
>>157478 (Cross-thread)
Well, for your fucking information...I AM a member of Belt's patreon, and I didn't start giving him my money with the intention of seeing male weight gain. He hasn't drawn that shit in years, so why is he doing it again?
>He hasn't drawn that shit in years, so why is he doing it again?

Daily pic 249
>>157481 (OP)
Why would you include the 'glorious' part in the title and not the artist's actual name
Don't you get it either?
Where’s the “fat male” people keep screeching about? I ain’t seeing JACK SHIT.
its just the 1 panel at the end with Lene and Andre, with Andre looking a bit more chunky.
Thats it.
Calm your mantits, it’s still and will be 99.9% female WG.
As a guy who doesn’t mind mutual wg it’s still a little disappointing to see the guy get fat... I hate watching fit guys lose their physique no homo lmao but, I’m optimistic that his gain won’t be that prominent. The girls on the other hand look great as always
sorry i thought this was a new page
God there's alot of snake
Goddamn...Meatpedal requested a lotta fucking Miia, but at least he's an artist too. I can sorta kinda justify that (Unlike BWS)
>"he's an artist too" commission waifu pass
What an obtuse way of saying you like snek art more than lucy art
bbwchan sweatlord who doesn't pay for any content suddenly doesn't care about an excess of art for one character when they happen to like it, go figure,
Meh, what can I say? She's way less shitty than Lucy and that other fucking waifu, I think she was called Rebecca. It doesn't matter much though
That is so hot, but that has to be really painful.
You Never wanna be standing on pool concrete for too long, let alone dragging your body through on
It looks like a beach, which isn't quite as bad.
Then again Erika is the type to hate sand (coarse, rough, gets everywhere including and especially tank transmission and her buttcrack)
It would be funny if Erika actually mentioned that in the anime
Can anyone post the new makima?
When the fuck are they going to update his Kemono page?
when you stop being a broke ass bitch, sheesh
>Tanya focused page casually dunking on Emma page
Classic Tanya W (but I’m biased). Seems like Emma’s end of the story is some kind of Japanese psychological horror plot slowly unfolding, while Tanya’s perspective is more a of archetypical romance novel (albeit with a fat girl as the MC).
The red heads is just a newspaper gag plot/4-koma >xD
Getting through all that dialogue and seeing Best Girl at the end, was all the more satisfying.
With the focus on her being single, seems obvious that Hilda will be joining the harem.

And with it established that Beatrice is a chubby chaser and got her husband fatter, she's definitely NOT gonna be in the harem, but will either be the one who gets Elijas to fully accept he's a chubby chaser and a feeder, or will be an unwitting agent of whatever is in Elijas like Andre and Lene are.

Also, gotta say, Elijas is still one of my fav characters in the comic lately, same for Anne-Marie.
Ok so you are thinking a 30 years old girl would be in a harem of a 18 years old?
There's always the Token Milf or Big Sis figure in a Harem.
I'm gonna go with a different take with Hilda. What if she doesn't join the harem, but maybe an one night stand? Belt seems to like using characters to shape Nikolai, so Hilda could enable Hil even further along with Anne Marie?
Not even close to 124lbs on a 6ft frame
Maho Nishizumi from Girls und Panzer
could anyone update kemono
Are we thinking Frederik & Emma still have a chance?
Do you think Belt knows about the cult of Anne-Marie?

At this point I just want Emma to become the largest girl, dont care who she is paired up with
Nah, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a shit
Also, for those who think Lene's boyfriend is becoming fat like here well....

Belt confirmed that he isn't and was likely due to the way he's drawn, although i am atleast hoping he's been hypnotized
Sad to see this comic left on a cliffhanger
Does anyone has his two new artworks to share here? Please 🥺🙌
We can't share jack shit without kemono, those assholes aren't updating the thing
Thx fir answering!, That Kemono have been really outdated recently 😭
why not just update his kemono while ur at it
Be happy you’re just getting anything, like bruh what?
That Rosaria Artwork is gorgeous ☺️ Does anyone have Belt Buster's new Nikke artwork (Brid's one), it would be a freat favour, thanks! 🙌
(6.2 MB, 3467x3507, Mari side story.png)
TDE Side Story 3 - Mari's Resolve.
Written by WangLang1313


Mari felt like shit. In fact, shit probably felt better than Mari did currently. Even while bundled up in a blanket on her couch watching her fourth soppy romance flick of the day, and eating her sixth bowl of cheap snacks, the puissant force of grief continued to gouge a universe-sized hole in her chest.

