
(97 KB, 1166x556, AMM.jpg) (496 KB, 1109x970, Sage-chan.png) (831 KB, 1894x1748, 63 sin título_20221012123347.png) (1.7 MB, 1600x2202, Untitled95_20221216010435.png)
The first thread of Fusa & Ha Button in 2023 is now online. Here is what I have of their works so far, hope u guys enjoy em.

There are still some cool uploads in the final post of the previous thread. Do check em out over here b4 they are gone >>.

You may notice some strange alpha-numeric strings of code in some of the posts. Here is a site u can use for decoding them. Just follow the instructions and erase them when decoding.

If u have just missed the reups, don't worry since most of em are available over here.

As usual, I will be mainly focusing on translating and reuping the usual works of the authors i.e. Ayano and Afterschool. Any other works from these artists will be translated based on popular demand and their chances of being translated by the original artist. Others are welcome to take up translating these works in the languages you prefer along with providing constructive criticism for all the translated works.

Also keep in mind not to use more than 2 posts for uploading or reupping images. Try to use links (not encoded) allowed by the global rules for big posts. No one likes a post fag.

And finally here are the sites where the authors upload their works along with the pages on kemono.

Do vote for their updates on kemono from time to time.
Can someone make character ai profile for aoba and the ayano gals?
new after school up please
There a new page of AfterSchool too
Thx mate will be posting the translated page by this Sat.
Thx buddy, translating this page asap.
Elon killed Fusa's twitter account...
Elon does seem too weak to enjoy thicker women
Translated page 234 of Ayano and page 79 of afterschool along with a slightly reedited page 216 AY (noticed a grammatical error in one of the dialogue boxes).
Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors found.
I seem to have missed After School 78, can someone repost it?
New Ayano is up
Nice, just got it downloaded. Will be posting in a week's time.
The translated page 235.*
Here is the new Ayano it's weird not knowing when he is going to post them anymore with his Twitter being suspended for the time being.

He mention on kemono that he was working on it to put it back online
I think fusa changed platforms entirely. He posted this link on a free post for his fanbox. It also has an update for the new ayano page when it was posted
he just said he'll post there while trying to get his account back
New Aoba
Any new after school?
No not today I've seen on Pix only Aoba
Translated page 235 of Ayano. Posting this a bit early since I will be afk for the next few days. Any new raw pages of Ayano or Afterschool that get uploaded during this time will be translated when I get back.

Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors found.
Could someone reup this pls?
Maybe I'm being a bit nitpicky but even though it was 13 pages, did anyone sort of feel like it was a waste of time? Not sure why
Yeah, we already saw how she ended up when the trip arc ended, would have been better to keep her skinny for the trip and then have her arc start right when they got back to school. Could have had a brief flashback to her watching Ayano over the trip or just go with the same plot but at school, and could have progressed the other girls a bit while we saw this instead of going over the trip arc again.
Rio while cute was my least favorite of the friend gains, with the unwilling glutton Moemi being my favorite and Miyuki falling in between those two. I honestly would've liked it better if Rio ended being a feeder for one of the other girls than another willing gainer
Kinda, seeing a girl go from skinny to slightly less skinny is not exactly what I want out of a WG comic, especially considering we've already seen her make that progress.
I think the point of Rio's character was to fulfill the stuffing side of the fetish, as when folk get larger it's hard to see the results of a stuffing beyond them saying oouhhhh they're so full oh nooo. But skinny people? You see the BULGE the tightness the bloat. It might not be everybody's cup of tea, but I think for a long running fetish doujin like this trying to cover as many bases as possible is probably a good thing as a business move from fusa. Just need one of the girls to get a feeder now....
Trust the plan. Fusa needs someone to help care for Ayano. If Fusa does want to continue her gain, he needs to introduce immobility soon. It's already unrealistic how she can go to college like a normal girl at her BMI.

Hopefully Rio and Ayano get into a mutual feeding relationship, and Rio helps care for Ayano in her later stages. I want to see Ayano hit at least 350kg before dying.
So does anyone have something to share while we wait for a new page? Fanart, comic, fanfiction, etc?
Is there any news of Fusa slowing down on the uploads of new Ayano on account of another series of his being published?
New Ayano is out and Fusa states that Rio's breakthrough starts here
If anyone has more of these I'll glady give a try and color em
Thx mate and as always will post the translated page in a weeks time.
Not gonna lie, former Rio supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Rio fail and burn fat. But in all seriousness we can't let this girl become morbidly obese.
>That excitement on her face
Please don't take this happiness away from her Fusa.
Let my girl be happy
I mean she's right at the lower end of the healthy BMI range right now. She was medically underweight up until this point.
Only took what feels like an eternity.
after school is up
(1.1 MB, 2150x3035, lVmPZYBVieeJrN496zvlaIDD.jpeg)
I have nothing to add to the thread but can anyone point me in the direction of the rest of this ?

