
Why do I get this feeling that BWS wanted to refer to certain scenes where the animators added in high detail on closeups?
Like in SpongeBob with the super detailed closeups?
>>154754 (OP) Is the background supposed to be one of the Hoenn Secret Bases?

I remember collecting around 500 on Omega Ruby back in 2015
Can someone please put the previous threads?
Lucoa looks gorgeous and so chubby!
First huge girl in a while.
literally foaming at the mouth at this
I actually prefer the smaller girls, but that's just my tastes. I have noticed that I'm in the minority on this site. Lol
I’m with you on that anon, blobs do absolutely nothing for me
Nice, what about the other polls?
You faggots should get your test levels checked asap.
I always loved that first one. Her huge sagging boobs, belly so big it reaches the floor and pools out, the greedy hunger in her eyes...
Anyone animating the 3rd pic?
A bit early to call isn't it, the continuation poll still has two more days to go
>“But that’s just my tastes” in the first one.

You might want to consider a literacy test before making recommendations of your own.
>>155057 Yeah let's all get mandatory IQ tests to find out who will be the next president. Fucking idiots
(7.4 MB, 3198x1903, Crowded Kitchen.png)
Any one got Voluptuous Witchcraft 3 archived?
Do you know who the artist is?
Any updates?
Anybody got the colored May sketches?
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does anyone remember an video from a hentai of kukuru100 ,i remember that it was colored and had the sounds from wg and female moanings .Here some images from the original hentai
>>155344 (Cross-thread)
Wait, is this actually real? It looks like an edit, or like the SFW image was just run through an AI
>>155344 (Cross-thread) it looks really half-assed. most of the lighting he didn't even change, and some of the stuff he did change just looks weird. the shading especially looks weird
(3.8 MB, 2556x2320, DDO_EX.png)
Fixed. You big babies
Background still sucks.
Who fucking cares about the background? You expect him to do a super detailed background for an edit of a 2+ year old drawing where the main point is that you get to see their tits now?
Said what I was thinking, it’s always the ones who can’t draw who always rag on something good
Hey guys, salt dropped this month’s newsletter, can anyone post it including the WIPs?
>Who fucking cares about the background?
Usually no one, but the original's background and overall atmosphere is so much better then the new one. A beautiful sky, they're on a pier with a bar, a delicious looking burger with some shaved ice on the other plate, and you can even see a small town out in the distance with a lighthouse. The new one got rid of all of those details.
Not very accepting of the opinions of others are you? Seems like you've been the one throwing the biggest temper tantrum out of everyone here.
You know who cares about the background? Your fucking mother, go cry in a corner now
Yeah, it would have been kind of weird for Tohru to be standing behind the table naked at a pier...
here b4 jannies clean this up
Oh fuck no, jannies trannies are the worst
As they should because autistic retards keep shitting on this thread whenever he post anything these days.
>Muh backgrounds
>Muh blobs
>Muh slob
>Muh comic
A lot of complaints coming from people who cannot do a single one of those. They think themselves as critics yet they sound like spoiled brats more like it
>As they should because autistic retards keep shitting on this thread whenever he post anything these days.
There's a difference between bitching about how he doesn't draw your specific tastes and expressing legitimate criticism when it comes to quality. I get that this is basically a full time job for him now and he can't afford to turn every drawing into a magnum opus, but things like the recent Nikume remake just look worse than the original in some aspects, and he'll never realize that if no one can say anything about it. I'm sure the guys on his Patreon didn't say anything.

>it’s always the ones who can’t draw who always rag on something good
>A lot of complaints coming from people who cannot do a single one of those. They think themselves as critics yet they sound like spoiled brats more like it
"Well let's see you do better" has never been a valid response to criticism. You don't need to be a chef to recognize a bad meal. You don't need to be Steven Spielberg to recognize a bad movie. Being an artist doesn't put you above criticism from people who aren't.
Yeah, I unironically think he was a better artist a couple of years ago. He was already extremely famous, sure, but he wasn't constantly under pressure to deliver commissions and patreon art. Let's not forget he's about to hit the motherfucking 10K dollar/month mark, and that will only make things worse
In what ways is the Nikume remake worse?
>doesn't add veiny tits.
You had one job. Great job with the lighting though.
Really nice!
She's from Atelier Ryza i think
>expressing legitimate criticism when it comes to quality.
Literally none of us care, expressing it here does nothing. You can pay for his Patreon like a big boy and voice your criticism there instead of complaining while pirating his content.
>like the recent Nikume remake just look worse than the original in some aspects, and he'll never realize that if no one can say anything about it. I'm sure the guys on his Patreon didn't say anything.
Could it be because it's just your opinion and not an objective fact? Hard to believe, I know. But hey, at least the people actually paying like it or don't give a fuck.
>You don't need to be a chef to recognize a bad meal
Then complain to the chef?
Good Lord new Ryza is fine
(3.7 MB, 5054x5102, Patron 05-23.png)
Ignoring random raving, focus on may sketch that to my knowledge never got posted
hey guys, salt posted something new!
Anyone got the new post?
That area...between the thighs and tummy, that crease in there...god this man knows how to draw fat girls.
I come to this thread when I'm in a bad mood.
awww that's cute... can't wait till salt draws Halie in a Post-Apocalyptic gladiatorial arena, fighting off 5+ people with a baseball bat! that'll be fun!
I really wish salt would finally bury the hatchet and have them get together, I imagine a short comic on it would work
Can somebody post all the Chole art
Why? just let it happen or even not, why does every character have to be shipped or even fat? why do people always want to lcd in created content like this?
Because theyre literally in love? Its not like shipping or anything. They have an actual crush on eachother in salts "canon" lol
Not really, there was just some Christmas shenanigans most of what I've seen of the lore is that it's one sided "Halie", more so I guess my wording should be just let it happen when Salt let's it happen there doesn't need to be a rush for it, obviously next thing to happen will be people wishing she gets fat also
>>156330 Who wants to make a game with me titled "I love you, my little dolphin"?
>>156331 I love huge breasts more than anything! I'm down.
I feel like if they get together it won't be very different from now anyway, it'll be something wholesome and keeping more or less the same dynamic. I'm more interested about him actually fleshing out the plotline of his OCs a bit with more stories and an actual comic series like Losing Control instead of one-off pages here and there.
you like that idea man?
What exactly do you think bury the hatchet means
>>156364 More or less, I'm just a Hokuto No Ken fan who has a fat fetish.
oh I was thinking more so Mad Max or The Warriors when I made that comment.
Anyone got links to the bws chatbots?
FINALLY!, I loved that Itsuki illustration and now seeing the explicit one WOW, really amazing work from Bws 😍
Who's the one covering her gigantic breasts?
hey guys, salt posted a new feast for the eyes
(746 KB, 2108x1194, IMG_20230612_052126.png)
Decimal metric sistem, but they are the correct measurements, trust me. Sammy is hot as fuck
Chloe is taller than I thought, ngl. I always figured she was a shortie. Guess that's just the tsundere stereotype?
>>156740 If by tsundered you mean nigger (araii), then, yes. Btw, stop playing with God's biological creation and putting human parts on rats and using dead baby body parts.
Okay nigga, but calm down
>>156743 Thanks for reminding me. I almost forgot. You sure are helpful around here.
>>156744 What's so gay about that post? Why did you feel the need to attack my character online? You say I'm gay, but in reality I rejoice in my dreams when I fuck beautiful girls. I was a handsome MI6 spy with cool hair, and savior of my country. The girl loved the dick and was head over heals for me as we made love passionately, and I wept when she was killed and was taken from me. I wept inside. I almost exploded with anger and wasn't sure how I could ever go on living. She had huge white breasts and was tall enough to be ridden like a horse.
ah, we’re getting to the schizo-posting early today I see
I'm bored. Anyone want a particular flat color piece shaded in his style?
It would be hot if Nat surpassed Chloe at least for one-off comic page.

