
Goes by Toro on fanbox, I think.
Anyone have their newer stuff I can translate
Where can I find the translated stuff?
One of my favorite artists around right now, thanks for the translations as always Malorne.
translator bro is MEGA BASED!
Any chance we can get the above translated?
amazing. Could you also translate the others?>>161593
Dudes never said thank you once lmao
I did on the other thread, Malorne is the GOAT, brings me back memories of the old Ayano translations, feels like a long time ago...
(177 KB, 1022x743, toro ramen.jpg) (542 KB, 2300x768, toro hose.jpg)
I'll get to the others eventually. I'm posting these cause I hade them done frome earlier.
I think I posted the hose one in this thread already, but just in case.
you're the MVP Malorne, thanks for these
(180 KB, 1086x768, toro sleeves.jpg) (456 KB, 2048x1110, toro sweater.jpg)
Just a couple. Some I'm having a hard time because I can't seem to make sense of the concept or I'm not typesetting them because they're kind of boring.
Thanks alot!

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