Nice the birth of two more. Will be translating these 2 pages asap.
wow, her alcoholic friend rebounded hard, amazing
the cliffhanger is gonna kill me. she may actually be just as big judging by that arm
Just as big as Sage-chan? You're saying she gained like 180 kg in under a month?
(221 KB, 709x707, gain.PNG)
the power of carelessness and laziness is exponential I reckon
Aoba stopped?
been waiting for kon to start gaining since the first page. lets go
Can someone catch me up to speed here
No, Habutton just takes over a month to draw a single page apparently.
I missed this, could someone reup please?
I'm not quite sure on the time progression since Usa got down to 53 kg, but she must have at least doubled her weight in that time to be that big now
Translated pages of AF80.
Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors found.
Not sure didn't keep track of the time that passed in the comic. There might be an explanation for the gain coming up in the next few pages
Yeah, um, don't you mean "Hey, I'm home" instead of "I'm, I'm home"?
No I meant the latter since she was out of breath and stuttered when she said that. Took that into consideration when translating.
>>155215 (Cross-thread)
He always runs out of ideas with those and starts putting in granny, headshrinking, and amputee drawings in those.
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No new pages?
(7.9 MB, 2642x4404, IMG_4929.png)
Maybe a hyphen rather than a comma would have got that across more clearly.
new maru is up
Where can I read the rest of the pages I found page 27 in English but up to 30 in Japanese, and where can I also get the most recent pages of after school ( tavrose1234@gmail.com) please send me info here because I have a hard time using this website
New maru please
The transfer don’t work
when do you publish page 237 of ayano?
Would you mind reuploading?

Transfer expired
New aoba please
As said b4 translated page 237 will be posted this Wed which is tomorrow. All translated pages of Ayano will be uploaded a week from from the date when the raw are initially posted here.
New aoba Page please
Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors found.
Will we ever see new aoba?
(39 KB, 622x620, IMG_4331.jpeg)
>half a year to see a skinny girl gain two pounds
maybe aoba gets jealous and binge eat more

2 kilograms actually, so more like 5 pounds.
That's still bad for half a year. It's possible for people to gain between 20 pounds of fat in a month's time, so a gain of 120 in half a year is possible.

half a year in the fictional universe or of the artist's time? because the artist's time is a totally different sort of "time".

I can't believe this shit I just read
fusa is just trying to put off making ayano any bigger
Anyone got Habutton's new content?
Any new Ayano page yet?
(623 KB, 1448x2047, FyWAuiWaUAAFbUh.png)
Anyone have the second page to this new part?
new ayano is up
We're still on Rio? I though the previous page was the last about her
I think we might get a few more pages. Rip's in her breakthrough period rn so it would be a bit jarring to just suddenly go back to ayano whilst Rio is still. well. a healthy weight. Probably need to get her to the high end of that BMI section before moving on.
Thx for the upload mate. And as usual translated page will be uploaded in week's time. Good to hear that the twitter account is back up and running. Any news regarding why it was taken down in the first place?
Kind of interested to see her getting more fat as well. Not that often one sees tall girls gain weight.
This could be all about rio for the rest of the comic for all I care she's adorable and also finally cracked the code so is likely to go off the deep end
Her weight is laughably ridiculous. I'm 1.75 and skinny af with 64 kilos. To be chubby like that Rio has to be at least 80 kilos.
At this rate I'll be dead before Ayano reaches immobility
Women gain weight more easily and have a higher fat ratio than men.
I mean she's still towards the lower end of the healthy BMI range. She just finally has some meat on her bones instead of being a complete stick.
Yeah, I know from personal experience
It also seems like in those panels that rip is having to actively pose herself to show off the little weight she's gained, but when she's standing regularly she still looks the same. Translation will clarify that I'm guessing!

Also we've seen this thing with the other girls too where at the start of the gain fusa draws them a little chubbier than would be realistic. Whether it's unintentional or a stylistic choice, Rio's no exception (though she might be the most extreme example)
Blobfags constantly malding week after week while gainchads continue to eat good with corruption arc after corruption arc after corruption arc. Fusa is truly a man of the people
The rebound is real! If only we got a close-up of her face (these really are habutton's speciality)
Cant even call Rio a corruption arc. She had that mental state since the start like Ayano. Hers has been more of a "please let me gain fucking anything" for the last 2 years.
Not sure how gainfags haven't starved yet when the majority of her arc hasn't had her gaining.
Rio is far blander than Moemi or Miyuki for me, but its at the very least interesting to have the plot of a gainer who can't gain after having 2 unwilling ones. That being said I'm about ready to move on back to Ayano, unless Rio ends up having a stand out bodyshape in comparison to the former gainers
IIRC Fusa said that after the Rio arc they'd be moving onto another Miyuki and Moemi arc, so it's probably going to be a long time before we get back to Ayano.
The wait will be worth it if we get to see Moemi slob out a little and get genuinely big
A theory: Moemi is going to see Rio but not notice her gain, and start to emulate HER habits in an attempt to lose weight. But since Rio is actively trying to gain....
nice, been waiting for another miyuki arc
New Ayano is out and Rio is blowing up
Thx for the upload mate. And as usual will be uploading the translated page in a weeks time.

