
(116 KB, 1024x768, emily_returns__pride_month_sketch__by_spunkbug_dfz815x-fullview.jpg)
Feel like we need a giantess thread for drawings wanna start out with this Emily person politics or feelings be damned I'd love you see this Emily person fit to burst point from helium or something with a crowd of people around or on top of them. Maybe pumping them? Do what you want or what fits best
Take it to /bbwalt/.
I'm genuinely so happy your last thread, much like literally everything else you ever touch, started out a disaster before you took the thread down.
Sorry man but we already have one in bbwalt.
Then it shouldn't be a be a problem to post there.
>>161336 (OP)
That pic has to be one of the most bizarre attempts at commentary I’ve seen
>>161336 (OP)
Is this supposed to be fetish art or a power fantasy?

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