
>>152958 (OP)
Can someone color the rest of the Hinata series.
Anybody has the donut saga?
(387 KB, 1484x2598, employee_of_the_month_by_saxxon_dbktz51.png) (808 KB, 1488x3407, slobby_blobby_eliza_by_saxxon_db9mucg.png) (755 KB, 1472x3774, the_diet_show_by_saxxon_dbhrlbi.png) (915 KB, 1368x5494, mel_and_jan__fat_habits_by_saxxon_dbjpdzq.png) (1.5 MB, 1528x5968, zahara_becomes_the_fattest_person_she_knows_by_saxxon_dbg2dyo.png)
Look for them, ya lazy bum.
No. Ya lazy bum.

Would it kill ya guys to post an image...
(583 KB, 780x1660, 840d10dd4a2b40795ccc741128c8d76f17d1867d855f172c770927bfc597c883.png) (346 KB, 780x1382, 91bcbb6cf78699dce240fc346826c73f8170c3dcdcda404d971d5fb121fadf29.png) (416 KB, 780x1202, 49cc76838a5a3841ab17cf1c8f9d16f2896a8898f74792fa6483d9bad776e110.png) (361 KB, 780x892, d348507755aa4df694b3e58c40d11ec19eda9c846736685930b0a6e99641611a.png) (308 KB, 780x791, 6f746e3c31b86e7c96c8090ec42c33021730fd49100476e1e6bacb2be6ae7b7a.png)
>>153271 here's donuts, now if i can make a request, anyone have any good blob faces? they kinda do it for me honestly
Probably a weird request, but does anyone have any more Saxxon pics of him doing adult cartoon girls? I know he's done a few McFarlane girls but they're always hard to find and it seems like they're parts of sequences that are missing parts. If anyone could share some that would be rad.
Bumping for the donut saga
(509 KB, 1304x1155, Hana.png) (529 KB, 1486x1608, Hana4.png) (672 KB, 1644x1228, Hana2.png) (664 KB, 1690x1618, MultiversalHitomi.png)
There was a 3rd part of donuts posted on the last thread but it seems the 3rd image was missing, and there might be more parts too.
Does anyone have coffee fueled fatty
Can someone color these please?!paint🌈🎨
are there any specific saxxon comics set in a world where everyone gets super fat? there are definitely a few like the one where everyone on earth transforms into obese pigs but there have to be more
>>152958 (OP)
Damn, this might be the first saxxon thread made after his death ;_;
We don’t know if he’s dead
Could you do all the disney princesses and females too like jane porter, gogo, honey limon etc?
(84 KB, 942x579, Shopkeep.png)
Thank you. I have been searching for pic related for years now.
it'd take a bit to get them all on here but barney nedward on da has a fucking monopoly of lesser known disney/dc/marvel girls
just curious, has anyone actually went out of their way to make an edited sequence for a character before?

Yeah, I think someone in the last thread posted their own sequence using saxxons works, but it was more of a rearanging of the comics events than an original sequence
Anybody got that continuation of the diet show?
Anybody got all of the Hana sequence, I think it was part of the donuts saga?
Anybody has this image in good quality?
Can someone post disney princesses?
(340 KB, 1768x1784, 5E4628FD-6BFB-4D68-8CFA-6284CEA07966.jpeg) (210 KB, 1564x1152, D7A3A070-8C9C-456F-AB72-3B3725E8293C.jpeg) (237 KB, 1710x1277, F5DA7CD5-40AD-47F1-A8D8-400F1EEA5B82.jpeg) (248 KB, 1701x1407, 7E113746-B643-451F-8994-5995B47B66BA.jpeg) (271 KB, 1701x1445, 12D970DD-CCE2-482E-B165-8580D2F114EA.jpeg) (415 KB, 1317x2048, DC86CDA5-1C8E-4E7D-AA57-AD6D3582297B.jpeg)
Somehow I just remembered that nobody put the Lucoa pic in the kemono yet lmao
Man, I wish I'd be the second girl so badly
>>155189 (Cross-thread)
Nah tbh the new one is kinda mid the proportions look too small… and the perspective is so off
(302 KB, 1460x946, IMG_1979.PNG) (451 KB, 1482x1162, IMG_1977.PNG) (1.3 MB, 1672x4022, IMG_1978.PNG)
>>155288 (Cross-thread)
This could be a set up to have Saiya possibly move in with Tessa. The two could stream together, Saiya could make money at the same time, AND she could continue her plan to fatten up Tessa and eventually steal her streaming spot to take the empire over herself.
That being said, Saiya is the least likable character Kip has ever made. She’s dumb, cruel, and downright easy to hate. I would love nothing more than comeuppance for her bratty attitude.
(433 KB, 1471x1442, IMG_1981.PNG) (934 KB, 1700x2464, IMG_1983.PNG) (980 KB, 1476x3384, IMG_1982.PNG) (478 KB, 1540x1678, IMG_1980.PNG)
>>155115 (Cross-thread)
Yumehara requester here.