Is it a comic series or one off

Slight delay in uploading the translated page 238 of Ayano. Will try to upload it along with the translation of the new AF page asap.
You sure? I specifically remember reading that the Ayano story would continue before a sequel to to Miyuki and Moemi arcs back around the time the Rio arc was starting.
Nvm, just double checked and Miyuki and Moemi are indeed supposedly getting their second arcs first unless plans have changed.

The Rio arc does seem to be dragging on longer than Fusa initially intended it to though considering we’re almost 20 pages in what was supposed to be a short arc.

I wish Fusa updated more than twice a month, man. We are 8 months into the Rio arc and it’s now only really starting to get good.
Translated page 238 of Ayano.
Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors found.

Sorry for the delay in uploading. Wanted to post the Ayano page along the translated page of AF. But an unexpected issue just came up which is causing some delay. Will be taking an extra day or 2 to solve it.
I doubt that'd be the case it'd probably go more Ayano then fatter Miyuki and much fatter Moemi

I agree I like her the most of the friend gainers since she doesn't want to be fat but her natural gluttonous nature works against her. Also she's flat out the closest we've gotten to a slobby pig, she's by far the fastest gainer, putting on more weight in a few months than Miyuki did in years
Good to see other taking the initiative in translating. Though long story short, the page needs to be re-translated again. Currently going through all the errors found and compiling them in a brief review. Will be posting it here asap. Let me know if u are going to take crack at doing the re-translation again or if I should take over.
Thank you, and keep up the good work!
Thank you so much for the help I am still trying to learn Japanese so this is help for criticisms to help me learn!

>I am still trying to learn
Trying to learn how to draw? Wtf? How old are you? Like 50 years old?
Here is a reup with the corrected translations with the help from Zephyr. Thanks again for the help.

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Thanks for this I won't take over your spot, since one I don't have the skills and two you've been the MVP for years, but I really have wanted to have a translated version of the rest Ai san's weight gain by Takaya. There's several alternate pages from the Ai San gains to 100kg missing and then an entire arc thats taking place after that thats just been ignored, so i'm going to see if I can do anything about that.
Was browsing Fusa's kemono pages. Just noticed that the raw Ayano pages b4 page 48 haven't been uploaded. Any 1 here has pages 1 to 47 in high res or know where to find em?
Wish u good luck in translating the series
They are on Kemono, it just that since Fusa uploaded them on Fanbox later than page 48. For example the post with pages 1-6 is between the posts for page 58 and 59, and the post with pages 7-10 between posts of pages 62 and 63, etc...
Almost half the pages in that one are just Ai saying "gochisou-sama deshita" so you've got your work cut out for you there.
Thx for the swift response.

And finally here is the translated page 81 of AF.
Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors found.

Also if guys like the translated page of Ayano posted here >>158814, let's make it the official translation. But if u guys want me to do the translation of the new page, let me know by Thursday if that is the case.
6 pages in a row of Anayo not being the main focus. Is that a record?
Also been 18 pages since her weight was last recorded. Hope she's still gaining in the background while the focus is away from her. Hate it when writers treat bigger characters like they're not still eating while a thinner character balloons in weight.
Can't recommend this series enough. It took her ages to reach 100kg but now she's rapidly ballooning since her new weight reveal in March of 112.1kg. I wouldn't be surprised if she's 150 by her next reveal in September.
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Another good OC that's rapidly gaining is Mahira's Kurogyaru character. She looks like she's put on 60kg in a year.
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Thanks I did at least what I consider a quick rough job of the pages that were missing. I'll post them here but won't clog up the thread, just want to know your thoughts and what can be done better.

Its insanely hot and the artist understands what what makes the fetish attractive (at least to me), but its strangely overlooked, Honestly I'd cream over an Ai-San gains to 200kg series.

Never knew about this one looks good.
Can someone reup everything from AF 77 up until 81?
Mind sharing a link to the artist's twitter/pixiv or whatever they use?
To be fair like 13 of those pages were just covering stuff we'd already seen.
did a server hiccup eat AF 80? I don't have it and I can't find even a dead link referring to it (your translation that is, not the untranslated one I see above)
Reup of pages 77 to 81 of AF.