I have to warn you, you're doing the Lord's work with this mother culo de caca
Uh...who the fuck are you, anyway? Another stupid spaniard?
>>156882 Is there a black and white version of the Nessa one? It's easier to shade that way.
In the canon of the story at the beginning Chloe used to be the thin one and Nat the fat one, but bws has never drawn anything about those early years, it would be great to see how was the relationship between the two of them when the redhead was the big girl
Why the fuck did that nigga mod lock down the thread for a few hours?
>Chloe the apathetic just happens to be the tallest
She could be the third blob along with the tallest waifus (the brunette with eyes and the blonde)
Fuck you mod, you will never be able to silence us
You mean Nikume and Serena? I recently tried contacting Welrod guy about wether or not he had OC reference sheets of them, I wanna see if we can make a chatbot of them.
>>156918 He'll probably show up on the thread. Right, Welrod guy?
I don't think he's willing to give out OC info for that crap...
>She could be the third blob along with the tallest waifus (the brunette with eyes and the blonde)
Except the two who're blobs are welrod guy's OCs, not BWS. BWS will never make any of his own OCs into a blob.
Hey welrodguy

Kill yourself
You should stick a wel-rod up your ass
(5.6 MB, 2304x2770, Catching Her Breath.png)
Another Newsletter
Hello all! I know there's already been a newsletter this month, but I've got some important updates pertaining to next month.

At the start of next month I have a family vacation, and about a week after I return I'm going to be traveling until the beginning of August. For that reason, my schedule will work differently from usual:

Private sketch streams will be done early in the month

There will be no public sketch streams

Other things, like the monthly polls, will still operate like normal and I'll still be streaming the sketch upgrade poll winner in the second week of the month.

There's also another subject I wanted to bring up that I've been back and forth on discussing publicly for a while, but I've decided to be open with. It's about the identities of the people who work with me, and I'm bringing it up now to clear up any possible confusion that might come from the way I conduct commissions or other art.

My main assistant, who I've referred to before as Worse Without Pepper, is Just-Somedude, who many of you would know from the commissions of Lucy Heartfilia, including Lucy's Stuffing. In addition, more recently, I've also been getting some help from Areku, who is the creator/commissioner of Serena and Nikume, as well as some other characters I draw from time to time. We've been working together for quite a long time now, and honestly there's no way I would ever be able to keep up my current production without them. And as a part of the arrangements I have with them, we work together on commissions on a fairly regular basis.

I hope that explains things well! Next month is going to be hard production-wise, but my team and I will be working hard to work out a schedule so there's still consistent posts!
>My main assistant, who I've referred to before as Worse Without Pepper, is Just-Somedude, who many of you would know from the commissions of Lucy Heartfilia, including Lucy's Stuffing.
No wonder BWS has been favoring him so extremely and why there's so much god damn Lucy.
God fucking damnit, I knew it! There was no other way Salt could've bene so close to them. This makes me hate Lucyguy even more
I wonder how lucyguy manages to be such a whale of epic proportions
Dude must be raking in dough
>>157120 your average fetish art commissioner is a socially awkward mid twenties programmer/tech engineer that earns 100k+ a year
1. I let out an audible "Oh" when I saw that BWS's assistant is lucyguy
2. I wonder where salts going for his break, Bahamas? Alaska? maybe somewhere in Europe
Europe? Bruh, imagine meeting this popular AF fetish artist while you're out for groceries
Well if that’s the case I would ask him one thing….can you move? Your blocking the way to the Lego isle
I'm dying laughing at the idea of a Fat Artist having an assistant like it's a professional career lol
>>157156 Assistants professionally are needed when you need lawyers. Assistants are trained for a few things notably dealing with lawyers, and in some cases they have licenses to handle finances and file income tax paperwork, to name a few. Most of the time though it's chill all you do is use the computer and take phone messages.
>And as a part of the arrangements I have with them, we work together on commissions on a fairly regular basis.

