
>>152369 (OP)
Request color the second pic as the first one
I just read horribly wrong, good thing anonymity exists
(468 KB, 2800x1800, IMG_2134.png)
Can someone color this Jolyne?
These were requested in the previous thread
Slow the fuck down with the requests, bro. You're going to drown the ones from other people
Most of these are from other people, I'm just moving them here from the previous color thread so they don't have to >>152478
(495 KB, 2800x1800, Brit Crust.jpg) (646 KB, 2800x1800, Heather.jpg) (513 KB, 2800x1800, Brit Crust 1.jpg) (556 KB, 2800x1800, Megaempress.jpg)
These are the last requests I got from the last thread. Hope the anon's who requested them got what they wanted!
(1.1 MB, 2800x1800, Jolyne Colored.jpg)
I actually did this one a while ago, so here ya go! Hope ya like it!
(291 KB, 1369x1160, 08-21.png) (139 KB, 675x1200, DnFTmCmV4AIbcBJ.jpg)
Reposting this swimsuit Kurisu by BWS from last thread, if anyone would be kind enough to color it!
(956 KB, 2520x1620, Zorah 1.jpg)
Here's the base upgrade! I may add some more detail (clothing patterns), but hope ya like it!
You got it! They'll be added to my list! That BWS sketch has been requested several times in the previous thread, so I might end up doing that one first.
Thanks, also Can you remove the extra finger? She only has 3 fingers in each hand.
Thank you anon, you’re fantastic
Thanks a lot for the Kurisu!
My man's immersion was shattered lol >>152667
(383 KB, 1620x1399, Private 02-23.png) (161 KB, 480x665, Malina4Vodka.png)
Mind if I request this one? I tried to see if it was already colored, but couldn't find any previous posts about it.

Thanks in advance!
I know I’ve been slow with the completions lately, but that may be because I’m giving the sketches too much detail (mainly thinning the lines out).

That being said, for those of you who have received their sketch upgrades from me, and those who’ve requested upgrades, could y’all give some feedback?

I would like to improve my quality while simultaneously getting the upgrades to y’all at a faster pace. So, any feedback or advice y’all could give would be greatly appreciated!
It's ok, take your time.
You’re really good, anon. Don’t have much advise for the coloring
Keep reposting this, and you won't get any >>153070
What the fuck should I do, then? I can't just give up like nothing happened
Maybe stop being a whiny bitch, i've already decided i won't color it because of your attitude, just be patient and someone will eventually do it.
Well, thank you! The kind words are appreciated!
(348 KB, 1620x1399, malinahelltaker.png)
It's my first time coloring so even if it could be better I think it turned out nice if you think something could be improved tell me, it would be appreciated!
(70 KB, 1280x1049, 603.jpg)
Hi, don't you have the color version of this commission? It's from the artist Nikutsuki.
Oh you did it way better than I could have ever done! Very nice try if it's your first one. I really appreciate it!
Create a layer above the sketch, and put it in multiply mode. This way you will be able to color over the lines, and it won't have the white pixels all over
Anyone know what happened to that Joekie dude? Like, where’d that bitch go?!
I have been asking for these 3 pics to be colored but I wanna ask, nobody wants to color these?
(235 KB, 938x571, commission__nicole___sabrina_1_by_poundforpoundcake_d47y301-fullview.png) (247 KB, 900x783, commission__nicole___sabrina_4_by_poundforpoundcake_d47y301-fullview.png) (271 KB, 900x768, commission__nicole___sabrina_3_by_poundforpoundcake_d47y301-fullview.png) (170 KB, 900x593, commission__nicole___sabrina_5_by_poundforpoundcake_d47y301-fullview.png) (287 KB, 850x799, commission__nicole___sabrina_6_by_poundforpoundcake_d47y301-fullview.png) (230 KB, 800x679, d49dnlj-e56a115a-75ba-4ee4-9f7e-984efcca79a0.png)

