
(291 KB, 626x1000, 1684677264529865.png) (102 KB, 392x247, 00.PNG) (119 KB, 511x121, 000.PNG)
Could someone do a nude edit of this, add some food stains to her nude body and make her blush deeper? Nipples in the style in the refs, please no huge/too contrasted hentai nipples
(1.2 MB, 3506x3738, FxFHpjzWwBgmkQf.jpg)
Spoilered for futa, but could anyone edit the dick out? Thanks.
(758 KB, 1528x1440, 20230502_063023.png)
Since I am an idiot and didn't realize we had an edit thread, I'll post this here. Could someone edit this so that Hilda has a fatter face and arms to match her body? I'd appreciate it
(220 KB, 339x480, MayEating.png)
Can someone make her chubby here?
The 2nd one actually looks really good, but the colors look off in some spots and you forgot the nipples. Is it possible that can get fixed?
(1.0 MB, 1351x2203, IMG_8521.jpeg)
Could someone make a lewdle edit?
(720 KB, 1240x1428, 5cf.png)
Could someone separate Hilda (The purple girl) from Zelda? I mean, take away Zelda and leave Hilda with her entire body.
(178 KB, 1080x1920, FxE_fgpaAAU8LKI.jpg) (185 KB, 1280x1280, flannery_by_mangogurt_dfyr6fn-fullview.jpg) (655 KB, 2000x1286, dfyqtxf-b20a908f-ec35-4db2-8633-800d616c32b4.png) (160 KB, 1280x966, skyla_challenges_you__by_jayofthedamned_dfytsfy-fullview.jpg)
Requesting Tessa with an overhanging potbelly that covers part of her fupa, rather than a belly that just looks stuffed. The second panel on the second pic can be left as is.

Side note: I'm aware there's a Kip edit thread but it's just an autist making fanfiction from random cropped panels.
(489 KB, 4096x2909, IMG_4628.jpeg)
Can someone make a nude edit of these two?
(8.4 MB, 2224x1668, IMG_4789.png)
Porn Fat Jasmine Nolan from American Dragon Jake Long (2005 Disney Dragon Breath) Fat Jasmine Nolan and Fat Rose Huntsgirl, Fat Naked Massive Jasmine Nolan
(37 KB, 537x680, 78b89dcef7b074974e44a6ab4341c24d92ae1d4f41186b2b05fcfaa0813ed3e3.jpg) (30 KB, 680x399, 4059b1a2f47fca9268fc61f4cfd238fdd97058e870433cc5c650b70699112c90.jpg) (109 KB, 2048x1264, 252e39eeef2bfce20b0752499cdea2dca1b9c358cd548c9a72418b08843eaa13.jpg) (318 KB, 446x479, C mieco tribute by kopolokoyo on DeviantArt.png)
Bringing back some nude requests since there seems to be a resurgence. I’d prefer inverted nipples (ref included), but that’s just a personal thing
>>156853 Excuse me, But do you have the source for the 3rd image?
(206 KB, 850x523, Untitled.png)
Can someone do the clean up for this sketch?
You didn't have to remove her nipples completely, but thanks!
Can somebody do this one
(1.8 MB, 1500x1941, college-24.png) (2.0 MB, 1500x1941, college-23.png) (1.7 MB, 1500x1941, college-19.png)
Does anyone have the nude edits for these three. I didn't expect the kagey thread to die when it did. Rip
>>154793 (OP)
Holy shit you millenial artists aren't worth a damn. This art's gay as fuck.
(8.4 MB, 5271x4248, felicia__part_6_of_6__by_thickerwasp_dd68r37.png)
Can somebody edit her claws out (especially on parts 5 and 6) and any other cat-like features possible? Awesome piece from an underrated artist, but would be better without the cat features
>>161113 Not only is this stolen ripoff a cloned artwork, it's also terrible.
(486 KB, 571x800, 6ebbe5c3-a686-4092-a4b5-a6091be9d9c3.png) (690 KB, 771x963, c0695998-b2d2-4208-a8a8-8faf95530b5e.png)
Panel 1: Tessa really wants to demonstrate her naked fat ass bod to a socially awkward girl.

