
someone should make a zip containing all his stuff
>>158357 His artstyle got worse for me when almost every fat artist had a superiority complex post-election, claiming everyone I don't agree with=block/Nazi/other bullshit
Agreed, trying to sift through everything is not fun
Found the trumptard. Keep crying kek
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I think his style got a lot better, I'm just not a fan of how he draws freckles.
Also he's gotten awfully scared off offending Twitter.
Can overlook anything though if he keeps supplying fat Skylas
I think it’s weird that conservatives literally always lose and their ideology is always forgotten and replaced and yet people still try and engage with it. Sooo weird. Dudes in the 50’s were like “grahhh we can’t have blacks in school with us!!!” And in 2008 we got a black president. Like LOL. Retards till the bitter end. Progress always wins dumbass time to grow up.
The ability to argue about literally anything when Tdookus is mentioned astounds me
>>158543 I hate jannies. Just saying, faggot.
Okay getting back on topic, (had this before the downtime) for me it's a mixed bag. On one hand i don't mind the more cel shaded look he's done post-2020, it at times feels better than his 2018/19 works. On the other hand the moment he goes hard shading or flat colors it shows how much anything outside the cel shaded look has degraded along with arguably having the ugliest looking faces out of the big name artists since Belt Buster upped his game. Couple that with a building ego that leads to pettiness (the freckles on Pyra will always be a sour spot for me and his behavior at the edit was childish, even if the editor should have given credit and not blocked the man), the need to appease the Twitter mob by aging up Marnie and Rosa to where the former is his worst performance yet and the latter is just laziness in putting no real effort in beyond jacket, wow), and self indulgences that drag the piece down which otherwise are fine (see freckles on Pyra, the eyebags underneath Hex and Rosa, and the unnecessary need for stretchmarks and cellulite, granted these are more personal grievances than anything), in a way he's holding himself back. Now let's not deny the talent here as he does know anatomy really well, when it comes to fat arms and bottom heavy girls, few do it better than Dook. It's just poor attitude, unnecessary additions to pieces that don't warrant them, god awful faces and ego driven mindset that makes Dook's works so conflicting. Moment he keeps his bad habits in check and improves the faces I'd give his merits their due and be more skeptical on criticism, until then it feels like he peaked in 2020 and just been going downhill in decision making ever since.
Him knowing anatomy well is debatable, and his proportions suck ass which really doesn’t help.
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Outside of his character designs I personally don't see any issues in his artstyle. I think his shading has improved greatly and he has a fantastic way of doing fat rolls and crease.
Agree on his attitude though and this is more subjective than anything else but his taste in Pokegirls is pretty boring for the most part. If he feels the need to redesign some characters because he's scared off Twitter then you might as well do different characters at that point. Would love to see him do girls from the earlier gens and revisit FRLG Sabrina for example.
anyone got an archive of the story that went alongside this? it's been seemingly eradicated from the internet.
Thank you so much! I've been looking for this for months.
fat fuck pokegirls- all bosses (no damage)
Anyone has his discord name ? It's for a project
You want to doxx him or something?
Anybody got the old blob Hilda and Bianca he did with the castella cones? Can’t find ‘em anywhere

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