"But Pedro, are you certain?" Isabella sighed, held up in her beloved's arms.

"Absolutely, mi amor." Pedro wooed back at her. "You are the only one for me." He leaned closer to her, the two readying themselves for a kiss.

Tears welled up in Mari's eyes again. Every movie she'd watched, despite their usual success in smothering any unwanted thoughts and memories, failed to dispel the current cloud of misery circling her. No matter how happy the ending, no matter how clichè and predictable the story, all these cheap silly romance films did was make the events of that night and the following morning play painfully back in her head, like on tape.

"Sorry that I wasn't Nikolai..."

She was the one who should be apologizing, for dragging a stranger home and using him in an attempt to satisfy her uninhibited, drunken desires. With trembling hands, she covered his face and sobbed, wanting to shrink away from the world even more. How could she have been so crude... so violating... so filthy and impure?

Ever since she was a child, Mari had always dreamt of being a dainty, elegant princess who would be whisked away by a handsome knight in shining armour. It was a dream that had maintained itself even as she grew taller than most of the guys she ever met. For Mari however, height wasn't the real measurement for her Prince Charming (although if they were able to carry her just like Pedro el Valiente carried his dearest Isabella, she definitely wouldn't complain...). No, what she sought from her lover-to-be was someone selfless, courageous and tender, the kind of man who would spring to her rescue without any hesitation... the kind of man that she felt Nikolai was wholeheartedly...

But just as Mari held a certain criteria for who she wanted to be with, she also held a similar set of statutes for herself. She felt a proper princess was not only a spirited and strong-willed lady, but also thoughtful and never overbearing to any she spoke with. Certainly not the sort to get hopelessly drunk and then dragged their knight home and tossed him atop her bed for a carnal night of flesh, without giving him any say in the matter to boot. Mari's head sunk down in despair. She would never be a fair lady, not after what she had done...

And yet, a glimmer of hope flickered in her mind. Isabella el Bonito, Pedro's beloved, was not perfect, for she had slighted and slapped Pedro when she had mistaken him for being unfaithful, but then made well on apologizing to him once she learnt she was wrong. And Pedro forgave her, not wanting to let the past define the future. Just like how Nikolai had sought to move forward too...

Mari looked up from her state of wallowing. Yes... yes, that was what she must do. Even a lady could make mistakes, and she need only compose herself with proper dignity and decorum and seek forgiveness from those she had upset.

Gripping her sheets tightly, Mari came to standing from her couch. No longer would she drift aimlessly and sit around feeling sorry for herself. Redemption would not come to her, she would have to go to it. The next big chance Mari got, she would find that guy at school and apologize to him for sure!

... As soon as she finds out what his name is.
...what the fuck is this?
Might be a non-canon sidestory but considering the image i feel like it's official
*Checks the patreon profile*

God it is official
>>159688 Thanks for this crap, copynigger. It'as very inspiring. I'm glad you spent time making this.
More Mari time!

Wonder how this will develop her character after this.
I like edu Cabazon, sweet dream coffee and BWS better so I only do their patreons. Fine waiting to see Belt's
Is here a new on the domino effect
I wonder whats gonna happen on the next page, if I recall correctly I think its gonna be a time skip
I understand there will be no domino effect this week? Does anyone know?
Belt wrote on the last long part that there would be no .5 last week.