Panel 2: Kip the fat naked princess. This girl drank too many flasks and now she bears a flaming hot gut. She can't lose the weight because her curse makes her fat permanent. Even her underwear was too tight to wear so she took them off. For so long, she awaits for a knight to escape her dungeon while she drinks and get wasted because that's the only thing she has.
(97 KB, 1051x761, alpha_sized_by_slimeyjaystudio_df1d8h2-pre.jpg) (207 KB, 959x1280, 1660085970.cars_4f44b21b4921b0761eb5cd8cd4d7b8a53a422120ce93cba90300cecc8930f79b.jpg) (237 KB, 2048x1366, FPGJr4MXsAo4kYv.jpeg) (209 KB, 1280x1058, 1666085109.cars_b234bc3120ecf009bd671c8a5f7b94f23bdc6fc350f990795cccfd0814cbdc41.jpg) (67 KB, 1099x727, a_fattening_hex__comm__2_2_by_slimeyjaystudio_df9agw0-pre.jpg) (184 KB, 959x1280, 1666444470.cars_addd61686e77d4ad4cb600e1e85ea1496abe08cd9b782344f021a885e20d348c.jpg)
Someone Is Can Edit These Pictures To Nude Please ?

We've all said harsh things sbout Kip in the past, but this has got to be the gayest thing I've seen him draw.
More love for Kip than her artist will ever give.
Re requesting this one.
Is there a way to find the older edit threads?
Can you do Mint Castella Belly Edits please?
Someone had edited Pewbutt's Mercy and Pharah sequence a while back where Mercy stayed the same size as the first part. Anybody still have it?
As in making Courtney the one being stuck in the doorway.
Damn...you barely even changed her hair, the faces are basically the same
I was the person who requested it, and I accept this. Thanks!

What else would you want changed?
Well, I would just change the face. To make it more similar to Courtney's and all
Her expression, or the face shape too?
How come if I bump my request >>161448 it gets removed but not if anybody else does it? Example:
(67 KB, 850x850, 20230816_223507.jpg)
Can someone edit this pic of berserker castoria to be very fat?
(3.9 MB, 1650x1650, JADE.png)
Requesting a nude version (partial or full) of this picture.
Possibly, with a partially shaved pelvis.
Okay, what the fuck is this shit? You basically photoshopped their heads and arms on top of your crappily drawn stuff
You can try as many times as you want, people will never like your shitty art
I would like to see you draw better than me.
(290 KB, 2048x2048, 83062D63-64B0-4643-895E-F294E020CDD2.jpeg)
Requesting this girl with a bloated belly from eating too many burgers in a gluttonous haze. Also making her burp or even something easier like adding some food stains around her cheeks, breasts and tummy would be nice.
Holy fucking based, nice work. This artist always draws the insanely curvy women then sticks them with a mutant pinheaded retard who looks like he belongs in the Goonies.
doing god's work there. Would love to see more of his art de-ugly-bastardified
Seccond this. Please goth. Everything goth.
(97 KB, 441x522, FsjtPVxWcAQlxO7.jpg) (180 KB, 751x856, download.jpg)
Anyone up for editing this Mitsuru Kirijo into being Tsunade (2nd image)
(274 KB, 778x960, IMG_1256.jpeg) (582 KB, 1357x960, IMG_1255.jpeg)
I want Sumo Ami and Sumo Yumi, please. Just make sure you get rid of Kaz’s chest hair and make their breasts look more feminine. Maybe recolor their kimonos and mawashis pink for Ami and blue for Yumi.