I only wanted to thank you a lot for accepting the request and that I love the pic! She looks so cute and lovely and I'm glad someone bothered to give more fat art to an underrated character.
Take care of yourself and have a good day.
How would be your ideal character on a saxxon story?
I think someone like Topo, tremendously fat, obsessed with being fatter and the fattest, and crazy self centered
Catra from shera with a weight gain sequence wher she end up bigger than the universe and the rest of the girls grow along side her but she’s the biggest
Anyone has Super-Sized Smash?
Fuck off with those "crazy" and "self-centered" characters. Saxxon does them all the time, and even adds poorly-written dialogues for your enjoyment
Anyone have what I think is a two panel picture of a very fat woman in a bikini on the beach catching some guy peaking at her and the next panel is her on top of him?

Thank you very much! Yeah, nothing much going on

Yeah he's been radio silent for months and the Patreon keeps charging with no updates at all.

Really worried now
i would just unsub or whatever if he's been quiet still and his patreon's still charging with nothing new happening
I've been keeping up with Saxxon's stuff for a long time and remember that he'd occasionally go quiet for a while but I don't think its ever been this long.
(118 KB, 778x323, rip beavis.jpg)
Leaving blimpy400 and metalforever as the last active fat artists whose accounts are about to reach the 20 years of existence?
You can always count on mediocrity to last longer.
Mediocrity and shitty sex scenes
>love the unapologetic, self-referential, babbling, sarcastic attitude most of Saxxon's girls have
>love their shapes and sizes
>don't really like when their faces turn into blobs
>this is like 90% of his girls after the second panel
And people wonder why I hate these crappy, pale shadows of their former selves
Source on this one? Looks like there’s more to it
Also, anyone have Juri gets fat?
Is this new? I’ve never seen it before
Where did you find this? I checked his Twitter account and there was nothing new.
dont know what you guys are talking about thats all old stuff

Source: my ass

I made it, its an edit of picture that is literary in this thread, also saxxon is probably alive, check his favorites on DA page
> Check his favorites
> Last favorite was a pic posted on February 15th
> One day after the last post he made over four months ago
What was this man cooking
(306 KB, 1528x989, kathleen_the_hutt_by_vx90_delkf3j.png)
vx90, I don't know if it's a commission or an edit or an emulation of his art style. There's a few more accounts with his stuff that went silent around the same time Saxxon did.
That’s a good edit you did. Can you do more please.
(140 KB, 1280x950, debulover_12___athena_cykes_by_darkmetaldragon666_dg0ymkd-fullview.jpg) (310 KB, 1280x1866, debulover_11___abby_by_darkmetaldragon666_dg0y7ua-fullview.jpg) (383 KB, 933x691, squill.png)
some new ones. Also, I am getting darkmetaldragon666 to take certain saxxon drawing and turning them into whole new characters using said outline.

Characters are
Lady Love Dies
Lydia Daybreak
Carmelita Silence
Akiko 14
Crimson Acid
One Last Kiss
Dark Magician Girl
Ishizu Ishtar
Alexis Rhodes
Sherry Leblanc
Jeanne from Bayonetta 2
Viola from Bayonetta 3
I just literally croped Aphrodites hair on her xd

But im willing as long as somebody is willing to writte the caption for it
does anyone have monster hunter: rising weight from his kofi? I haven't been able to find it anywhere
Does anyone have like a mega folder or something with various saxxon works? I mean if we don't know if the whole thing of their death is true or not, but making an archive of their art sounds as a good idea to me in any case.
(232 KB, 780x803, 1.PNG) (230 KB, 780x861, 2.PNG) (219 KB, 780x938, 3.PNG) (153 KB, 480x563, 4.PNG)
Does anyone have the toadette weight gain comic?
Just wondering, I long ago saw a sequence by Saxxon about the 2012 phenomenon with a woman voring the earth and Mrs Claus was involved as well. Does anyone know what it’s called? The title or where to find it?
Some friend of mine asked if Saxxon ever did a pic of Miku eating a whole universe?
What's the name of this set? Is it public or from the Patreon?
Y'all think Saxxon stays offline because he too is afraid of what he has created?
Somewhat. Or it’s because all of his paid content is easily accessible for free or it’s because his fans are kind of insufferable or yeah, maybe had an epiphany that maybe he doesn’t want to draw fat chicks for the rest of his life.