Is this his way of saying these fucks get free comms while the rest of us common folk have to enter the fucking lottery just for a CHANCE to be able to BUY a commission? Honestly fuck this guy
He probably meant they help him with drawing commissions and shit, since...you know, he has a fucking life too
>>157174 Nice words, nigger. You sound like everybody else
>help him with drawing commissions and shit
do you really believe?
Not just free commissions, but more frequent commissions then anyone else. Fuck Lucyguy for sticking to one character for nearly all of his commissions while many others have to roll the dice to even get ONE chance. Also fuck BWS for refusing characters and scenarios that don't break any of his rules. His whole patreon is one big rich get richer simulator.
>>157179 Everybody's different, dude
How can you defend him? An argument could be made for Lucyguy in that he earned his right to waste his commissions slots, but how do you defend BWS refusing things that don't break any rules when his commissioning availability is so shit? He needs to post all of his commissioning rules upfront.
Artists always prioritize their friends or frequent commissioners, not sure what are you retards getting so mad about acting like it's a public service or something lmao. Also, there haven't even been that many Lucy drawings since a long time ago and from what I remember the comic remake isn't even commissioned by the Lucy guy either.
If he makes a living from it, it is.
Do you guys understand what free even means? They clearly aren’t free commissions if they’re working for them.

Dude probably gets hundreds of requests when he opens comms. You’re retarded.
>Dude probably gets hundreds of requests when he opens comms.
For how much he charges for a commission I doubt that. They're not the highest prices, but it's high enough to scare off people.
What, you haven't seen Jeetdoh's fucking commission charts? Even when he was doing "emergency commissions" a shaded one costed over 100 bucks
let's make either a lucyguy or Fat lucy heartfuck chatbot so we collectively let out all our anger and frustraitons.
Thinking about it, that's probably what he wants
I was hoping that one day the lucyguy and that other dude, who spams his OCs, would run dry of money. The situation is much worse than I thought. They are deep in that ass.
>I was hoping that one day the lucyguy and that other dude, who spams his OCs, would run dry of money.
At least Areku (welrodguy) commissions his characters in different scenarios and sizes, some of which are part of BWS's best art, so he gets a pass for changing it up every now and then.
Areku, got a question for you if you're here. Are either Lucyguy or BWS aware of what gets said here?
The only reason Lucy guy is hated isn't because of the Lucy spam, it's because you know it's part of his cringe ass self insert fanfiction.
Sometimes I tell them about the stuff I read here, but we just laugh it off in the end. They don't particularly care anyway
So Lucyguy is aware of the hate people have for his Lucy obsession, unless that's not part of what you tell him.

Does Lucyguy spend all day playing games like Doom on Switch and Diablo 4? And why's his favorite color yellow?
Actually...I've never bothered to ask him something that specific, but he does play videogames. I guess he just likes yellow because his waifu is Lucy, he even told me he would have sex with her IRL
I told him about that too, he said he couldn't care less as long as BWS keeps drawing commissions for him (And the other fans enjoy them)
That'll like remain the case because no one speaks out publicly against the Lucy art, or much of any of BWS's art for that matter. One last question, then I'm done. Do you have any commissions planned at the moment that you'd be willing to give a preview of? I was happy to see the mountain of meat picture of Nikume get remade, so I was wondering if anything else involving her or someone else around that size or bigger were part of your plans.
It's comments like this why no one ever says anything against his art on public or Patreon posts. Fatigue toward certain things are not allowed apparently.
I don't have any previews per se, but what I can say is that I'm planning to commission a remake of "Conquering The Meat Mountain", or basically just Serena with a giant Nikume

Does Lucyguy do futa of these OCs? I'm not complaining.
He actually isn't into futa, at least from what he told me
Both ideas sound great, a remake of an amazing size difference or potentially something new from the blob Nikume timeline. Either way she's insanely cute. Thanks for your time!
>>157220 I assumed that much, I was asking to see if there's a reason why he doesn't make futa OCs seeing as how futa art's largely overrepresented in every bbw community and hentai site.
What the fuck is going on? Please enlighten us lol
Real deal right fuckin here boys! Now how about some chibi fat Nikume and Serena if you got any.
"I know some of you may have noticed the preferential treatment in regards to commissions. To that I say, 'Yes, that's just how it be.'"

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to knock the guy for choosing to work with friends/assistants over randos, but this announcement felt a bit pointless.
Goddamn it, why am I always either too trusting or not trusting enough?
It could be anyone! It could be him, it could be me, it could be you-
Look at the bright side, the true Nikume and Serena dude might actually commission that remake
After me being a dumbass and believing a fake like you, no he's not.
Fake or not, you shouldn't lose hope over BS like this lmao
>>157231 Oh look. Everyone's favorite lawyer.

No I'm the moststupid, because I never understand any of these posts and my postsare confusing.
Did this welrod guy make a compilation folder of his commissions? Because there are a few uncolored sketches of the blonde.
I'd guess they notice that the thread gets dozens replies in a few hours and are like "the retards on the bws thread are at it again"
What the fuck is the point of doing that, anyway? Just let us talk freely
We're not allowed to dislike someone's art.
can't believe fucking lucyguy was salt's right-hand man this whole time
Hey guys can someone post the new salt post?
(6.2 MB, 2275x2405, Weight of the World’s Woes.png)
The market isn’t the only thing that’s crashing…

This is Alakshmi, the Goddess of Bad Luck, who gains weight when people aren’t happy. She’s from the manga Yakui Yo! Alakshmi. There’s no english release yet, but you can find the author’s twitter here: https://twitter.com/tsunaminozazen

This piece was commissioned by patron Morshufan1.
Ok… this is something else indeed, and I like it, I like it alot
(45 KB, 258x254, Chillin.jpg)
You get used to it
Sorta just wish we could have those unpopular opinion/rage threads to vent our anger
We already did that. A mod specifically made a thread himself just for people to sperg out in but the crybaby niggers here are so stupid they couldn't stay in their whining thread and continued shitting up the whole board anyway so the crybaby thread just turned into twitter nonsense until they pissed off Barclay himself and got the whole thing shut down. After that, the mod who made the first bitching thread said he didn't care anymore and wouldn't even read reports from this or kips thread at all, so any report leads to the entire discussions getting deleted no matter what it was about or what posts were shit flinging and which weren't.
TL;DR You retards did this to yourselves.
Seems like a them problem
I’m still gonna call out lucyguy for apparently getting free fucking comms while the rest of us mortals have to roll a 100 sided dice to be able to BUY a comm. Honestly fuck salt for this
Man, why the fuck are you still doing this? You know the mod will delete a chuck of messages AGAIN, right? You're basically screaming into the void
That's the free market, BITCH
This thread smells like a gay asshole
>>157322 Or what I imagine a gay asshole to smell like... The only foul smelling asshole I've ever smelled's my own. I've smelled and tasted plenty of young girl's assholes though. Enough to remember how delicious they taste even after all of these years. In fact the best assholes in all of the Earth, and you better believe that they know it.
It’s not free if he’s working for it dipshit…
He did save bws' life.
Go ahead. Call LucyGuy all that you would like to. It'll all be fruitless since so many users are subscribed to BWS for his artwork, even if it includes Lucy. It's true; you can't win.
It's also useless because the motherfucking mod keeps deleting our messages, so you can't complain either way. I thought 4chan et similar weren't dictatorships? lmao
Hellooo, mod? I know you have a hate bone against me, but I don't give a shit. Keep deleting my messages as much as you want, and suck my cock while you're at it
(80 KB, 226x256, Phi- Shit is wack.png)
If anything that seems more unfair even if it's not.
Especially when you read,
>"And as a part of the arrangements I have with them, we work together on commissions on a fairly regular basis."