Here’s both girls facing the same angle with fat faces to help with editing. Just remember to erase their skinny selves standing behind them in the sumo ring. Maybe replace with skinny Kaz?
(5.2 MB, 3410x3690, 100522_hex.png)
A nude or topless edit for this would be appreciated
>>167579 (Cross-thread)
We have the right to call you out whenever you shit on other artists. I thought this was a nice community, not a fucking competition. What are you doing, trying to become the best?
Wrong board you should go to /bhm/ instead
I remember someone requesting Lois Lane from My Adventures With Superman here. if anyone did them, would someone be willing to reup or share?
(2.5 MB, 1920x1080, Pirate Athena.png)
If someone could make her fat I would be most grateful
You down to try and do page 20 but the nipples are actually showing?
(1.6 MB, 5200x3900, dg7erkw-d1c5cae4-8d32-4c7c-bbb2-062845cf280a.jpg)
Might be too vague of a request, but I kind of get the feeling the mouth/lips in this throw the face off a little. Would it be possible to have it changed or touched up to make it look nicer? Close her mouth and make the lips thinner maybe?
As the person who commissioned it, I second this. I didn't really know how to ask him during the process.
Thirded, I never liked how he draws lips. They're either too puckered or too thick, or both.
Has he ever said anything on why he always does lips like that? Did you you ever just say. "Hey, I personally don't like the way you do lips, can you please just have them be normal?"
I've only commissioned him this once. I don't think he's said anything about why, it's probably just part of his style. I didn't want to be rude.
Bringing these back in the hopes that some of them get nude edits since that’s all that people are doing nowadays
(261 KB, 905x1221, IMG_7710.jpeg)
Requesting this edited or redrawn where this chick’s belly is fatter than her tits and is what’s crushing the towers
Kisame here. I was 10-11 when 9/11 happened. Best explanation I can give is that Dubya's portrayal as an incompetent man gave rise to comedians using breast expansion and pregnancy fetishism. Unfortunately it also lead to edgy art like Bleedman hinting Mandy plotting 9/11 to keep Grim in business. Dubya just became popular again cause people are tired of the cynicism that the holiday brings along with over the top boomer worship
As a New Yorker, I don't care for the towers as it was a giant office building in the middle of lower Manhattan as opposed to midtown or Lex where office workers operate.
Kisame here, shut the fuck up. Nobody wants to hear your explanation on why 9/11 was influential to fetish art
Nobody wants your poorly made MS-Paint inflation art. Even DeviantArt thinks your amateur student film and angst ridden inflation art is not good enough to be published on their site
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not even an artist
(1.4 MB, 1839x1251, cp6wdhn3pooaby9mcshp.jpg)
I am not an artist either. You're just mad that you didn't have the greatest president of all time and got Trump and his sidekick Guliani
Nigga, I'm not american like you guys. Thankfully I wasn't born in such a capitalist country
> Not capitalist and yet know who Kisame17

Nah you're lying. I hail from communist-socalist Haiti. Commies don't care for cultural arts
I dunno anon. It's an old image
Thank you so much! That freaking haircut really bugged me, I don't know why would he did it in the first place. Thank you again, I love it!
Stop, get off the internet.

We don't want these absolute shitty edits.
>>168845 The fact that mods deleted my comment asking on why 9/11 porn exists but not the original post says a lot.
(49 KB, 400x400, IMG_2600.jpeg)
Preferably counterequesting to make her limbs and face fatter as well.
Also requesting an edit of this so that this lady’s flat stomach is a fat gut.
(9.5 MB, 3351x3847, venusi(1).jpeg)
sup kings

