
I just want one good fat pic of original Karin.

It recently got a continuation of its anime which hilariously got picked up by Disney for the US.
how did you translate these?
What kind of strange NTR is this?
He probably knows some japanese, that being said its surprising there isn't some sort of program to do a translation (although it'd be crude) of japanese characters on an image to another langauge, even just getting the basic gist of what the characters are saying would be nice
I translate using the Google translator app, this one includes an option in which you can draw the letters, so i draw the kanjis and translate them to english
It got picked up b Disney for overseas like in the UK for the US Hulu picked the series
Anon, I don't know how to tell you this but Disney owns Hulu.
So, it's only to get profit they have no say in what to censor or not to censor
(263 KB, 620x916, 1529082287552.png)
>they have no say in what to censor
Anon, how young are you? A company who owns another company can make them do whatever they want and if you think that neither company can censor Bleach without the Japs approval, you're greener than I actually thought.
>>158351 all the more reason why piracy is ok
Source of the last pic?
Reminds me of Popposa but not 100% sure, and I don't see it in his Deviantart
Where did you get them from? Do you know the artist name?
Dude, what artist made these?
(2.9 MB, 2480x3508, hikifune_soft_by_doihaffto_dg2171k.jpg)
How is there not more art of Kirio Hikifune? She is literally the canonical fatty of Bleach, I would think that there would have been a lot of it
>>173523 Actual fat/chubby chicks in media don't get that much fattywank art from what I've seen.
It's not, it's the cover to a fic that was put in the description.
>Gets taller as she gets fatter

Fuck I hate lazy artists...
This is Salt's, "Crushed by Reality" picture but flipped

I think it's more referenced than anything
Nah there is 100% tracing happening here.
I’d share the stuff I have of the twins, but it’s them as teens, so I think they’d have to go to alt.
Lolis aren't banned to alt, just generals but if it's Roxas, no thank you.
General these nuts. King.
Isn’t this still a general thread?
If this was what I'm talking about, the only character here that would still be posted besides Nel, would be Matsumoto back when she was a tomboy.
I don’t get what you mean.
She talks to you like complete shit. Then wants your help right after. And if you dont help her she gets worse.she needs to burned. Fucking witch
(339 KB, 835x773, 1587859652378.jpg)
What else could I be talking about; Loli generals, why else would Nel be the only one still there without rewinding time?
I just want to know if I can post the twins here or not.
Like I said it clearly in the first response, loli generals are stuck in alt, but lolis themselves can still be posted elsewhere so long as the thread isn't focused solely on lolis. The only negative reaction you'll get is from other posters who don't like loli.
(332 KB, 1072x871, GC3cG5saIAADeAe.jpg)
Tatsuki: "You are what you eat..."
Orihime: *eats so much bread, that she ends up transforming into a massively fat loaf of bread
Okay, then, but they are mostly from Roxas617, so I don’t know how much people here will like them.
(850 KB, 1687x1844, IMG_3137.jpeg)
Candice sketch by ekusupanshon
Doihafto briefly returned from his hiatus to give us this. Love him.
Top Heavy too. Extra based
It's clearly not traced so I don't see what's the big issue. W-oo-T was THE top heavy fat artist in the community. Using his stuff as reference just makes sense
(318 KB, 900x862, clearlynottraced.webm)
I agree with you that using woot as a reference makes sense. What I don't see is that it was actually used as a reference; pulling elements from a piece to create a new one should be largely based on observation and interpretation. Pic related suggests that this piece was indeed traced heavily on the grounds of contour, proportion, and landmarking.

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