
Hey guys, salt posted new artwork on patreon, can anyone post it?
Can you get out all the Rebecca art?

This is a folder I am making that has a shit load of BWS sketches. Some of them are colored, a majority of them are not. If you have a color request that isn’t currently in the folder, I’d be happy to fulfill.

(I don’t know some of the characters, so I just made up color schemes)

If you want me to color a specific sketch, even if it’s one I’ve already colored, just ask and provide a reference for correct coloring.
Wow. Number 8 got bumpblocked already
Bws finally has bad artstyle, we must stop see him. Even AI arts based on his arts better than his arts
How have the mods not banned this retard yet?
Can you just see on bws last’s arts with absolutely bad artstyle, bad story and idiotic anatomy? His arts started look like presi shit content
wouldn't be better to make a seperate thread for this, a "BWS Color Request?"
That was tried with a joeki3wl colorization thread, but it was taken down.>>148739
Yeah, its better if we just keep the BWS colonization stuff here or in the colonization thread.>>148746
Yeah, It'll prolly get done by tomorrow night! I might be able to do it tonight, but idk.
(39 KB, 621x606, b4e16a51c026ae7fd34f2c924344066934c6303f32caabd765338da0e416f3ad.jpg) (47 KB, 779x1026, d0cca210fd69a090664a93ca0b6b2b0e940488ed8e094cf7f1ddb4f931a125c0.jpg) (45 KB, 501x947, 5a6c9d9991392d6da92e0314d499f37e515ca6743fb59ce23b395c991d1ccea3.jpg) (303 KB, 826x683, bb1250542f4d36ba1b6c3dba4b18037888c3ba596bd82c600b4c709cb5b09fe9.png) (55 KB, 624x1280, d2444d669c1b1f513636db330ce04a26a7fcddfc8853aaf78be602a8b9c7d113.jpg) (39 KB, 531x752, b1982f92d8737836eff9f994078ff1838c003a0c7acac77a74ce838063ac302f.jpg)
Think I recall someone in the last thread saying they were working on both of salt's OCs, this might be from them
Ehh...I dunno why, but this one ain't as good as the other Chloe bot
thanks for the feedback on my work, next time I will try harder
Oh yeah, I'm the one who made the first Chloe. It was pretty hard to find a good picture without text, so I just gave up lol
You nailed the rude brat aspect, but she's way too positive about her size when you press her on it. Don't know how much control you actually have on that kind of stuff. Still, it's pretty funny, nice work
Thanks I guess. People don't have much control over their bots, actually. Yeah, you can write descriptions and all that stuff, but it's still going to be influenced by whoever will roleplay with them. There's also the tendency to forget things...oh, and that motherfucking NSFW filter
Yeah, fuck off with that skinny Lucy crap
(298 KB, 1232x1181, 20230405_180546.png) (172 KB, 720x1092, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f56554651644d34344a4635534b513d3d2d3630383539333030312e313539663430316161333161373335353837343538343932393439382e6a7067.jpeg)
Requesting for the starfish sketch, I tried to find the outfit that was in the sketch, but her sheer girth made it hard to tell what she was wearing. But I think this is the correct one>>148626
*starfire sketch, God auto correct sucks.>>148851
I think that’s Blackfire
Pretty sure she’s wearing sweatpants with the “normal” top.
You could be right to, man, I think we're spiraling here>>148882
Yeah nvm. Forget both things I said. Dude who posted the ref image definitely nailed it. If it’s not colored anytime soon, I’ll color it
hey guys, salt posted something new.
Hell yeah Muthafucka let's party!!
If you find anymore BWS ai chat rooms, let me know!
Good lord someone post it with good quality pls
Damn bro, you went all out with this one, you didn't have to do that, but thanks anyway. >>148950
No prob. I had a lot of fun with this one
bruh that photo quality screams 2010 and I love it
Didn’t the second pic have an animation at some point?
damn...What did Chloe do to make you that angry?
(9.5 MB, 2376x1896, MisakiCowAnimation.mp4)
As a fact, there is, made by the one from the prior thread.
>speaking of which
If you are the creator of these animations and you're reading this, please do more if you like to.
Updates, sorryvifcI am coming off as impatient >>148736
*men to say "sorry if I" not sorryvifcI >>149128
(8.9 MB, 2984x2668, val5.png)

Heard. I might get around to making some more soon. I'm open to hear some animation requests, if they're good.

