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Thread 11 bumplock is upon us. Shoutout to the anon who’s been doing a great job throughly coloring the OSC pages!
Kind of curious what won the nsfw poll last month
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May indeed be pointless; yet imma have to color all the pages anyway for a side project I was thinking of doing... Plus its a learning experience in digital art & eventually 2d animation for me; can't complain too much lol
Will take some serious time to figure it all out though.

Anybody have any tips for Toon Boom / Harmony 22? 🤪
Hey if possible would you ever color any of kips dws pages?
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Perhaps could try sometime.

I legit just got this figured out like Sunday morning lol.
Before discovering layers & clipping I'd do it all in one go & it'd look off, like the "goth gf" pages on the previous thread. Imo.
Or earlier attempts way back in Feb... those were atrocious 😂

In the meantime, I'll practice some more with this & piddle with settings then see what we've got from there 👍 cheers
Has anybody ever noticed the little sailors on the ships / swimming / the one guy falling from the ship in her mouth?!? I thought that was wild lol
Kip is into vore and wants to keep doing vore but doesn't want people to think that so he does things that have gray area

Just look at the mice situation
Hasn’t kip drawn straight up vore in the past? Any examples?
Calling it now: Saiya's horny shenangians is gonna get both she and Aika kicked out of the church group for their impious behaviour. All it'll take is the priest to walk in on them in a compromising situation, intended or no.

With the wheels beginning to come off Tessa's streaming career, I think Kip wants to have them all wind up falling to the bottom of the heap and finding solace in one other.
As realistic as that sounds, it'd be incredibly sad. We need a wholesome ending where aika becomes Stacy's new protégé, and saiya & Tessa stream together, or just ride off into the sunset.

Wishful thinking I suppose
there's still vore artwork on his DA gallery if you scroll back far enough
Color anon if you’re reading this, I just wanted to say your coloring is really neat and I appreciate you doing it
Oh for sure, don't get me wrong, I'm not predicting this to be a downer of an ending. The above was more of the "darkest point before the dawn" sorta thing.

Perhaps a moment of clarity is shared by both Aika and Tessa, that despite Saiya's love escapades being responsible for their downfalls, they can't bring themselves to wholly place the blame on her since they too desire Saiya. They all come to terms with this epiphany and decide collectively to make things work and come out stronger as a thruple..

Thanks good sir (I presume)
Having things half-ass figured out I hope to do it proper justice. Plus it's quite satisfying tbh. I'm not the biggest aika fan, thus explaining the pages I've tried so far; but she's ok I guess.
I've got some more colored, but will wait till tomorrow for ya (don't wanna steal the new page's thunder & bury it under old stuff during the commentary / discussion phase lol)

I'd agree with the dark before the dawn point. We can only hope!
does anyone got this and last week's pic
Expert level craftsmanship.
Useless obese nun looks even cuter in colour.
I'm gonna be honest, the Kobeni picture would've been hotter if she wasn't wet.
Anon you are the realist of the real. THANK U!
Any chance you’d be willing to do everything that isn’t already colored from the lasagna stuffing scene thru Connor giving Cindy her underwear back? Especially all that belly play in the middle. That whole overnight scene from the lasagna to the end is one of (or the) best kip has done so far. If you’re up to the task and have no time constraints it would be fucking phenomenal to see
is there a reason we're not getting a comic today?
Anyone have the nude versions of art kip makes sometimes? I’m specifically looking for the Cerberus one
Page is up
I thought Kip had reached rock bottom with their character writing, but if what this page is setting up happens, it will plummet to a new low. Fucking hell.
I thought this was to avoid Saiya being homeless? And yet all she's concerned about is her raging bushfire for Aika...
What do you mean?
She already got the money from Aika.
She's just coming along here to be nice.
Ah, fair point. So instead she's just potentially jeopardizng things for Aika instead. What a selfish cow.
I thought the pages came at wednesdays, fridays and sundays

Kip was late in returning home yesterday, so he didn't have time to upload the newest page until today.
God tier work anon
Many thanks
These are so damn good. Would love some more FNN pages but wutever u do will look great keep up the great wrk anon.
What is the game plan here
Wait this is her plan? I thought she was gonna try to make her drunk again not show off her slim bod...
Does anyone actually like this cunt?
Yeah, people who are scared shitless of this fucking janny constantly deleting messages
Is she the most unlikeable character in any of Kips comics so far?
Saiya really is just awful. Everything in this comic seems so mean spirited.
No, that would be the rat eating psycho.
By which I mean Sandy, not Sydney, before anyone gets funny.
Stacy and Sandy are (just barely) more unlikeable than Saiya but they are villains so that's actually a good thin
I think she is if were talkin main character then yes Saiya is by far Kips worst she
There was 0 game plan here when she tried to do this in church. She should’ve tried to pull this at the dinner her and Aika are about to have. This is likely going to end in Aika getting kicked out, no dinner, and fuck up their relationship again.
The only way this writing could be seen as remotely acceptable is if Saiya is an insert for how Kip perceives his audience, and even then it’s a little over the top
I think trying to get your friend (who was the only one who offered to save your ass when you were just sitting there crying) do something that would threaten what she does in her own time is worse than Sydney. Saiya just got there too, she can’t keep it in her pants until they’re in a private place?
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I get it this is the part where she starts gaining weight and her plan backfires
I unironically dislike stacy less than sayia
Gotta love the negative comments being deleted again. Is Kip bribing the jannies or something?
It might not be Kip, but his desperate simps
That would be pretty good actually, which is why it won't happen.
That or she gains weight after it backfires
Maybe she gained depression weight after she gets neither of them
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Suprised nobody posted this yet
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Surprise nobody posted this
you must love it so much you felt compelled to post it twice
i feel like ive seen this exact image for the past few years by kip.
Yeah, look at that idiot
That's the Kip Effect. Probably has hundreds of blank faced bodies that he just applies an outfit and hairstyle too whenever he does one of these artworks
>>160232 I'm glad the population's waking up and abandoning visits because of the blatant tracking, stalking, and spying that's occuring on the internet aswell as in American streets.

