
We don't need a useless thread for a mediocre writer.
Bruh! What is up with you??
>>153718 (OP)
I think JB is.a writer rather than an artist. He collabs with several artists for his stories
I'm guessing you didn't like Kanyobi no Cancolle
First, he is a shitty writer. Second...why the fuck did you even bother making a thread on BBW-chan!?
Cancolle is mid... his works are either hit or miss for me. There's better fat artists out there compared to him
>He is a shitty writer
It's fetish writing my dude, If you go into it expecting the great american novel you've come to the wrong place.

Pixiveo is trying that with Log Myu and it took 300+ pages for the main character to get slightly chubby.
shitty writer and whats worse is he hasnt improved a bit in all of his years on the community
That's exactly the problem, a fetish story trying to be an American novel or some meta thing(and failing miserably). The only good thing about his collabs is the art of the artists involved. He should hire an actual writer instead of trying to do the stories himself.
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He’s got a particularly variety of story which the artists themselves also seem to like so I think that’s more a reflection of mutual agreement between them.

Personally, I like his darker take on fetish writing but that’s just me.

Also post pics if you’re going to make a thread
That's one of the problems I have with the dude, he always writes dark crap with occasional weight gain mixed in. I dunno if he's as bad as Kip or even worse, honestly
>the artists themselves also seem to like...

The artist's just might be more interested in the money Dr Black Jack pays instead of his stories.
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Don’t forget his commissioners also do want the same thing so there is that.

I’ve commissioned some more light hearted stuff through him and he’s entirely capable of doing it when he wants to. I also appreciate that his patreon is one of the more active ones out there with a good variety of series that don’t often get wg art and would never get a second look if not for him.

BFxGF is still one of my favorite comics to this day.

Credit where credit is due I suppose.
No one goes into it expecting an epic tale; people go in expecting it to be good, and a good story can be simple. I honestly don't get how so many are incapable of believing you can have a good story with a many fat elements within it without it being simply she ate and then she put on weight; you can squeeze even more entertainment out of a fat fic when you're having them go through their everyday habits and jobs with an ever widening frame an increasing appetite.
He may be into some Weirdo Shit but his stories feel miles more thought out than kip's. Kip seems to just write whatever fucking idea came into their head in the shower that day whether it makes sense or not.
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Good stories can certainly be simple and by the same measure they can be complex too.

I’m a huge fan of the slice of life stuff that gets put out but I like seeing how a girl getting fat affects that so the kancolle series was a really fun one.
>I’m a huge fan of the slice of life stuff that gets put out but I like seeing how a girl getting fat affects that so the kancolle series was a really fun one.
Kanyobi no Cancolle stopped being fun when everyone was gaining the same amount of weight and in the same ways. Why have two characters reach their peak weight around page 30 when there's 100 total, and have everyone catch up to them like it was nothing? That series should've ended somewhere between 40-50 pages.

Sometimes it’s just fine to have cute fat girls doing cute fat girl things.
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More batches incoming.
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All done.

the good shit.

Loved how this story panned out
70 pages of that was still too much. Granted it's not hundreds of pages worth of talking, but that was a lot of art and time only for nothing to happen.
This is so bad

The artists who draw his stories would legit write better stories too. Idk why he doesn't just let them write it after giving them the premise.
Guy tries way too hard to write something dark or complex for a fucking fetish comic. Which ironically makes it worse than simple unga bunga comics 99% of the time
Kisame here. I've fallen a asleep reading these complex fetish art comics. Meanwhile, Missing Materia from 2000s still holds up.
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I was honestly on board with this comic up unitl right here. as soon as actual violence is a factor, it immediately loses any fetish appeal it may have had

God I’m tired of unga bunga. It’s literally the same shit all the time across so many comics. This stuff is different true but different isn’t always bad.

I do prefer the happier endings which he does well when he wants to though. The last mmo junkie one was a very good balance of romcom and fat which wasn’t just a girl getting fat because it turns her on.
There's a reason why unga bunga is much better received. People don't like stories that're so far up their ass from the writing being mediocre at best, and it gets in the way of being what's supposed to be a simple pleasure.
You can do unga bunga without making it mindless
You can do different stuff without coming across as the pretentious edgelord at your high school anime club

The problem with most simple stuff is it’s written purely when horny which might as well just be a weight gain sequence with words.

Black Jacks stories aren’t the greatest but they aren’t much more complex than most of the series they’re based on which is why they suit their fan fiction origins.

The original stuff is certainly darker but I do like how his characters aren’t just mindless eating machines wrapped up in pleasure and if that means they have to do things other than stuff their faces or feel bad about it, then that’s fine.
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For better or worse he is one of the few willing to experiment with other media. Technically has three games under his belt. Though their just a Doki Doki Literature Club fan game and a Five Nights at Freddy's clone.