Or his scanner just broke again. What do I know, I’m just a fan.
i think it's less he doesnt want to draw fat chicks for the rest of his life and more he doesn't want to draw the fat chicks debulover likes for the rest of his life 😭
Yeah, I swear god he's become Debulover's fucking slave or something
(3.1 MB, 2500x1728, lucy Heartfilia.png) (4.4 MB, 2500x1924, Juvia Lockser.png)

Guys he can easily tell me if there was too much. I even ask him if the lists are okay and he's completely fine with them.

also, I've got enough for myself to have Vascaloid take Saxxon outlines and turn them into new characters.

You ever seen Saxxon drawings of Lucy Heartfilia, Juvia Lockser, Flare Corona and Mirajane Strauss? Well guess what I have for you all thanks to my payments with Vascaloid
Thank you for literally who 1000th anime character
Don't be a smart ass, you know who at least half of who these characters are since they are pretty famous.
Literally who? You shouldn't be a smartass either, pissy boy, because I don't know jack shit about those characters. Enjoy your crappy niche waifus

yeah, i literally only recognize one of the characters hes posted in the whole thread. wildly overestimating the popularity of final fantasy
Glad someone agrees, I'm sick of seeing all those crappy drawings
(1.1 MB, 1430x1046, NicoRobin_color.png)

LOL you have to be extremely blind and actually ignore how much more mainstream the girls I've commissioned are.

Just because you think they are niche subjectively doesn't mean they aren't objectively.

Paradise Killer girls are niche. Characters from Fairy Tail (Erza, Lucy and Juvia) are not.
are you an idiot? Saxxon let me know all the time if anything is wrong or not back when he was working on commissions.
I’m sorry to ask this but could you color the rest of the erza sequence. And thank you for all the great work.
idk man not all of us have the luxury of being a 30 something year old man who spends all his free time wacking it to teenagers the size of buildings in his own personal gooncave that he spends all his passive income to develop, with every moment not spent gooning spent arguing with people on twitter about vtubers and star wars 🤷‍♂️
GODDAMN! You absolutely roasted him
This bullshit is NOT important enough to get mad at.

Is Saxxon OKAY? Have you heard from them AT ALL recently?
You could by the time you're 30, but instead of working on your income and acquiring a stable of braphogs, you spend your time whining on bbw-chan. If an autistic German man can do it, why can't you?
I see you are jealous. you have no actual income, no actual sustainable job, no actual girlfriend and no actual means of living a life you want to live to.

But I guess that's what happens when you live a miserable life whining about what you don't have.

no I have not heard from him and I sent him a note last week
Agreed that shit gets so old that's damn near all his characters I wish he did something different.
honestly I think saxxon is just burnt out like he has been doing basically the same thing for like fifteen years maybe he simply felt he needs a break or maybe he's done entirely honestly what ever he does its his choice.
(93 KB, 500x750, 7sbvxj.jpg)
Debulover, every time I've seen a Saxxon thread it inevitably devolves into you bragging about how much money you have, and how everyone must be so jealous of you because you've got enough money to commission all these Fat Of Shes.

As in, this is the third time it's happened that I'm aware of - I'm sure it's happened more.

Like dude, you can spend as much money as you want on whatever you want, sure, nobody's telling you not to. But no one is impressed. When he was offering commissions, he was pretty cheap. They were something like $10 a pop for a single character. Considering that you commission something like twenty people at a time, that's $200 - what some people pay for literally one piece from certain artists.

Back in the day, Barney-Nedward was another sort of "infamous" commissioner of Saxxon's because he'd take up slots with obscure characters from the 70's, but at least he let the artist fucking breathe dude. Sure you'd get characters from Gilligan's Island or something, but he genuinely seemed like a cool guy who just had niche interests. You're getting lots of twenty done at a time at $10 per character and slamming it down on the table like it's a big dick move when it's really, really not.

