
>>160102 (OP)
Fuck off with your garbage. Terrible thread idea, and the OP image is ugly as fuck.
Yeah, that nickname is kinda shit too
>>160102 (OP)
Don't think you can get away with this, dipshit. I will haunt you in your dreams
extremly good thread idea awful header image
it was spot on and you know it.
(372 KB, 1443x2218, 1471903380726-12.png)
not really, as OP says "close ups of huge women"

you just needed an outlet for your terminal TDS. hope they'll find a cure soon, man.
It really was, made me laugh.
holy fuck i've been looking for this filia for months thanks anon
Nice face but weird comic
Agreed, but it's pretty funny that the author is a genuine comic artist too. Real curious how they got him to do something. Maybe he was desperate.
A good chunk of professionals have to rely on fetish sites if they want to put food on the table, even kageyragey confirmed he was working for a webcomic before joining the dark side due to really low traffic on their site.
(49 KB, 1024x573, 5E96611B-5C50-4FA2-9323-15ADEA925AA2.jpeg)
I’m looking for an imagine of a blob face that has tiny little cybernetic arms that she’s using to smoke a cigarette. Can anyone help me out?
(438 KB, 3500x3500, ni.jpg)
Sounds hot, post it when you find it
Holy shit I'm not even the guy that requested that but nice find!
I looked for it cause I remembered that being pretty great and it still is.
Still no source for this?

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