No its there its just that Ha Button releases new AF pages once a month now. The previous pages were posted and translated in May. Anyways do check the link above for the translated pages of AF80.
Is a new part of the sequence?
There was supposed to be a new Aoba page today, now maybe how long will it be before the new Aoba page arrives?
Okay this is now my favorite weight gain sequence ever. Really hope it keeps on going
If I were a Renaissance Italian prince I'd give up all my possessions to finance habutton's artistic career further
-makes new WG story instead of delaying with side characters-

all 3 habutton stories are top notch
Is it still boring to delay WG story from different perspectives? Or is it good?
Boring IMO. The series was already fucking slow to begin with.
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As there is no translation thread right now, I'll post this here. SOrry about the low res
is habutton fanbox ahead or behind habutton patreon?

Hot damn its Malorne, love your stuff. Nice work as always.
Can I get the artist mame pls?
Pretty good. Might a suggest putting a background with food she ate like empty pizza boxes and maybe show the girls reaction if they found Rio like this?
It's a good idea, I'll try it!
new aoba
Aoba please
>>161180 Yes, but how covered are we talking here
New aoba please
New aoba
Any notice from Fusa?
this tuesday he said on twitter that he was going to draw more ayano but since then nothing...
Some creators do this as a side project and something to do in their free time. I mean look at the creators on Patreon. How many times has stuff come out late because they ran into personal stuff? Maybe Fusa is dealing with personal stuff and will do the page when the stuff is taken care of.
true, perhaps the way I wrote sounded like it was criticism and that was not my intention. We just have to wait and see.
She's either overthinking it or getting NTR'd, either way she gettin fatter
When's the new after school?
(921 KB, 3511x1870, 0.jpg)
Do we have the rest compiled anywhere?
New ayano chapter
Who loads it?
I think u mean who has it?
Here's the new Ayano she now has love handles might try and translate this one myself when I get home but we'll see.

Sorry, my english is bad

Ryo is starting to develop a real hungry
Oh man, those love handles and that ass Fuck.
Anyways let us know whether u r translating it or not. Will be there to proofread it.
Past couple months it's been posted the last week of the month so we should expect it this week
Just did the translation for the newest page. Let me know if their is any errors that need to be fixed.

We're past the point where Ayano's storyline left off now! Also 3.8kg since the last page??? Definitely happy for Fusa to give us a few more pages of Rio if she continues at this rate!

In saying that it's kind of hilarious to me that she's still a solid few BMI points away from being in the overweight category with her fat showing like that. Though Fusa definitely exaggerates the early days in his work lol
Also, out of interest, if I were to (at some point) jump on the translation train, should I stick to American English, or is British English okay?
Up to u mate. As I have said b4 u can take up translating or posting fan art as long as u r open to constructive criticism. I suggest using the language used in previous pages for translation to maintain consistency.
(528 KB, 1280x1807, WG_27.jpg)
I hope she's this size the next time we see her I can't wait to see the other girls again especially Ayano I wonder if she's almost a blob now!
Looks like Rio is the new Ayano which is great but I do wonder just how much bigger everyone else will be after this arc
I'm holding onto my Moemi is going to imitate Rio to try to lose weight not realising what she's actually doing theory.
Here are the suggestions and corrections for the latest page.
I'll fix the translation in a little bit
Thx for the upload. Will post the translated pages here asap.
Anyone have 31 and 32 of aoba translated?
New Ayano chapter.
Rio just ordered a grimace shake on a late month.
Fusa's weights are always so off. I'm 1.74m, even at my highest weight of 84 kilos I wasn't as fat as Rio is at "71" kilos...
I'm in the wrong thread. My mistake.
Wake me up when Ayano is gaining again.
Just a small reminder this thread also accepts artwork and fanwork from Fusa and Ha Button as well. Ignore threads like this one here >>162575 (Cross-thread).
Sorry to be that dumbass, but would anyone mind reuploading AS 81 and Ayano 239-240?
Can someone translate the new after school page
Translated pages of AF82.

Sorry for the delay. The pages had more dialogues this time around plus had to do some redrawing. Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors.
Also what is the situation regarding the Ayano translations?
(803 KB, 1025x1300, 110521222_p0.jpg)
If it is fine, I will keep posting this artist's works in this thread to provide translations occasionally