They get Commission for just helping him even if he's not technically taking them.
It can feel like a huge Fuck you, even if it doesn't come off as one.
So, is it a huge fuck you or not? Just decide already
They're his most frequent commissioners since ever, became friends with him and now even assist him with his work. Are you people really this mad that they get preferential treatment because of that? Come the fuck on.
Daily reminder that they can only afford to commission him every fucking week because they have awesome jobs at IT, or something like that

>Are you people really this mad that they get preferential treatment because of that?
>Are people really this mad to find out shit's more fucked than they thought it was?
Gee anon I don't fucking know, what do you think?
>take the hint
No I think I’ll keep calling out obvious nepotism happening to the detriment of the majority when I see it, eat my ass janny
Good! We must fight back against this shitty janny, let the rebellion begin
(903 KB, 878x510, 1539096695441.png)
>My main assistant, who I've referred to before as Worse Without Pepper, is Just-Somedude,
>In addition, more recently, I've also been getting some help from Areku

Honestly question,
What the fuck do they even do? It's not like Salt is a Mangaka and has to pour out 17- 21 pages a week
Everything he pretty much does on a stream

Finally, people are learning about the real masterpieces
not tryna bootlick, just throwing my guess to the wind.

they probably do more community-facing things like organizing polls, running the accs, helping decide what piece salt should focus on to not delay too much on any one piece. Other than that, probably help with flat coloring or composition of pieces, along with calling out when something looks like ass. salt gets out about 1 finished piece per day(more or less) along with non-colored pieces and any private comms. Salt is talented, but he aint doing all that with time to actually live like a normal human
i've always wanted the 3rd one to be colored.

Fuck do you mean? Basically the only thing he does on stream is patreon sketches and the sketch poll winners.

There is also planning and organizing that goes into running any business.
>a professional gets one or two assistants
"The fuck do they even do???"
None of that feels like it warrant having assistant
Especially for a Patreon.
It's just what happens when you spiral into a business as big as the big girls you draw.
(159 KB, 820x487, 5945345f926b077125ef53f72ca3a5b84d9dff942d30714cab8d15391c48f6fa.png)
>Hello everyone! Salt here. Things have been going well for me! One big development is that recently I've hired an assistant to deal with the managerial and paperwork aspects of my work, as well as run polls and scheduling for Patreon and other platforms.
>The extra set of hands should be a big help, and allow me to dedicate more time to actually drawing stuff!
That might've been about Areku, because Lucyguy was already getting a shitload of art before that update.
(5.7 MB, 3507x2113, Doughru.png)
Hope this gets an explicit.
It looks really good 😍, fun fact: I was the one who suggested it on the poll a month ago 🐲
Uh...yeah, we don't give a shit. Enjoy spending money for this stuff
>>157703 If you're really MetalForever, your jealousy is showing.
You're a dumbass if you think that's really MetalForever. Already had a fake on this thread before trying to be Areku.
>>157700 Congrats, you're an idiot.
Can the blob crowd just fuck off already? Pieces like that are so fucking pointless. It's such a waste of Salt's talent that he's forced to do them constantly.
Nigger blobs will always be a big part of fat art, you bbw fags are just fence sitters.
Try the colorization thread
awww that's cute... I wanna see her get hit by a fucking pick up truck and have her paralyzed from the waist down.
That's top tier content, let's see if it gets an explicit version in the future! 🥵
I have had my first hate fap thanks to these artworks...what a surprise
Wow, that explicit is gorgeous 😩🙌
Hey...are BWS' faces getting worse or what?
Can you guys avoid acting like fucking simps for once?
no, the word you're looking for is better
Just because you hate the subject matter doesn't make it bad.

Salt really should add some form of limit to how many times the same character can get commissioned repeatedly.

Considering similar rules exist in all the polls to even suggest a character it only seems right to enforce it on comms as well
Love the fat arms on this one.
Fat arms does get enough love.
Damn, that might just be one of his best
Nat/Chloe variant when
Uh...guys, have y'all started simping for Lucy out of fear or something? I know the janny is a bitch, but...c'mon
They're simping because they can't be honest with themselves.
Thanks for the compliment, fellow trash. I'm happy to see you're still working as a clown for the BWS circus
People need to start taking these complaints to Better With Salt himself instead of constantly bitching about it here. Be the one that causes him to make changes.

Youre assuming people arent already doing that, if they are complaining here I can almost guarantee they are doing it directly to him as well.

Its not unlikely that one of lucyguys tasks as assistant would be to help sort through mail and stuff and if thats the case most lucy complaints probably get dumped in the trash without any further consideration.
Salt already knows about the Lucy thing. It's been a long time ago since he changed the rules of the polls so you couldn't pick the same character that had already won a poll the previous month (since Lucy kept winning over and over). Anything beyond that though are paid commissions by Lucy guy so you'll have to deal with it.

That is true but there are also tons of rules in place for patreon polls that prevents people from even nominating characters that have had any pieces recently for the sake of diversity. Are those patreons not also paying customers who should at least get a chance to nominate their characters?