He did the short Mari story to try to post something with the cooperation from a patron.
Okay, Andre isnt becoming a main focus for the gains. phew.
Nice timeskip so far! Hope it continues for like another 6 weeks lol Emma is gaining well :)
Although he has a bit of pudge on his shirt OR it's just the size of it.
While the moment is admittedly you know...i don't like what they're doing with emma here and now lene is pretty much looking like a bad guy.
Let’s go emmaaa
Does anyone know if theres gonna be another timeskip in the next page(s)? If thats the case, Im really looking forward to it hehe
Anne Marie has a great body, but her personality does nothing for me
Emma is best after Tanya. Tanya best girl :)
Man I really want Mari And Frederick to get together...She's Top 3 girls in this series for me❤️❤️
Don't care who Emma ends up with as long as she becomes a barely mobile fat hot mess of a woman
Was not expecting a page this early this week, Emma really just letting it happen huh.
What’s with the zombie face?
20 extra pounds of Emma! Let's go!
Does this mean that the next page will be released today, on friday or until next Monday? Im confused x'D
Should be next week, belt speedran this one to go on break iirc
Anything new this week(end)?
Well so much for Emma & Fred
Thanks for the new part stranger.
I don't get why in the newest part Emma regrets stopping at McKing, when in the previous her brother said that she didn't ask for a stop there.
Also nitpicking now her shirt has 5 buttons and in the part before only 4
What a disappointing entry… waited a week for that?
Belt updated the previous .5 with new dialogue.
Care to share the edited text?

Yall are trippin. Girl struggling to hold her gurgly, overstuffed gut in, her shirt still barely hanging on while she regretts stuffing herself because of her indigestion is hot af. Hopefully she gets more burpy/ a litttle slobby as her weird situation with tthe otther girl ramps up.
There should be a recap of her best panels.
For real I don’t get the hate I’ve been really liking where the comic is going and honestly can’t wait for the next entry so we can finally see what she’s been sucking in
the ship sanked, didn't it?
Sometimes I wonder about the IQ level of people that read comics, I know primarily people are here just to look at fat chicks but the story is not hard to follow and I think BB has actually put effort in a mostly good story unlike the majority of his Patreon piers that just do generic easy fat girl wg lesbian stories, There wasn't really ever a Fred x Emma ship to begin with it was always a well written red herring even if you fell for it Initially I don't see how you would think they'd be a thing after she still pinning over Nikolai and Fred and Mari (his actual crush) already doing the deed.

I think it was a good page, not every chapter needs to have a 500lbs gain and the girls in a barely visible bikini to be "good" this isn't just a sequential art there's a story involved.
I thought that was a pretty good chapter, that hiding weight stuff is pretty effective for me at least
bro shut the fuck about the most generic girl in the whole comic

i just got into this comic and i really enjoy emma especially this chapter. are chapters normally posted weekly?
>>163183 It depends I think, seems like it though?
Is this new? Why so thin tho
Yeah, I swear god she almost looks skinny. At least Emma had some fucking chub on her body...
Are YOU blind or autistic? She ain't got no bloody meat on her bones, anon. This is smaller than even the previous pic
To be fair there was a timeskip and also she’s more Bottom Heavy than anyone else
Who cares? It doesn't always need to follow the story.
If you guys actually think she looks smaller than Emma, you guys are blind. lol
Your brains are fried by fat fetish art if you legitimately think that she’s fucking skinny
No page this week or has it just not been uploaded yet?

