
>>161734 (OP)
Am I the only one that kind of likes the earlier parts more than the later ones? Can't really tell if it's the FftE style or the fact it's two shots per illustration, but the last page in particular, I don't hate, but don't love either.
Hey, It's fine, Personally I don't like part 9 to 12 because of how the legs look awkward in contrast to the overall body
Agreed, there could be more fat in the legs to make it feel more balanced. Overall, I’m with fine with the sequence and like it
Not my thing but that's mainly because I prefer slightly more "realistic" depictions of fat tbh. I don't like when characters get so big and are still able to stand up
Understandable. It could be the legs as some of you pointed out, but the belly too. I guess just how its protruding out for me is weird (realistic or otherwise). And as mentioned earlier, the two shots per illustration take away a tiny bit too lol (even if separating them is simple enough.

I type too much.
it's because blobs suck hope this helps
You know, why can't we just not be toxic to each other?, we all have our own tastes, that's the point anyways?
>>161801 Honestly I don't care about anything else BWS makes, I'm just here for his 6 OCs
I don't give a shit for what anyone says, I am only here for Lucy
I don't give a shit for what anyone says, I am only here for Halie
I don't give a shit about the opinions of you retards, I'm just here for fat art
It would have been funnier if she was lifting a comically small weight at the end.
>lifting the arm is enough, still more than you etc
(3.0 MB, 1668x1880, Sammy coffee.png)
What would be the absolute theoretical quantity of meth that Sammy can consume?
Don't be so quick to judge someone's preferences here.
I'd love say this too but only if there's a little timeskip and they're all noticeable fatter.
Honestly, Sammy might be fatter, her fat looks dense.
Canonically I'm pretty sure most of these are wrong. Courtney has already been acknowledged as bigger than Chloe, Chloe is bigger than Nat by a decent margin and both of them are way fatter than Sammy.

Halie is like 115 pounds according to three-part story Undertaker33 wrote a few years ago. From what I remember both Nat and Chloe were like 320 and 420 before they met Halie on that gym story Salt wrote and they canonically gained plenty since then so you can probably add between 100 and 200 pounds to that. If I had to guess Sammy is intended to be on the 350-400 range.
Anyone got a link to the bots
I can't wait to see a Fat Halie comic or art
Courtney looks too fat to just be 440. She looks larger than both Sammy and Chloe. Id say 480, pushing to 500 lbs

Also id say Sammy is around 400

Aside from that tho, very accurate
This is my single biggest disconnect with BWS's tastes. He does this so often and it kills probably 50% of my interest in a drawing instantly. A lot of the appeal of fatties to me is in how it weighs them down and hampers their daily life, not just the shape itself
(117 KB, 926x1044, Halie larping.jpg)
Overall, they're all pretty average. Except Halie, that lass is downright anorexic.
That was done on purpose, she's kept skinny to contrast all the other girls. Now if only there was another girl to contrast the others, except she's much fatter then the others instead of being skinny like Halie
In this case, I’d imagine it’s what the commissioner wanted so you can’t really blame Salt for it
I know this is a fat fetish site but if anything Halie is average and the rest of them are fucking massive. I'm not sure about you I don't think I'd enjoy trying to start a family with someone who's 420+ pounds
Surprised to see that people still have my obsolete Natsuki coloring saved lol
I meant it when I said "often." He jumps to dynamic poses with 500+ pounds women all the time, with his OCs, poll winners, etc. Can't fault a guy for his taste, but it's just unfortunate not for me personally.
>Those legs
I know some people here say his art haat gone to shit a little bit but I think he has immensely improved like look at those legs, Jesus.
Its just people who like to complain for the sake of complaining. BWS has really had exponential development and improvement
Does anyone have that one Kawakami colored sketch
feel like we have a winner no matter which of these wins
Either the 1st or 2nd for me.
>>162080 What, is Valentine's Day girl walking out of this pregnant due to the last picture with her?
(210 KB, 1280x1439, IMG_1016.jpeg)
I still think this desperately needs a continuation but idk if it ever even gets nominated
Who's winning currently? I'd like 4 to win but that's mainly because the 1 and 2 get so much fat art as it is already.
There's two polls from wich the two most voted ones will enter a final poll.
From the first poll Valentine's Day girl is at 389 votes and Marin has 233.
On the second poll Ann has 336 votes and Cana 266.
Seems like it'll be between 2 and 4.
Yup, all great choices.
(527 KB, 2200x1701, Hammy Sammy_Part 3.jpg)
He choses those instead of this.
We need more Sammy dammit!
Lucyguy, take one for the team you faggot. Commission a shitton of Sammy art.
Sorry anon, she’s not Lucy so I don’t really care about her lmao
How the heck is he gonna continue the 4th one, it's already so good.
you know Lucyguy, at this point I think of her being your OC than an actual anime character. That's not a complaint, mind you, but your dedication to your waifu is impressive.
hey guys, salt dropped another newsletter, can anyone post it and any special images that it comes with?
i know this is fucking dark to say, put i hope chloe gets some form of sexual punishment...brat deserves it
>>162249 anon's intrusive thoughts won
How would she be punished? Salt doesn't really seem to do dom/sub stuff, I wonder how he'd do it.