The polls are majority vote anyways so even if a character wins more than once that just means a majority of people wanna see it.
I'm saying mention it publicity on the posts themselves and not message him privately. Doing it privately will mean what you say will be disregarded and he'll ghost you.
Make it more known across his followers so they get the idea instead of them being sheep.
(117 KB, 1920x938, Immagine 2023-06-23 223531.png)
Since you cheap ass motherfuckers won't believe a thing, I'm subbed to BWS's Patreon and I've taken a screenshot of my pwm complaint. Someone else also agrees, ya see?

Man even left his patreon handle visible. Who wants to bet lucyguy will have him kicked off the patreon?
What's the point of this post?
I want to show that at least some people agree with the anti-Lucy sentiment
Meh, who gives a shit at this point? I joined just to see the art earlier than kemono addicts. I don't think they can ban me from the Patreon anyway

Pretty sure patreon lets creators freely kick people off tiers and ban them if they feel like it. You insulted his waifu and now you will pay
Aight, so what? If I'm really desperate enough I'll just download an adblocker and use Kemono
>2 people out of 3000+
The comment also got 8 likes, but whatever. Did you really expect all patrons to fight back against BWS?

Thats not the point. The point I am trying to make is that if you end up getting banned its actually proof that lucyguy and salt too are willing to ban people who speak out about the lucy spam given the slightest justification to do so.
(4.1 MB, 2481x2601, Beer Belly.png) (3.4 MB, 2481x2477, This Barrel Needs Tapping.png)
It's pretty stupid to constantly complain about characters getting drawn more than the ones you want every time they are posted. No one really cares. I just see: Fat gurl = big boner. That all I see since I'm paying for it. Of course mods are going to delete the complaints because they are nonsensical and very trollish. Again who cares?

Good for you personally I groan whenever I see lucy posts. Initially I just found her super boring and I didnt really even pay attention to her. At this point I have been exposed to her so much seeing her actively annoys me.
No one's going to fight shit back. You're blowing it out of proportion.
You need to be an special kind of asshole, retard or autistic to get banned from someone's Patreon, no one's is that petty

Youre assuming the guy who probably has a lucy jar shrine in his basement isnt unhinged enough to ban people on sight for "insulting" his wife
He has been his assistant for over a year already, get a grip
This is what happens when you go full coomer brain.

You might as well be jerking it to a bag of literal siphoned fat, like Peter.
Hell no, I'd commission loads of different characters if I were in his position. Sticking to only 2 characters who look almost the same is a fucking waste.

Its the hypocracy that gets me. There exist SO MANY rules for even suggesting a character for a poll making it a massive chore all for the sake of keeping posts diverse.

Then we still get lucy constantly because apparently that diversity rule goes out the window when she is involved.

There is no point of reference because there is no one else getting such regular comms from salt but personally I would wanna diversify to not come off as a huge hypocrite.

Then again, there's much more nat pics than lucy pics, and I don't see anyone complaining about her.
Holy copioids
Fuck yeah but at the same time it's just annoying always seeing Lucy as a non commissioner
No, I'd commission many different characters rather then stick to two who look almost the same.
Yeah...sorry but no, I sure as fuck wouldn't do that. I would use different characters for my commissions instead of this repetitive shit
Not gonna lie, I'd commission my favorite character too and create a pseudo sequence where she gets increasingly fatter but then stop after a few pieces for the sake of novelty and my own money.
Anon I’ve had a monthly commission slot with multiple artists for over an year, and I’ve repeated characters maybe once. Part of the fun of it is figuring out how the character would work in these scenarios and how it fits their personality. If your natural instinct after getting a character drawn is “okay but now draw her from the 20 degree different angle and have her be 0,5% fatter” then you have the creativity ability of a rock, which I wouldn’t put last lucyguy
(3.6 MB, 498x371, daring-today-are-we-spongebob.gif)
"yeah same oc, same angle, show some more cleavage, have the belly sag a little more. New outfit, why would i do that?"

on a related note what i like about lucy comms is that its always varied, barring the comic remakes but even those stand out from the originals. like yeah its always the same character but every lucy comm has had something different from all those that came before. honestly better than blobs all sharing the same pose, if you were to vlock out the heads on blob pieces then nothing meaningful would make them stand apart from each other
I just wanna see more of Nat, Chloe, Halie, and Sammy man
>what i like about lucy comms is that its always varied
Trash take.

>honestly better than blobs all sharing the same pose
While limited, blobs can still be in different poses. Laying on their bellies or their sides, being stuck in otherwise large openings, filling in chambers or small buildings with their fat bulging out of windows or pressed against walls. Blobs still have variety, it's that few artists take advantage of them from not knowing how or being unwilling to do them.
>While limited, blobs can still be in different poses
Trash take.
These are some ugly pairs of titties, guys
I wanna see you draw better tits, then. It's a challenge
Man, I can hardly even recognize Momo...I think this is a noticeable downgrade
Man doesn't know how alternate outfits work.
What about her fucking hair? Clothes aren't the problem here
(464 KB, 718x636, momo.png)
Same deal brother. Styling hair differently is a thing too.
How many people are likely to know this is a thing? Most people recognize her when she's wearing either her school uniform or her hero costume.
How is it a downgrade when this brand new?
I don't know why people bitch n whine on this thread knowing full well its going to be deleted in three minutes
Those top three aren’t remotely close compared to the weeks of fanart
The alternative outfit even from the canon screenshot doesn't look like momo. A 700 pound version of it resembles her even less. Just her just keeping the hairstyle she has 99% of the time would've been why better.
I swear some of you people on here wouldn't recognize your parents if they got a haircut
BWS put up this month's final poll, and...another fucking Nintendo waifu will win
And last continuation poll was ANOTHER my hero academia piece. Such is life when degenerates are out there thirsting for actual underage characters
Aside from the underage crap, it's always the popular characters who win. How about adding characters from cult classics or something?
They're drawings. They are not real.

