that aired during Toonami's golden age. Hell, even Yuyu Hakusho.

>Never watched Samurai Champloo
Go watch it.
I think we should expand this thread to Samurai Champloo and maybe Lupin III stuff, any opinions?
I don't really like samurai champloo heh
when this thread dies, I'll make a new one for classic anime. There's no point in trying to tack new stuff onto this one now
(352 KB, 1650x2550, EwNCoSYXYAI5zFq.jpg)
Is there really not that much Faye fat art out there?
Is there anymore art of her by Axel or Tailblazer?
Look on the bright side; the live action didn't start anything.
Haha…I’ve meant if the community is into Edward, but thanks anyways
(2.3 MB, 1920x3416, faye.png)
strange nobody posted this one yet
Damn that's a really hot one.
Wish there was also a super bottom heavy Faye like this too.
I'm surprised that kip hasn't drawn more of her

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