I personally don't give a fuck because revenge's going to be sweet when I find out who's terrorizing my family members, but I also think that they're making mistakes by being scared and that by locking themselves up in the house all scared they're doing exactly what the bullies wanted all along. It's too bad how stupid Americans can be.
I know people say it a lot to be dickheads but unironically please take your meds
Heh, of course nobody did...after that shitty janny deleted most of the fucking comments. You're a smartass
How about you ninkabot shut the hell up?
Who the fuck are you, anyway

Wow, Saiya's not wasting any time here is she? Church Group Expulsion Speed-Run Any%
Someone did already post it, twice even, not going to scroll up to find it but they did like 2 days ago.
Y'all are retarded. It's the same person who posted twice, one just got deleted. You braindead fucks.
Lol I doubt it, that would mean days of posts would have been deleted, your the morron if you think that would happen, keep your conspiracys in gen.
Okay moron, then why aren't those posts visible anymore? I'm telling you it's the fucking mod, like every other time
That's right, you great fucking idiot, take the girl who's doing you a favor and get her expelled by being horny in front of a priest.
I thought Sydney was the worst human imaginable but somehow kip out did it with saiya
How about you two mean old manbabies shut the hell up?!
Aww, how adorable. You tried to insult us
She's mimicking Tessa and her exchange in the change room
The priest better not walk in and cause Saiya to get in trouble, thus causing all of the progress to be for nothing since she’s then back to square 1 with trying to get money
Oops sorry referred to this one
Honestly, if Kip commits here this could be one of the best scenes of the comic.
>so fat you can't sit on her lap
I hope this shit doesn't get interrupted
It's kip lol, it will
Imagine doing all of this only for her to scream out Tessa’s name.
Idk why but I feel this is kinda screwed up. Saiya like practically forced Aika into a "fondling session"
Nah it kinda fucked up she hopes biscuit comes back for the “thrill”, but this is the only Aika and Saiya action in this entire comic, so cmon Kip don’t ruin this.
The legs of the chair in the previous page are bending, which means it will break and the scene will get interrupted, as per usual.
I yearn for saiya to be cucjed
Glad to finally see something happen with these two but god damn, Saiya is beyond unlikeable
Would be legitimately interesting if Saiya turned Aika over to her side in this, not caring if she got kicked out. But, I don’t think that’s gonna happen.
This page actually looks really fucking good.

Also how the fuck is Aika’s wings holding all that?
Every time I think I can’t think any less of Saiya, bitch finds a way….

I wanted her to end up happy with Tessa, now she might as well end up on the streets with all her actions.
I give Kip credit for finally showing awareness of what a piece of crap Saiya is and leaning into that. Interesting page
Hoping Saiya rots in hell with the incest farm that is Breakfast with Sister
I just noticed something: the angel have feathers besides the ears just like the protagonists aka Finnish people, meanwhile the devil have fins, like dad's new wife in Dinner with Sisters, that it's a southerner aka foreigner.
Is Kip showing us hints that the church of the Great Winged One in the past atributed the image of southerners with evilness incarnated as an excuse to do whatever bullshit smug colonial powers did in the past?
Or maybe he didn't gave half a thought and just did it because it looked cool
I really prefer aika innocent man fuck Saiya
Fuck off its only been downhill after Kip strayed from incest shit
I think they’re bat/demon wings as ears, not fins. Also if Kip did plan all that out, props to him, but I think he just thought it looked cool.
Somebody should color this page ngl.
Also “You wanted someone vile” slight Tessa shade lmao
>>161262 I don't think Kip's gay, mainly because his art, although uninspired, generic, and ungreat, shows a dedication in the skills of the arts, but more importantly his art's uniquely disengenous, a thing that so lacks on the internet and more so with every generation of artists' passing.

It almost seems to be that these days artists are almost all exclusively gay and all sleeping with eachother, sucking eachother's dicks and robbing from eachother. This all from judging the art alone.

Another artist that I always thought wasn't too bad was BWS, however Kip's art's much less pretentious and moreso what I would deem a work more resembling of real art, if there ever was/could be such a thing as real art. These 2 artists don't produce worthless art that's terrible in its entirety. As a fellow human I can appreciate the effort that must go into harnessing these skills.
I 100% agree with you anon... Kip's Just like fine wine🍷 The Older the better!
>>161276 How old's Kip then? I had no idea, but it stands to reason why everything else's worthless garbage.
Idk if he ever revealed his real age, but in his DA he announced that he got into art school in mid 2013.
If we asume that he was at least 18 the time, it would mean he’s at least 28 y/o rn.
>>161294 Art school in 2013 then he's about my age.
Kip literally has a girlfriend, at least last I knew a few years ago
At worst he’s bi, which is par for the course for all these cumbrained artists that are so constantly horny they lose the ability to discern from other relationships, like a kid introduced into sexuality too young
>>161334 Yeah that sounds exactly right, democrat. You should really think about becoming a therapist. You could do a lot of good in the world. Plus I hear the money's pretty good.
>It almost seems to be that these days artists are almost all exclusively gay and all sleeping with eachother, sucking eachother's dicks and robbing from eachother.

This is very true. I literally can't find a good art server because of that. The only one I'm in is slowly becoming into one of those gayass servers.

I do agree. Kip has that artstyle that shows he cares about art. Not a bland anime style but it isn't a fag style from twitter.
And there it is. Now the old guy is going to walk back in after hearing the noise and see them on top of each other

Hmmm, i think red herring.

>It's gonna be the old old one who's like "oh, I knew that chair was a little creaky. Aika pls get up and fetch me a scone"
unintelligable autism
anon called it and it is recognized
>it's gonna be the old old
c'mon you're asking for this to be deleted

Kip misspelled squish in the second panel lmao
"Sqish" is a cutesy way of saying "squish" which itself is a cutesy way of saying "squash"
Like "glomp" it's something I haven't heard in a very long time
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Drew Tessa doing an npc stream
As much as I hate those streams, this would be exactly the short of shit Stacy would pull to capitalize on Tessa were she more aware of the potential. A fantastic pic!
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I'm a shameless eructophile so this particular piece is definitely a recent favorite of mine. (Eructophile = kink for burping.)
>ltaf is back
>with kip fanart
the only way this could be better is if it was vore
I hate Kip with burning passion
I do too, but you know what I do? I hide this thread, do yourself a favor and just do that.
“I hide this thread”
But you’re here…
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Banger comment under the new page.
You know, that fact that she’s not stopping her shows that the feelings are there
Nah, remember Aika asked him in way earlier pages if it was okay to like another girl. He said it was ight. I think he’s more gonna freak out Saiya is infecting Aika with sin or smth
Fair point, I forgot to hide the new one. I also just ignore the threads. Lol
why the eyes look weird
In my opinion the problem, more than the lesbian relationship, is that they were basically having sex in the priest's office. Even if she were straight, I wouldn't have accepted her as her…at least without asking me to participate.
I assumed it was a recording filter or the like. The pic file is called "npc stream", so it's one of those types of shitty streams just with added food,
he said the sacred texts don't allow it but the great winged one would make an exception for a good person like Aika
basically a cope answer because he doesn't have the spine to tell Aika her desires are evil
I hate arguments like this. They always get in the way of everything. ALWAYS.
It would be really funny and frustrating at the same time if it then cut to the next day, as if doing lesbian lewd shit RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PRIEST gave no consequences at all for both the girls and they got off scot free.
this is textbook ELCA Christian
I can't believe I actually thought Aika might be straight and sincerely asked the father on Saiya's behalf after figuring out her friend was gay
Could you post your other art of Tessa? I remember seeing it in past threads.
Damn seeing this old page really shows how BIG Aika got
A potentially interesting idea: one way this could avoid disaster for the pair was if the priest himself was crooked. We haven't seen his reaction yet so there could still be a twist revealing that he actually doesn't condemn the deed, possibly wanting to cut a deal to maintain his silence. Unlikely, but not impossible.