I think it normally shows up Monday, but not 100%
Nah, I just want a decently sized BBW. This shit is terrible, her cellulite is barely even visible
Fuck yeah, this is more like it
Could someone share the recent monster musume art piece from Belt buster? Please 🥺🙏
>>163729 No don't say it. It's great. Really.
Thx so much bro!! Really appreciate it! 😼🙌
Stop with these fucking emotes, it's cringe
not sure if the added backfat was necessary (I won't complain), but the shoulder/head position fix was a good one. Likely will be fixed in the public release later if Belt spots it.
Nah, artists usually don't notice/care about this shit
what do you mean? Belt has revisited all the old pieces he done before he posts them public?
anyone got the new comic page? :)
Pongan la nueva pagina
This retard actually spoke in Spanish thing we would understand him lmao
New page :(?
I'm sick of you idiots, just stop begging and wait. I know you'll delete these messages too, since you're a coward
>>163877 The jannies do that not the anons
New Page?
What's the context of the first one
Is this weekend going to be a double update? Or did he talk about a break/vacation?
he was in a vacation and give us Tanya art, just wait
He had a vacation last week, and he still felt bad about not posting anything, so he made the Tanya art the last day of his vacation to give his patreons something.
Post the new fucking page lazy cunts
you can go fuck yourself you ungrateful schmuck
You can shove it for all I care, autistic nigga. Stop begging and join Belt's patreon instead
Estos andan eliminando mensajes
You only get one shit, do not miss your chance to blow this opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
He's def just gonna give her that sweater to help cover up lmao
Do Yuropoors really take all their clothes off when getting a bj?
That Marin has got to be the hottest drawing i've ever seen, he really don't miss
Another shitty League Of Legends drawing, yay...
Good thing you got it for free then huh you ungrateful bastard
Touch some ass
Have sex, even
I do have sex, otherwise I would play these fucking mobas all day
Belch queen's most impressive burp yet! Emma continues to remain my favorite.
Your hand doesn't count.
Cute chapter, but now that he's admitted to being attracted to morbidly obese butterballs I hope there's a time skip to when all the girls look like this >>163678
Nah, you know damn well he will never do that. He needs to keep his patrons engaged, and taking a shortcut in the story would be a big no no
idk why but Emma just does nothing for me. i feel like, in any other story, she'd be top tier, but in this, she just seems very uninteresting. She's cute and has a nice belly, but is otherwise the most forgettable girl in this imo
I shouldn't have said I hope he does it
He should do it.
that's retarded why not just make a three page sequence if that was his goal
compared to the other girls. i gotta agree. at the beginning she was great for the smaller scale story, but now girls like anne, mari, and lene just do way more with way less
No he really shouldn't or at least not just to satisfy you
who is the ominous boot lady taking a dump in the next stall....... find out next week
Sneakers made me think of Lene, but couldn’t be. She is in the same class as Emma, and only Emma and Niko left for the bathroom.

Sneakers might mean either sportsy or emo, so I’m going with either Mari(though not showing the face and keeping it a mistery might be a build-up for a new introduction), or some random girl that will spread this gossip around and have the whole school get fat for Nikolai.

And yes, I leave the house.
The sneaker is Emma's because, on the last page, she is wearing a sneaker. The girl in the shoes with the big socks is Nina.

At this point, I guess Belt hints that the rumor will be spread out.
(10.1 MB, 940x28500, chapter66.jpg)
Newest part straight 🔥 cómic de los God
Comic de los God indeed
...I'm not stupid for thinking that's Tine that Mari is talking to at the end, right?
That just reminds me how I really don't like the new Lene. Entirely different personality, and her new hairstyle makes her less distinct.
It's likely related to whatever the mystery is, as to why she is acting different and way more confident compared to her starting shy insecure self.
It's like she's acting very unusual herself too, it's possible what she has is making her happy but it could also be a wrong kind of happiness that she's expressing or she's been manipulated & she's treating her boyfriend negatively too.
Wait, where the fuck does this come from? Belt has drawn her months ago
Holy fucking god, Barghest is an absolute unit
damn i want that she stay with niko
>best girl gets a job at wackdonalds
A weapon of mass construction to surpass Anne “soon(tm)”
This comic had my curiosity now it has my attention I can't wait for the next page
didn't have to wait long for more emma content on the way. bless.
do yall think the other girls will reach a similar size to anne? i think it would be pretty hot, though it seems so far fetched now. i guess just be patient
Tanya's looking great as always. that line at the end makes me think she's going to have a huge wardrobe malfunction at Nikolai's party, and I'm watching with great interest
And so, all the love interests will be together under the same roof for Christmas... not only do I smell Foodgasms worthy of Food Wars, but I smell drunken antics followed by a possible orgy.

The poly route is becoming more and more likely.
Is it me or is Mary’s arms getting really fat 👀
I don't know if it's just me or Mary before Emma and Tanya already surpassed them in weight because just look at her, she looks huge compared to the others but still without surpassing Anne.
Tanya easily seems to be the most chill out of all of them. Emma seems like a stuck up bitch and Mary just seems hard to connect with.
(397 KB, 896x741, gemerald.png)
She looks pregnant in that top panel, this is like that "The diaper girls have all gathered" manga except replace diaper with fat
She also has some muscles, so it’s understandable
get that brimstone soy off my fat woman website
I've also noticed Tanya seems to be the only one of the main girls so far who is gaining because she's just lost control of her diet rather than to try to impress Nikolai or something
And yet she gets embarrassed when her growth is displayed in front of Nikolai.
true, but she's not just gaining to get his attention like Mari and Emma
Tanya my best girl, always cute
No new page this week?
That last panel face wtf? Is Eli a red herring or not Belt? it's okay if the readers know but the characters don't. This is going on for so long and we still don't have a proper name and face to our antagonist or their motive.
I think Elijah is just simply a chubby chaser and he is playing the long con so that his girlfriend is starting to gain weight.