I'm fairly confident that you have at least contributed to whatever burnout chased Saxxon away. You have him fatten entire female casts of entry-level shows and then get pissy when people call you out on taking up the man's free time and work schedule. Sure, he should have had the common sense to stop accepting commissions before he got overwhelmed, but goddamn dude.
My fucking god...anon, I couldn't have said it any better. If I actually had 200 dollars I could spend on shit like this, I'd make sure it's a great artist drawing one of my favourite characters. Meanwhile, Saxxon's shitty art feels and looks like fast food, AKA it's cheap
realest shit i've heard in a while. every single time Debu gets a new batch from Sax or Vasacaloid, he ALWAYS makes it sound like he just got the Statue of David from Michelangelo. The way he talks about commissions makes it sound like he directly contributed to making it when he just pulled like 20 dollars out his wallet, and he rarely credits the artists on DA. Even if he managed to consistently get art from a higher quality artist, it's still not a power move because you are literally bragging about paying for anime porn.
>living a life you want to live
who in their right mind would want to live your life?
(597 KB, 230x158, 1631678231934.gif)
He's Saxxon's sugar daddy.

Thank god people forget about characters after about two sequels; I was sick of Lightening before she even picked up. Thinking about it though, FFXVI must be devoid of any actual good looking women since I haven't come across any art yet while randomly wandering around the net.

His 15 years of getting circles drawn around him by people new to the game, makes me think he's just busy, dead, or grinded enough money for whatever.

It couldn't be said better but if he really did knock Saxxon out of the game; for once I'm honestly grateful to the little autistic bastard.
Yeah, Final Fantasy 16 is a shit game in general, but if it doesn't even have any cute anime girls...biggest fucking disappointment of this year tbh
I was hoping he'd just commission Harribel, Nanao and Unohana multiple times myself. The art for them ended up being meh at best. Comm'ing from Saxxon is on par with getting comms from B^Uckley or Mistystuffer - all sameface smug-and-snark blocks of text that he'll never ever fucking color.

Man this is a whole lot of below room temperature takes and given how you all think this is pathetic and sad given how you all are in a saxxon thread

yeah we know you have bad taste in women.
the drama in here
hilo en decadencia.
Thanks for all the art you’ve made and got colored.
debu resorting to complimenting his shit art as different anons is nth level cope
Guess Squeenix really is jumping on them Blackrock investor bucks if there's nothing there ,which isn't hard to believe since the game apparently sold well.

>yeah we know you have bad taste in women
We're talking about Lightening right? What woman?
(4.4 MB, 2375x1780, Lightning and fang copy.png)
I see delusion has taken over since you think Blackrock has anything to do with the choices of FF16 being extremely medieval and initially taking from GoT.

also, we know you have shit taste in women because you can't figure out what a female character is. Too bad you are such a delusional retard that you can't accept that Lightning is a Japanese fan favorite for a reason.

Get some fucking taste because it's obvious that you eat shit
Seriously debu for a guy as smug as yourself you are remarkably sensitive.
Wow just because he doesn't like your favorite female character suddenly he has bad taste ? I'm sorry but you wanna tell us that we have below room temperature takes ?
B? What the fuck kinda nickname is that? Just stay anonymous like us
it's a lazy nickname but it's mine I guess.
What are you talking about? I haven't done such a thing. The guy accusing me literally can't tell those are two different people. I don't do shit like that

I don't listen to stupid people who act like shit heads like him. So I call them out for their bad tastes.
The bots have been absolutely out of control today
(11 KB, 350x306, 1632622825246.jpg)
>you think Blackrock has anything to do with the choices of FF16
No, I think Square has fallen because they've made the same pledges, changes, and censorship that has made many companies and IPs unprofitable. Also I never said it had anything to do with the medieval setting you twat; just the weird lack of any fan art of the female characters for such a massive name.

>we know you have shit taste in women because you can't figure out what a female character is
You have big breasted women, women in between, flat chested women, and then you have reverse traps but Lightening would have to be a regular albeit shoddily made trap because it's pretty obvious Lightning's a man.

>Lightning is a Japanese fan favorite
And? I never had high regard for the taste of the Japanese.

>I don't listen to stupid people who act like shit heads
And yet here we are; I'm laughing my ass off making fun of your husbandu while you viciously defend it to the degree that it looks like you might actually agree with the people you're arguing against but refuse to admit it to them or yourself.

You can call me an idiot, you can call me tasteless, but what does that say about you; someone says a character I like is shit and I'll say what I like about them and if they still think it, whatever. As for stupid, I'm not the one constantly getting milked for laughs but never realizing it and continuing my habit of acting unhinged the moment anyone dislikes even an atom of the thing I love.

