
I seem to recall most goth girls being wideloads back in highschool, the ones that weren't were too damn lanky.
Not sure why but the big titty goth gf thing was quite false back then. Like you said, most were either bone skinny or chubby/fat w/ bottom heavy dumptrucks with wide loads, not titty. Seems they either starved or indulge in darkness and food; no in-between. Guess Elvira lied with the two big pumpkins but I've only ever seen one goth with big funbags.
Speaking of Elvira the dark mistress, did she get her own fair share of fat arts?
Third one is a guy, that artist only draws males.
I don't care looks female enough
Finally, we have someone who gets it
Not how this board works. Femboys go to either the /ee/ or /bhm/ boards, they don't belong here.
Surprised anyone remembers the Venture Bros.
Does anyone have the pair of drawings of the fat mall goth in front of a hot topic? I remember she had bright green hair and was fatter in one of them.
i can't believe all you snowflakes were so triggered by a cock you couldn't even see. enjoy your safespace i guess.
You're still a desperate faggot if you're into fuckboys, this isn't reddit where you can sperg out all what you want.
Who drew the second image?
Artist for the 4th image?
What's the name of the artist of the 4th image?
(3.8 MB, 2396x4696, 1645206234138.png)
she clearly overenjoyed herself, and now she's gotta size up at Hot Topic.
This thread deserves more love.
(354 KB, 1085x2048, 0e025456ffa344fbaf4131583d654d5780c54a751755022ebf18526d0393ff57.png) (34 KB, 540x673, 2f5850d831a87aa2bc1e707603fcb7ad9753344a04cf97baad426b938ea7ce90.jpg) (2.9 MB, 2312x3441, gabrielle___gloomy_obesity_by_silverpathfinder_df6wolk.jpg) (83 KB, 859x930, 212edb113f225aa216907147236d86ca6be33f962a180f7d8c884b4643897cb4.jpg) (266 KB, 915x1280, 8946bde758eeafbd0785954bdf37c9bc4abc189935c65794e7f6026b810d2144.jpg) (48 KB, 508x931, b32b477460f3b79ef028c4323e6cea8ce39ddc550c85035e2044228d95c64c3f.png)
Your city lies in dust
That looks like LordAltros' work to me
Isn't that the girl from that goth girl simulator game on steam? Why tf did they use a fetish artist's OC in a game?
Because one of the three people who made that game goes by "Woot" online, and he is the fetish artist who that OC belongs to. He literally drew new stuff for this game. This was partially his project. THE CALL WAS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE.
Based dev. Shocked there isn't more fetish game a on steam bar that.
Anyone have Fall from Goth by weightcomicguy?
(649 KB, 2743x4057, FqaEeYmWYAMXGzC.jpg)
reviving this thread with one of my all time favourite pics
Is there anymore art of the girl in the fishnets ?
She's hot!
(133 KB, 1280x1294, 2gfjrj.jpg)
nothing is more unattractive than fucking lisp talking why do so many creators do this shit? its fuckin horrid
Needs more goth face sitting...

Wanna sniff fat goth but nigga!
Do you happen to have the Fat Lydia Deetz artwork from SuperSpoe? It got deleted off DA and I can't find it anywhere.
I lol’d at /nightwaddle/.
>>165509 The artist is Dullvivid
foamy the squirrel mentioned
Anyone have the carbs gif
>>161537 (OP)
I don't have anything to contribute right this second, but absolute peak thread here, how have we not had a goth thread before?
You say that like this hasn't been here for a year
Its been here forever its just mostly a dead thread
People need to get the memo that wears black =|= goth. This girl and her fucking stupid lisp don't qualify

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