So I used a free online AI colorizer to get a decent result with some manual tweaking, but if there's any artists out there who want to have a stab, go for it.
(349 KB, 1620x1399, Untitled14_20230521214739.png) (654 KB, 1854x1381, Private 02-23 (Color).png)
So... After trying to paint this myself, I spent 1 hour painting it, and just when I finished, I saw it has been officially painted by BWS, so I'll just leave both versions in case someone still wanted it.
No offense, but who asked for these? >>154326
if anyone still down to color these, let me know.
Darn, this is so good! Thanks man >>154907
Once again auto correct makes Damn into darn...*sigh* >>154925
(264 KB, 1115x717, b29dc8e7d4bc98feafaf3a89b0e99d9007b0c226a497f80d0cfb7929718ffe8b.jpg) (719 KB, 2800x1800, fb9a64502e9739e047d0b6780a5fb937374915d5702ab86b271ee52625f37c6f.jpg) (797 KB, 2800x1800, Shego.jpg) (1.4 MB, 2800x1718, 104c39e0963f43a86f3a35ae04fd452ed5b071bcf3f0ee967c1ace9bb37e8652.jpg)
I'm closing in on the final sketches! I'd say it's about damn time!

I tried to get the colors and outfits as on-point as I could. Hope y'all got whatcha wanted!
Anon who requested the Maka colour edit here. You did a fantastic job on it man! Thanks a bunch for doing it!
Thanks so much, it looks great!
YEAH thank you so much! It looks so good :)
Thank you so much! Absolutely phenomenal job dude!
(409 KB, 3192x2192, 20230611_073124.jpg) (8 KB, 300x168, images.jpeg) (5 KB, 235x214, images (1).jpeg)
Here's one of Ada and Ashley from RE4 (I'm assuming the guy they're on top of is an anon) can someone please color this?
Did you redraw the whole thing? Looks good.
forgot the actual image whoops
Why do people like LEGO fats? Like what’s the appeal?
Holy fuck that's pretty damn good for your first time! I appreciate it!
I love this man, thanks!
not OR, but very well done!
Wow! Thank you so much, I love it!
Thanks but I'm pretty sure her belly area is supposed to be exposed
(345 KB, 2879x2200, sentoo_large_by_hypnagogum_dafdkrz.jpg) (375 KB, 519x1059, Isuzu_Sento_Anime.png)
Someone did colored it years ago on this thread but i couldn't find it on my archives, so maybe the one who did is still here or if not maybe someone will color it again, thanks in advance!
Will somebody color this?
>>157103 if anyone has free time Pretty please
(1.3 MB, 1650x2550, 29ae05186e81bc53956ebc93eec8d924baec35cc0749bd140ca1090450b898f8.png) (4.9 MB, 4961x7016, a7e6aec779f57509d1539d20247e19233545fee4fde9f1ed2556168542767dc7.png) (1.7 MB, 1650x2550, 5cb71885395552aab267ecc94e33a851d69be6694aa66433fb934299336d5ed0.png)
Wanted someone to color these sketches, however for one of them the artist has already drawn the character before. The character is at the top of the spoilered drawing (it is inflation however).
Here are the references to Justine Courtney and Madeline. Couldn't post them before, because they were webps for some reason
Hell yeah, thank you so much bro.
Could someone color this please? Not trying to be rushful
Wow, thanks so much! Pizza butt looks gorgeous, great work.
Oh who is the artist for that one?
>>158938 where's the original artwork from on the right?
>>159399 much appreciated its really good
You've done well Anon. Good job.