Really want to take shot at this one though-
Why are there so many Chloe bots, is she the fan favourite or something
Fuck if I know, but I made the first Chloe bot so...

How do you even do this animations?
>>149138 You could say that but she's also the first full-fledged OC by Salt. Who knows? Sometimes people are hornier than others.
Yeah, sorry for the delay finals are coming up and I got caught up in life. This, along with a batch of other sketches should be coming out the end of this weekend. Btw, you’re not sounding impatient, I should have updated.
Hmm, the links not working, can you try again pls
No worries man, do what you gotta do, life's important >>149179
I’m waiting for a Courtney bit to show personally. I would try and make her myself but I don’t think I can fabricate her personality well
Tell us pls lmao the lore needs to be shared
Wow, she's so fucking thin compared to today's standards lmao
Honestly it would be nice to see salt draw more "smaller" women alongside all the huge ladies
He does a fine balance already. Did you miss the recent Mai Shiranui posts?
(18 KB, 539x313, Capture.PNG)
I actually just recently tried to nominate that piece for the Redo poll but got this response... a fucking tragedy but I understand he's got his own personal boundaries
Let's be honest, I never really read Marvell or DC.
It's funny, because he's literally drawn her years ago
Samantha really hates it when I try to talk to her about the jews.
Does anyone have the Kim Possible drawings he did? They were uploaded on somebody else's page since they were commissions I think.
If these exist I NEED them
>>149320 She seems to get along with Fr*nch "people" though.
(442 KB, 1376x1494, Bayonetta.jpg)
Here ya Go! A few things got a bit wonky due to a majority of the color palette being very similar in shade.

*Feedback would be appreciated.
But Gwen Stacy and Batgirl are ok?

I imagine if there was enough input in favour of Gwen or Batgirl he could put his boundaries aside for that but idk otherwise
That's pretty weak if it's true he should just say he doesn't like She-Hulk
What a fucking cuck. That’s one of his best pieces IMO. That’s tragic.
Hey Salt dropped the explicit version of Komi-San, can anyone post it?
(7 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg)
Yes! she looks great! Really made my day, keep up God's work.
Feedback: I guess my only real minor gripe is that her red ribbon in her hair isn't there, but thats more because of the sketches lack of detail.>>149360
Can we get a Nikume and Serena bots up in here?

Maybe he doesn't even wanna go anywhere near the She-Hulk one after that show. I know that Kawaiidebu did one, but he's different.
I believe someone already colored it
I am requesting for Luisa Madrigal from Encanto.>>148626
(214 KB, 825x1260, IMG_20230410_161122.jpg)
Why did she have to get political, I just wanted to know about the beer 🙄🙄🙄 smh
Of course the fat ass with colored hair is a liberal
Very poorly built character whoever made her wasn't literate enough while describing the character so the ai could recreate it
Shit I didn't create her to become an enemy of the C.I.A-
The fuck do you want from me? I just supplied a picture and a short description. It's the AI and the other roleplayers who caused her to become like this

This was just a joke relax, I know how fragile A.I. is
LMAO CIA took the Chloe AI down.
(10 KB, 300x180, 3gdsh1.jpg)
>> Informs the President of Chloe's 'WMD' knowledge
>>Is proclaimed enemy of state
>>Chloe un-alived by the C.I.A.
Redpill Chloe is the thing I never thought I'd want but now desperately need.
>>149472 Her death was ruled as a heart attack
Do sal OCs only wear shorts and shirts?
The fact that she knows her from before she was fat is hot ngl.
How the hell does that confirm she knew her back then?
>>149643 FNF or Black History Month moment
It doesn't lol it's on the stories of his characters.
Hope he makes lots of these

