
Not judging, I know it takes all kinds to make a world, but is this thread just for HUMAN JP/JW stuff or are people allowed to post dinosaurs ladies here, too? Just need clarification.

Also, does anyone got all the Claire Dearing images from Hell-Resident’s expansion scene pack? Kemono takes forever to upload.
If you want dinosaur ladies, go to the fucking furry board.
Bruh, anon was just asking a question. Obvious answer, yeah, but c’mon.
Now I have questions of my own, why is this thread a thing, and why are the only images here so far vore and a scaly? Not to mention the OP didn't share any art themselves, it's like they knew this thread was a terrible idea.
If the OP responds saying "I'm new here", then they're the same asshole that's been creating the other obviously trash thread ideas.
yo mama thread?
The extra thread that some other anon made is also still there. Maybe the mod is MIA?
>>162697 (OP)
I'm all for niche fats anon but maybe make a less shit thread and post some next time.
This is one of the threads of all time
This is so far the funniest thread I’ve ever seen.
Does anyone know where I can download a 35mm/open matte scan of Jurassic Park? It’s my favorite movie man, and now that I know there’s a pure way to watch it, boom mics and all, I have to find it.
Although I don’t think I’ve ever once imagined fat fetish Jurassic park. Maybe OP is on to something. Or is 12 years old. Great thread either way
This thread is based
Now I'm curious if other fat art even exists or if anon was after something just as extinct as dinosaurs.
Why are we even doing this?? Shouldn't we report it already?!
This is my favorite thread
If staff take down our beloved dinosaur thread we go start a revolution.
You want a piece of me you little shit?
shit i sent the same message 2 times, my bad
It's fine cause it's twice the epic
"community dinosaur thread vol 1"
dinosaur salt thread FUCK
Why isn't Mods deleting this thread?!
You don't get it do you? This site is basically for posting anything fetish like bloated bellies, inflation, butts, stuckage, breasts, furries, etc. Hell, this board, BBWDraw, is specifically made for threads of drawn images of fat girls, not pointless out of place threads like THIS! You dimwits are breaking the rules!
>>163164 Sounds like you lost your dinosaur, man. *POW!*
its absolutely stunning king.
(1.0 MB, 500x269, TQdnx4H.gif)
>Nobody is posting any Dinosaur King or Flint the Time Detective fats
>No Zyuranger or Kyuranger fats
I don't know how to feel about this thread anymore.
There's never anything for live action shit without the movie or series insanely popular like Marvels garbage or there's a meme. Beyond that you'd better hope for a rich autist to splurge a kings ransom for content.
Absolutely not. Ridley is too big!
That's NOT the point!!!!!!
You hoard and re-up all those videos for basically the entire board AND you maintain dinosaur park sims? Can you get anymore based??
I have a Tyrantrum for my pokemon y team. But design wise its either Tyrantrum or Cradily for me.

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