probably force feeding her more cake tbh
contain examples of BWS doing dom/sub stuff.
If this thread was longer, I could probably find a good dozen more.
Just force her to workout. Although getting up from that chair may as well be workout too
No I was thinking of humiliation or shit like that
BWS toys with it but I really would like him to do a heavy humiliation work, like just completely brutal and devastating with no soft ending (well if its his OC it would probably have soft ending)
Chloe's bratty greediness combined with wearing too-small clothes because she's in denial is so hot.
I know this is early but the 4th one is winning by 100 points, so yeah, it's getting a sequel.
(527 KB, 1358x956, Fast_Food.png)
Can someone explain to me how Chloe fit not only through the window, but the driver's seat as well with Sammy in it?
could be earlier on in the timeline where Sammy is a lot thinner than current levels
I am at the death grips concert seeing this and it looks great!
Nobody cares that you're at the death grips concert, this is a coomer site
>death grips
Went to go see them with Nickelback once
>>162475 If were gonna go slightly off topic, I'm seeing Alice Cooper with Rob Zombie next month
Is that fucking lucyguy’s self insert
you’re in grand rapids Michigan at GLC live at 20 Monroe
Sorry for the stupid name, had a thread idea that was somehow deleted and now I can't get rid of it
can someone update his kemono?
That's good to hear man
(335 KB, 1548x1377, IMG_8842.png)
Can someone color this sketch, I’m live Komi in this.
Who won the continuation?
It's a fine idea, but it should be in gen
I will never tire of seeing this witch
Can somebody color these?
Sometimes when I see art like this I wonder what artists such as BWS would be doing with their lives in a world without the internet.
Incredible, she looks so squeezable
>>162695 Wasn't he climbing before he met Lucyguy/Welrodguy
Didn't Welrodguy say he saved his life once?
Story goes either Lucyguy or Welrodguy (I think Welrodguy) helped him on a hike when he sprained (or broke) his ankle in some Scandinavian country (I think the Netherlands)
So in other worlds one of them engineered a commission discount? Interesting.
Can someone color in the Marin sketch please
Now I'm just imaging a drawing of Nat being helped on a hike by Lucy or Nikume and/or Serena...Lucyguy or Welrod guy, if you are reading this commission it! (If welrodguy is seeing this, can you do both Nikume and Serena helping Nat? Thank you :3)
you know he colors these monthly poll sketches, right? whoever leaks them is just too cheap to get access
yeah i know, but it was just something to kill time and i figured it couldn't hurt to post it :)
(235 KB, 1280x840, rev_up_those_fryers_by_better_with_salt_dfooc8i-fullview.jpg)
>Courtney's birthday is this month
Doubt that anything fun will happen with her.