I guess we'll find out today!
>>161998 I was about to say, my girl got LARGE
I am genuinely baffled by how much people praise this comic on Deviantart. It’s so awfully written.
A mix of kip sycophant and coom brain, that being said I rarely have kept with this (or really anything Kip did after what happened with No Lunch Break)
What about Full Night Nanny?
>Aika still being used for retarded slapstick even as her life falls apart
her actually acting human for once and being pissed off at Saiya in the next page is the only thing that can salvage this chapter
but she'll probably just collapse into a big weepy blob and the go eat more
>>161948 you know this page paired with the last panel of the previous one just seemed to convey the priest was just shocked. No anger so there was potential for him to be fine with it but we get the predictable result of Aika's life being ruined, cool. Hope she conveys genuine anger over this.
Well well well. If it isn't the predictable consequences of my own, admittedly hot, actions.
I'm so sick of this stupid ass comic
bro I am ripping my hair out. I hate Saiya so fucking much dude. She has the power to have 2 hot bitches and she gotta keep fucking it up.
“See I’m like the devil so..” what the fuck
Like is Kip planning on ending this comic with Saiya getting fucked with crippling debt or something while Aika and Tessa get togather?
>like is Kip planning on ending this comic with Saiya getting fucked with crippling debt or something while Aika and Tessa get togather?
That would be satisfying so no, not gonna happen
at this point i have no idea where kip is going with this
Holy cow, she's licking broken glass
So I'm gonna assume the dinner they planned to have at Aikas place is cancelled now? If that ends up being the case then I have zero clue wut we go to other than like a day jump.
I mean, Aika didn't stop her
I'm so sick of this stupid ass comic
this makes me realize that it took 170/280 pages for syd and tina to be a thing originally. still not very good pacing wise, but we’re over 300 pages into this and saiya is STILL not with either chick. kip really sucks at playing the long game, and in this instance it’s a REALLY fucking long game. i can’t even guess who she’ll be with in the end, and that’s not a good thing, the writing has just been fluctuating back to square one so many times that a conclusion is confusingly and frustratingly unpredictable.

i’m gonna guess aika will call saiya over to her place and they’ll make up. or saiya will rightfully beat herself up for ruining someone’s life again.
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Pledge Reward!
Look at how much LESS the outfit is covering up

Aika goes home and kills herself. Sayai kills herself out of guilt. Tessa eats herself to death out of grief.

The end.
>I've been in trouble with the church before it'll be fine
But you were already in trouble for ruining the cardinal's visit like a dumb hog. Your repentence for that is the whole reason Saiya was even there to begin with and then you went and did something even worse
The only explanation is that Aika doesn't actually care that much about this part of her life, or any of the people at the church. It seemed very important to her the first time she got in trouble though
Hol’ up, hold up, so let’s see here.
Aika didn’t explode on Saiya which is a huge let down since Saiya really needed to be given a dose of reality, but honestly I’m glad we don’t have another 300 pages of Aika and Saiya not being friends, Saiya being upset over it, and whatnot.
But then Aika straight up tells Saiya she enjoyed that and she loves her(in a way). Which I’m surprised Saiya wasn’t jumping for joy over since that’s what she was chasing for 340 pages straight. Like the plot of the comic could’ve literally end right here then a few pages of stuffing and sex lmao.
Aika becoming atheist real?
Aika didn't figured out if she and Saiya are in the flushed or pale quadrant
I know there’s probably gonna be 1000 pages of this story but eventually when this one is over does anyone else kinda hope for a follow up continuing of Full Night Nanny? That’s the only story I think I really like from Kip tbh
it'd would be nice, except how old is the boy? isn't he a bit too young to date a college girl? it's pretty problematic the more i think of it.
Why does that matter now? It ended awhile ago and I sorta saw Connor as more of a self insert.
I hope we see how hard Tessa has been taking things in the next page.
Connor is 18 and Cindy is early in college so she’s probably between 19-21 so not far off at all. Would love to see a sequel of them more than anything else from kip even if it takes forever to happen. Kip was going to go to Estonia to print paper copies but COVID regulations prevented it when kip tried and then they just forgot or gave up on the idea or just has been too busy with OSC and life since
Same. A Fnn sequel would be a blessing. Seeing Kips best characters would bring tears to my eyes. Would be nice to get it after OSC depending on how this ends....
Yeah, I want the story to show more red flags for mr corset
The more red flags the story gives to a character, the more emotional is their death
It's unreal how unlikable this bitch is yet nobody tells her to fuck off
Weird how this page also wound up in Kip's scraps. Possibly just another coincidence, butI wonder if they happen to be placed there in "error" to avoid spicier comments.
Tessa's clearly up to something. What would she be planning?
I hope she wants to brighten up her
I usually dont get tight about comics but this is the last straw. Kip just going in circles at this point. I just want this to end.
hoping Tessa takes the nice approach here instead of the lewd one
Saiya could use a hug right now
I'm torn. On the one hand, Saiya fucking herself over is good to see, but on the other, Stacy's smug ass face makes me want her to succeed just to spite her. Of course, considering this comic is spinning its wheels and recycling plot points, I'm mostly hoping that whatever happens only takes 5 pages to wrap up so we can move on from this thing.
ah man, I missed this art. I still love the very idea of saiya humping tessa and squirting all over her belly. this was brilliant.
One Serving Choice Is a Worst Webcomic ever.

This one doesn’t has a devil girl.

I’m giving One Serving Choice Webcomic an F-. 😠👎
Goddamn I love how you draw Aika
“She even said she enjoyed it..” “I’m gonna leave Aika alone!” Brother..
I am become hard, destroyer of my penis.
Is it me or is Saiya kinda autistic? She has such hilarious misreads when interacting with the only two people she sees almost exclusively that I'm suspecting she's now on the spectrum.
Did the person who was coloring FNN ever continue with the rest of the comic and the lasagna/belly touching scene? They did such a good job I hope they finish it.
Also yea she’s gotta be on the spectrum
It’s written by a finn
And Finland is notorious for being the world capital of autism
Saiya's "angel" instantly losing her wings & falling at the first sniff of fame & money! Hahaha!
I don't think so but I'm prayin for their return
Its really hard to tell if Tessa is doing this because she actually cares about Saiya or out of lust
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Speaking of "king", the other day I finally got the 4.6% Platinum trophy for the Western Roman Empire in tw attila. That was a BITCH; if anybody's played that game, then you know 😂😂 the struggle was REAL...

