
>>154617 (OP)
He draws toddlers, and he's an asshole. He doesn't deserve a thread after him.
Schizo scared of drawings.
Oh yeah, I remember that on twitter, when he hasd that episode because of the drawing that was talking to him, judging him.
>>154626 They're likely scared of something imagined, but that doesn't necessarily mean that what they fear's not real or that they're schizo. Only that they live a life of fear and that likely they don't know how to deal with the situation. I doubt the drawings themselves is what they're scared of.

As an artist point of view I'm much more scared about the art sucking, and about AI art making everything suckier than already was which was already pretty sucky since probably 2010. It's pretty sad.
(22 KB, 385x217, media_FCVCj9XXMAk3Ipn.jpg)
>>154617 (OP)
He's an insufferable faggot, the likes of which may actually surpass CattyN, and his skills are at a barely decent level if that one Anon isn't correct about him tracing.

Roxas thinks of himself of some kind of great defender but he's honestly one of if not the biggest detriments to lolicons. Always picking a fight over fucking nothing or with someone who'll never relent and dragging it on forever while tying to be the biggest asshole because he has no self awareness to know how to win a fight and to notice when he's lost an argument.
>>154617 (OP)
congrats on wasting a thread for this dumbass
I find the asshole who bumped the Evangelion, Potato Elf, and Kaguya threads far more reprehensible when the only things that were near the incinerator were stillborn threads.
Pedo thread
>2nd image has male, 4th is has furries
This thread is a dumpster fire already.
This shit is better off in bbwalt

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