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Thread for artists known primarily for non-fetish content who maintain secret/private/locked fetish galleries

Starting with Tom Parkinson-Morgan, aka "Abbadon." Probably the most prolific artist I know does this. Known as the writer/illustrator of the webcomic "Kill Six Billion Demons" and the mrcha ttrpg "Lancer." Runs the side-account @tummy_supremacy on Twitter.
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Oldie from when he used to post in fat threads around 4chan way back before K6BD was a thing
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Cooper Goodwin, aka "Gooseworx." Mostly known for a bunch of miscellaneous music and animations popular on YouTube, you're mostly likely to know them as the designer of that "Pomni" jester everyone's been drawing lately.

Runs the private account @gooseworse on Twitter. Mostly inflation and transformation art of her characters, but there's a handful of weight gain pics too. Only unlocks the account every few months to pull in new followers before locking it again. Currently avoiding drawing Pomni fetish art to keep the kink stuff separate from professional projects.
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This one's more of an "open secret" than the others: the artist VanHeist was be pretty well known back in the day for the webcomic "Bomango," a musclegirl cheesecake/slice of life comic that used to get regular /co/ threads. He ran a Patreon for a while, seemingly burned out, and has a pretty reduced internet presence today. You'll still find /co/ threads asking where he went sometimes.

In actuality, he just found more success making fat fetish art as "AshVeint" than he ever did making normal art, and that's what he does to this day. It's really easy to find his work, but its harder to find work of his that isn't also hyperclit or involves weirdly floppy fupas

Guess there's an audience for everything.
I'll grab some more later. In the meantime, no Dobson/CattyN. We all know about Dobson.
Based thread
A bit off topic but if you told 2016 Pyrocynical he not only admit to the internet he was into gassy fat furry but also fully embrace it he probably would have stopped youtube altogether lmao
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Probably doesn’t count for here, but the one time that spaicy inflation was done by the creator of her.
I need more, where can I find this

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