Shannon's extra weight would've been better on Courtney for the sake of size diversity between Salt's OCs. Too many of his characters are the basic bitch SSBBW size, and Courtney being the first USBBW as a standard would've been great.
(27 KB, 526x215, Screenshot_20230801-171059~2.png)
People on better with salts patreon are fucking sheep. This guy tells a lie about how the biggest sizes always win polls and people believe him despite how the biggest option for continuation not only lost but also didn't make the 2nd round, yet people believe them.
>in some Scandinavian country (I think the Netherlands)
Anon really failed middle school geometry.
That's it. I'm turning autocorrect off and never looking back.
That anon probably doesn't even know where Belgium even is.
In what world is Courtney not an USSBBW? She's like 700lbs and if she were real she'd barely be able to walk at the size she reaches towards the end of the comic.
Why are all of Salts oc's so boring to look at.
>>162907 What are you talking about? Their all so freakin Hot.
Because 4 of them are close to the same size as each other and BWS rarely makes them bigger or smaller for one off scenarios.
They're so "boring" yet they're what people want him to draw the most according to that one poll he made a while ago
They all got bigger as time passed. And he literally drew an explicit version of a prequel with Nat and Halie like a week ago. I like the consistency with his canon myself, other artists can draw their ocs with all kinds of shapes and sizes if they want but I find that lame
Feel like I haven't seen this goth chick in much stuff, I like the idea, bottom heavy is good shit.
>I like the consistency with his canon myself, other artists can draw their ocs with all kinds of shapes and sizes if they want but I find that lame
BWS not branching from canon is lame, and it wouldn't kill him to draw them at different sizes every now and then. There's a lot he could do if he did.

>They all got bigger as time passed.
In the case of Sammy and Courtney, not really outside of their comics, although Courtney has the excuse of still being a somewhat new character. As for Nat and Chloe, they're both characters from his oldest works, and their gains happened alongside his progression as an artist. They're been stuck at the same size for a few years now.
It's a Patron's OC, not Salt's.
(1.1 MB, 1568x1381, vivi.png) (812 KB, 1403x1300, vivi2.png)
Here are some Vivi sketches I colored
It's a coloring of a private stream sketch from a few days ago.
Damn, this came out great, thanks.
I mean if you read the description.

To clearify, yes this is my OC salt created for me as a sketch a good while back. I am on the 25$ tier and this comm is basically the result of using around 4 months worth of sketch slots to put it together.
You got a really nice taste, it's a really promising OC! 🙌
>you can stack monthly sketches into full on commissions
This fucking guy
I know right? How dare he give people the freedom of choice! Seriously though, what the fuck did you expect? He's really got some bias
For real, this OC definitely deserves more draws and lore.

Glad to see she has had a pretty positive reception as a whole. Definitely getting more sketches of her and individual pieces wherever I can
(6.6 MB, 5447x5302, Patron 01-23.png)
Anyone got the Azula sketch colores?
Why did BWS never say that people could do this with monthly sketches? Fucking retarded of him to withhold information like that.
Idk, it’s really more on the patron to ask.

I dont see how its that difficult for the patron to just ask "hey would this idea be alright?".

Thats literally all I did, I sent salt a message asking "hey, I liked your character sheets and wanted to know if I could use my monthly sketches to work something out".

He liked the idea and we worked it out from there regarding how many months of sketches it would add up to and when it would be convenient to work on etc etc.

Turns out most artists are willing to listen to your ideas and work stuff out if you approach them and ask politely like a normal human being.
This is fairly common practice though? I've supported various patreons over the past decade and most artists I've seen are more than okay with this kind of method if you just ask
Yep. And yet everyone else just bitches about BWS being "biased". It seems like less and less of us actually use common sense these days...
I'm actually impressed by the diversity of shapes on those sketches. Really like the way BWS draws chubby - slightly obese instead of morbid obesity/blob. Missed those times when he actually drew semi-realistic body shapes.

The first one and Chél are perfection in my eyes
Someone color that Chel!
I really want to see a crossover with her and Woot's goth OC.
I want to see her interact with the other girls.

