
(155 KB, 606x506, Picsart_23-05-26_13-10-38-401.jpg)
It's an exclusive thread for all Kipteitei related art that can be reworked from people's image. If you think that's a waste of thread then don't bother.
(740 KB, 748x1071, b8967a8b-489a-4283-a3e1-6cad90aba8a2.png) (132 KB, 393x317, 4b6a22f2-f00d-469a-af81-df560db85d02.png) (717 KB, 731x1028, 7831248b-8bd6-4505-ba3d-92d7593a112e.png) (732 KB, 731x1028, a1bc416b-2360-4409-b77e-4027dafdf6a2.png) (666 KB, 762x1090, d21c8d7a-4c28-4941-a7ff-daedf3d54d93.png) (735 KB, 731x1028, 2cde1feb-aab8-45c3-b51d-34ef8a320533.png)
Panel 1: Kip undressed herself to get her body measured properly. That's a little weird for a store clerk?
Panel 2: Bella is surprised that Kip isn't wearing any clothes. Kip explains that her clothes are too tight on her. Including her underwear.
Panel 3: Kat talks about Grace on her obsession with her weight gain.
Panel 4: Grace is building up a lot of hormones due to Kat's sexy name calling and horny touches. Grace let's it all out to have sex with her.
Panel 5: Tina undressed herself and removed Sydney's underwear. Then, started to get freaky with Sydney's large body parts.
Panel 6: Kip felt sexy with her humongous belly and wants to get bigger. Bella told Kip that she is a lot like Grace. Then, Grace and Kat break down the door during their make out session.
(52 KB, 251x191, d1464d1399651e2866df57a6ebbea006bb71a0159ffd58890a14f7c554ec1723.png) (102 KB, 232x368, 359c44e1e5ffd4d1d7cfacf30becd9b26b0d34dd9656adc0a209665d100ee0fc.png) (206 KB, 461x482, fe693c94c9ae31126e10d9d2c222a33621487af7fd8b33c0c403268c2937a39f.png) (183 KB, 445x499, a675172c42d2a441bbba152cb4931353ffebd21a1504fdd98d58e2205bf033a5.png) (96 KB, 271x330, 292aa025be413b6cea7b5a248201e1da744c29820fd43a6bfc7a1779fe6dc63e.png) (94 KB, 355x483, d8b5b003c80efea11c5d2de33d7232cbe598f0de598207474eb5fa69fe49c09e.png)
Here's a batch from Waifu Quest.
Warrior gained too much and break her bikini armor.
(169 KB, 474x344, 833a4ee43d3740c293878172a1a020dadcc673d594297ae8f5035839d7ce60e8.png) (74 KB, 405x351, fd06e57c0b527d2f9945203fc5109571e495eca36a367ef35f77e91cc794cbc5.jpg) (99 KB, 518x458, 7bb07fc4ff66e2cb658acde6fe0edc5ba7d7ab484562f03a298669503f67fa7f.jpg) (597 KB, 762x1090, 7e5ad7721736fc551cc9da57742d2d101365c5d5a7dbc4b58450e73c727e305c.png) (176 KB, 762x622, e02c37ff31e48242640675d5e931b909f93f786e57a51e10867fdaa2f013ae13.jpg)
No Lunch.
>>154782 (OP)
This shouldn't be it's own thread. One Kipteitei thread is enough, and there's an Editing thread already too.
Read the message.
You should've taken your own advice and not bothered making this. You knew at least one person would think that this would be a waste of a slot and you did it anyways.
I'm just informing to a person who is bothered. It seems you are bothered too.
me likey big boobs
That lady has four big fingers on her hand and a very weird knee.
(642 KB, 762x1090, 7fe21ca5-92eb-44dd-b950-85c7877db22c.png) (761 KB, 731x1028, 7346f97e-ea58-4c3e-95c1-f64eb11906f4.png) (792 KB, 731x1028, 0223f720-7633-4d1b-abbd-40007601a9a1.png) (634 KB, 731x1028, a5d1bd44-9a54-4026-9abd-ea433e19fb38.png) (726 KB, 731x1028, 54759fcc-da4e-4dc0-9ca4-785572b46779.png) (707 KB, 731x1028, b0933c59-f552-49f6-89e5-f79d10b54e9e.png)
Kip takes her clothing off because it was too tight. Then looked herself in the mirror. Feeling horny about her own fat. No clothing of her own size exists in this world.
(66 KB, 1000x500, ITdowntime.png)

if you are still seeing the maintenance mode image where the captcha should be, clear your browser cache or shift+f5
>>155288 (Cross-thread)
So I'm gonna have to assume IF Tessa comes back to her popularity Saiya decides to make her own channel and since she already kinda has a following will get the money but who knows with Kip at this point
Great stuff anon. Are you uploading this anywhere else?
You can put them in edit thread 3. Plus you can edit the pictures to anything you want. All you have to do is download PicsArt and any sketching app. It's that easy.

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