Also the page with "demonic sayia" the other day was extremely good!! Some of kips finest work. imo.
Coloring it is going to be dreadful lol
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Also I attempted a bonus panel, an overview of swole Tessa. Mind you I'm definitely not an artist, and can't draw hands to save my life (after much irritation I ended up leaving them as nubs like south park)
Apologies in advance.
You just gave us more in these two pages than this entire fucking 300+ page buildup bullshit
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Kip is just putting out bangers recently
???? No he's not, this sucks
Can you do any better?
retarded ass argument, makes you sound like a fucking child

you don't need to be able to draw better than an artist to have criticism of their art

cmon man lol
I wanna see you draw shit like this. Do you accept the challenge, or you'll chicken out like a loser?
If a chef serves me literal fried shit, do I have to be a chef to tell them it's bad?
I can't imagine people are too pleased that we've been getting what are supposed to be fan service shots of Tessa, but because of the corset she looks like a normal big-chested anime girl. Sure like, it'll probably eventually pay off, but for now these are just dead pages. People are here for fat bellies above all else.
You're technically right, art is subjective. Some may like it others may not. It's whatever
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I don't even mind the corset shots, I just wish that Kip could keep consistent with her sizes. In this page, you can tell she's gained weight, even with the corset. The last few pages, she literally looks like she did at the start of the comic.
Kip you’re so close. Just make the arms and face chubbier, please Kip. We’ve almost hit proper fat territory.
It makes me happy to see Tessa so unreservedly happy in helping Saiya in her time of need. Something that again just completely bounces off undeserving Saiya and her dense noggin.
Okay guys, make your bets. How many more pages do you think it will last Tessa's Corset?
This shit fucking sucks
at this point who cares I just want this comic to end and want another nanny comic
At this rate the entire comic
>Tessa FINALLY stands up to Stacy
I'm cautiously optimistic about this arc
When was the first page of the comic upload again?
April 2021, 2 years ago.
I thought this as well, but then again what if Kip straight up ruins Cindy?
I hate it here. I'm going outside.
just waiting for these jannies to keep dickriding the shit out of this lame as fuck comic and delete everything negative
Yep instead of taking care of the cp that’s being posted right now as we speak
Love when jannies don’t delete the absolutely vile CP plaguing the catalog, but will delete things that hurt Kip stan’s feefees
>watching twitch on what is obviously a CRT television
lmao the bros are something else
Nice. The thought of Aika jilling off to both of her crushes is not an unappealling one. Could be some fun imagery ahead.

Just how is Saiya gonna inevtiably cock it up now I wonder? Mention the corset on stream perhaps?
I feel like Saiya is gonna attempt to push herself into the spot light. And with this stream its gonna push her to start streaming on her own.
Is it me or it seems Kip has been using Ai art on his latest drawings
You spamming this in multiple artist threads isn't subtle.

Take your meds schizo.
Your meds, anon. Take them.
Lmfao I swear Kip's art just gets lazier and lazier as time goes on
I don't see anything wrong with the page? Unless I'm just blind
Look at the microphone, the controllers, the cans, hell, even just the proportions of the characters and stuff. It's laughable
why would he add detail to things as niche as a controller or mic
Mics, controllers and cans? Sorry, I was looking at booba. Maybe you ought to find another forum that shares your interest for tech in fetish comics, I'm sure there are several of you.
1. You're both ignoring that I also brought up the proportions of the characters

2. Sorry that I expect an artist who makes a living making comics to put actual effort into the art. I'm not expecting perfection, but jesus fucking christ you can't tell me it isn't at least a bit distracting how crap everything looks...
How many more pages Mr Corset will hold?
We still don't understand you.
The fact she uses her books to distract / blind is still hilarious & mind blowing.
Imma def have to skip & color this one!

Regardless of art or content quality, imo, it's a wholesome snapshot of how things will (hopefully) turn out in the end 😀
>man puts out 3 comic pages a week + other shit
>waah why doesn’t he put more detail into objects in his pics
There’s a lot of criticisms you can give kip and you chose the most meaningless
Right, because other artists don't do the same with better quality... not to mention that if it causes his art quality to suffer so much, he shouldn't be putting out as many pages a week.

also, it's not a matter of detail, you fucking morons. Look at that microphone. Are you really going to tell me it would have taken more than 5 minutes to make it look like it at least belongs on the page?

Draw your own comic you petulant little slime cock. Bitching about the proportions of your anime fat girl porn on a fetish forum really makes you look like a pathetic faggot. Did you notice that their eyes aren’t proportional to their face either? Or that they can eat unrealistic proportions of food?
Lmfao dude are you fucking serious? Anime still has to follow fucking rules. Sure it's exaggerated and stylized, but to act like proportions don't matter? Fuck off.
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Wasn't bitching about anything & believe you me, if I was artistic then I would try drawing my own stuff.
I simply thought it was a good page, and relatively comedic.
You're the one having an aneurysm bud.
>>163992 I wonder if it may be her getting intimate with Tessa on stream. Aika could possibly feel betrayed, since she didn't know about Saiya's feelings towards Tessa, and it may cheapen her own experience with Saiya at the church that came at great personal cost
Saiya is the worst thing about the comic. Hope kips kills her off and we can get some fucking good Aika Tessa stuff with Stacey getting fat in between


Someone on DA commented that Saiya has way more chemistry with Tessa than with Aika and I completely agree
Im 100% up for AikaTessa. It’s not like Saiya has anything good to offer.
(270 KB, 668x934, dftbrnw-311f8f7a-60b7-4fb3-9643-5b3737d7e780_edited_goood_fck_swt.png) (272 KB, 668x934, dftbrnw-311f8f7a-60b7-4fb3-9643-5b3737d7e780_edited_goood_IGMUC_1.png) (269 KB, 668x934, dftbrnw-311f8f7a-60b7-4fb3-9643-5b3737d7e780_edited_goood_IGMUC_2.png) (280 KB, 668x934, dftbrnw-311f8f7a-60b7-4fb3-9643-5b3737d7e780_edited_goood_nips.png) (285 KB, 668x934, dftbrnw-311f8f7a-60b7-4fb3-9643-5b3737d7e780_edited_goood_IGMUC.png)
I made this edit cuz I felt like the posing was already right there, lol
Stream reported in 3.. 2.. If each of the girls is gonna suffere a downfall at the hands of horny tanglings with Saiya, this would be the way to do it. Things get a little too steam for Pigz and Tessakitz is off the air.