Take your meds, schizo.
Who's winning the polls bro
Purah, obviously. Because...you know, motherfucking Tears Of The Kingdom
She's overrated as fuck tbh
So what if she is? It's not like she's Lucy or Rebecca all over again, is it?
Imagine seeing WG art of Nintendo characters every fucking day, it kinda gets annoying after a while
Yeah, sure I like a lot of Nintendo girls, but there is something as to much of a good thing honestly
Fair, but Albedo or Power should've one
Guys bws posted Aerith's explicit, can anyone share? Thx
Thx so much, It's majestic 🗿🙌
the public has been clambering for this
Fucking hell, it's finally here
Who is winning the character draw poll?
Purah...I've already said it before, but that shitty janny also deleted my message
so was this just like a one off i thought it was gonna be a sequence like last year's smh
Sorry, had to make time for drawing Rebecca for the 50th time so no time to make it a sequence, please understand
(3.0 MB, 1668x1880, IMG_3035.png)
Daaamn, Sammy is thicc
Does anyone has the new artwork that Salt posted a few hours ago? 🗿 Please
I think it's going to be up on kemono soon
Can anyone post the 10$ sketches?
Imagine if we get an explicit of that piece 🗿
Was not expecting to see Growth Academy, get any art from Salt.
But nice to see Alice getting some art.
Anyone got the colored ones?
can someone color the Celestia Ludenberg one?
I wonder if somebody could color this?
This one is ludicrously horny and I'm here for it. Can anyone tell who it is?
Holy shit, an Alice from Salt? It's a dream come true
We need an explicit alt and a continuation, I tell ya!
What I wouldn’t give to render like that.
Can you do the Celestia Ludenberg one as well? It’s the third row near the bottom right
ngl, thought she looked like Lucy for a moment, not that I'm complaining of course.
It has barely been a day, don't bump your begging.
And just like that, the world forgot about Chloe completely. Never to be remembered again.
I mean...Chloe is cool and all, but blondes are way better
Nah I've been waiting for BWS to do something with her again, love that big fat bratty bitch
Chloe is my favorite Salt original character and it's so sad that he doesn't unlocks her true potential more. Btw Sammy is my second favorite 😍
Astounding job, thank you so much for this
I figure the spider webs may give it away.
I want to see her be put in more and more humiliating situations, it works better with Chloe than Sammy because Chloe is an arrogant self deluding brat while Sammy just has anger issues with her weight. Sammy
I absolutely love it!! 😍🙌
(1.7 MB, 2029x2280, IMG_0674.png) (1.7 MB, 2029x2280, IMG_0673.png)
Only just now realizing the severe lack of BWS’s best ever piece on this thread
Can you send it with better image quality? Please 🥺
Hey the newsletter is out, can anyone post it including WIPs?
>Hey everybody!

>Time for a slightly different newsletter to normal.

>To start off, I will be going on vacation for about three weeks later this month and won't be back until the beginning of August. This will cause some changes in the posts for July:

>There will be five posts every two weeks, rather than six. This means that on both Thursdays, the 6th and 20th, I'll be posting the Explicit Poll winners instead of completely new pieces.
>The Private Sketch Streams will happen earlier than usual
>Patron sketches will be drawn off-stream, and posted at the end of the month

>All other rewards, including the Upgrade Stream, will happen as normal. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but we'll get right back to the usual posting schedule next month!
-BWS - July '23 Newsletter
Oh here they come... here come the haters...

Man that is one THICC Lucy!

Honestly I don't care if it's Lucy at all, I just care for good stuff and here it is
Fuck you lucyguy
Keep it down his legion of dickriders are gunna hear
For crying out loud, we are here to look at fat fiction girls, not moan about Salt's partner or Lucy and Rebecca.
when the fuck did this come out?
It's some weird shit that schizo found on 4chan, don't freak out
Wish she could just turn around. She gets bigger every year!
Same, I'd like that front view.
can anyone post it, please?
(1.4 MB, 2181x1935, Fit for Fat Parts 1-2.png)
Here’s something that’s been in the works for quite a while: A long-form WG sequence!

Serena’s an active tomboy who loves working out and good food in equal measure. Though, getting into university has left her with a lot less time for exercise… I wonder what sort of effect that’ll have on her figure.

There’s going to be 12 parts in total, released over the course of this month. I hope you’re looking forwards to seeing how she ends up!
we are gonna be eating good this month!
>long ass sequence for his assistance's OC
>>159152 Boy these fellas are so hungry they'll take any morsel of low tier art no matter how low tier.
>12 part sequence
>of his assistants OC that’s already been drawn 20 times before
Honestly, genuinely, what makes this low-tier?
>>159176 By definition it's not high tier, however I personally am not attracted to most of the art on this board so you probably don't care about my opinion.
>personally am not attracted to most art on this board

Then why are you here? Morbid curiosity?
If you dont like it, dont watch it, simple as. It's like a rap or rock artist/reviewer complaining about pop or country.

Has Salt been slacking a bit? Yeah ngl. But is this not high quality? If it isn't I don't know how high the bar is lmao.
The amount of content he makes, all by himself (because lets be honest what are his assistants doing), is astounding.

Now, if you wanna talk about it not being high art, thats different...
>If it isn't I don't know how high the bar is lmao.
Judging by the art on this board, you are far from alone on this, but that again that is to assume that the art that gets posted isn't being used with multiple purposes which would be a foolish thing to assume when it's been mentioned in posts numerous times and something models make so blatantly appearant that I've seen it used as memes (schizo accusations being thrown, Terry Davis references, and the like.) I don't know much about what criminal groups do for communicating on the internet, but I know plenty about art.

I'm here because I like to make fun of bad artists, simply speaking, however a more honest answer would be that I didn't say all art, but "most" art, which's not all. Trust me. I'm never wrong. I enjoy some of the art although not as much as I did years in the past.