As much as I too would love that it is pretty unlikely to happen since its not Salts OC so the characters have no real connection to each other. Would be cool though
when the hell are we gonna have a reference sheet for valentine gal
>>163311 holy jesus, thank you very much
Btw anyone got these ones colored?
Can we get the colored sketches from June, the ones with Komi and Mt Lady. >>163353
god i hope we get a nude alt of this
Do you have the colored ones from june too?
You people are sheep. He could post that he sneezed one day, and you would complement him for it.
I mean, what the fuck is wrong with sneezing? I'd give him a compliment for sure

How are any of these compliments? Its a simple statement that most artists are reasonable if you talk with them.

Most of the people nonstop complaining here are socially inept and cant even do that though.
Oh no
nigga whipped out the sheeple posts

It's never been so joever saltbros

You sound like a faggot
What a majestic piece! 🥵🙌
>>163484 I have no idea why it's upside down, it's taken from my camera
>Going into bamboo ale direction
Uh oh
can't be that bad, at least we won't have to pay him to view someone elses work
It's an upgrade of a Patron sketch, dear doomposter. Also the character's whole deal in the manga is her big ass
The whole gimmick of the character it that she has a fat ass
I hope to see Yotsuba and Ichika wg art someday
Are you stupid or what?
Keep dreaming dude his patreons aren't into Yotsuba for some reason and they straight up hate Ichika don't know why
>>163517 Please tell me you're not referring to 4chan girl Yotsuba Kouwai
Yes, he's totally thinking of fat lolis instead of fat quintuplets.
Does the super fat tier on salt's Patreon ever open up? Its always sold out when I go to look
>>163583 No I'm not, what the fuck man
No it’s always hoarded by the same 2 or so people because salt doesn’t want any variety
Or maybe because they can afford to waste 25 bucks on this shit and they want to support BWS? Did you ever consider this, loser?
Guys, we are literally just here to repost girls eating obscene amounts of food and growing to huge sizes, not complain about trivial things.
Can anyone post any WIPs from this month’s newsletter?
Any chance we can get the ones from june pls
hey it's rebecca as if anyone gives a shit.
Well, I DO give a shit. This drawing is finally decent for once, and still way less repetitive than Lucy lmao
damb an actual nude alt that isnt hidden, this is actually crazy
Wait...is that... The line that defines a pussy??
is that a full fledged pussy i see
salt letting us eat good
I think that's more like a metaphor for a dick, anon

A lot of people do care sadly. Personally I always found Salts best work to be OC stuff, thats what made me join his patreon and main reason ive stayed on there.

A lot of people enjoy the generic anime girl of the month posts and nonstop lucy/rebecca posts though
This is why I don’t really envy Salt, or any other artist who does this stuff for a living for that matter. He’s got people who are just there for his OCs, and people who don’t give a fuck about them and just want the fat fanart. Striking a balance that pleases everyone enough to get them to support him has gotta be rough.
Does anyone have every bws' drawings of Spider-Gwen?
(124 KB, 1280x774, relaxed.jpg)
Do you think normies would find this weird if they saw this pic as a screen saver/background pic?
>>164081 they probably wouldn't be able to Identify it as fetish art, so no.
unless they were really innocent then they'd definitely notice something was up.
Itd take a minute to realise it was fetishism art
If I were a normie, I would think it's just a fat character from some anime/manga I don't know. I wouldn't relate it to a fetish.
They'd make fun of you for the big girl lmao
wasn't there a second image in the post?
Can I be wrong but I think that he used AI in this picture
(3.7 MB, 1843x1837, Fat and Naked.png)
How? He's always done this sort of detailed looking work. Plus you can read the words.
AI uses salt work, salt work does not use AI
(985 KB, 721x535, MechaRodFace.png)

It's been my main PC background for 2 years now and I haven't been found out yet lol
Hey welrod guy, any thoughts of a Nikume and Serena ref sheet?
Do I wanna know the context behind that meme?