Go to your doctor and get help, meds to handle your sociopathic behavior would be a boon, unless it's hormones or some other shit that's wrong with you besides having needed getting your ass whooped back when you were a child.
Because you just disregard everything I say no matter how good the argument. The only way for you to actually get anywhere with you people is to insult and say you have bad taste

So shut the fuck up you fucking asswipe. You have shit taste, get over it you fucking schizo idiot.
>>160672 You're one to talk you hypocrite
I was going to ask if anyone has got "the Royal fat". But I can see this is not a good time right now…
You can't talk about hypocrit without talking about Americans and the many pretenders including Christians that only talk about peace in time of war and only want to be Christians when they're winning because they can say God put their side in His favour meaning them righteoud, but when God gets angry and brings punishment oops then it was only that His will wasn't done.
(541 KB, 810x450, responding-to-deathbed-visions.png)
>I... *wheeze* wish I'd *cough cough* spent... more time... *wheeze* drawing... underage schoolgirl... blobs... for... Debulover... *BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*
>>160693 No please don't die, old man. You're a great person. Stay here with me. We need you. I don't know if you haven't noticed but there's not too many of us.
This thread is get really toxic. Can someone give them there own thread to vent to.
You know what you said is funny in ways you never know. Oh and I think I said enough here so I think I will go after like two more massages.
Nah I think saxxon should quit mind you thats his choice but honestly fifteen years drawing anime porn for one dude has to takes it toll and I hope saxxon regardless of his choice does what's right for him.
Honestly debulover get a life man why are you even here anyway don't you have anything to do other than arguing about porn from a dude you probably never saw in person on a website that pirates both free and paid content of your main commissioner or getting off to building to universe sized blobs of anime women like dude no one cares that you have money to force saxxon to make you porn and no one cares about your opinion they don't care about mine in the slightest now I don't know about you but I think porn isn't for me and I'm going to go call me what you like but don't worry I'm not coming back I'm going to live my life touch grass and do whats right for me y'all have fun and sorry for being whatever insult you want to give me .

How about you stop being as asswipe? I have a perfectly good life and yet you tell me that just because I can spend money and pay for shit on my free time that I don't?

Again, these posts read like pure jealousy that you can't pay for shit and you can't accept someone who has actual income, friends and family to have the ability to pay for this.
(851 KB, 1200x675, the_pants_don_t_fit__maria_by_saxxon_df32jcp.gif)
>pure jealousy
You're fucking delusional if you think anyone here or elsewhere would ever be jealous of someone like you. If you aren't going to post anything else then fuck off already. We don't need any more of your whining and bitching clogging up this thread.
(4.1 MB, 800x450, child_abuse.webm)
>you just disregard everything I say no matter how good the argument
What you call a good argument is unloading verbal attacks on someone to the degree you look as crazed as webm related, for something they might even view as an insignificant gripe of theirs because it involves a company or series you like.

>You have shit taste, get over it you fucking schizo idiot
You should really think about taking your own advice but also going to your doctor to get the proper meds to handle your sociopathic behavior.

>who has actual income, friends and family to have the ability to pay for this
>friends and family
Are you telling us you ask for money from other people to support your libido?

I'm gonna follow B's example find something else entertaining to waste my time with.
Go and cry. Just know you will never have a good job like mine, good income, good friends and good family that supports you.

It's obvious you are seething and crying while typing everything you say.
(3.2 MB, 1555x1194, a_fat_giant_and_a_giant_fattie__and_so_many_colors_by_saxxon_dddudyx.png)
So great that you need to keep repeating it to random anons you're bickering with. Sure thing. You need to get the fuck over yourself. At the end of the day you're just an obnoxious attention whore that is desperate for validation. I can tell you right now that you won't get that here because nobody likes you. If you had any brains you'd fuck off and go back to your circlejerk at DA. But I know you don't and you'll just continue to piss your pants here and go on about how great your life is or some other inane shit.

LMAO, You can just say "I'm sure jealous of how much money and stability your life has"" at this point.
Can we please stop with the drama! This is getting out of hand and it’s annoying! I don’t care about the drama at all! Just go back to posting saxxon's art and shut up!
(848 KB, 1640x1267, A423C1EE-C648-427A-AAC3-723AFBA7C567.png)
I can assure you that no one would or ever will be jealous of a 31 year old manchild who has to keep insisting that his life is oh so great. But you clearly lack any self awareness to realize just how pathetic you are. So hey! Believe what you want to believe you poor miserable fuck.
This is the last time I’ll reply to him. It’s just a waste of time replying to someone who’s as deluded as he is.
Sorry, these guys are just being idiots.