>Ah, welcome home...
>Huh? You still haven't gotten in
>Hey, have you... gotten fatter again?
Maybe its time for a thread dedicated to tranlation (not counting Ayano/Fusa's works and AOBA)?
I agree with >>163377. I think you guys need to make a new translation thread for one off stuff like this. If u guys can find a series as good as Ayano, Afterschool & Aoba, you can post here and then we can decide if we all want to see more of it raw or translated.
Can anyone te up the latest translated page of ayano (not talking about the one posted on the 31st
If u r talking abt the Rio arc 18 page, that one is still being re translated. Let us know if u want that page re uplaoded or if u want to wait for the re translation.
Oo, I have no rush so I'll wait ^
Has the translation been delayed? Because it's been over a week now
Yeah kinda waiting on news regarding that as well. If by today there is no news, I will start translating the pages and try to post em here within a week.
who is the artist (I know is nothing to relate with this thread, sorry for asking)
Anyone got Habutton's new content?
Could you upload the original Japanese version as well please?
My dick is diamonds, fuck.
does this series have a title?
no one has ,its being translated ,be patient
The posts on Fanbox are just titled "She's back from studying abroad", I guess that's as good a title as any
(4.0 MB, 498x278, thanos.gif)
>Last night I stayed up late playing games
>I'd better get going to class pretty soon


>My jeans are tight

>My stomach's jiggling while I'm walking

>Am I really getting this fat?
Translated pages 239, 240 & 241 of Ayano.
Hope you guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors found.
>Even though I had just opened it, Has the amount of chips reduced recently?
man, what are you doing… do you even read back at all what you write in these translations?

idk who translated e.g. pages 239 and 240 earlier, but those were so much better
Anyone have a zip will all the pages posted and translated so far.
I suggest checking habutton's kemono page for all the files.
Honestly I have to agree with you there. Zephyr's interpretations can sound very ESL at times. I know it's great and all being faithful to the origibal but you don't have to make it sound like a Nip trying to speak Engrish.
So I should make her sound like a Yankee or a Brit when translating into English?
I guess you could go with an Aussie accent if you really want, but yes.

This isn't even a question, if you're reading a work in which the characters communicate in English they should sound like native English speakers. We know the characters are Japanese, we know they are speaking Grorious Nihongo Ranguage, you don't have to translate it word for word to get the point across. Meaning is more important than the words themselves. It's like translation 101, idk what to tell you here.

as an example, I'm studying Arabic. Common phrase there is Habibi, it means my love. But everyone gets called habibi, the same way women in the deep south call people Honey or Sugar. So if I was translated a piece where a guy goes into a barbershop and the barber calls him habibi, I would never translate it as the barber professing his love for a client. Rather, it would better be translated as brother or buddy.
Actually they'll more likely call u 'akh or brother in an Arab accent rather than habibi if u r male. Usually go to a Lebanese barber for haircuts. You would know that if u were familiar with the cultural scene in Arab nations.

But coming back to my point.
I don't think translation 101 asks u to forget abt cultural background and make people sound like foreigners in their own country. If Japanese culture was a lot similar to that of Westerns, one wouldn't have much difficulty finding similar parallels. But that ain't the case here, so at times, I might have to use the romaji words instead. Let's not forget the fact that English is a language that borrows a lot of words and grammatical structure from cultures that it has influenced and been largely influenced by.

But I'll leave the decision upto u guys whether if u want me to disregard the cultural background of the characters and the setting when translating or I sound make em sound more like 'native English speakers'.
I should*
>Meaning is more important than the words themselves.
this is true, but i'll go a step further and say that simply picking the equivalent english words with as little surrounding context as possible is not any sort of proper translation at all. meaning is everything, not the words themselves. the meaning of the text is what you actually translate, making it read as if it was written in english to begin with, and not make it feel like i'm reading japanese text but with the words naively replaced with rough english equivalents.

>I don't think translation 101 asks u to forget abt cultural background and make people sound like foreigners in their own country.
this sounds like a bad excuse. relatively little in this series, and in fact absolutely nothing about these pages in particular is about "japanese culture" in specific. but even so, you translate their actions and their thoughts to english, not the literal words written down. an idiom that sounds natural in japanese by default does not sound like anything but nonsense if not replaced with an equivalent one in the target language.

i'm surprised if these haven't just been put through google translate with some minor touch ups, because that's exactly what machine translation spits out. borderline broken english that doesn't understand the underlying text in any sort of humanlike way.
I did the translations for 239 and 240 but I am unsure if people liked them due to Zephyr being the only one to give commentary on them. I would like to give another shot but I am unsure of my skills
For the sake of consistency, translate them exactly how you've been doing them before
I don't care about ESL complaints, as long as I understand what's going on

Thank you for your service

i do not care about immersion in fan translated fetish porn manga
i just like to know what the fat girls are talking about
Some of y'all clearly weren't there for lapslock, uncentered text slapped on a yellowed jpg in MSpaint. Zyeph is making some pretty good fan translations for free, just jack off and move on
I say go for it. If Zephyr's doesn't translate it within a timely frame, might as well get in the practice and who knows, it may even come out better with how this latest batch turned out.