>No steam version
It's the Epic Games version?
Anyone know if he's going to do a Courtney art piece her birthday was two days ago?
woah, salt normally doesn’t do ass so well, but damn, he really owned on this one
The norwood reaper strikes again. Absolutely BROOTAL
Well, no shit sherlock. When Sammy isn't talking all the time...
another one converted, slowly but surely men
I called that he wouldn't do anything for Courtney's birthday. >>162871 Worst part is that he did something for both Rebecca and Lucy's birthdays, so he puts them above his own OC.

That's from winning an upgrade poll, not because of her birthday.
Anything plans for Nikume getting a sequence of her own sequence after Serena got one?

Well the rebecca/lucy birthday pieces are obviously him catering to lucyguys delusions of them being actual real people
>belly half-out of her pants

God loves us and wants us to be happy
Wasn't he on vacation for like, a month? Maybe he just couldn't find the time?
Was there a Lucy bday piece this year? I searched and couldn't find anything, besides a sketch that it seems was only posted by Lucyguy.

Tbh saying Salt is prioritizing Lucy and Rebecca over his OCs feels really silly. All of his other OCs got bday pieces, even Halie. It would have been nice to have got a Courtney piece, I won't pretend I wouldn't have wanted one, but it seems like you're really reaching for things to complain about.
>Tbh saying Salt is prioritizing Lucy and Rebecca over his OCs feels really silly. All of his other OCs got bday pieces, even Halie.
I said OC and not OCs, retard. Learn how to read. It's not reaching if Courtney gets singled out.
Okay, so your complaint is that he's not done a Birthday piece for the specific character you want him to. And you're annoyed that he would do a commission for his assistant to celebrate the birthday of a girl they both enjoy working on?

There's already a Courtney piece coming this month. Is that not enough to celebrate with? Hell, that could even be the reason there was no Courney Birthday piece. And as was mentioned prior >>164294 He was away for nearly a month. There are so many reasons things could have led to there not being a Courtney piece on her birthday.
*Hard on the outside soft in the inside
Get his dick out of your mouth, seriously. That Courtney piece we're getting isn't original because it was a panel in the comic, so don't treat it like it's going to be brand new.
Yay another edgy friendless man-baby... God this place sucks
god that super stuffed sammy makes me diamonds
I wish he did super bloated pics like that more often
Jesus dude you're like a child who didn't get the toy he wanted
Strangely Sammy is my favorite because she has traits I usually don’t like. There’s something to be said about Salt’s abilities for that to happen.
What if the Courtney drawing isn't original? Big fucking deal...NOT. You're just a spoiled little shit who wants everything from everyone, I hope a car will run over you while crossing the street one day
Since we're all talking about Salt's OCs, has anyone here wanted to see Salt's OCs interact with characters from a show, movie, game or anime? Me personally I kinda wanna see how Chloe acts around Tony from Hotline Miami 2.
Get outta here, Mistystuffer!
In the beginning of times, before Salt, Kastemel was the best artist, but when we needed him the most, he disappeared...
Hey we're getting Purah tonight, nice.
>>164213 It's an artwork by Hitler
the less of that cunt, the better!
What, are you going to call every vaguely popular character a cunt? That's kinda retarded of you
...who said anything about her being popular? I just don't like her personality, that's all. (BTW are we talking about Chloe or Purah in this case?)
Purah, based on what each comment is responding to.
Oh I meant that towards Chloe, Purah's fine, it's Chloe that I fucking hate. As a matter of fact, If there wasn't a 400 reply limit I could go on forever on the thoughts of Salt's OCs
This thread is still a little over 100 posts before it gets bumplocked. Lay it on us. Personally think Chloe is overrated.
Well in super short form, Chloe is unbearable. Nat and Halie might as well be rental girlfriend in terms of how the fucking fake-out confessions are ploppped, Sammy is boring as shit, Courtney and Shannon are ight, The two bitches from TTS can fuck off (ESPECIALLY THE BLACK HAIRED BITCH) the girl from Beach bod was neat, same with that orange hair girl, the witch is underrated to hell and back, Val's cute and that's my thoughts on the better-with-salt cinematic universe.
forgot Nicole, Heavily underutilized in my opinion.
Except the witch is a fucking canon character, she's from Harvest Moon
Damn, that's goood. Wish we could get Link's perspective lol
(8.3 MB, 1945x2859, Nudist Beach.png)
He's got many other OCs too, like Maddy
I'll share what I think too. Courtney and the Beach Bod girl are great, Nat is very basic yet inoffensive and has untapped potential, Halie is only there for size contrast and is very uninteresting on her own, Shannon's lame for giving into Courtney feeding her instead of making Courtney Salt's biggest OC, Sammy sucks and shouldn't have gotten a comic of her own cause she's a boring bitch, Chloe is an overrated bratty cunt, and Nicole exists. I don't have thoughts on the other girls.

