
(325 KB, 2048x2048, 20230619_233214.jpg) (233 KB, 2048x2048, 20230619_233229.jpg)
He still does terrific work, but I think a combination of a slow pace, a lot of WIPs that never seem to get finished, and dropping his decade-old Deviantart to post only on Twitter (or Patreon I guess) has really done a number on his visibility.
Personally I find myself regularly forgetting entirely about a piece he's done, or trying to find something again only to end up unable to remember the brief text attached to the tweet. Without a real gallery, even something as simple as a publicly-posted multi-part sequence can be a pain to dig up.
none of the people mentioned so far in this thread are niche nor underatted you are all morons
You make a thread about underrated fat artists with a picture made by BWS in the OP?
>>157399 (OP)
Apparently having 36k or 18k followers makes you underrated. All those artists floating around 5k must be real hidden gems
I never see anyone where talking about them.
If you know some underrated fat artist then post them
>>157399 (OP)
>Better With Salt has almost 70k watchers on DeviantArt and makes almost $10k a month on Patreon, OP puts one of his artworks in the OP posts.
Fucking retard.
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For the sake of contributing something to the conversation instead of only calling out the OP for being a retard, Butty Butter is an underrated artist. Has a little over 6k followers on Twitter and 5.4k on DeviantArt, but is able to make fat girls look like they're actually fat, something that some artists who've been around much longer still struggle with.
Point is, why post them if they're unrelated, especially Better With Salt of all people?
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Aside from reaction images and some other "non underrated artist" art, those were the only images I have on my PC and I needed something at least related to the board to make a thread.
Drew a blank when I was trying to figure out some Underrated artist myself and figured people would just actually post some.
Shame on me for thinking other wise I guess.
Then you go look for images that works with the thread's theme instead of posting shit that doesn't fit the theme. Should be common sense.
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Since OP couldn't be assed to clarify what he meant for the topic or even post some examples, here's some actual underrated artists. All of them are below 1000 followers on Twitter, since that seems to be the only real metric we have for deciding what's "underrated" or not.
This is what happens when you eat all of Peppinos pizzas but don't run like a mad man all day.
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Nothing here is underrated, they're all very mediocre or outright trash.

If you couldn't find anything yourself, you shouldn't have made the thread.

KDubs issn't underrated, he was pretty much one of the kings at one point before his engines died down before he started to rarely do anything but his OC donuts, and no one gives a shit about OCs. To top all that off, he posts other shit that people wouldn't want to hear.
>Nothing here is underrated, they're all very mediocre or outright trash.
So post who you think is underrated, then. It's not hard, dude.
"No one gives a shit about OCs" Nikume and Serena prove you goddamn wrong, anon. BWS has drawn them multiple times and people really like these two girls
Dood i need see someone drop a StarTraveler image, That would give this thread a good laugh
>It's not hard
It apparently is for all you guys who think this thread should be a thing.

And? There's always an exception to the rule and with the amount of donuts created for weight gain, that's barely a piss in the bucket. They'll be lucky if the fanart they get once in a blue moon is created from actual love of the character instead of trying to get brownie points or praise. Maybe if a lot more people put actual work into their creations so the common personality isn't either insufferable or boring and the design isn't ugly as sin or plain as water.
I still don't see you posting what you think is underrated. Either put up or shut up.
You seem like a deeply unhappy person
you just seem like you suck ngl
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I'll give a mention to dilios999 because even if he has a lot of followers he's not as well known as other fat artists. I mainly like that he has a lot of variety in his gallery and makes art of characters you don't often see fattened up, that he knows to replicate well the artstyle of the shows he draws about (so it really looks like how the girls would look if they were fat) and that he has improved a lot since his begennings. Definitely a fav of mine.
Post written by FreezingSteelBlade
>>159808 Wow, dude your name'z so cool.
Autistic child spotted
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Out of morbid curiosity I went to look at more of their "art" and it seems like they privated their account lmao
Even tartles hate his shit.
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Was gonna post Baqua7 but Baqua is hardly underrated. Did find an artist in Baqua's comments before that kinda sucks at digital art but was pretty decent at pixel art.
Y’all got any other cool underrated artists?
Eh, this stuff is decent at best. Why did he even add stains to Vert's body?

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