You keep saying that but you still continue to cry and reply back. you are obsessed with what i have
Inmouth is pure gold, I miss that kind of stuff
anyone wanna dump his ejunkie packs on here? i have absolutely nothing in return except thanks
My prayers have been answered!!!
Honestly we should have taken Vascaloid posting something, after a year of nothing as a sign of Saxxons return lol
(359 KB, 1280x1144, IMG_9800.jpeg) (261 KB, 1280x1428, IMG_9801.jpeg) (470 KB, 1280x2186, IMG_9802.jpeg) (218 KB, 1280x823, IMG_9803.jpeg) (320 KB, 1280x1134, IMG_9804.jpeg) (260 KB, 1280x957, IMG_9805.jpeg)
What’s the deal with the “donut saga” stuff, I keep seeing pieces of it floating around but I have no idea what order it’s meant to be in, or if there’s more lying around somewhere. I can’t follow what’s going on at all.
Where did you find the 2nd and 3rd images?
A rando on deviantart, not much else to go off of
i think this takes the cake for longest hiatus in the 7 years i've been beating to this mans art, hopefully all the next ones are shorter
Where do you even buy the "Donut Saga" Parts 3 and 4? Part 1 is on DA, part 2 is on Ko-Fi.

Are 3 and 4 just on an expensive teir on his Patreon cause I only stayed at 8$
3 and 4 cannot be found except by those who already know where it is (try archived threads)
does anyone have fat christmas miracle or fat merchant queen?
Her rolls seem more defined
(1.0 MB, 1760x2324, not an example just messing around in paint lol.png)
people mald over it, but Saxxon has actually improved his art style over a couple of decades of drawing, its slow but gradual progress

and if you go and look at the first images he uploaded to DA and compare with stuff in the middle and then stuff now posted it is a big difference
Call me biased but I never got why Saxxon is one of the more prominent punching bags in the fat artist community.
Complaining about his style of writing feels petty when pretty much all artists have the characters they draw go out of character.
Cause his shit is boring self centered bullshit it's basically the same shit over and over.
I mean he does have a type he writes about pretty well most of the time and that shouldn't be an issue if you are into XWG stuff, but the issue arises when it is basically and literal the only type he does and i guess people want him to do other stuff, but i don't actually consider it viable for him to break that mold.

i guess it might be why AdiposeRex(written) pairs well with Saxxon(Images) because they really do the same works. Rex does try to break the mold with a lot of other written things, but Saxxon has actually slowed down on Male and Muscle stuff.. that or he's just getting comm'd to draw fat over anything else.........
(13 KB, 1489x215, image_2023-07-30_024924137.png)
now that the dust has settled, wtf was his problem? a lot of comics missing from 8muses now
For some reason he thought that he was damaging saxxon by sharing the comics there, pretty stupid from him because it was a good way to preserve saxxon's art, also pretty aggressive with the "don't ask me again", but at least this thread is here for that.
I wish there was a more permanent archive. well there is the gts onion site but it doesn't get updated
Didn’t someone commission Saxxon to have themselves be super fat once?
yeah, pretty hot too imo
shit, i got the numbers wrong, thats my b.
Does anyone have any idea about Saxxons progress with commissions? Been waiting a little while for mine now
Bump! Does anyone have any random paid content to upload?
only been a week or 2, give him time
what inspired you to commission Saxon a piece of you as a blob?

I love saxxon. No one else on this planet jacks off to progressive, steady weight gain and then says "what if it was just a blob of lard the size of a planet"?

I love it man. The people's artist
you a feedee, just curious.
Yeah. Let’s take this somewhere else. ibis9 is my dA. I’ve got more commissions on there.
Autogynephilia (mental illness).
doing what you love, respectable
There was this one 5 parter by Saxxon, about an ogre who develops a feedee fetish when she realizes that her tribe doesn’t differentiate between “muscle” and “fat” when it comes to size. Does anyone know where that is? Can’t find it for the life of me!
While it does occur often in the fat/weight gain fetish community, I assure you Robin isn't one of them. >>164621
What was the name of the comic?
does anyone have the one with the wife who drinks a lab formula and crushes the house & husband? can't seem to find it and deviantart's search function is ass
that's it, thanks! I love the plain old evil greedy femdom ones. weird it seems to be missing from his gallery
Its from 2013 so its probably buried on there and Called She wants more I found it in his gallery change the gallery from featured to all or check scraps
oh I see it now, his pics don't translate well into thumbnails so it's easy to skip by the ones with a huge height
anyone have a folder of paid content stuff?
Has anyone that Juri comic?
anyone wanna update the kemono? i have stuff to post in exchange
this guy wins. name your prize and i'll see what i got
Does anyone have Forever Fat?
also does anyone have the fat elf queen sequence? my turn to beg now lol


heres bayo, ofc this'd be the one too big for the site. this link should work, but if not lemme know i'll see if i can try and post the images again.