Consistency be damned, this is how mediocrity is accepted.
Same Zephyr has provided solid translations of Ayano for over a year now really have no problem with themh
The dude Zephyr makes servicable translations and he's been very dedicated to it and I'm really grateful for his service... but at the same time his translations sometimes sound like me making fun of some Jap trying to speak English badly. There's still a bit of room for improvement.
that's why you should alawys have two translators, the japanese > broken english and the broken english > casual english translators
I’d gladly volunteer my services to clean up and edit the translations. Can’t speak a word of Japanese but I’m a decent writer.
New Aoba
swimsuit aoba soon, nice
New ayano page
Probably Fusa plumped Ryo too much. But she is amazing.
God she's so fucking hot like this
Needs to be Ayano size imo
Thx for the upload. Much appreciated. Will post the translated page here in a week's time.
WIth how tall she is, Rio could become even heavier than Ayano!
But I doubt she will tho, Ayano has too much of a head start and has more drive to grow than anyone lol
Translated the new page let me know what you guys think about it. Let me if there is anything that needs fixing

Apologies, can we get a reup?
(13 KB, 720x405, Nice.jpg)
Goddamn, does the dialogue make this image better. Thank you kind sir for the quick translation
Thank you I'll try to have the translations up the same day that a new page of Ayano is released
wonderful, this is very good
or, well, ok the "The excess meat that clings…" part sounds a bit awkward, but i suspect it's kinda strangely worded in the original text as well (didn't take a look yet), and i don't really know how else i'd express that either…

also the first text box "That I started to notice that my body have change", is improper grammar, and should probably instead read "That I started to notice my body changing more rapidly.", and also maybe drop the mid sentence ellipsis.

but anyway, great work overall still, and the typesetting is nice as well :)
I did a once over on the translation and fixed the errors. This one should be a bit better let me know if there is anything else that needs to be fixed.

I translated the new AF page let me know if there is anything that needs to be fixed or any errors that needs to be corrected.

Jesus, how did she get so fat in such a short time? Kinda hope she passed sage chan in weight.
where does the weight come from i do not see it mentioned in the image?
Its in the picture description on his fanbox.
new ayano page is up
I had a feeling that Rio was going to be the fat friend in the group whose butt crack is always showing, glad I was right
Please add
Pretty sure at this point everyone in the group has their ass crack showing.
Who sends the wetransfer link?
Sorry for the late upload I'll translate this page in a little bit so be on the look out for that

Just finished translating the new page of Ayano, hope you all enjoy and let me know if there is any errors in the translations

Could we go back to having Zephyr translate Ayano please? This extremely low quality typesetting and grammar is getting annoying. I'd rather wait a week to get a good TL than instantly get this low quality stuff
Is there any way I can improve on the grammar I am still learning Japanese so my grammar might not be the best so please any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated
don't look a gift horse in the mouth
Don't be such a fag and do it yourself if you don't like the work
Really nice type setting what font do you use?

I've been studying japanese for around four years and your translations are decent! however I think they're sometimes a little lacking in detail, or sometimes some details are missed out entirely. However, learning Japanese and learning how to translate Japanese into fluent English are two completely different skills, and considering you've only recently started the former you're doing well!!! I'm completely open for critique of my own translation too, my grades in that class are often mediocre, but heres a couple of things from your updated translation that I caught:

- The first panel was super tricky to translate and I do commend your efforts! However, your translation was a liiitttllee clunky. If we look at the original text, it's more like "realisation of growth and/with motivation to self-fatten is dramatically increasing". That "と" is maybe better translated as an "and" just for clarity as opposed to "with".

- Whilst the kanji in the second bubble are indeed from "oishii", that would be read as "uma", short for "umai". Delicious is a little formal here, though the meaning certainly isn't wrong. Honestly, I was tempted to translate it more like "yum" or "Mmm!" but felt like "so good..." would sound more natural

- The third bubble is a little off too. You missed out the "このガツンと" at the beginning. I had to google that, looks like Gatsun Ramen is a restaurant in Tokyo which she may be referring to! Looks like there are some recipes online recreating the meal from there too.

- Additionally, not sure where you pulled "spicy" from. 濃い here refers to a deep, thick, intense flavour - hence why I chose "rich"!

- the fifth bubble is also pretty inaccurate. It talks about how she's been eating lots (大食い) in order to gain weight, which you missed from your translation.

- the sixth bubble where you've written she's been craving more fattening foods, again it uses that 濃い word, and "自ら求めている" means more like seking it out for yourself, obtaining it rather than just craving it. (This has made me notice a small error with my own translation as I accidentally took 自ら the wrong way + thought it meant naturally, but i think it still works - feedback please!)

- the last bubble is a little overly specific. It doesn't mention gaining weight, just changing - in context, this means not just her body, but her actions and thoughts are also changing.