I'm hoping the Plus Size VN isn't dead in the water.

Oh wow these look cool.

I didn't know he was making a game for them too.

I'll be looking forward to it!
Thanks for the new page.
Anyone have the my dress up comic?
I think Pixiveo once tried to make a VN, but then scrapped the entire thing due to the VN engine being Flash based. All of his current recurring OCs from his earlier works were also supposed to be in the VN in some form, and it's quite obvious that the world Log Myu takes place in is the same world that the VN would have happened in since the cafe that two of the main characters go to earlier in the story is completely owned and operated by most of his OCs.

In all honestly the problems with Log Myu's writing comes down to the fact that the story does not match the format Pixiveo chose for the comic. If people had received the story at a faster pace or all at once, I doubt most people would have complained.
Why does this guy love writing such dogshit and incomplete endings?

It's like his most common habit. Start strong while commissioning a good artist. Then fuck it up and abruptly end it out of nowhere with an unsatisfying conclusion.
To be honest, even the start is kinda shit...but then again, he's known for writing weird WG stories

It's left open for more on purpose like most weight gain doujins. Even japanese ones do this where the girl implies she wants to gain weight at the end but hey, thats all you can do in a few pages.

He's made a few stories which just end proper but they're incredibly long so theres more to flesh out.

I like that he cycles stories like this though so theres a lot of shows to potentially cover.
Nah, Ive read his long drawn out shit too, they are equally disappointing. The guy has big trouble writing satisfying endings.

Plenty of others can do it in small sequences properly. It's just a BJ habit to suck ass at it 90% of the time.
Hey, at least the idiot can throw money at artists for his comics. That's something...right? (Spoilers: It's not)

Depends on what you classify as satisfying.

Even the darker, moodier stuff makes sense and I do like how it’s not just ‘then the girl got fatter and fatter and loved being fat, the end’ like most weight gain stories. It’s also often in direct keeping with the original source material which is honestly a rare thing for kink creators to pay attention to.

I think what people here struggle with is understanding it’s not purely stories written for fetish sake which gets people upset similar to the kip thread.

His patreon is probably the most active of all fetish art patrons which is also a thing. Bang for your buck is quite impressive compared to artists who only produce one or two things a month if that so that’s an honest plus.
>>153718 (OP)
Can the dumbass just put the damn gallery in for Five Nights With Fatties 2? It’s been over a year now and it’s insane they can’t even do the simple task of that
.........This fetish's art's dying
Can someone tell me why the fuck black jack is drawing borderline Gore BBW porn all of the sudden on his deviantart?
Because he's a fucking lunatic, that's why
It’s Higurashi, a time loop annime about murder which always starts every ‘mystery’ component off like this. The comic is on brand and I look forward to seeing why things turned out this way
>>160351 Most likely? Somebody else told him to, and that somebody else copied a stolen work, imho

That’s a question for hammy.

From what I understand, DBJ set up this slot for artists to draw things that they wanted to draw and normally wouldn’t be able to do it feels like Hammy is driving.

Of course, DBJ is no stranger to horror content and always tends to put out a legit terrifying thing every Halloween so this is very much to be expected.

I think it’s great artists don’t always just do girls being happy about their fat all the time and they’re branching out for a change so more power to them.

There’s already several pages up on the patreon in advance and it does only get better
Ah yeah I should’ve noticed the other response from before, that was my mistake. I was aware of DBJ with his unique horror content he puts in, but what he dropped recently just flabbergasted me ya know?
>>160373 Do you eat a lot of beans? Do you drink a lot of Tequila?
Can someone post Divorced Crybaby Neighbor WG plz
Does anyone have the pages in between
i get hes into dark stuff but i was not expecting to start my day seeing suicide in a fucking wg comic

The other pages on the patreon seem to suggest this is some kind of endless loop where death just resets them back to where they were.

I started watching this series because of these pages and I’ve gotta say I’m hooked now. I can see why it was done since it does leave a strong impact and makes you want to know more.
He state along with Big Hammy and on some of the comments of his 2nd page that "Its gonna go somewhere, trust us." Having my doubts on it.
This literally sounds like "Source: Trust me bro"
Just post the pages then from the patreon
"I'm telling you now, I have plans that I cannot share with you right now because the haters will sabotage me."
I unironically believe that. Heck, even we could sabotage him
You could. But why would you want to validate him?
Especially considering the average watcher probably has no idea what the source of the anime is
*visual novel, but yeah
>>160750 Because standing up for the truth's important to some of us
Instead of explaining why sabotaging him would prove his point, I'm just going to could you a dumbass.
Fucking typos. "call you a dumbass", yes.
Weekly reminder that this guy is hard carried by the artists
I entirely agree it was fucking jarring however, though I am 100% positive this fact is unbeknownst to him because he's an edgelord retard or it is only superficially known to him, it goes to show you how disconnect people in this fetish are from reality because you are either feeding someone to death and/or instigating their corruption or being the person fed which in either case is as reprehensible as suicide morally speaking
He has said that both him and the artists he works together with make what they want.