actually fuck it, heres literally everything ive managed to scavenge. ive got everything from before the 8muses thread purge, the saints who upload the paid shit on DA, and other stuff like vx90's shit since he might delete his account. if he does, his stuff is there too. it's all mainly wg and expansion stuff. no muscle stuff besides from the mg in the wg shit. and it's not too crazy anyhow. so yeah. go crazy. (rlly hope this works, link should be accessible to everyone.)
i think from now on everyone who has any kind of request for saxxon shit should refer to this thread since it has about 80% of his no deviantart/twitter works
Does anyone have The royal appetite?
It was on the last thread.
Is Saxxon dead for real this time?
I wonder what a real wholesome saxxon would look like.
2 months of silence is nothing new for us oldfags, give him til mid october to start worrying again
(5.3 MB, 2500x1681, Killer Bebes.png)
The Killer Bebes. 6 more of these girls are on the way by Vascaloid

Dude, these have been colored many times
Not OP here, but can you share a colored version if you have one saved?
Only one of them has been colored not the other 3
If they hay then please put them on this thread
If they have been colored then please put them on this thread
year's almost over and i'm still wondering if anyone has any blobs
Damn I’m so glad anon made these
hey is one of the images missing?

Also god damn if i don't want some more greedy self absorbed mega blobs
Anybody has the growth for both game?
Late to the party but does anyone have the rest of this. I feel like some parts haven't been posted here
How do you make edits?
just start with editing the text and copy pasting images from sequences you like and then make a goofy little edit :)
I want to make another edit, any suggestions?
>500kcal for each pizza
>that's a whole ass pizza
C'mon man. That's a rookie mistake.
Also, is Saxxon still dead?

500 kcals a pie. She wants to get to 300 in less than a week. Assuming you need to eat an excess of 3500 per pound gained, plus min. 2000 for regular metabolism, that's 220k kcals total in a minimum of 440 pies.

In a week.

People really don't know how many calories are in things do they? A regular, medium sized pizza with nothing but a small amount of cheese (like cheap store bought) is at least 600.

This girl is an idiot if she's researching becoming fatter like she claims.
There is no fucking way a family sized pizza is just 500kcal. You're way under the mark.

Actually it can be. One of those bare bones, $1.50, store brand small pizzas can be that. The moment you put a modicum of topping on it, the calories balloon, but the blueprint is surprisingly low for what you'd think. Have a look next time you're in the store.
Do you have a deviant art or twitter account?
(7.4 MB, 1000x4818, Pig.png)
Do you know if there is more sequence to this?
what is a descriptor for this? It asks for it when I try to open it
(1.8 MB, 1064x12579, QK2.png)
And here's the rest, hope you enjoy it!
Does anyone have any commission news? Been waiting for a year and a bit now is this normal?
I've often heard his commissions take a long time but a year sounds extreme.
His kemono was recently updated, so he was active recently.
You have to bother him for them, I've waited ~8 months for one before. I know he was inactive for a while so that may be part of it.
I had to wait over a year and half for one once. Had to bug him constantly about it too. Wouldn't commission again
There’s one they made about a girl having to eat cake but the amount exponentially increases. Does anyone have that?
Same depraved bullshit over and over, I get it you have fat dystopia it's lame and boring.
Commissioned them over a year ago and still haven't heard a single peep over it.
first and only mistake was commissioning modern saxxon
unless his waifu is the one causing the end of the world
Can you find the previous thread? It's not in archives
Yeah, fair enough, I still think it's boring,
i bounce between the hyper blob dystopias and all his other works quiet a bit
Personally I am gonna have a rest from this site and fetish in general.
Focus on university and stuff.
Hope you guys have a great 2024.
Respect god bless you
>>185631 If so, good for you anon.
Big respect anon, if possible dont come back for your sake. Unfortunately for me this fetish roots go deep, I could never recover from this
good on ya anon, life takes priority :)
So 5 italians buy a 6 bed room house and buys 2 lamborghinis all 5 guys split the mortgage and car payment. Scam exposed the dead
I destroyed the whole industry. One man. Who would of thought. One black man destroys entire industry. Dont fuck with me. Trini said give them hell for they have done to me. No mercy.
whoops, ignore second pic
Anyone got Biggest Breasts In The West from his e-junkie?
Does anyone know where these are from and if there are more or have these?
This is going to be really bad, but I’m going to try explaining it anyways. Does anyone have the sequence of the boss getting so fat and thinking that she’s the basically the chosen one, but the main character actually is and the boss puts her to sleep or something for a time being. She’s comes back to see fatter than before and she’s has to humble her by getting enormous herself. If helps a just a little bit the boss wears sunglasses throughout the whole sequence. Like I said I apologize for the shitty details im just going from memory
Yes it’s exactly that!! I just looked all over his page earlier today as well to double check, but still couldn’t find it. I’m honestly surprised you managed to figure out what I meant. Thank you so much man
Sad news guys, Renae just confirmed that Saxxon died in a car crash.
sauce on this? i cant find anything about this
"trust me bro" same excuse they used last time he went silent
this ones a good one.