(And that Haile very slowly gets fat over the course of them but that's a secondary wish)
The fuck does BWS stand for?
Didn't know who she was, so i have her Mystique colors.
>mutual gain
Trash-tier and I hope it never happens, it ruined the other comic.
Better-with-Salt you mongoloid
I liked it in the other comic but I feel like Halie should always remain thin.
Thanks for the touch up>>149733
I don't know what the hell you're using to color these, but most art and image editing programs have some means of converting brightness to opacity so you can get just the lineart and draw the colors in under that, and not end up with these fill bucket artefact monstrosities.
5 different rogues across the sketches and not a one has been colored or even voted on, shame
Wasn't that much work so no worries. Plus I'm really into classy women.
(929 KB, 768x960, 00092-2794084529.png)
hehe, can bws draw this art faster than 1 minute? hehe
>>149887 Lemme guess, you're the same AI fag. Get out, go to /bbwai/.
where did you see AI?
Congratulations, on a site full of annoying losers, you are the most annoying loser of all.
why? i've just asked, can bws draw this faster than AI. you started attacking me for this. Are you bots of bws?
Report the troll's post instead of getting baited by it.
(899 KB, 768x960, 00097-2038413180.png)
>Report the troll's post instead of getting baited by it.
stop hate ai or you can stay chinesse artist which is hired by AI because they don't like it and don't want use this
Anyone know why his kemono hasn’t been updated in a while?
Where’s Bamboo-Ale when ya need ‘im
This is good stuff right here. I stand by it.
Funniest shit I've ever heard
Has anyone here thought about making a chatbot for Halie? then once salt makes more OC ref sheets, we can make the others.
>>150214 The CIA going after the Chloe-bot for talking about WMDs from a few days ago is still hilarious.
Dear God Anon! How mean Red Pills did you feed her?
>>150248 I didn't make the bot or really contribute. I was, however, the anon who said "Her death was ruled as a heart attack," before the mods came in.
I'm the one who created that monster of a bot, and...yeah, I had to make Chloe private in the settings at one point. I just couldn't believe people were stupid enough to turn her into that
All of this makes me think of the TAI's incident. You know, the ai that was corrupted by 4chan users
I could've swore he made a piece of a fat Ochako halfway through the floor due to her weight, but I can't find it as if it was completely wiped from the internet.
January 2023 10$ sketches
Does anyone know what drawing program salt uses?

Photoshop, judging by all the .psd files he produces.
No, could tell on stream that he's using Clip Studio Paint.
Animator bro, if you’re out there, would you ever consider doing the She-Hulk picture?
While I still enjoy this, Am I the only one that feels like bws' anatomy has gotten worse? Compared to the original lucy pics, I feel as though he focuses a bit too much on the blobbish aspect.
Definitely more emphasis on the fat and not so much the skeleton.
What the fuck are you guys talking about? Have you ever looked properly at those old pages? The anatomy is a mess. It's much better now
Yeah, the fuck you talking about? His art is way better now
I think I agree, I think old art looked a bit more fatty with rolls and whatnot, the new ones seem to be a bit "blobby" with the fat.
I'm not saying his art now a days look bad, it looks really good, but excuse me if i don't dickride every piece of art that he releases.
You don't have to, every now and then he posts stuff I don't like too, but I feel like you picked a piece with very obvious improvement to make the comment that he's gotten worse, and I found that strange
Didn't say anything about your opinion, retard. I'm saying that you lot like to shit on everyone else's opinions whenever we criticize anything Salt does.