Even moon-rune users are complaining about Kip's pacing hahaha. Just need Lrrr from Omicron Persei 8 to chime in. THE PACE OF THE STORY CONFUSES AND AGGRAVATES US.
Nice. I wonder how Aika is gonna take all this? She could be down for the two special people in her life having fun for her enterntainment, or she could get jealous... If she were to feel the sting of envy, the report button would be right there...
this needs a cut away to Aika being extremely flustered
Welp ig Tessa gonna ger ban or smthin
That could probably solidify saiya as a necessity for Stacy. If Tessa’s channel gets banned then they’ll have to make a saiyachu channel that Tessa “co stars” in as a work around. (Youtube has this same loophole) This will mean Stacy will have no choice but to let them stream together and share revenue.
What exactly was Tessa doing with Saiya there? Was she tickling her or something?
Crazy how you made a sex scene of osc before kip did. I'd understand the lack of fetish content in their comic series if it had a good story, but it doesn't.
If someone replied to me with this shit i'd off myself.
Ooh, bonus page? Or an early page?

Saiya and Tessa continue to have great chemistry together. It's still a little aggravating that Saiya is so blind to this outside of streaming but heigh ho.
Isn’t this a fat fetish comic? This is like the 10 page of this shit?
Kip has a poll on Patreon trying to tie in this poll. So ig wutever ppl vote for on Patreon is wut they will eat durin the stream? Personally hoping for the cereal or banana challange.
Whatever it will be, it's a huge red flag for Mr Corset. All of them involves bloating, in one way or another, this is the perfect time to begin The Great Bursting.
Hmm, how to imagine each will go down:

>Spiciest Chip challenge:
Tessa guzzles a load of milk or gamergulp = burst corset
>Cereal challenge:
Easy to eat, Tessa gets overly-competitive with Saiya? Either way = burst corset
>Whole banana challenge:
banana + gamergulp = bloat and burst corset.
>Whey Powder challenge:
coughing fit and Tessa attempting to wash it all down = burst corset.

I'd be amazed if this doesn't result in a burst corset somehow. In this case Stacy would have caught the Idiot Ball here for not anticipating the consequences. Gives Saiya a little reprieve as she won't be entirely at fault yet again.
Anon, where the fuck have you been?
better yet, banana+sprite challenge
that way they'll both bloat

…sorry, I’ll show myself out…
(1.7 MB, 1125x1575, Untitled8.png)
Latest patron poll numbers are:
Spicy Chip 14%
Cereal 12%
Banana 22%
Whey powder 50%
Bruhhh why whey powder??? Whole banana is a much better choice.
Idk man, I thought the same
I want to see Tessa get chubby and swole at the same time
Kip made the same poll in DA, is he gonna just merge the results?
Idk if he will, there's no details
If he merges them, whey would still win unfortunately.
I voted Whey, I just want to see Tessa scarf down a gaining shake. Did take some thought between that and the banana.
Shit is calorie dense man
When I wrote the above, I assumed by "whey powder" it meant to eat a spoonful of dry whey powder as opposed to making it a shake - it's meant to be a challenge after all.

That being said, I could imagine with Tessa struggling with the challenge, Saiya gets the bright idea of making shakes instead to help wash it all down which Tessa could be on board with.
No page today :(
Technically the last page we got would have been Wednesday's page which for some reason we got on Monday. Kip did say they were experimenting with their schedule. Anyone have more info about what that entails?
Most likely to allow for a decent amount of time to vote on the polls before drawing
Does anyone know what happened to the lewdpoll that happened months ago?
Damn whey powder won that sucks was prayin for banana. Regardless tho I wonder where we are going with this.

Kip said this was just "an experiment & will have no affect on the plot"

I figure it'll ecompasss Sundays page events & then Wednesday we'll be back to the usual cycle of Saiya messing things up
The whey challenge was a huge thing a couple of years ago and this is exactly what it was. I can't be the only one to remember it, right?

>Well, that was anticlimactic.

You're reading a Kipteitei comic, if you were hoping it would go somewhere you get what you fucking deserve.
Laughing at all of the dumbasses who instantly assumed she'd be downing shakes. There's a lot of regret in the DA comments and it's very very funny.

I mean, c'mon, it clearly said "Whey POWDER challenge" XD

I called the coughing fit here >>164926 so I can only assume either Tessa needs to take off the corset to breathe or she downs a bunch of liquid (shake perhaps) to wash it all down.
Yeah, we're all dumbasses for assuming something would be weight gain related in a fucking weight gain fetish comic.

Nah, I'm just making funny of these who was trying to convince the others with a "Muscle powder = Weight gain" and saying things like "Don't you guys want Tessa to gain" or "Now we have the opportunity"
My point still stands it’s been over 10 pages at this point with no weight gain in a damn fetish comic. Kip could take a dump and post it and people would still defend him
these comments are stupid even by DA standards
(81 KB, 500x511, 7w88qr.jpg)
CURSE OF RA 𓎡𓇌𓊪𓏏𓂝𓇌𓏏𓂝𓇌 𓇌𓊃 𓄿𓈖𓂧 𓄿𓂋𓅱𓄿𓇋𓊃 𓅱𓇌𓂋𓂋 𓃀𓂝 𓄿 𓏏𓂝𓂋𓂋𓇌𓃀𓂋𓂝 𓅱𓂋𓇌𓏏𓂝𓂋
>>165583 Don't touch, never ever steal, unless you're in for the kill
as an alt-fag I regret the fact that this was not a burp or fart. I mean who has a choking/ coughing fetish?!
Oh right, "a lot of people"
Crazy idea, but just maybe the coughing had little to do with fetishes?
has kip even indicated how much is left in this story?
And the corset lives another day. What a weird experiment that was for Kip.

Anyways with that excursion out of the way, I like the idea that with the camera off that Tessa can safely rip the cord on her corset and relax her gut now.
This didn't go anywhere like usual
bros trying to create the one piece of fat fetish comics, not an end in sight (or hint of where the story is going)
Why do I feel like this is foreshadowing. So help me god if kip makes 1000 pages of this.
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Hey guys, drawfag here. Taking ideas for any and (almost) all Kip related requests.

