
think someone need to deal with this..
Mods will delete critical comments in the kip thread but this stays up?
No, the mod got rid of it. The asshole who posted it before likely decided to post it again.
>>156388 (OP)
Are you fucked up in the brain? Why in the unholy hell would you post something as disgusting as this?
Fucking delete this shit wtf
>>156388 (OP)
im getting closer to where you live as soon as i pinpoint the location your dead bro
Probably for laughs and to get a rise out of us.They know that we'll get upset and disgusted at something like this. Especially if they keep doing it again and again and again. I just wonder if this will just be passe after a while.
Kill yourself and send yourself to hell
They've been doing this for the whole year, if not longer. The fact that they're able to come back after doing this so many times shows that the mod isn't able to permaban people.

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