Nice chat. Got to run.
Nikume would've been better for a sequence.
agreed, but if that comes down the line after this then i wouldnt mind waiting
>By definition it's not high tier

Motherfucker what do you even mean by this?
Oh, disregard my previous reply. You're retarded.
I guess you could argue that this stuff is a bit more simple than his usual work. But I'm guessing it's to help pad things out for his vacation later this month. Curious about how you think he's been slacking tho, considering you still call his stuff high-quality
(1.8 MB, 2673x2196, Soft Seduction.png)
This assistant shit is really living rent-free in y'all heads lmao. People always loved her and no one ever complained about all the art she got before this.
Yes we did, dipshit lmao. We're sick of those two retards clogging up all of BWS' commission slots
Don't speak for all of us, because I never shit talked Nikume or Serena.
Lmao based copecel defending backdooring :praying emoji: : praying emoji: :praying emoji:
Occasional drawings are one thing but having an entire sequence funded by salts patreon instead of paying for it yourself is a bit bullshit and if you can’t see this, you might either be retarded or welrodguy himself
dude, he works for it. How is that any different than him paying for it himself? You people are so jealous you can't think straight
You act as if it was a Welrod sequence. I seriously doubt you'd give a fuck if you didn't know about her being Areku's OC or him being his assistant which is fucking irrelevant, fact is people actually like the character (and I'd rather have Serena than generic anime waifu of the season #6723 or generic pokemon npc #2471).
Bro if all I had to do for a 12 part sequence that would cost me well over 1000 bucks was throw some names in a patreon poll and schedule posts ahead of time I’d be down too ngl
I can't believe the majority of posts this month will be dedicated to this lame ass character. Salt's the GOAT, but this is some serious bullshit.
What does it even matter who it is? You're getting fats.

It's more than that, his assistant is his public face. When anything on social media/Patreon is posted it's the assistant talking not salt, when a post is written it's not salt writing the update, it's the assistant.

Any interaction outside the steams he does your interacting with the assistant not salt. Plus this has been a thing for years, just before it was because they are close friends, it's only recently it was decided that they would make it public.
Not a good attitude to have. What if he suddenly drawing a fetish you didn't like? Would you still be saying that?
Worst part is that’s already been done lmao, remember the cybernetic welrod?
I'm not talking about fetishes, I speak of characters. I just see it as more of a good thing so why complain about it?
Is there a NSFW/Explicit version of this?
Bro, it's barely been a fucking week lmao
I think you're full of shit. There has to be characters you're sick of too, or worse yet, what if he started doing males?
Of course you do. It's your OC.
Jesus Christ why are so many idiots in this devolving into tinfoil hat loons?

The guy is going on vacation. Serena is a pretty dang popular character within his audience. To me this just seems like a way to keep up posts, provide the audience something they would likely enjoy (especially since it's 12 parts so there will likely be something for fans of all sizes), and it means he can take a break, something we all need to do now and then.

If you're upset because it's one of his assistants OC's getting a sequence then I have some advice. Grow up.
I personally think it's great, I've known these guys for years and the amount that the assistant does for him deserves far more than this. Don't lump me in with the complainers.
Oh okay sorry. I misunderstood your point.
Anyone have that single page comic salt did? I remember it being about two girls talking about losing weight I remember one of the girls having a huge ass wearing a green shirt and brown hair I think
you mean tipping the scales, that's the closest I can think of
It wasn't tipping the scales but it looked kind of similar. It was some yuri/lesbian thing. I'm pretty sure one of the last panels was her grabbing the girl's ass and saying something like, "I want to have some fun before you lose all of this." It was probably one of his older drawings.
Back when Jaykuma made good art.....
JayKuma made good art? News to me.
Jokes aside his style hasn't changed all that much.
The actual issue is getting him to make it in the first place, lol.
She is so gorgeous, Ochako is one of my favorite characters in terms of Bws artworks, she has really good pieces! 😍🙌
Man it's a shame, she's cute as hell, her outfit is nice, her size is great there.

Not being into SBBW or blob, alot of BWS new content is dragging for me unfortunately, may unsub my patreon because polls always devolve into "girl of the season wins" or redo & prequel / sequel polls are always whoever's the closest to blob levels wins.
Same anon, I dropped my pledge last year for similar reasons, it got to the point where I simply had no interest in 2/3 drawings posted on their patreon. BWS drawing at/around this size is actually one of my favorite artists, but it just happens so rare nowadays, especially since polls will always have the biggest drawing get x amount of votes simply for being the biggest, where as votes are more split around the smaller entrants. That, and I feel like more of the non-poll drawings end up being closer and closer to immobile as well, the blob singularity is real.

A damn shame.
I remember people complaining here in these threads that there weren't enough ussbbw or blobs. Guess you can't please everyone lol
Jaykuma is dead and gay now. Salt did perfect bellies, Jay did perfect butts. But now he just apes bamboo ale.
I never understood the complaints about USBBW/Immobile sizes. The reason why they win Sketch polls so much is because people know it's the only consistent method of getting those sizes from him, and I welcome those sizes because of how much he sticks to the standard SSBBW size for his work. BWS has went on record to say that he'll never do Immobile sizes for Continuations, and from the other art he does, he seems unwilling to do them for normal drawings or part of his comics. It also looks like people don't commission that size from him other then Areku, so that's not a consistent source of them either.
(5.7 MB, 3507x2113, Doughru.png) (122 KB, 1280x762, crowded_kitchen_by_better_with_salt_dfqgqwi-fullview.jpg) (119 KB, 1280x737, just_out_of_reach_by_better_with_salt_dfooenq-fullview.jpg) (148 KB, 1280x926, return_to_meat_mountain_by_better_with_salt_dfyhm1l-fullview.jpg)
Decided to look into what each side is saying, and these are all the Full Color Immobiles BWS has done so far this year other then the nude alt Nikume got. The first three are each Sketch upgrade winners, and the Nikume was a Redo winner. BWS has yet to do an Immobile this year that's completely on his own will, and there's been no commissions for Immobiles either.

Both the blob haters and blob supporters have truth behind them. They do win Sketch polls plenty, but they're also the only consistent source of them.
Yeah, these anti-USSBBW dudes should just stop complaining. What the fuck are they smoking anyway?
Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I could've sworn this guy has a patreon post where he have some tips on drawing, anyone got it?
can someone update his kemono?
No, as long as those shitty programmers won't bother fixing it
>Calling out BWS shameless backdooring
Diaper and cringe
>Arguing about which size of blob is better
Scat and based
How is scat supposed to be based?
the course of THIS month? then where is it?
Dang 8 parts left and she's already this huge
I always wonder if Welrod guy has a folder or Imgur page of all the Nikume and Serena commissions he got from not only salt, but all of the artists he commissioned.
Damn he's really gonna make her biggest pics canon lol.
oh I stand corrected. I thought it would be like a new comic and that first picture was just a preview
Btw anyone got the first ones in color yet?
Considering LucyGuy and WelrodGuy's frequent commissions, who saved Salt again that one time?
BWS poll is going on now in case anyone is wondering
>>159891 I swear this girl gets hornier every time I see her
God I hope one day he makes a comic for her or something, by far my favorite oc.
hey can anyone post the meme he recently posted on his patreon?
And can someone post the colored private sketches from June. The one with Komi and Mt. Lady
I don't think you understand the point of these threads, you kinda just gotta deal with the beggeds
Aaaaaand I’m out, was a nice 2 and a half pictures I guess
What’s the problem?
They probably don't like how big she's getting.