If someone could color these it would be greatly appreciated!
(283 KB, 1148x1329, 20230707_140111.png) (105 KB, 1000x562, FYE08UpUcAAFD8D.jpg)
Was browsing BWS' kemono and saw this sketch. Apparently its Scarle, sow thought I should request it to be colored.
(592 KB, 2000x1400, IMG_8863.png) (1.5 MB, 2000x1400, IMG_8864.png)
I tried to get the colors down. Her sniper's based on OW1, whereas her outfit is OW2. (Original artist- Pixiveo)
(420 KB, 1148x1329, Skarle_Colorized_nobg.png) (401 KB, 1148x1329, Skarle_Colorized_whitebg.png)
Got the goods. Pretty decent practice. I tried to get the colors as accurate as I could, but she's wearing a different outfit compared to most of the reference image. For that reason, I based this primarily off how she's depicted in the bottom right with the black tank top and I used red for the shorts because that's her skirt's color.
Lot of shading man... still great though...
You on fire friend. Keep up the good work.
been REALLY killing it with these!!!
(609 KB, 498x498, pepe-wink-pepe.gif)
Let me congratulate you for your excellent work Anon, keep it up there's no doubt you are one of the best colorists in these threads, I love women with lipstick
Shit man! She looks great! Thanks!
(629 KB, 1124x1729, IMG_3484.png) (804 KB, 1200x1101, IMG_3485.png) (1.2 MB, 1147x1500, IMG_3486.png)
If someone could please color this fat Mercy for me, Pharah doesn’t need to be colored but I included her ref anyways. Please and thank you.
Unless the other anon here wants to do it, I’d be down to attempt. Though, it won’t have any shading, just flats and possible gradients.
That’s just fine! As long as someone does it I’ll be happy
(226 KB, 1130x1094, 20230708_212027.png)
I found this sketch and wanted it to be colored...but I have no idea who she is so I don't have a ref, anyone have an idea as to who she is?
(680 KB, 1124x1565, Mercy.jpg)
Here's Mercy

I'm gonna color Pharah, but later. The full thing will probably be done tonight, or tomorrow at the latest.
Hello, I'm not trying to be rushful or rude or anything, just asking here. When you do think you can color this?
Magnificent, thank you so much!
I'll see if I can add the spirals, however im not sure how it could be done