I think she's called Selene, because of that Jowls poster he made a while ago
Anon, if you're still here could you make a textless alt of the explicit version?
While this is the only expected change, I kind of wish that the flavor text was different the way it's done for other explicit pieces here and there. It helps add to the explicitness sometimes.
Here before the Chloe haters appear
A lackluster part 2. Her leaving the shower, whoop-de-fucking-do.
So good, still I want to see a story where Chloe gets humiliated and teased properly
what do you want her to do, a backflip????
>in shower
>doesn't stick the hose up her fat bum
>doesn't even start drinking from the hose
Only disappointing thing is that there aren't huge belly and ass prints on the wet glass.
Bro, it's her coming out of shower with that stupid pouty expression. It's honestly boring asf.
Ehh whatever, I just prefer my fat porn with a little more oophm to the story. For example, Imagine her dropping her soap in the first part, with her expression being surprised. Part 2 is where she tries reaching for it, only to then realize that she's too big for the shower. That scratches that itch of a slight struggle while also characterising her oblivious nature of her own size.
Dude, they’re two parts of a commission for art from a story that was written ages ago. Personally, I think it’s fun to give this part some visuals having context for the situation
>For example Imagine her soa-
Stand strong Sammy bros, our time will come.
Agreed. bws should apologise by drawing a part 3 where she gets her towel wedged in her asscrack and needs someone else to free it from her cheeks.
No wonder the commission was lackluster, Undertaker commissioned it.
Why the fuck should he apologize? Because you stupid beggars are never happy? Nigga, he ain't a celebrity or voice actor. Calm the fuck down
This is one of my all-time favorite art pieces from bws, and also of favorite OC Chloe ♥️
At least the whiners are able to think for themselves instead of mindlessly sucking Salt's dick like most of his supporters do.
Yeah bro, you're so cool for whining about pirated fat porn unlike the rest of the sheeps
Think about your priorities in life, retard. Why should other people not be happy?
>>165237 this guy knows what it is
Even though she already got an entire comic to herself.
nah we gonna get a comic of Sammy and Chloe fighting, like a real fight...Fat Bitches Fighting Over Food!
Is the Courtney piece going to be released at end of this month?
Damn, was hoping for the Valentine's day girl sequel today, but I guess he'll post this one.
No way, that's a so gorgeous and majestic piece, Courtney looks amazing!
Nvm, this is amazing. If only the whole comic was like this.
Now y'all can just shut up and enjoy the fucking drawing
Belly's already trying to escape. I didn't know I needed this. I almost wish there was a before where we see her zipper or something barely able to contain her hugeness.
you can see the waistline where the belly was held in, this is how you know salt is a cut above the rest
Seriously, now we know that you could see her belly while she was out.
There's been much better details by other artists. You're overselling BWS.
of course, im a fan of his in a thread about him enjoying art made by him, hes a champ who will influence future fats artists for generations to come
If you can name more artists that post on a regular schedule several times a week at around the same quality then I'd be glad if you could name them so I can follow them.
Spell out thier names then bucko.
absolutely unrealistic bod but it is the dream bod i wish could happen
Man...what the hell happened with this one? The background is barely even there, it's just a single color
Yeah dude… not all art needs complicated backgrounds… it has a gradient that helps put the focus on the fat girl, it looks good.
I feel like it's just a night scene so you can't see the background, it would come across better if the chick wasn't fully lit but it really doesn't matter. What does matter is that I want to sleep under her belly, imagine how warm and pliable it is.
I feel like I should know what character that is but i don't recognize her
Mods, I've got a nice message for all the work you're (not) doing...fuck you. And thanks for deleting random messages
It's Camilla from Fire Emblem Fates
it's a sketch upgrade, not a piece he set out to make from scratch
New thread?
this better not lead to anything really fucking anti-climatic or pointless or boring.
pretty sure this is just a one-off