I won't draw fart, vore, or vomit related things, please keep that in mind.
Just ask me for any art you'd wanna see with the Kip characters and I'll draw it. I see a lot of people asking for Cindy and Connor stuff so I thought I'd just see what specifically you'd all like to see. Please don't expect it to be posted here on the same day though.
Hmm… can’t go wrong with Cindy/Connor content. How about a stuffing at the pool or something like that?
With all the wasted potential with the corset right now, maybe something with a Cindy popping out of/trying to get into one?
Oh shit fr das dope. Id love some Cindy and Connor stuff
How about Syndey and Cindy rubbing their bellies together?
Make sure to include a side-by-side comparison of Tessa before her gain VS Tessa now (if you're going to draw anything OSC-related).
Drawfag update.

I've finished 2 of the requests so far. I plan on finishing 1 or 2 more before I post here, thank you all for the patience.
Bro you GOTTA do Cindy swallowing the cream puffs that Tessa had
Draw an alternate ending where Sandy would have captured all of Sidney's friends and force fed them to immobility

These are great, are you the same anon that had a Saiya/Tessa comic coming along previously?
I am, actually. I've been thinking about redoing that whole thing, but I for now I wanna hone my skills a bit before that. Plus there are a lot of things I see desired again and again. Might as well use my ability to draw to help a couple of bros out.
Anywho, imma go get started on some of the other requests. Ciao.
Oh my goodness these are so good. Thanks for drawing the last request! How about another with Sydney getting forcefed by Tina with a funnel?
(2.3 MB, 4000x2862, PSX_20230821_225342.png)
Got another one cleared out tonight. Not sure why he calls them creampuffs. Where I'm from, they're called bismark donuts. It could be cultural nomenclature.
Sorry for the spam. I'm on it dude.
Holy shit this is good! Do you post your art anywhere else?
(2.4 MB, 4000x2474, PSX_20230822_043723.png)
Currently working on a DA just so it can be a public archive for whenever you guys would wanna see all my work with convenience.

Also had to post this since I just got it done. 👍
I don’t know what everyone else is on. These are dumb and they look like men lol. Why not make your own thread with them.
Hey you. Shut the fuck up. We know you're a troll that craves attention cause your parents didn't love ya and now your stuck in you shitty apartment with no friends. Go touch some grass and we'll all ignore you now.
The faces could look better, though. Also cope seethe dilate.
Personally, I don’t like it either
What does that chant mean? I've seen others use it, but what does it mean your doing when you chant that your doing this? Are you hyping yourself up for something?
I loved this drawing! It turned out amazing! If you're still making suggestions, I'd like you to come up with an alternate ending that Sidney's friends don't come to rescue, making all the food that her friends would be forced to eat, if it were all for Sidney's belly

lmao keep fapping to faces on top of circles dude. Post stuff publicly and its fair to get criticism
(22 KB, 768x576, IMG_2088-768x576.jpg)
Connect the jaw to the ear.

Give the chin a diagonal profile, instead of vertical.
(14 KB, 500x500, q2cv8mvuye661.jpg)
Comprendido, gracias mi amigo. Todavía estoy aprendiendo, así que haré mi mejor esfuerzo.
Eww, what's this shit? Even Picasso could draw better
It could use some work but it’s not that bad come on
I wanna see you draw better
I remember you from earlier kip threads. You've improved but your faces still need work. It's nice of you to take requests here, but instead of cranking stuff out, try to practice your skill with each piece.
Y'know, that sentiment just happened to hit me after my latest piece. Right now I'm working on a sequence and I'll take a bit more time with it.
Yeah man, you already do pretty good stuff, we all just wanna see you excel
I’ve seen artists that haven’t improved in a literal decade despite getting constructive criticism regularly, but you already seem to be way ahead of those cretins
yes this. I've previously made fun of his art but its honestly really competent aside from the shape of the head/face. the bodies he draws are actually very good
Aika is too good for this shit world she finds herself in
You don’t have to be a chef to recognize shitty food. “If you can’t do better you have no right to criticize” is such a fallacy.
Bruh why do I feel like something bad is going to happen to Aika at the bar. Like the fact Saiya went “Things are turning up!” Makes me think shits gonna crash
so one day went by and she's already back to normal?
jesus talk about bad character development
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I'll admit that I quite like this pic of Aika. Not only is she super cute but you definitely get a sense of how hefty she is now.
Imagine Saiya does the same thing that Aika did on previous party and goes after Tessa.

And as a bonus, she rips of the corset.
Tbf that would make 0 sense as Saiya would lose both her crush and new streaming job, but then again it’s Saiya
Bruh Tessa get over it, Saiya ain’t even worth all that.
Anyway guessing Tessa is going to compete with Aika and fuck herself over
Welp, after last page, i’d like to take back what i said, maybe she will get drunk on purpose instead. (I honestly hope not cuz she gonna do some stupid shit)
>Saiya ain’t even worth all that
Being stupid, careless, and autistic does that to you
honestly it’s nice that kip explored different body types through these mains. This is one of the comic’s best pages. Hope there’ll somehow be stuffing involved with this
Arms and neck look exactly the same
they probably mean chins, an a lot of people here really like fat chins
At this point, why even bother to continue?
Wait, Aika got bigger tits than Tessa now?
>Kip (the artist) doesn’t like how big Kip (the character) is
>Sydney and Aika are both bigger than she is now
Dessert with Sister when?
Aika is not bigger then Kip the character.
Aika is nowhere close to being Kips size yet anon what are you smoking
Aika being stupid and annoying and consistently a slog to deal with makes me wonder how anyone can genuinely enjoy her character. She has been fat since the start of this shit, she doesn't look "better" now, she's just larger and not in a way that means anything. She's simply there to remind everyone "oh this is about weight gain" until we get back to Tessa and the cunt Saiya doing the shit themselves
And I doubt shes gonna get anywhere near that big. Shes gonna remain the same size just a bigger gut
Tbh I think everyone in this comic is a drag. Aika has just grown on me recently since she annoys me the least
Tessa is pretty much back to the same size as the beginning of the comic. BS Corset or not, she has basically made no progress in 350 pages. Lol Kip really knows how to screw up his fan favorite characters; she isn't even the boob queen anymore either.
Didn't notice at first but yeah Tessa's jugs look a lot smaller compared to Aika which is weird cause feel like Tessa eaten significantly more than Aika but she looks like she got nerfed on everything.
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Also wow, I never realized the pacing was THAT slow, one serving choice is 100 pages ahead of no lunch break and the SIDE characters are just a little smaller than aika, not to mention Sydney
Kip is really dragging this shit out. No matter how it ends, I doubt it will be satisfying in any way. Their a great artist, but they act like they're not literally paid to draw anime bitches getting fat.

You are very talented kip, BUT LETS PICK UP THE PACE A BIT!
These should have been like 25 pages apart, maybe 40 at most. I'm confused as to why this comic has gone on so long with so little wg.
Worth pointing out that the images aren't really scaled correctly in relation to each other. In the latest page they're all almost the same height, but we know for a fact that Tessa is notably taller than Aika, let alone Saiya.

