
Princess Waste of a Thread
Uh...guys, why the fuck did you make such a useless thread anyway? I'm genuinely curious
Niggas saved a shitty thread once again
Wouldn't make it better because that thread failed too. Stop encouraging garbage.
But don't you wanna make DeSantis seethe?
Kisame here. Desantis is losing cause he's a fucking weirdo. He's not relatable in a way that ultra liberals like Jonah Hill can own it, Desantis is just flat out unpleasant to be around. Slimeballs like me can at least put on the veneer of responsibility and go to the beach. Dunedin man is just an asshole
>Dunedin man is just an asshole
Yeah but there's a lot of assholes, although it seems to be mostly a modern/western thing. Idk why
The problem is that his message doesn't resonate with us middle class voters. Trump's message resonates with the middle class. Biden is always burning bridges with progressives. It's possible for the GOP to win if I vote Green Party
>Niggas saved a shitty thread once again
When the fuck did niggers save this thread? Are you sure niggers didn't shit it all upn making the thread worse?
We don't give a crap, keep seething
>>159744 Ok nigger. Keep not giving a crap then. Just stay the fuck out of our site with your stupid, low IQ, non-funny shit. There's plenty of other sites for you to post porn content to broadcast subliminal messaging. This isn't leonardo davinci'z bible code. You're a nigger.

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