
>>160029 Are you sure it's just him? You're going to blame this catastrophe of destruction in this fetish on 1 retard? Surely you jest.
I'm positive that it's not just one. This one has a habit of saying cuz why not when creating shitty threads, and they've been around for a while. The other one who posted themselves is someone else who's more recent.
>>160033 I see... So it's been just 1 asshole lo these many years. 1 asshole hell-bent on ruining this board.

It all makes sense now. I have watched him closely posting mediocre OC and uninspired fanart both likely used for subliminal bible code messages. I was unsure of his motives but now I see there's resonable cause to his attacks.... He hates porno of beautiful fat women or hates pure, beautiful little girls and Pedos........ What a bastard.
What the fuck are you on about ?
Why are you complaining about “fetish art” on /bbwdraw/ out of all places? That’s the entire point.

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