Might be neat if someone could attempt an "accurate" resizing.
Stacy needs sum dick in her life or something
I think that belt is her doubling down on hiding her belly
I think Stacy is gonna get told off by Tessa sooner or later and get depressed and become fat too
I know some white knights are going to get mad at me for saying this but tbh I find it super funny how Aika disappeared in the first panel and reappeared next to Saiya in the second
we could of had fat Sayia bros...
You never know it could still maybe happen
I'm feeling this will eventually close out with a fat saiya
Tessa is great, aika is filler, kip is a master at good designs but god this is taking wayy too much time

Wtf am I forgetting why is Tania the gym girl being here significant??
Wasn't she trying to avoid her or smthin like that?????
There was all sorts of fat Saiya fanart of just her and her/Tessa a while back; I remember them being good art I just don’t remember the individuals who drew them
i think it was implied she's into tessa, nothing concrete though
So whos comming out of this bar bigger Tessa or Aika
Aika. Tessa is too far behind Aika's size to realistically pass her in this bar scene.
There’s no way Tessa is passing Aika at all in the comic in general.
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feel free to lambast me if you all oppose this
but are you guys aware how simply and effectively you can replicate kip's style with AI?

The Kotone one i spent a bit of time refining but the Pyra one is just off the bat.

Obviously this doesn't mean people should stop supporting kip I just thought you guys should know
Sorry, but AI art will always be shit. They can't even render text without churning out unreadable gibberish. Plus replicating the real thing beat for beat is near impossible, that won't happen any time soon

AI art was utter garbage less than two years ago. It's fappable now. Saying it will "always be shit" is extremely short-sighted.
Were there any AI generators in 2021? I sure as hell don't think so. AI art might be fappable to some people, but I don't have rock bottom standards like them lol
Damn these are actually really good tho
Like most of the retards ITT, I follow kip for his comics more than his pinups. As much of mess as OSC is, it's more conherent than anything an AI could make of the same length. Those generations do look pretty good, though. Can your Kip model make a variety of body types in that style? Or is it just focused on belly pics? If you can modulate the belly size / overall weight you could easily make your own weight gain comics.
You can likely modify the shapes by combining the Kip lora with other fat lora's like hyperfusion or by running it with a fat model like aurora borealis. Some anon's have actually made decent WG / stuffing sequences already on /bbwai/ and a few have even added text in photoshop etc and make full on comics. It's definitely doable.
If AI is this accurate at makin Kip stuff no need to wait for Cindy to come back. Ill just make AI create my wife :)
how difficult it is for someone who never messed with anything like that before to learn how to do this type of pictures with AI?
its pretty damn easy and can be done free via many sites too

but I won't go into the deets coz there another board on this form specialising in AI stuff
Wanna name drop a site :)
I can run you through as its pretty simple but I'd rather not fill the kip thread with ai so come ask in /bbwai/, just ask in the general thread or questions thread how to get started. I would do it locally not on a website purely because you have greater control over images generated.
I get that Tessa's down for being ignored by Saiya, but why is she being shunned by the group? Thought she was more popular than that. I'm assuming it's to drive home the differeing states between both Siaya and Tessa but it feels awkwardly done and a bit of a disservice to Tessa.
I know this is like, buildup or whatever the fuck but good lord it's taking sooooooo long. Half of these pages could be cut out and nothing would be lost, at all.
this comic sucks
>three hundred and fifty nine pages
>multiple years of irl work
>characters STILL won't just talk to each other about what they want
I'm so tired bros
Looks like she’s purposely distancing herself so Ig the group went “eh fuck it”.
Last page definitely could’ve been cut. It was useless.
Even though now these pages would be considered useless, and could be cut, whenever you read this story again when it's full perhaps those seemingly unnescessary pages actually will serve the purpose of controling the pace, because without them in a reread that part becomes too rushed.
Okay. so is it gonna explode or is she gonna puke?
Like this is Kip we’re talking about. This will either be the most predictable or unpredictable thing ever.
(166 KB, 1050x1452, OSC_361_leak.png)
page 361 sketch leak 100% real trust me
Tbh if kip just saw and copied this it wouldn’t surprise me lol

it’s sad that I can’t remember the last Kip page that was better than this sketch

(nice job btw)
Why is this actually fire though? Like I’m being genuinely serious
I did it on Paint, that's why
even if this happened, Kip would spread it out over three pages instead of one
this is legitimately better than the real thing

(I mean other than the art, but its actually fairly impressive for ms paint if you did it in less than 10 minutes)
I bet saiya will be the one to do that to corset while they’re arguing.
Why do you think so? I think Saiya would want both of them to stop fighting, and there's no reason for Saiya of the three to do that.
Aika could take it off to show Tessa's hypocrisy, or Tessa could take it off herself in a desperate action to bring Saiya's attention
Please make more of these, legit comedy gold and I like the art style
I feel by the end of this Tessa gonna lose a lot of feathers
Tessa is about to fuck herself over infront of everyone. Was it ever explained why Tessa has this obsession over Saiya like I literally don't see why she keeps chasing her
It is a slavish devotion isn't it? I don't recall her being into bloating or stuffing personally (though that might have shifted with her getting more of a taste for it) - it was all for Saiya's sake moreso.

Our big, tall, self-assured streamer chick being a raging power-bottom for the protag is certainly a take.
Idfk why Tessa goes for Saiya, it’s not like Saiya has shown she gives that much of a damn about Tessa. Anytime she’s doing something with Tessa it’s for herself.
But yk, plot stuff. Guess this is the arc where Tessa gets railed by reality.
Tessa is lonely; the only people who want to hang out with her are annoying fans or parasites who want her money and fame. Way back at the very first party she gota taste of normal human friendship with Saiya and has been infatuated with her ever since.
great page but this made me laugh
>belly that constricted and bloated
>not struggling to breathe
This page is really funny to me cause its like Tessa made her belly growl on command. And that last panel felt like some JJBA type shit lmao
>>169202 Really early on when tessa and saiya first talked at that party, saiya explained she used to play that pokemon equivalent game whatever it's called with her childhood friend she lost contact with, i think tessa could be her
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Usually I have the blue light filter on, on my phone; so that's why previous color attempts may look a bit pale for you gents.
This time I turned it off & attempted to adjust the filters to make it look as close as it is intended to look.