Again, these are just some wee details I noticed, and I don't think you should be discouraged from trying again in the future. Hell, I only did that last page to practise my Japanese too!

Oh, and thanks for the raw as always! :)
Canted Comic - not sure if the licensing actually permits me to use it for things like this but since it's non-profit..... teehee.

I was worried the text might be a bit small? I've never actually done that before!
Thank you so much for the help! I now notice a lot of my small errors. I only been studying Japanese for about a year and s few months now but I think that doing translations have been helping me with learning. But the criticism is really helpful thank you!
Also I think its a bit small but still overall really good!
Nah, fk Zephyr. We're just hitting full circle in terms of the shit he did rushing translations back when Malorne used to post them in batches
Yo dipshit, who the bloody hell are u trying to fool?
So what u r saying is that u would want to wait weeks on end for multiple page translations in one go rather than one page at a time?
Cool. Looks nice and professional. It even has a small translator note like professional manga translations. Just like cx said one shouldn't get be discouraged while doing translations. U need thick skin to do what u love.
Still learning how to really get the translations down and the type setting just started a bit ago with the type setting and want to get better at working with it. If there is any guidance to it please point it out or if you want to go back to doing them again by all means I wont do them anymore and everyone can just wait a bit longer before they get the next page.
Not its fine, go on ahead. As I said b4 anyone here can take yup translating as long as they do the research thoroughly and are open to constructive. Though do let me know if u still want me to give feedback on your translations and typsetting. Same query for cx as well. Let me know if u also wanna give feedback for ur translations and typesetting as well.
constructive criticism.*
No def I am always open to criticism. Here is some translations I did recently for Aoba's wg Let me know you and any one else thinks about them.

very good, this is the level we should strive for

typesetting is good too, although the text size should be larger (a bit awkward for english, but less words per line, should try to use more of the vertical space available, and disregard proper margins)

Criticism would be much appreciated!
I'm missing the translated Aoba pages after page 30. Can someone upload those?
(850 KB, 1280x1810, Maru_2.png)
Is Maru's journal still ongoing ?
Agree, I'd be more vocal about it if I weren't proficient in Nip myself. I was back during the days when Malorne handled everything perfectly and Z*phyr subsumed his job with shittier translation just because he was too much of a whiny impatient fag to sit on it for more than a week or so. At least he gradually more skilled over time (never to Malorne's level of course) but now history is repeating itself with this mind-numbingly incompetent ESL
>So what u r saying is that u would want to wait weeks on end for multiple page translations in one go rather than one page at a time?
Yes, I don't know what's so complicated about this concept. A slow-cooked TL + typeset is eventually good, but a hastily cooked one is bad forever most of the time. A translation existing for something, no matter how shitty it is, disincentives other more skilled people from trying their own hand at it.
No personal offense but you suck. You'd be doing a better service to the world translating to your native language rather than English
my guy needs Oxford approved grammar to read porn.

any translation is welcomed, no matter who's doing it
Just because you'd happily slurp down a plate of feces if the chef put it in front of you doesn't give you the right to shove it down the throats of everyone else at your table as well. Kindly commit unalive
No that was a small series unlike AF and Aoba
Nah I think he just has a hate-boner for Zephyr.
It's so pathetic you can practically taste it
Out of curiosity, does anybody have all the raws for Ayano? I need a hobby over the winter months.
just because you're a pathetic loser that never received any love and appreciation from his parents doesn't give you the right to hate on people's good will to translate.

You should've been aborted in a cup ramen bowl
Ok you why don't you translate the next few pages if you are being such a baby about it?
I have them I can send them all in a bit

No one gives a shit what you think about Grammar Nazi. This is a translation to fap material. Nothing more.
habutton's studying abroad updated

There it is ^
Usually we get eng translation at release but it seems we'll have to wait for this one
Soooo if anyone it's up for a quick translation heh (even so the official should come out soon) (probably) (hopefully)
the sex page from last chapter makes her look bigger than this one somehow
thank you for the quick post!

At this rate her tits alone are going to outweigh her boyfriend. Fucking massive. God bless Habutton
Best comic so far, habutton king of kings
may i humbly ask for all (translated) pages so far of Studying Abroad
So how long does anyone think it will take before Ryo's arc is over and Ayano return as the main focus?
Since the last chapter ended with Rio hanging out with the girls it could be the end of the first Rio arc and we go back to Ayano in the next chapter
I hope Rio remains in focus for a while. She's cute, her story, her enthusiasm for fat women and her struggle to fatten herself up is cute, and I like the idea of a typical slender, tall and pretty girl melting into a fatass. She's only a little chubby now, I'd like to see her get proper fat.
At this point Ayano gaining more weight would do nothing for me. Rio's arc is the first time I genuinely got interested in this manga, though I like some of Fusa's other works.
Opposite for me, she's been the focus for over a year now. Getting tired of it and just want to see the girls get out of this repeating time loop from different perspectives.
There's not really been a segue back to anyone else's storyline yet. Ayano's taken notice but I remember people saying Fusa was going to go back to Moemi or someone before going back to Ayano? I reckon there's still a good couple pages at least until Rio's done.