He must have noticed how addictive Nikos food is to woman.

A lot of fat fetishist start to enjoy bigger bodies because of fat relatives and considering his sister's girth....
Eli's Sister is a fuckin Goddess can't wait to have all the other girls reach her size,with absolute certainty,even bigger than her:):):):)
>already forcing them to play nice, man handling them titty to titty
He’ll have them all lined up cheeks to cheeks and piled up like a Jenga tower by the time break is over.
the pimp nico era is upon us.
Which block will send everything tumbling in the harem run, mass architecturing route?
Mary is going for the FULL MOG build. Going to BRVTALLY physique check them in all 3 dimensions. Maybe more.
New page now
That's not how you ask, and there isn't one this week.
This gotta be one of my favorite works of Belt Buster, what a gorgeous Hilda!
Emma looking fat here god damn
Also forgot to mention Ty for the page always appreciate it!
What a wholesome moment with Mari and her dad ;)
I'm guessing Tanya's mom is hiding her gain under that loose outfit. I fully expect her to bulk up in the near future considering that moment with her tasting Nikolai's food a few chapters ago
New tired middle-aged man just dropped, I need to update my personality software.
Also I hope they all belong to the same church so that where they go for Christmas Day service doesn't start any arguments.
Goddamn, that's super hot, that fat leaking through the bikini ;)
Holy fucking shit, this is why Musashi is best girl
Can we take a moment to talk about just how fucking disgusting Musashi is? All she does is laze around and eat udon like the fat, disgusting pig she is. What other Servant asks you to feed her greasy noodles the second she's done fighting? Not even Artoria "Shirou, seconds!" Pendragon is that obsessed with food, yet alone a heart-attack in waiting like commercial udon. You can listen to her MyRoom lines where she talks about "training" but you just fucking know that's bullshit. What you say in the heat of battle and what you say when you're sitting on my bed, eating udon and leaving a gigantic, reeking indentation where your oversized full-moon of an ass has sweated on for the last hour are two very different things. I know you can all just imagine what it's like for EMIYA, Boudica and Tamamo Katto to see Musashi heave her sickeningly gravid body into the Chaldea Cafeteria. Boudica sighs while putting away her cookbook, knowing that instead of exciting new recipes all she's going to be cooking for the next three to five hours is slick, oily udon with more meat than broth. Katto, sweet, innocent Tamamo Katto who saved your life during the worst beach trip of your life, stops smiling. Even the goddamn Redman stops smirking for a moment, his face betraying a battle between his disgust for this wheezing pile of lard slowly huffing its way towards the trio and the steely determination to save this pathetic excuse for a Heroic Spirit. But as someone who has been crushed between that lumbering, slurping hambeast's slick mountain of chest meat she calls "tits," you know that's hell he's walking into. Miyamoto Moosashi cannot be saved.
Aight schizo, gonna save this copypasta for whenever you retards appear
I got turkey in my oven, and sauce in the pan
Lord, it's fun to be a bachelor man
I get girls when I cook, I get girls who can eat
I get girls who can no longer fit in their jeans

I got to make sure they all take a bite
'Cause all my fatty friends are comin' over tonight

Do you wanna feast, do you wanna gain weight?
Hey, chubby this os old Nick, ready to fill up all your plates

I cooked the ham for you gals, made pumpkin pie with spice
And all my fatty friends are comin' over tonight
Im glad Mari's dad is cool, i was worried he may be an abuser or something from how twisted and perverted Mari turned out :c )
New page of domino's effect
Domino page of new effect.
Effect of domino’s new page
Page effect of new domino
Weird that there’s suddenly a spoiled brat angle on Emma… not against it tho
>Anis is always a tease in her swim piece, I love it
brat Emma is the first time ive seen a domineering woman hot
I forgot that Emma's family is supposed to be rich. And that her brother has a bit of a sister complex. I thought maybe Markus was the one who made those two guys carry Emma, but if she did it herself, suddenly her bratty behavior at times makes sense, she's a rich girl after all.

