
Yeah, there was no new content and Compile Heart ran the series into the ground; it's why having a game with Senran Kagura did jackshit for it getting any new art.
Maybe the crossover game is also shit, didn't you consider that option? I mean, they clearly focused on the Neptunia side and ignored popular Senran Kagura characters
>Maybe the crossover game is also shit, didn't you consider that option
Go to the board catalogue and look at the trash series that gets threads and come tell me again how the quality of a thing keeps people from cranking out a couple fatties.
(1.4 MB, 2856x2000, com___neptune_by_magicstraw_dcddwqi.png) (855 KB, 2521x2685, if_and_only_if__and_a_very_big_if_indeed_by_thebreadguardian_dezz3nd.jpg) (1.5 MB, 4500x3597, purpleheart.png)
People still draw fat Neps now and then but not nearly routinely enough that you could keep doing threads about it all the time. Last Neptunia thread on this board there were like two or three pics that weren't in the thread before that. Why bother at that point

Sisters vs Sisters was pretty good and what they're doing with GameMaker R Evolution looks promising. Not that it'll get the series more than a trickle of fat art but I wouldn't say it's run into the ground
>I wouldn't say it's run into the ground
Stop looking at just what they're doing now and compare the attention they had at the series high point to what it is now; it went from a series that got a good bit of attention and a slew of art to now barely anyone pays it attention and it's very difficult to stumble into new art, because they milked the IP harder than Pokemon. They're trying to revitalize the series but it'll be a while before they pull the series off the ground, let alone anywhere near where it once was.
(693 KB, 1784x1590, black_sister_by_magicstraw_dct4zym.jpg) (912 KB, 1000x1560, commission_122_by_kurocaze_s_dbxnxx0.jpg) (550 KB, 4096x2645, FVXfTk5XoAEDUu-.jpg)
Yeah, they went through a slump, but if what they're doing now is better then what's the point in being in here not contributing and complaining about it? It's pretty clear that the franchise was in a holding pattern while they were working on Sisters vs Sisters, which is the direct plot sequel to VII which people have been asking for for ages, with loads of new art assets and a whole new combat system. And with the R Evolution trailer it's clear they're using Sis v Sis as a springboard to make better games going forward. They even got Tsunako back to do character design.

>it's why having a game with Senran Kagura did jackshit for it getting any new art.
That game was in development for like a year as a pure Neptunia title before it became a Senran Kagura crossover, and considering Senran hasn't had a proper game since Peach Beach Splash I don't see why you'd expect them being there to cause some big revitalization of either series.
Senran Kagura supposedly died because 7Even was stuck in development hell and Sony refused to let them release the game on PS4, yet the developers were stubborn as fuck. The series' creator left for greener pastures long ago (And Tencent owns part of Marvelous), so...there ain't much hope anyway
(829 KB, 1205x843, Unigear.png)
posting OC cause someone has to remember this series
Soyny was kneecapping everything thing Japanese at the time while ignoring the Western games with the same shit at the time but that was only half the reason; Marvelous in all their fucking brilliance, put their money in creating a new engine just for Soystation before it happened and I guess that killed a chunk of their money.

No one cares about OCs; if a thread dies from no content, it's better than to be subjected to peoples garbage donuts.
Holy shit this is good, where can I found your art?
(599 KB, 1600x1250, _ko_fi__compa_and_neptune_by_pinkforsythia_deg7snf.jpg) (3.6 MB, 3000x4000, fat_nepgear_by_sonicateds_dexligo.jpg) (776 KB, 1128x795, GHbunny.PNG)
I don't have an art page and those aren't mine, just the one in >>155610, but the first is by 苦喜 on Pixiv, second is by RemRamWaluigi on DA but he hasn't been active in a while, I believe the third is by CodeNameBull on DA and the fourth is by @F91Marumaru on Twitter.
Could I ask who drew this?
Debunyu on devianart

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