Awww she's fucking adorable
i think ur confusing bws with kip there bro
Tipping The Scales did... And I don't even know why my anger is that big with that comic.

Eh, barely seen Kip's work, but I heard he goes nowhere, Salt every now and again takes a small step forward.
the girls get fat bro, i wish the content were deeper than that too but we're lucky we got what we got at all
Something about how embarrassed she is with the word BULK weight gain in view making this so hot
Honey wake up, new BWS lore
Shame we don't have more of her early and midway point. I really like the progression from thin to wide she got going on.
Absolutely glorious. This might be his best pic of the year.
agreed, im a sucker for that chubby physique so i was hype to see her then, hopefully a future oc covers that ground
She's so cute and hot, this gotta be on of my favorite pieces of Bws! I mean look at that huge belly and boobs + that detail of fat in the arms and legs, and her face is gorgeous! 😲🙏
I know not everyone is into this but I really love how he makes the girls look like they're taller when they're bigger.
I noticed that too in some works, for example one of Chiho from The Devil is a Part Timer, shes super tall and wide (the work where she's standing with tight clothes)
USSBBW giantess be like:
She’s one of Areku’s OCs, same group as Nikume, Serena and the other two who’s name I can’t remember off the top of my head
Val sequel today hopefully...
>fatcep is almost bigger than volleyball
>she gets mass nerfed in cannon
That's the name of Valentine's Day girl
Oh... that makes more sense now, thanks
Can anyone do a real solid and post the whole Valentine gain sequence. There's some on the thread but it aint complete
Bro, the spill on her chest makes a heart.
Who won the explicit edit?
Who won the explicit edit?
blessed ass day
Shame that there are so many anime polls. I swear every OC image is a shot of heroin straight into my arm
She's my Top 2 of Salt's OC's, Sammy is so hot!
I need her to be fatter. Is Lucyguy still reserving all commission slots before they're announced? Does the patreon offer requests?
No famous artist even takes requests anymore...you'll have to pay BWS, if you're lucky that is
Same here, dude. Especially if it’s my girl Sammy.
Is it just me or is Sammy actually still getting fatter every time Salt does a new piece on her? I’m thinking of last year’s Thanksgiving post and the Hammy Sammy three part seties in particular. She was still noticably smaller than Nat at the end of Losing Control, but in Hammy Sammy pt. 3 she’s gotta be at least the same size as her. It’d be amazing if she slowly became the fattest of the main quartet over time.
Goddamn, hope we see her more often. See you next valentine's day otherwise lol.
Futaba better win the explicit on god
What are you talking about, he draws that often.
the salt paradox, where every size is simultaneously over represented and not drawn enough
(1.1 MB, 3540x2888, Pinned Cushion.jpg)
Pinned Cushion
I hope they didn’t dent the drywall with her fat ass.

Here’s a continuation of this month’s Continuation Poll winner. I had this idea after the other one, and really wanted to do it as well. There’s also a variation/part 2 to this piece coming in a few days, so look forward to that!
Val Bros, we're eating good
Wow that piece looks so good and that belly grab!!! 🥵 Im hyped for the next version!
Inb4 lesbian niggas say "Nooo don't post hetero stuff here!1!!11"
That's what I call a load bearing wall.
New thread?

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