Sorry for the hiatus, my a.d.d. riddled brain can only take so much of this series at a time lol
Next page speculation:
I'll almost bet, somebody is going to drop in & offer tessa another drink. Perhaps the two bros returning with the "holy grail"

Then she'll start to feel sick & want to leave.
As much as we'd all like to see the corset burst (except the one gent who was previously routing for its survival lol) I doubt we'll be graced with the privilege of seeing it burst in this sequence.
Especially having the belt as reinforcements.

But if it does burst... holy shit it'd be a thunderous sound & saiya would probably get knocked out by the buckle.
The shockwave of said burst would throw everybody to the floor, Stacy would melt like the guy from Indiana Jones & saiya (if not knocked out) would be blinded by tessa's bloated majesty 🤣🤣🤣

Idk just making stuff up lol
Remember how no lunch break? Yeah me too
Fuck that, give me some fnn
(425 KB, 591x1011, Epic Vaush Rant.png)
Kip is a cult of personality at this point. Regardless of how accurately computers might be able to generate an image in a similar style: it won't be an authentic Kipteitei™ commission

AI looks good, sure; but it's no substitute for paying a Finnish twink in drag to paint obese women with inexplicably thin arms and faces.

Your bias is showing. Aside from the fact that image generators literally can produce readable text now...why would you even need to do that in a world where font libraries exist?

This is 100% cope.
Pic related is literally you.

It's not the most straight-forward thing; but if you've got decent hardware (GTX 1600 or better) and you're willing to learn, then the world is your oyster.
At this point, why can’t we just let Saiya have fun?
Kip putting in worthless filler content because he thinks this is how “plot” works or something
Only finnish autism
tbh I'm glad the wheels haven't totally come off Tessa's bus; I hope she makes it through this relationship with her feathers and streaming career intact
I was not expecting to stumble upon vaush in this website
Finally some good drama; I'm starting to think kip can actually write.
Pages being released once every three-four days completely kills the pacing though
>Finally some good drama
What are you talking about? This is the exact same "drama" that has been going on for 362 fucking pages.
Saya wants Akia. Wait no she wants Tessa. Guarantee she does something retarded and blows it with one of them and immediately regrets it before going after the other one until she abruptly makes it up with the other one in one conversation.
Oh dam, when did this happen?

These look good for about five seconds until you realize that half the details are weird melty blobs, or misshapen nubs. Distorted perspective an anatomy all over the place (worse than kip hehe). I did stuff like this as a horny 17 year old with a pirated copy of photoshop cs4.

I personally don't like Kip's pinups, I think they're all samey, but they're still far superior to this.
>Finnish twink in drag
as someone who's seen kip before he's very much not that
Does anyone have the One Serving Choice HD pages from 347 to 358? Kip made an error on the zip file of the post and Kemono can't be update for this post already add
If you want to lie about the quality of the image to make yourself feel better: I'm sure someone will believe you.

Never. He got into a debate where he said some out of pocket shit comparing capitalism to child exploitation. Naturally, people started twisting it around to make him look bad. Through the classic "everyone i don't like is a pedophile" strategy.

There are plenty of good reasons to hate Vaush, but that's not one of them.
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Looking at this again, I'm actually a little surprised that Kip remembered to give Tessa a fat ass. The inconsistency wouldn't even bother me if I thought she actually lost weight, but I'm pretty sure that was suddenly going to gain 30 pounds around her thighs and ass the second that corset comes off.

TL;DR: Kip's art almost has me rooting against sudden weight gain.
As much as I hate kip I’m not going to dox him
Partially because I don’t even remember his name and I didn’t save any pics from his Facebook when I did look at it
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Countdown until Saiya and Tessa are caught gut fondling in the closet. Then after 807 pages maybe we’ll see them actually get somewhere together.
This is beyond a doubt the worst written fetish comic I have ever had the displeasure of reading
It’s fr crazy how many times Saiya has fallen into Tessa’s trap. There’s no way Saiya can actually be in a relationship with either girl if all it takes if for her to look at Aika’s stomach, or hear Tessa’s stomach growl.
If this is genuinely going to be the part where she tells Tessa to fuck off with that bullshit, I’d be insanely surprised. But it’s not gonna happen

I feel like this comic could be way shorter if these mfers actually talked to eachother instead of doing this shit. This is probably what’s going to break the camels back.
As much as I struggle to remember the plot details of No Lunch Break, it had a VAGUE shape.
Stacy or whatever she's called hurts herself, gets fat, lets the crazy one make her fatter, the goth and her get together and then the crazy one goes apeshit ending in everyone getting fat.

This plot... it seems to be in a loop where the characters reset every 50 pages
This is the fist Fetish comic I've read where I've truly hated the intended main couple because i strongly dislike both of them apart that it ruins both of them together.

Saiya is a terrible person who fucks over everyone around her and gets no comeuppance and Tessa is just an annoyance at this point.
the most circular thing in this comic is the plot
Fuuuck it took an entire week just to get to a closed door...
why are you reading it then? i'm serious, why? why do you niggers come here to cry every single page? if its so bad then stop fucking looking at it.
I'm here to watch Mr. Corset's fate
it takes zero effort to look a the new page every few days and complaining about things is every chan users hobby
We're back in the "Kip is stuffing the comic as much as he does to his characters in order to get more bucks in Patreon" era
It is amusing watching everyone complain about probably the most consistent and quality fetish artist out there (in our "field", anyway.) The writing is mediocre a lot of the time but hardly "bad" when you consider how most fetish comics are borderline ridiculous. I think what he did with the zoom in on Tessa's lips as she whispered in the previous page was based and exciting, this page was boring but it does build suspense. He has basically no competition at his quality level so he's free to make "filler" pages if he wants.
Era? That’s all his comics have even been nothing has changed
Is this bait? Kip is a stagnant artist who’s been drawing the same body type and face for 10 years he also writes like the same 3 cardboard cutout characters in all his comics
(32 KB, 500x333, a53.jpg)
by far the most enjoyable thing about this comic is to read the latest page, and then go to the bookmark to see you sperks seethe about it lmao
It’s bumplock o’clock
We have a new thread already.
Lmfao this is insane. Calling Kip “The most consistent and quality fetish artist” when people like BWS exist. You can also go on Twitter and find in a few minutes a handful of artists who draw better than Kip does.

>when you consider how most fetish comics are borderline ridiculous
Dude, Kip has characters eating rats, swallowing whole lobsters, exploding out of clothes like they were stuffed with gunpowder, breaking chairs when they couldn’t even weigh more than the low 200lb range… man, I could go on for a while with all of the dumb shit Kip pulls in his comics.
Me when I see people critiquing a horribly written comic instead of jerking off to it.
I agree with the blasting towards Kip and his comics, but would it kill people to not use BWS as an example of an artist who's better? There's many others that's also better then Kip, but BWS is a lazy example.

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