
Does anyone have the wg progression gifs from the Forks game?
Not really feeling his art anymore, it's like he started doing a lot of collabs with Bamboo and absorbed the worst parts of his style
His art was never good to begin with. His saggy, deformed anatomies are ugly as fuck. Wish he stayed gone.
>>156037 Not me. I love this art because I'm an artist. I love this site's bad art.
Foxfire's artist trajectory has to be the most bizarre shit ever.
I think they're still pretty good when they reign in themselves a bit.

You're gay go clock out grandpa you're a sellout
I wish we could have like each of the girls separate from each other as the gif goes. With the different outfits and or faces
>>155993 (OP)
What's with the huge butt/thighs but disproportionately skinny lower legs? It's so weird looking, why does he, and occasionally Bamboo, draw like this?
Because Bamboo roped him into drawing that crap, of course. They've been close friends for years, we just didn't know that
That's why he sucks. Girls he draws are deformed to hell and look ugly as sin.
Because they like it?

It's not that hard to comprehend. Just hide the thread if you guys hate them so much. Probably not, because most people are deranged hate followers.

Not sure who the other two people are, but I'm liking the blond one who seems to be happily fattening her up.
We should be thankful to that Foxfire motherfucker, then...
where are you guys getting his art? did he create a new twitter/account or is it being posted on bamboo’s patreon/social media. always did love his art, happy to see him back
What in the actual fuck are these body shapes?
Heck if I know, Foxfire/Toroboro has always been into this shit but he's really drawing a ton of them lately
He's posting them on Bambooale's patreon page. So much for disappearing off the internet AGAIN...
Is there a kemono for this?
So now we know the reason he "retired" was not because of real life stuff but because he needed to get away from Tron. That guy single handedly ruined one of the best games in this scene and sapped the passion away from his artist.
always said that it was a dumb idea for Tron to start a second game when he had barely done the first 5% of Forks. God, so much wasted potential.
Wasted potential? That mothefucker was over-ambitious, I tell ya. So much about both games was wasted because of his inflated ego
Post art, or let the thread die.
Where are people finding all these? Do they have a new account besides the one they’re sharing with Bamboo?
Post Dalgi or we ain't ballin.
They're on Bamboo's fucking patreon page, did you not realize that?
Apparently most of these are from the higher tier
Yo mod, this thread hasn't gotten any new images since the end of July. Mind helping clean up here?
That's not what mods do. Just let it die if there's no content and don't bump. We're not your fucking babysitters.
I'm told that I should sagepost in order to post something without bumping it up the board. How do I do that?
Nevermind, just now learned how.

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