Seems obvious she came early to get some alone time with Nikolai before everyone else shows up. Who wants to be the others have similar ideas and are gonna show up in quick succession?
oh god it's frederi-Markus? oh i remember him
More emma content

I'm excited
>rich bitch Emma gets carried from her limo into the house a day early
>broke joke mari uses her lambo-feeties (tm) to trudge there through the snow
>tanya makes up with her mom and gets dropped off or sneaks out and has her wingman take her
Life is a race and it isn’t fair
New page is out
The new release is a page now page today came out please
if even Emma is getting an ass shot, I imagine Tanya will have some great panels coming up
Also, I'm curious how far along this comic is relative to the full scope of it. Emma's clearly getting bigger, but considering some of the sizes Belt goes for, I'm assuming at least one of the girls is going to be borderline immobile by the end of this, so i have a hunch we're just getting started
I cannot lie to you bro, diamonds.
yeah this was a good page. Belt is really good at the subtle softness under clothes. I really like the style
It's pretty much over for Emma, she's treated like a friend, not someone Nikolai could fall in love with.
>>173539 Fuck you it's only October
Am I the only one who feels like these characters are being written out of character... by their own author
WOAH when did nikolai get so much rizz!?
i like their dynamic, nikolai is becoming a chud
think they are just youngsters hungry to eat one another already
but yeah it sorta feels like Emma is having a wet dream, lol
Do we have an archive of the whole comic? I suggest we create one before this site’s gone.
was thinking the same, it does feel like it could be a dream sequence. Emma's over the top arrival, plus Nikolai being uncharacteristally handsy with her, it does feel like Emma's fantasizing here, but idk. I think Emma is Belt's favorite, so he could just be trying to make her chapters stand out more
It's happened quite a few times before with each of the characters, but I've thought it had to do with a sort of supernatural interference that may have to do with either Elijah's influence or the mystery man
She was LITERALLY carried by 4 dudes into Nico's Home, I'm confident in saying that I believe this to be a dream sequence of possibly Emma as it seems she's taking control atm (plus, this page feels like from HER perspective, not Nikolai's.)
Yeah it's called Deviant Art since all of it is posted there later after PATREON or there if you want it early and archived
We'll see already people speculating dream, Nikolai has been shown to be more relaxed when his social anxiety shit isn't flaring up, and Anne lost control when she ate his food Tanya too (even her mom said the food was dangerously good) The only thing off is Emma and her Brother but maybe he always intended for her to be this way but waited too late to show it.
>they always hang out
>pretty casual relationship, both are less guarded around the other
>one is horny, the other is (platonically) confident
>both enable each other respectively in regards to the above
Seems about right for what we’ve seen so far, Emma’s plot has been pretty much about struggling to go mask off so far, despite being the “first” and closest to the niko-bowl originally (or potentially last, but closest, if you count childhood niko knowing mari and Tanya but becoming distant with the latter and totally forgetting the former).
This is the comfy-kino shojo peace before the messy young adult romcom storm when the others show up.
>woman, big women, lies about weight
124? In her bra maybe.
Has there been a new page this week?
Before this board gets nuked I have to ask if anyone has saved two certain BeltBuster pics

>one where there's a immobile complete blob laying on her bed, gaming
>I can remember that speech bubbles are something like "you sound fat" to which the girl replies "I'm not fat"

>one where a similarly enormous girl is being magic wanded by someone
>the speech bubbles went something like "just a few inches up would be perfect"

I've tried to find these pictures, but to this day, no luck. Both were drawn in a sketch style, meaning no/little color and the latter one had an yellow tint if I recall correctly.

Yes exactly! Cheers bro
Does anyone have this one drawing of, I think, a really big girl asking for a ride from a driver or something like that? I remember seeing something like that a long time ago, and I haven't been able to find it since.
(3.0 MB, 620x19754, chapter70.jpg)
1611 mi madre la tempestad
Basado compañero tempestista











- バリー?
- アダム?

- こんなことが起こっていると信じますか?
- 私はできません。お迎えに上がります。








- 毛羽立ちに糸くずがついてしまいました。
- うわー!それは私です!

- 手を振ってください! 118,000列に並びます。
- さよなら!