As much as I've jacked it to Ayano I agree, she's at a size now where changes aren't that noticeable (+ when she's stuffed it barely shows). Rio's been mad hot. I'd be happy to go back to Moemi (did I mention I want to see more Moemi? Cause I'd love to see more Moemi) for a little bit before returning to Ayano - I think if Fusa did return to Ayano it might be near enough endgame considering if she gets bigger she's going to completely lose her mobility, and I don't know how long you could drag that on before it gets into death feederism territory (which I feel like Fusa wouldn't do) or some big plot twist like Ayano losing weight and trying to gain it all back (which I also see as highly unlikely).
In saying that, yes the time loop is annoying. I'd hope that Rio continues for a bit longer to progress time before going back to someone else.
Hello guys, can anyone please re-up the english translation of the pages 242 and 243 of Ayano's WG diary?
Wait, are you the one that update the e-hentai page?
There a new page for Ayano's weight gain diary
Nop, but I'm the one who is translating it into spanish!!
new ayano upload please
New Ayano, it's a one off but fusa already translated it for a client but here is the new Ayano enjoy

japanese language please
(216 KB, 857x1200, IMG_3286.jpeg)
>commissioning fucking Fusa to draw an Ayano one off
>It’s already pretranslated
>multiple pages
>gave permission to Fusa to post the whole thing publicly

Unfathomably based, hats off to the chad commissioner, holy shit.
This looks like a side story to the comic
Nevermind she's have an immobile dream damn this girl is out of control shit!

I can't even fap. I'm paralysed with joy.
I guess Fusa does have a price to go bigger than their comfort zone after all
Ugh I love the back boobs/back fat in a few shots. I wish Ayano will get that fat at least in the main story too
Seems like the fourth page is as far as Ayano can go before becoming immobile? Maybe she'll get at the very least to that then... (urgh that's such a good panel)
So who's is going to post these in e-hentai before it's too late?
When’s the next page of Ayano's Weight Gain Diary coming our?

It tends to come out every second Thursday, but it's not a hard and fast rule
New Aoba
Anyone have from 30 to the recents pages of aoba translated?
Check the kemono page mentioned in OP. It's all there
My bad. Thought u meant all pages earlier. Anyways yeah pretty sure there is a delay of few pages between translated pages and raw pages for Aoba
Is that the friend? They're a dude?
holy shit i can die happy now

on one hand JESUS CHRIST THIS IS SO FUCKING HOT SHE'S SO FUCKING HUGE but on the other hand it's so goddamn cute that she dreamt of her friends feeding her
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I'll do one better. Here are the files
(674 KB, 1200x1695, 7.jpeg) (674 KB, 1200x1695, 8.jpeg)
New Ayano chapter.
Also fusa is gonna start translating them himself as of now for a test to see how he is doing with his own translations
Sorry, but class I obesity comes with a BMI of 30. A BMI of 25 equates to simply being overweight. Is this Fusa's mistake?
Can anyone upload the Japanese version of this please?
There's also that in the link
In the process of making a new thread. Will be up within an hr or 2. In the meantime if anyone here has the translated page 243 of Ayano done by cx, do post it either here on in the new thread.

I’m looking for the Japanese version of the 8 page comic of Ayano’s fantasy… seems like I can’t find them anywhere and also rip kemono
after school update
It still hasn't been uploaded here or on the kemono page so far.
Oh damn, looking forward to that being real.
Is anyone ever going to update sadpanda with the most recent translated pages?
damn she has a feeder fantasy for sage too
nice imagination

"I knew it, but actually looking at the number makes me nervous..."

(?) "This year's weigh-in showed 57 kilograms, so that means..."
"My weight increased by 7 kilograms from April..."

"As for the reason..."
"I have a very good idea what that might be..."

"If my weight were to continue increasing like this..."
"Sage-chan, dinner's ready~"

"N-No way! That's immoral!"
"There would be no one else left to do housework..!"

First time since starting to learn Japanese that I could read most of the original without dictionaries. Is the translation acceptable?
At a first glance that seems about right to me.

Hey sorry! I'll re-up at some point in the next few hours :)

Nope, in Japanese, instead of the categories being "overweight" then "obese" etc. they say "obesity class 1" etc. which I honestly find hotter.
We're about 3 comics behind at this point. Well done lads.
Is there no new Ayano?

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