It’s not that hard to understand.

We fatten the fuck out of women which is morally reprehensible in itself so exploring more sensitive topics really isn’t a big deal as long as the story is impactful.

Higurashi starts off with the MC literally beating two girls into paste with his bat and this is shown off in a big two page spread to set the tone. They’ve done a similar thing here with a force feeding twist which has been written in quite a few stories before.

In previous stories DBJ has also turned bad ends canonically into good ones like the DDLC game or the Rem animation. He’s just respecting the source material.

So chill guys, this is not some grand scheme to make you feel bad about yourselves.
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New pages of Gaining Perspective 2.
As someone who has tried to defend Blackjack even I have to admit that last line is needlessly harsh.
I hate being pointlessly nitpicky, but...what the fuck, he can't even write properly? You'd expect someone like him to put more care into this shit

>someone like him
A thief and a liar, you mean? Or do you mean a member of a secret society?

People act this way in real life all the time. You could argue he's being kinder to her by laying it to her straight rather than stringing her along and making her get fatter even though he doesnt like her.
...I thought that was Donald Trump
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Trump is good storyteller. His niece sucks and tried to sell his story and it sucks cause it reads like a comedy instead of a psychological thriller. When I wasn't Kisame, I read Pelosi's prose and it sucked cause it was excessively purple. I think Blackjack wants to make Boyz in the Hood, Menace 2 Society, Degrassi or the Wire stories with fat fetish, but that worked cause that shit was real. Fetish always be fake. Fetish Art is like Vince Russo and WCW levels of fake.
I fought Satsumalord on this. Nobody is going to take fat fetish or preg fetish seriously. This is why telenovelas, soap operas, and comics are dying. It's hard to imagine the abuse the characters go thru due to the repetitiveness. It's why Sasuke and Batman aren't taken seriously anymore.
Why're Millenials so lost? Identity crisis?
Kisame here. I am not lost. I am a slacker.
Maybe DrBlackJack suffered from identity crisis all along
>>161119 What else is Kisame17?
I am just a slacker. I think people are being unrealistic. We are doing the 26-30 hours minimum that socialists asked. Productivity has gone up.
>I think people are being unrealistic
I'm excited to know what else you think, Mom.
It now costs roughly 900-1.5k to tell a good story now. It's why I haven't made more Li Li. It's expensive
>>161125 Nobody understands who you're replying to. Lurk more.
>Your dumb fat fetish art is too expensive to make.
>>161124 Btw I asked if Millenials are suffering from an identity crisis and could possibly be the cause for the constant gayness and all of the low IQ and fucking up. The fucking up part especially was a joke, but they're pretty gay though.
You would have to pay Blackjack more money to make your dumb fetish art

Millennials aren't gay. Only Zoomers are. Millennials grew up with Gangster Rap, Ska, Industrial and Nu-Metal.
>>161129 I don't know a word about what you're saying, yet I already know you're wrong. How's this possible, do you suppose?

Don't reply. You'll only look more stupid.
>Gangster Rap >not gay

Says the Zoomers who want free shit
Still cranky you can't listen to 70s-80s rock like Foreigner of Twisted Sister cause your balls didn't drop?
>>161136 I don't want shit from you niggers

These parasites have been sucking the life out of me since elementary school and nobody was there to defend me or protect me, but you dare now call me lazy. You're fycking lucky Nigger I won't fuck your ugly sister.
Just make all fat art free for everyone and no one has to pay anyone or anything.

Problem solved.
>>161142 What problem is that supposed to solve exactly? Evil?
>>161145 Zoomers' bigger fuck ups than their previous generation.
Then what are you? Gen X and hitting retirement? MTV doesn't exist old man
Porn is not for old men
>>161147 I retired early. Years ago. After I suffered an injury right in my soul, deep within my heart. Like a knife I didn't see coming.
My point still stands. I cannot mange pregnant artwork of Li Li because then it would be like assembling a Ford.
Ignore the schizo that's now replying to themselves.

This is probably the same ESL schizo spamming other threads after they learned the N word.
Kisame here. My therapist told me to stop watching cartoons. It's why I don't have delusions.
>>161153 You don't need therapists
Why? It's clearly working. I am not producing art or bugging artistd for free works of Li Li. Now CrossCrecent is stuck drawing Gnarly Otaku's lame OCs
>>161157 You seem to know a lot of shit. Actually, you seem to be an expert on everything. Can I ask you a question?
>>161157 If I ask any question will you try your best to answer the question no matter what?
Ok, what is the question?
>>161162 Can I ask you 3 then?
Lmao, check out Abbot & Costello over here

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