- やあ、アダム。
- やあ、バリー。

- それはファズジェルですか?
- 少し。特別な日、卒業式。






- こんにちは、バリー。
- アーティ、口ひげを生やしてる?いいね。

- フランキーのことを聞いた?
- うん。

- お葬式に行くんですか?
- いいえ、行きません。




Wah wah wah, a llorar a la lloreria
feels like a kip ass "cut away from the action" moment but this is also better than anything kip has ever produced so I'll give it a pass
Want to see more girls fatten up
The First Sign of Nick X Emma
It's starting to grow
Salud y Victoria como dice el Oss
Great, now the thread's turned into the tower of fucking Babel.
>>175477 The fucking wizard fell off the tower after 8 fucking years (now where do we go?)
May hangal rito. Tangina mo, gagong buhok ka!
I love that she wasn't even embarrassed or put out by the belch. Love when girls can really belt it out
Mati e koki ta bon kos wa, serio serio.
Yeah that's it! Thanks a lot!
Is there a version where she is not covered in soot?
emma looks great here... although i can't help but feel that her showing up a day early to a party without letting Nik know, is a really crappy thing to do and not in a cute way. I'm hoping one of the other girls calls her out on it at the party.
This is SOO much better, BB must of rushed that piece a little bit.
gj anon
Bump. New page
Anne looks smaller this time around, buuUUUT BEST GIRL IS BACK LET'S GOOOO
I don't even think Anne is trying to be mean, I think she's genuinely complimenting Emma. And considering she didn't seem pissed at Emma liking Niko...

Me thinks she may be the one to get the Poly route officially going, namely by convincing Emma to share.
>namely by convincing Emma to share.
Yeah good luck with that.
Wear her down by seducing HER first, and then convince her that she can have both Niko AND Anne together if she's willing to share Niko.
I sense a harem coming up in the next page but not sure yet.
Good lord whats happening to her right eye in that 4th panel? She is derping out hard.
Hmmmm I can kinda see it but it's not that noticeable
breaks the bike from her weight and the two have no way of getting back to nikolai's house so they just skip the sequence Kip style
Now we find out where Niko sits on the /mo/ spectrum, and how flexible he is within it.
Soft or stiff suspension? Can he adjust on the fly? adapt, improvise, overcum
That 1st panel Ass shot...
Muah chef's kiss
Is there a new Domino Effect page yet?
Is it not out today :(
And that was how Nikolai died, crushed by a big booty and suffering a snapped neck.
Rest In Pieces, you will be missed
Nikolai: 2021 - 2023
>Nikolai dies from neck injury due to fat ass
(6.5 MB, 940x28200, chapter72.jpg)
How and why do you people post without the correct file name in all of these threads?
That’s the luckiest protagonist in Wg comic.
I know it's odd but I really like how belt has been drawing Tanya, especially showing off how thick her lower half is. Amazing work

anyone has a gallery with these pics in order? thereare on exhentai but they weren't updated in so long. also for some reason the two of them have like diver ging paths?

like one of them has something happening that didn't happen with the other one.
Tanya being best girl as usual, fat stuck in window and facesitting in one go. Impressive.
yeah, she's very bottom heavy, love to see it
Yeah but I have slight problem with it being inconsistent, if you compare her thighs in that page where she's shown on the stairs compared to the second one, there's a huge difference in their size lol Belt should probably make a turnaround for his characters to keep them consistent lol
What impresses me the most is how high quality this comic is, not something I expect to come from a fat artist.

Love the posing and angles belt does
Gotta give credit to all of the angles, positions and poses that are happening here. Can't have been an easy one to churn out. Made me realise just how many comics and works within this community basically just feature fatty standing, fatty sitting or fattying laying down,
10/10 god bless Belt.
this strip was way too good, from the first panel to the last.
Hats off
Yeah he’s been really mastering all the angles, especially the good ones! Width, depth, I hope he uses it for the power of good and does right by Mari when its her time!
Tough talk coming from the one who didn’t do art for Stella Glow, School Days, Gintama or even any media that are underrated or with a cult following.
Is there anything new
Nikola's soul left his body and officially went to heaven lol xD
Does anyone have the new page?
Cant wait for the mother to appear and put a restraint order or something

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