>Speaking of which
This month's stream sketch upgrade poll has no immobiles on it for the first time in a while, so those of you who don't like them got your wish this time.
Imagine being such a faggot.
Ignore him >>160202 we go farther!
Okay nigga, more good stuff for us instead
Always a good day when a girls big belly grows past her giant tits.
Yeah, contrary to those anti-blob retards' opinions
It's nice to see everyone is enjoying this for once.
I only wish he'd put more enormous girls in different clothes. For me half the thrill is seeing the skindentation and stuff like that.
>people who have other preferences than me are retards
Making a real solid case for your argument here buddy
I'm not enjoying it either. Character looks like a cheap Princess Peach knock-off and she gets a 12-part sequence dedicated to her? Fucking ridiculous.
>already 25
She's going to be a grannie by the time we get to the end of this sequence.
That's kind of hot.
Fuck no, fat grannies are ugly
anything slightly negative gets deleted on the spot
Surprised this post hasn’t been deleted yet
Girl might even hit 30 which would really make her less attractive to the child lovers. Bold move with this community.
I bet the last ones are gonna take a whole page for one year lmao.
(4.5 MB, 2277x2183, Crushing Technique.png)
That's because it's a based post and not a cringe post like the posts calling out BWS for backdooring which are cringe and not based, unlike that post.
My man did the research, god damn, good on you.

But dang still puts me in a difficult spot where I haven’t been enjoying a lot of the sizes lately, just been too big.

I suppose I’ll stick around for a while longer and see how they go.
hey guys, salt posted something new, can anyone post it?
Did he ever draw a NSFW alt of the Chiho redo?
I swear I saw a pose like this from a different artist not long ago, but this is so good, my new fav of salts
I’ve never been able to get past the fact that at that size, a person couldn’t wash themselves properly, let alone wipe. It breaks the fantasy for me and just makes it too gross. I get why people like it, and to each their own, but I also understand why people don’t like it. I’m happy with whatever salt puts out. The quality is always there regardless of the size.
Oops wrong thread sorry
Is there any way to erase the text? It'd be even better without the 4th wall break stuff
I might be overthinking it, but the new image to me implies that she had gotten this fat between seasons 1 and 2, but obviously worked (most of it) it off in-between. And what took over a decade to gain, she now gained back in a year.

Just some food for her non-thinking.
Now the only thing missing for this masterpiece is an explicit edit lol
The fuck you want? Your message will be deleted too, you know
They only get deleted when you and the other spergs make a fuss about it. Jannies only pay attention if there are 20 new posts out of nowhere
I fucking hate you for doing this, I was proud of my comment
Thank god this isn't the last part, I would've been pissed if it ended with her body covered by a wedding dress
I figured Nikume and Serena would marry each other one day
Gut past her knees.
Will it be on the floor in a year's time? Or will it take two?
It's about time you fall into the rabbit hole, anon
>>160836 not sure why it's a rabbit hole anyway. some of this art is realistic, some of it just isn't, no matter how big or small the girls are. not sure why some people are so bothered by it either way. if the art is good it's good, if it's shit it's shit.
(130 KB, 1124x1118, BWS #1.jpg)
Does anyone have a timeline picture of their weight gain? I saw this image a long time ago and unfortunately I didn't save it
Hopefully she'll stay that way. Belly just beyond the knees is the hottest weight for me.
>>161033 I don't know what it is anout this artist. I used to think he was 1 of the better bbw artists, but the more I see his art over and over the more shit it looks, because he can't be getting worse, right? I don't think that's humanly possible.
just style deviation + first impression surprise slowly fading. sounds like you just gotta stay away from his art or fats as a whole, otherwise you burn out
>>161035 Good. As long as he's not getting worse, because that would be rock-bottom for bbw art.

...Wtf's this nigger talking about? And why are Americans so gay?

Oh I get it you're a Muslim Latino. Mr terrorist, can you please teach me your subliminal messaging ways? I want to watch porno while I decypher hidden meanings. I love learning about strangers' personal information. I'm nosey like a nigger-Jew.

You wanna communicate while we wank? Let's expose somebody's home address and date of birth!
>>161045 I'm a receptionist at an Obamacare-certified nurse clinic. I can help you in getting some personal information. Let me know. STD tests history and all that jazz.

Should I continue or will you go suck on a big black cock in your mouth and stfu?
fuck off and go watch kip, thats probably more in your lane anyway
(383 KB, 1278x1096, Patron2006-23.png)
Shitty Colouring off the Kafka Sketch
well, mines not better anyways
Fuck my ass. The west's stupid.
28 reminds me of an old sequence by woot, where a girl gets fatter at each family reunion.
I've cropped parts 9 and 10 to make them separate for y'all, use them however you want
anyone have the fatter versions? *link slow down*
(72 KB, 495x380, Screenshot 2023-07-19 122806.png) (22 KB, 360x202, hq720.webp)
I know this post may get taken down cause of the contents. But why is it sometimes I wanna put a gun in my mouth infront of chloe?
Nobody knows why, you're just weird
Also why would you post this, it makes no sense
>>161237 Also chloe looks like shit and she's not well drawn.
I meant in terms of personality
It's a shame woot had been slacking on art lately. He's one of the best in my opinion
i really hope someone makes an edit that removes the weights
it looks so awkward with them
There is reason to suspect that the barbell is actually hollow.
>>161648 definitely need to switch the last two on the bottom.
whats wrong, scared of fat AND strong women who could crush you?
Yeah, what the fuck were they thinking? The picture looked fine as is lmao
Thanks, this is really cool
I guess he probably prefers rounder bellies considering his output but I kinda wish he drew them more with this kind shape, especially with the crease in the lower belly
We need a new thread

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