
>>157459 (OP)
>Thread fails two times before, OP brings it back anyway.
Stubborn dumbass.
I'm sorry Im new, I thought the thread disappeared because of the maintenance stuff. What do you mean it failed? Could you please explain to me what happened?
Threads here get bumped out if nothing gets posted and other threads are made because there's a limit to how many there can be at a time. It's to make sure inactive threads don't stick around. The reason why I said the other role reversal threads failed is because they were very low traffic so they didn't last long. Threads that don't reach at least 100 replies before disappearing are ones I call failures.
Threads can also be bumplocked when they reach 400 replies, meaning they won't get moved back up to the top of the board even if something new gets posted.
Oh, ok, thanks for clearing that up. And I assume it's frowned upon to repost a thread, correct? So when this thread ultimately gets taken down I should not repost it?
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reposts are ok if the topic is popular. the most popular threads will be bumplocked and come back due to popularity. lately the board has become swarmed with low-effort posts of begging, spam, and (the least offensive) niche sub-fetish stuff. people are just jaded with the low-effort bump

t. role-reversal enjoyer
I wish I could step into that 4th image and tell mercy to end her diet there.
Get this shit off the fucking sub you fucking retard. I hope the Mexican cartel finds your pussy ass
Weight swap is not the same thing as role reversal. Stop it.
They're too similar to be able to have two threads up at the same time.
the roles of fat girl and skinny girl are being reversed, that's literally role reversal
the RWBY sequence can't be considered Role Reversal since both ended up fat
Huh? They sound the same to me. Could you explain how there different??
Classic. I remember seeing this on deviantart a LONG time ago.
The way I see it, weight itself is one thing, but 'role reversal' also takes into account relationship dynamics of a pair beforehand and after. It's one thing for their weights to simply switch with no other differences, but for some, another gratifying part is seeing how their behavior with each other changes as a result of the weight. A popular example is the dominant one gaining weight and becoming submissive, whereas the formerly submissive one loses weight and gains the assertiveness to take charge
Damn. I was about to post this one.
Man, I wish there was more of this.
Ah ok that makes much more sense now.
Love this thread.
Same I'd love if it got more traction tho :(
Feeeaad on deviant art anon
Do you or anyone else know where to find the edit someone did of this that was posted in the last role reversal thread where half way mercy stopped gaining and got fat again?
For the life of me I can't tell who's getting fat and who's slimming down in this
Right is gaining, left is losing and getting taller. Uploading on mobile just sucks ass
Thanks thats perfect. Thats exactly the kind of stuff I want in this tread. Only down side is its a worse version of one of the first things i posted here but thats not your fault. Only question is is it a copy of the better one or is the better one a copy of this lol.
\Very similar to a story I read a time ago. One of my favorites.
Really Could you share the link if you still have it?
Not the anon you replied, but

Pound for Pound by Polarisdreamer on Deviantart

>worse version of one of the first things i posted here

Both are really illustrations for that story, except that both don't contain the epilogue, which is the best part
That's the one. Exactly.

Man, that Epilogue is... always let me speechless by how hot it is.
Thx so much for the link :) I know this technically isnt the place to share it but still thx lol
Really? I'm not a huge fan of the epilogue Its the prologue I like. Something about role reversal is just so hot. especially when the skinny girl is arrogant.
I don't understand why this tread is still up. Last time I did this it got shut down almost right away, then someone yelled at me when I made it again...
What the hell is going on in these ones?
Skinny sister makes fun of fat sister and in turn gets fat while her sister gets slim.
Damn, surprised there's nothing from fatpandabutt.
broke:simple weight swap
woke:The thin one simply gets fatter than the og
bespoke: both get fatter,just the originally thin one gets an upper hand
why an edited fatpandabutt sequence instead of the real deal?
could care less about the japshit artstyle and the homosexuality but yeah good start. It's really neat conceptually! Hope to see more!
Racist and a homophobe? Wow, bingo card filling up.
If you wanna see an erotic image with a dude instead of two girls, youre just gay.
Uhh uhh how do I stop this anarchy! And wtf even happened!!!
Thats pretty fucked up dude.
Idk guys jerking to lesbos usually end up in AGP-land dude.
Stop saying dumb shit and just post more role reversal
Just admit you're secretly closeted and ashamed and stop projecting it onto everyone else. If you're so scared of how watching lesbos makes you feel than go watch gay porn or something - way more manly
What this guy says.
Oh no! someone on the internet insutled me =(

This might be the first time someone draws a fat Shizuha Aki.
Freakin love it!
Damn we need more of this. Can AI even create something like this?
Damn right we need more of it!
Although I don't feel lik AI is the anwser.
Could one get the artist for this please?
Freakin love it! This is exactly what we need more of.
Wish the other character appeared in the other pictures
Anyone got some more stuff?
Love it! Wish this tread got more stuff like this!
I've always hated how this artist draws their fat faces.
They can draw cute fat faces, but they had an uglification fetish too, sadly.
Yea it is quite.... Disturbing...
I prefer big booty curvy women before kids. More natural you flat butt women nobody care about you shuuiit
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Man I wish this sub genre was more popular there's not enough around its so hard to find
Someone made an edit for that??
Wish a better artists could redraw this
yea, I'm curious as to who the artist is too.

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