has some of the GFO canon in it afaik
Damn, crazy that accepted commissions a day after he died, necromancy has really come a long wat
hey, can someone help me find one of these comics that saxxon did? i recall it pretty well but can’t remember the name.

the premise of it was basically that this girl wished another girl who bullies her gets fat and it ends up biting her in the ass because that girl becomes huge and an influencer? does it ring a bell to anyone?
Does anyone have the comic with the genie girl who shows more and more of her true size?
i mean there are a lot of GFO's(great fat ones) now

i can't list all of them but:
Ishtar sally

there are quiet a lot, its just like a list of girls so fat they broke out of their universe and just gorge endlessly on other universes..
bump to add to the question
Anyone have conis from one piece?
Now you know this is likely not true. I admitI kinda hope he just quits at this point he has been silent for months and frankly it's getting old. Sure he probably is just drowning in commissions most of them debu lovers and he does have a life outside of this. Still I have to wonder if he really wants to do this for another eighteen years .
Been waiting nearly 2 years for my commission now xD
Damn, 2 years saxxon really most be drowning in commissions
was the softening anywhere on the thread? i can't seem to find it
(3.5 MB, 1472x2582, out_of_house_colored.png)
I found this in kemono and I am now wondering is there any parts that I missed
I saxxon gone for good this time ?
Nope he is just very slow on the commissions
If anyone has that self insert pic he did awhile back, can anyone post it?
(1.4 MB, 1458x1104, 2 sin título_20240301005215.png)
I did a color job of one of tbe panels in the Persona 5 sequence.

If anyone likes it, I can take requests to color some Saxxon images.
He has new stuff on his patreon. The kemono needs to be updated
This is probably really cringe, but I remember a long time ago seeing a Saxxon commission of Lois and Bonnie from Family Guy. By ANY chance does anyone have those?
Can you do the rest of the persona 5 sequences please
Saxxon uploaded on Deviantart.
Can someone upgrade his kemono?
he actually js spawned back in lol
And he actually made a commission with a wholesome ending. I'm satisfied for good now.
(143 KB, 800x233, 1613161-1.png)
Anyone get this plz I've been looking for a while
Figure I'll ask, why not?

Been looking for a specific comic for a while, starting to feel like I made it up.

Standard Saxxon fair, woman goes to public pool and from the high dive drops little device. Instantly transforms everyone in the world into various junk foods, she jumps in to the now food filled poll and gets to work, from there the obvious happens.

I've looked high and low and can't find it, does this sound familiar to anyone?
Anyone have "Fataclysm"? Didn't see it in the mega unless it's under a different file name
are there any bursting comics by saxxon?
I only found like two comics
I don’t know if this was an fan made story but I’m looking for a Saxxon story about a massive blob woman who is fed other fat people, sorry if the lack of details, it’s been a while since I’d seen the story.
We are living in a post saxxon return world and this thread is not on the front page?
shit takes time to get going, this thread's finna get locked soon anyway so we'll just have to make a new one soon
That's like half his girls lol
I know its a weird ask in 2024, but does anyone have the coffee-fueled fatty pack?
Age 37-54 rapid aging is caused from excessive sunlight exposure. Uv light can give you cancer. News 7
I wonder what inspired him to do the ridiculously long writing, and what about hyper obesity fascinates him ?
Now he's making animation again, apprently some people on youtube don't like it.
i guess?

its like all i could think of honestly
What do yall think of his new animation ?
Imagine it. An entire universe of fatties, and you are the god creator of it and you can live in it.
Do you have the link? I can’t find it
(584 KB, 1500x1170, dakota edit.png)
saw the latest image and couldn't help myself, quickie done in paint net
(582 KB, 1500x1174, dakota edit 2.png)
this is actually to easy
We do need a supreme Great Fat One Dakota

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