if you can think up of a way for me to add the spirals without it looking bad, i'll do it
Source? Saucenao showed nothing
That was quick, thanks!
>>161029 You keep calling me that, I don't it means what you think it means.
(104 KB, 1462x1200, F1m342SaAAIWtJu.jpg) (922 KB, 900x1582, E7I1xdlVoAMN3p9.jpg)
Dunno if it's easily possible since it's not a black and white sketch, but here's a bunny Makise Kurisu that could use color.
Color Anon doing the Lord's work. Or Slaanesh's work? Whomever the patron deity of coomers is, I'm sure they are proud.
Gonna re-request this
Oh yeah I'm sorry I confused them 😂 btw, enjoy!
gonna take a crack at Artemis
Hades gals need more love tbh >>162204
Know we've gotten a Nyx and Aphrodite in this thread, both great, might just rerequest the Aphrodite and any other hades gal.
(468 KB, 1807x2048, IMG_7060.png) (294 KB, 800x760, IMG_7061.jpeg)
Marianne and Hilda from FE: Three Houses in their summer outfits
(547 KB, 1920x1080, Hinoka_Colorization_Final_nobg.png) (538 KB, 1920x1080, Hinoka_Colorization_Final_whitebg.png)
Did the Hinoka image. Inked it because the sketch was a little too loose for me to work with. The outfit isn't one to one with official art, but that's because the original artist simplified it by a lot with some missing articles of clothing. Still used the right color scheme, though. Hope you enjoy.
(4.4 MB, 3329x3835, yuka.png)
This one got requested forever ago and I never fully finished it. Figure I may as well share the unfinished version anyway.
Awesome, thanks! Almost lost hope!
Can someone color this for me?
can anyone color this pls?
>>162330 It's been like a week and and I'm still waiting for this pic to get colorized.
You'll suffer the same shitty fate as me, anon. Waiting forever to get a pic colored
Really good job! Mine is without shading
>>163615 WOW! That looks great! Thanks!
can someone color this please?
Sure!, I also really like Yukiko Amagi, btw my favorite P4 girl is Rise Kujikawa
Awesome! Will wait for it! 😁
This looks incredible! Thank you so much :D
Sure, I got it, just wait a little
Now that I see this colored, I kinda want to see more of the sequence get colored. >>163698
>>163717 Rest on the Lord, my friend. Your booty's safe with me. You don't have to worry about me ever letting you down. So long as I breathe. Until wemeet again, I send you hugs and kisses. toyour booty.
>>163723 Dude you have to have a conversation with them and you'll see. I promise that these zoomers aren't right with God. They're posessed by an evil spirit. You have to see it with your own eyes to understand, but I wouldn't lie to you or make jokes about this. These individuals are out there hiding in the population. When you look at them they're like an empty soul. It's difficult to explain. Do your own research. There are things to look for because I've noticed similarities in behaviors, but I'm not certain yet that everybody who does the lying, gossip, mimicing, and so on are all part of their group. I can only tell you that I've seen them in my own Christian church and that although I don't get most of what I see it's enough to know that there's a real connection between the individuals and that the connection reaches the spiritual world, and that it's gay.
Eww there's a Christian on my fetish board
>>163727 I feel like calling me a Christian's a bit of an understatement these days, but yes, and I'm only trying to warn you about a secret mass organization of elderly liars in your country. Either way you will see them in time. They will find you too, just as they found me many years ago in middle school. I can only offer you the truth. It's up to you what you do with the information. Remember these words, and that Jesus loves you. A real Christian won't be a witch's friend, but he will love.
holy fuck shut up, this is a coloring thread, nobody gives a shit about what you are saying.
(187 KB, 1280x817, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__1_18__by_magicstraw_dcug740-fullview.jpg) (129 KB, 1280x875, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__2_18__by_magicstraw_dcug74b-fullview.jpg) (140 KB, 1280x893, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__3_18__by_magicstraw_dcug74k-fullview.jpg) (121 KB, 1280x811, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__4_18__by_magicstraw_dcug74z-fullview.jpg) (73 KB, 1280x584, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__5_18__by_magicstraw_dcug75f-fullview.jpg)
Alright you asked for it, I'll post the whole sequence. If you need refs I'll find em if you want, but its a lengthy sequence... >>163717
(113 KB, 1280x990, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__6_18__by_magicstraw_dcv0n33-fullview.jpg) (103 KB, 1280x938, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__7_18__by_magicstraw_dcv0n5k-fullview.jpg) (109 KB, 1280x930, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__8_18__by_magicstraw_dcvlj8e-fullview.jpg) (164 KB, 1280x1201, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__9_18__by_magicstraw_dcvlj8u-fullview.jpg) (82 KB, 1280x547, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__10_18__by_magicstraw_dcwbcfg-fullview.jpg)
(105 KB, 1280x537, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__11_18__by_magicstraw_dcwtrc5-fullview.jpg) (54 KB, 1280x446, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__12_18__by_magicstraw_dcwtrdm-fullview.jpg) (81 KB, 1280x798, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__13_18__by_magicstraw_dcxo1od-fullview.jpg) (92 KB, 1280x804, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__14_18__by_magicstraw_dcxo1oq-fullview.jpg) (69 KB, 1280x1121, super_smash_brothers_ultimate_gain__15_18__by_magicstraw_dcxo1p1-fullview.jpg)
Excuse me, could mine be next? Just asking it's understandable that it's not.
Thanks! It turned out really nice. I appreciate it.
Oh c'mon, she is a fucking ant, do you really think he would work on something like that?
Maybe, I'm not 100% sure, but just maybe, plus if not I understand like I know it's not guaranteed.
Okay yeah that's long (that's what she said), I'm just gonna paint the sequence of the wii fit trainer, she looks juicy!
Yeah why not, you're request is the last I'm gonna do for now 😼
Okay thanks and it's very understandable my friend😺
Thank you, you've done a fantastic job with it.
Any color request? I'm free rn 🙂
Anon, you're next, I'm coloring that Spider Gwen rn 😈
Let's see, what can I do with this, I'm on it! 😈 Btw, good luck gettong Kafka
>>163987 god these are beautiful ^^ ty

Oh hot dang, wonderful stuff. Even used the right colors for Rukia's pajamas too, awesome.
(648 KB, 1579x2048, lois.png)
great drawing btw, do you know who the artist is?
Yeah I could not find a ref with both their outfits, so I just gave up and went with something that just had both of them.
Thanks Btw. >>164246
(117 KB, 288x547, IMG_3824.png) (503 KB, 2200x2800, 6b13f55ae86ff3ca7949911b6af17058.png)
Hey there, just requesting a coloring of this sketch by MetalForever. If someone could get around to it that would be fantastic, and they would have my thanks.
Damn, I had all but given up hope on these getting done. Thanks mates.
OR here and wow! This is so cool! I love it!
seconding this, always love to see his art get colored.

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