
(282 KB, 2000x2250, 1187667144462364673_1 - Copy.jpg) (675 KB, 4096x2457, 1071516012829265921_1.jpg) (569 KB, 3000x3000, 1096158984577241088_1.jpg) (471 KB, 2978x1845, 974623608805900288_1.jpg) (88 KB, 500x500, 66811285_p0.png) (196 KB, 900x900, 69650332_p1.png)
a thread for the prodigious korean. i would like to focus specifically on the mad8867 and j8867bbw era(s) of his art

I think his art of wa2000 is some of the best in the business, if anyone has the uncensored versions of them please post
this fucker's art is notoriously hard to track down between the constant name changes and hissyfits, I don't know if it's a Korean thing or what but he seems ridiculously fragile. Not to mention he's dumping almost everything behind a paywall now, sorry I can't help anon.
He's also so coomer brained that he's getting more and more deranged.

It started with drawing light slob, then he went full on fart fiend.

Betting two weeks and he'll be drawing scat.
(72 KB, 1000x1000, 1242800145613242371_1.jpg) (96 KB, 1000x1000, 1240285164904669190_3.jpg) (349 KB, 1400x1400, 111111111114.png) (282 KB, 1700x1000, 1224276076802654208_1.jpg) (775 KB, 2300x2300, 66341124_p2.png) (752 KB, 2900x2900, 66341124_p3.png)
Yeah, I've been trying to collect all of his old shit because I remembered him being pretty good and creative. I decided to subscribe to his Patreon last month just to see what he had and it absolutely wasn't worth it. Though he has become a significantly better artist, his paywalled content is generally not very good which is very unfortunate because a lot of his old shit was unique and you can tell with some of his new stuff that he could recapture that energy.
Typical asian mentality. Intrusive watermarks, zealous anti-piracy ("if you repost my work anywhere I'll kill myself"), deleting old art or even their whole account several times out of nowhere, absurd roundabout ways to access their content, etc. It's like they're still living on the internet of 20 years ago.
>>160548 Yeh. They should be more smart like the ugly American nigger
Those goddamned Asians, am I right?
Ever heard of Zeiniku? Nikutsuki? This guy specifically? Not sure why are you two mad when it's true lmao
Nikutsuki is another one I hate, he closes down his twitter profile every fucking month lmao
(498 KB, 1765x2023, 5a8bc0c8e575b9ea5c13bc41a704c9b17963781ce9c97677601d256dbf366f16.jpg) (128 KB, 1000x1000, 6b202fb056584896bdf435d6b370ad597bb0c5437ec3222a1c664fd3093c887f.jpg) (179 KB, 825x680, 6a036bda682427e1678e1aa60b5694aaabddef23eb048b80817000b8a2923b66.png) (122 KB, 1000x1000, 24ec5a62612620b9d28fb81ea0cdbf9c202405dc849c152e1a8c00a6af6d62e9.jpg) (156 KB, 1329x1596, 5b019a50d0370c1fcdc93c5dececd901f65042b2d5f0d7dbba5157604c606ba3.jpg)
Can one of you fucking limp-dicks just post pics already?
Here’s everything I have. I remember seeing that there’s another anon on alt with a collection of arts I don’t have, but didn’t get the opportunity to save that one. Try and see if you can get that one, there was some good ones in there too.

This file is *almost* all the art and games available prior to the current “debyjull” account. Most of this was also public so takedowns shouldn’t be an issue, but I have a backup if that happens.
Don't you have a life or something? Go touch some grass for once, troll
(86 KB, 859x1153, He RISES.jpg)
>Smegmafag browses bbwdraw 24/7
>Touch grass! Touch grass! Touch Grass!!!
Jiren WARPED and ALTERED your mind beyond REPAIR!
Well it's something. Good effort. Any archives we should be checking?
(188 KB, 900x900, 69403948_p7.png) (185 KB, 900x900, 69403948_p4.png) (150 KB, 900x900, 69403948_p8.png) (270 KB, 900x900, 69403948_p5.png) (221 KB, 900x900, 69403948_p9.png) (225 KB, 900x900, 69403948_p10.png)
I actually downloaded this a week ago when I was scrubbing /d/s archive for more of his shit. Unfortunately, it doesnt have the WA2000 pictures I was looking for. I know this because I organized all the images by character. I'll upload it to mega soon
Sorry, no clue. That file’s all I got. My best guess is you might be able to dig up a reupload on E-Hentai or StuffersDB, but I’m not a fan of those sites. I only really use E-Hentai for the translated Ayano comic and some dead artists.
Then it’s in the folder from /alt/. You might get lucky in the slob or weight gain threads, but I’d doubt it.
Does any have that comic of a girl binge eating until she becomes a blob? Not the one of the two girls eating at the buffet.
>>159823 (OP)
Does anybody have his Tokha drawing? Or better yet, his archive?
There's one in the weight gaming com

But it's basically their WHOLE archive and I mean WHOLE
(282 KB, 1700x1000, 1224276076802654208_1.jpg) (282 KB, 2000x2250, 1187667144462364673_1 - Copy.jpg) (569 KB, 3000x3000, 1096158984577241088_1.jpg) (675 KB, 4096x2457, 1071516012829265921_1.jpg)
>>159823 (OP)
if anyone has these without the watermark, I would appreciate it. It appears that they were all commissioned by a single man who is either hoarding them or has posted them on some unknown social media account. it appears he has comissioned not only all wa2000 pictures but the vast majority of j8867bbw's old watermarked stuff
Why the fuck did this dude change name three times, anyway? Is he yet another artist who betrayed his fanbase to chase money?
(30 KB, 512x512, IMG_0459.webp)
I maked this
He's Korean, and they are very anti porn.
didn't he have other"meme" or "diagram" drawings? I remeber he did one about the differences of bbw and ssbbw
(71 KB, 1700x1300, SPOILER_20230316_075213.jpg) (2.2 MB, 2000x1800, 2023-05-26.png)
I know this is vanilla and all that yada yada but does someone have his bug girls? Like I cant find it since he purged his og account just post em with spoilers so you guys don't have to see it
I absolutely ADORE his new slob stuff, idk what you guys are talking about lol
I dunno anon, his art is kinda shit even for being asian. It doesn't help that he changed identity multiple times to not scare away employers lmao

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