Could someone edit out the dick on both of these pics?
>spoilered because futa obviously
>1/2 because the file is big
It's literally the third one up, what's the point in bumping it
(244 KB, 537x680, Edit1_20231012224408.png) (52 KB, 537x680, IMG_1348.jpeg) (121 KB, 2048x1264, IMG_1349.jpeg) (584 KB, 2048x1264, Edit3_20231012224351.png)
Did some work on some of these (apologies if some of the lines are messy). I have the general idea of how big the nipples are, but I can’t seem to draw them right. Requesting for someone to finish these up, and maybe make some changes to the navel in the second edit (original pics are featured if that helps).
Since the sites gonna implode can we get a nude edit of some of the revenge pages
Can we get nude edits of revenge pages 135, 140, 151, 167, and 199? Thanks in advance
Gyat dam that's incredible could we get edits of these? Please and thank you >>174387
>>171791 i'm bumping my request once again
Welp this site will implode soon enough before that happens hopefully someone could edit these >>174387
>>171791 i'm once again Bumping my request
Hopefully these can get edits before the site gets nuked
Who's that last one from?
(1.5 MB, 1474x900, oni fat edit.png)
requesting a fat edit of this Oni gal here
>>175460 Good to Hear, so i can get this pic edited
>>175980 Who drew this in the first place? I thought it was a Synecdoche artwork outside his characters art at first.
>>175460 Bumping my Request yet AGAIN
>>175460 Bumping my Request yet AGAIN
>>176214 My caps lock is dead as shit.
(679 KB, 640x360, Kate Upton.webm)
ik it's animated. but can anyone make the imposible green screen or transparent background edit for a video?
Can someone make her fatter
>black skin
Wouldn't she just be a darker purple?
Just use the black and white filter or pencil sketch filter, that'd ease the coloring part.
>>175460 Bumping my request for the last time

Is anybody still here?

Anyone interested to nudify this one?
Could someone make an edit of this?
(1.0 MB, 3000x3500, SB Wendy 3.jpeg)
Make the bottom right frame non-x ray?
Nice bro,good job,congratulation,sorry im not speak good english :)
Could someone make her belly more bigger and add a pinkish tint around her belly button and if it’s no trouble maybe fix the blush on her face las well
Could someone make her belly more bigger and add a pinkish tint around her belly button and if it’s no trouble maybe fix the blush on her face as well
(336 KB, 1170x740, IMG_3087.jpeg)
Could someone make her belly more bigger and add a pinkish tint around her belly button and if it’s no trouble maybe fix the blush on her face as well
(515 KB, 1644x2712, IMG_0394.jpeg) (330 KB, 1700x2000, IMG_0396.jpeg) (832 KB, 1284x2365, IMG_0395.jpeg)
Requesting topless edits of these please, and an increase in tit size would be nice too.
(166 KB, 1920x1058, GBPBXuAXcAAD05V.jpeg)
Someone edit this so that Mahiru is now a screen-filling blob of fat...
Anyone interested on this one? Understandable if not
Just checking if anyone wants to still do this one.
Is anyone still here?
(220 KB, 2048x2048, First Picture.jpeg) (87 KB, 1024x1024, Second Picture.jpg)
Can someone remove the details from the First Picture?

The Second Picture has all the Details i'd like to get Removed from the First Picture painted in Red
(470 KB, 3600x2700, GCJ6fCoXkAATXAp.jpg)
can someone move the face and text
or just outright remove it
I Mean Anyone Can Make Nude Edit Of This Picture.
>>182395 wow, where does this ilustration come from?
(1.1 MB, 2800x2200, Picture 1.jpg) (5.4 MB, 2800x2200, Picture 2.png)
Here's a simple request: Just make her Butt and Chest a little bit bigger.

PS: The Second Picture presents an attempt of mine to draw the size reference.
(47 KB, 720x480, Animated Female Lifeguard 1.jpg) (63 KB, 720x480, Animated Female Lifeguard 2.jpg) (227 KB, 1920x1080, Animated Lizzo Swimsuit Shot 1.jpg)
Can someone make these two female lifeguards from "The Fairly OddParents" episode "Beach Bummed" super fat or really huge and fat please? Thank you. Also, can someone make Lizzo fatter in this screenshot from the episode of "The Proud Family: Louder Prouder" that she guest starred in please? Thank you.
(346 KB, 1080x2340, 928dda3f-68e7-405c-9761-0ffad288654c.png)
Can somebody help me improve this drawing to look better. I bet there's someone who has the skills to do it. P.S don't just brag about it.
I can't do Yuki. So sorry about that.
(77 KB, 894x894, c670d4d1_a1b2_4ee5_9848_05033404d41f_by_hiddenleafman_dgo3cxh-pre.jpg) (83 KB, 913x875, e20a571f_fa36_4526_8c6f_d1ad072a9652_by_hiddenleafman_dgo3cuc-pre.jpg) (54 KB, 690x1157, ddc47b75_6e08_4448_bbb0_09709858e2cd_by_hiddenleafman_dgo3cwj-pre.jpg) (94 KB, 894x894, de21ef26_9955_4374_a10c_8bbe9e92ae64_by_hiddenleafman_dgo3cv2-pre.jpg) (102 KB, 894x894, 32e7e444_a2d3_4244_b3fe_74e0cf9e323c_by_hiddenleafman_dgo3cvv-pre.jpg) (62 KB, 907x881, ae6363d2_c276_4ea8_8083_350a34be7909_by_hiddenleafman_dgo3cyd-pre.jpg)
(222 KB, 2048x2048, Snake (Human Form) by @DudeNamedA10.jpeg)
Can someone lift her belly so it's just a little visible from her shirt.

