
Yeahh...I think it only works with your dick, bro
(658 KB, 1600x1620, Zelda curse.jpg)
>>150262 (OP)
Well since you seem to want input:
As a test it's not bad, but it's still rough.
If you want to make something out of this I'd certainly suggest making more original ideas than just text to speeching word bubbles. As noted the volume levels are wonky, they don't quite mesh with the burps that sound different than her.

For more impact, rather than just personifying existing work I'd look for art without word bubbles/ remove words. Find a series of images that could tell a story. Then write dialog for each part like a sequence. (And you need to credit image sources in your work you know)

Imagine you found some art of Zelda at various stages of her corruption. You could have dialog for each image telling the story of her becoming a fat plaything for Ganon.
>Image 1 (A normal skinny Zelda in an action pose) Dialog of Zelda ordering guards to bar the doors, calling for castle defences, insisting they must stall for more time so the hero can arrive
>Image 2 (Another normal looking Zelda in a compromising pose, looking angry or defiant, probably an image implying she is about to be violated) Dialog of Zelda yelling at Ganon he will pay when the Hero arrives, demanding to be let go or offering to be taken prisoner if he lets her people go
>Image 3 (A plump Zelda eating, her mood in the image would have to dictate the way her dialog is presented) Dialog of Zelda examining her situation, perhaps as a diary entry since she may be talking to herself. Some implications that Ganon has captured her and despite being his prisoner he seems to be feeding her very well
>Image 4 (A fatter Zelda, hopefully eating with more intent) Another introspective diary dialog or one with a minion of Ganon, perhaps even with a servant who is enslaved as well Zelda's mood is much the same but she's started to really get into the food she is being served, She still seems defiant but as long as she is stuck her she is eager to enjoy the food. Depending on who she is talking to it's either angrily asking for more or empathetically suggesting they play along and buy more time for the hero
>Image 5 (A properly fat Zelda, something that is clearly gluttonous) Dialog is now very food focused She is catching onto Ganon's intentions with feeding her. She is torn between resisting his plans for her or letting things play out because she needs to buy more time and as far as fates go... this isn't an awful way to be a prisoner
>Image 6 (Zelda very fat now, something that makes her seem smug or angry) Dialog directed at Ganon, Her half of the conversation implying she has been given an ultimatum and she is reacting to it. She is still trying to tell him she won't be a pawn in his scheme but her food addictions are getting the better of her and she is desperate for another meal which she won't get until she submits to his commands. Maybe throw in a Ganon laugh clip as she wavers in her dedication to her kingdom or her appetite. She may even make some comment on being angry at the hero for failing to arrive in this critical hour
>Image 7 (No image, blank screen) Sounds of eating, orgasmic revelry, piggish snorts, finally we hear Zelda at the end let out a satisfied moan and thank her lord Ganon for breaking her/ for showing her the light, she then pledges herself to him
>Image 8, pretty much what you have here, but the image would need the speech bubbles removed

A lot of extra work yes, but for the medium you have here and the fact you'd be using other people's art for it it's probably the best way to use this setup to it's fullest.

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