
>>161783 (OP)
>Doesn't post any fat art when creating the thread.
Doesn't deserve to be here if you can't post any fat art, dumbass.
What the hell do u think 'Aumento De Peso' means, douche? Let the bloke share the art b4 calling him a dumbass.
>>161783 (OP)
Also yeah u r supposed to post an upload of the artist works in the OP as well, not just a cover page of a comic from the artist. Keep that in mind nex time
>Let the bloke share the art b4 calling him a dumbass.
>Also yeah u r supposed to post an upload of the artist works in the OP as well, not just a cover page of a comic from the artist.
You just explained why I called them out. They already had a chance to share art along with the cover page if they wanted to, yet they didn't. They're either purposely holding back, or they don't know what they're doing like some of the other idiots who create new threads.
Nonetheless it's no excuse to kill a thread b4 giving it a shot though. It's not the first thread to be uploaded without a proper upload or reup now, is it? There are many examples of threads that have been started without proper uploads or reups that have ended becoming popular or dying out within the week. If we don't give em a proper chance, how else are we gonna find out abt new artists with good weight gain works.
>If we don't give em a proper chance, how else are we gonna find out abt new artists with good weight gain works.
If we did that with every new artist that popped up, we'd be losing threads left and right. You forget the main purpose of this site is supposed to be an archive of sorts, and that can't be achieved if it gets filled with no names with hardly anything to their name. This is why we had a Weight Gain General thread, so threads like this wouldn't happen.
You do realize there's around 20 minutes of difference between OP and that Anon's posts?

Patreon says this trash belongs in the paid content thread.
Exactly my point. Is 20 mins enough time for anyone to decide whether to kill a thread or not? May be enough to call him out on the lack of content posted but not for nuking thread. A lot of threads have been nuked because ppl have been too quick to judge.

But yeah coming back to the topic at hand since it's been close to a day now and the OP hasn't posted any more content as of this moment, I feel that this thread needs to be scrapped.
Then maybe lurk for some time before creating a thread. Take several months to get an idea of what's good and what isn't, because winging it is not a good idea.
(4.0 MB, 320x240, 1551308141301.gif)
>Is 20 mins enough time for anyone to decide whether to kill a thread or not
Dude, you only need a split second to tell if a thread should burn, but anyone who's been here for even a month should've figured that much out.

The reason I said 20 mins is because that's the time that faggot, OP, should've posted content to have some kind of defense; it only takes a couple seconds to a minute or two make a second post with actual content unless your shit's a disorganized mess.

>May be enough to call him out on the lack of content posted but not for nuking thread
That is a good reason to nuke a thread; if there's no content, there's no reason for it to exist.

I have seen the content and now want the fire more than the other Anon ever did! From the looks of it, that artist isn't underrated, they're overrated from even a single person giving a shit about such shoddy 3d artwork.

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