Also, if possible, raise her butt a little.

I'd be thankful in advance
(813 KB, 1379x1920, Guts of Steel by munemune.jpg)
Can someone take this drawing of an exercise woman by munemune and make her fatter and put her in a bikini or swimsuit please? Thank you.
(316 KB, 285x600, gardenia_jesse.png)
Been lurking this whole message board for a bit now, and since the concept seemed interesting, decided to try my hand at doing one

Excuses if some it isn't like, the best looking lol
(88 KB, 685x1166, 536c690e_8d1d_44ca_bb39_57b6f7d45724_by_hiddenleafman_dgphmni-pre.jpg) (98 KB, 718x1113, 61f9dd60_7fb1_4bba_aae8_a10e5628c65e_by_hiddenleafman_dgpmi7i-pre.jpg) (105 KB, 714x1119, 092235c8_9fcf_45d4_98ac_6d83e19b096e_by_hiddenleafman_dgphmmz-pre.jpg) (383 KB, 999x1306, dgpmtug-031c20b6-909c-4c9e-aa29-8c7fd0b77bce.png) (80 KB, 686x1164, bfb1a344_dcea_42cf_a507_7b280bd048cb_by_hiddenleafman_dgphmol-pre.jpg) (98 KB, 753x1061, 3518cb15_2c8e_4b84_aec9_c1738c930d1b_by_hiddenleafman_dgphmo3-pre.jpg)
(1.8 MB, 1805x2471, dgog1xo-89531fad-9239-4dc7-8e5f-02394e67ba87.jpg) (86 KB, 794x1007, picsart_24_01_05_21_59_15_296_by_hiddenleafman_dgog1ym-pre.jpg) (78 KB, 795x1005, picsart_24_01_05_21_59_39_610_by_hiddenleafman_dgog1zn-pre.jpg) (90 KB, 929x860, picsart_24_01_05_22_00_11_287_by_hiddenleafman_dgog20w-pre.jpg) (73 KB, 820x975, picsart_24_01_05_22_00_29_466_by_hiddenleafman_dgog22a-pre.jpg) (76 KB, 735x1087, 3055825c_637e_46f7_abd2_924bb3d4c646_by_hiddenleafman_dgpmi8x-pre.jpg)
(91 KB, 1192x670, be1f0f3e_91a7_47ed_8ed8_b1092fe0ae76_by_hiddenleafman_dgpzhxl-pre.jpg) (86 KB, 1192x670, 4d2d4a1f_fd42_4b08_bf73_619db5461585_by_hiddenleafman_dgpzhz0-pre.jpg) (67 KB, 1192x670, 66bb12f4_7884_4689_ac8a_29344a4481ab_by_hiddenleafman_dgpzhw6-pre.jpg) (74 KB, 1192x670, 4ebc6334_0b44_437e_8371_3099195b6922_by_hiddenleafman_dgpzhsj-pre.jpg) (66 KB, 1192x670, fe93e4b8_4e05_47be_8917_deac3e2bc415_by_hiddenleafman_dgpzi19-pre.jpg) (74 KB, 1192x670, 3d4021d6_142f_42b8_86fe_9b49cd68b90d_by_hiddenleafman_dgpzhuj-pre.jpg)

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