>every now and then he posts stuff I don't like too
Like what? What has he done recently that you don't like?
does anyone have the sketch bws did of marnie from hololive? iirc someone here colored it
(74 KB, 736x1038, SC4_Ivy.jpg) (4.4 MB, 5365x7589, Ivy-valentine-soulcalibur6-character-artwork.jpg)
I think bws's sketches of Ivy were already colored by someone else, but I don't have them. So I'm requesting you color them (you have the images in your dropbox) so I'm posting the references for them (first reference is for the 2nd sketch and the 2nd is for the 1st and 3rd sketch) but if anyone does have the colored versions, could you post them? Also sorry for the long ass post >>148626
I do think there's something lost in a lot of his remakes but that's a terrible example. It's probably the biggest improvement to date
hey guys salt posted something new, can anyone post it?
Man I wish I was that punching bag
Calm the fuck down, geez
These look great! Thanks m8!>>150700
Sees him draw Hellen.

Is there hope for him to draw my girl Serpci?
Stop reposting this shitty sketch already. I swear god the thread has turned into a colorization request one...
Its a shit sketch anyway muscle fats are ugly
When will she fight Chloe?
andate a la mierda hijo de puta.
>>150690 I didn't do anything wrong
agree, that dude needs to stop its so annoying
no rompas las pelotas,dejenlo en paz cara de pija
Que bueno es encontrar a otro hablante del español por estos lugares
At this point just color it yourself dude
hell is real... and hell... is here...
Quit being so melodramatic. It's only a nightmare.
No, no. He's right. Fit Chloe is hell tier.
Are you autistic or what? Besides, that stuff wasn't even drawn by BWS himself. There's nothing to complain about lol
>Are you autistic or what?
It's a post on an image board my dude. The question basically answers itself.

And this is nothing that couldn't be dismissed as Halie having a bad dream. Probably just another entry in a dream journal along with the Stay Puft Marshmallow Nat.
>Stay Puft Marshmallow Nat.
wait...when was that? and where's the picture?
Sadly there isn't. Annon there is just pulling some dream logic shit out his ass.

Be a hell-of -a pic tho.
Finally, some Fairy Tail art that isn't motherfucking Lucy
As if he hasn't drawn Juvia...
Nah I agree with this man, like I have a undying hatred for Lucy just cause of that fucking Lucy guy, like, I'm glad we have a different girl (that's NOT old art he has done) from fairy tail more recently
I just think it's a good ass drawing, love how she presses into the barrel. The flirty look is good and it's something lucy usually doesn't offer.
I said nothing about the sentiment of the comment, the point was that it was factually fucking wrong. He's drawn Juvia and Erza before. Anon acted like this was the first time he drew another FT girl
It's funny how that autistic janny is also deleting non-kip comments. Why the fuck are people reporting me all the time, anyway?
Love how aggressive she comes across, super hot with her huge gut and massive tits
Does anybody know if any artists like BWS have been put out of business because of AI art, the opposite of my prediction?

Has anybody even taken the time to run BWS' artwork through the AI to copy his style, for example? Just as I thought.

Is there any indication that all of the AI art on the interwebs isn't in turn being generated by AI bots that were coded by the same 10 bbwchanners? Interesting.

What do you mean friend I was just asking

I genuinely don't understand what your post means
First of all, we know it's probably been done before, second, it'd be insanely foolish to think that any artist (such as BWS) would get put out of business due to art generated by AI. The fact that BWS still has his patreon up confirms he's still receiving income from that business. Personally, I'd just push the AI art aside; it's never capable of performing better than a human could.
>fit to fat
>weight swap of characters normally opposite
Man Pew is a god I just wish he published art more than every five months. If Salt did art with this concept I think my dick would implode in on itself.
(405 KB, 1135x1761, deuu395_601a6943_ac43_4a89_a218_7b983491ce00_by_gubso_df56mnj.png) (242 KB, 1229x1141, db677aab84168515cf43337e68994fb40d35a81a0c078b1493_by_gubso_df56mht.png) (1.9 MB, 370x250, Rainbow Road and the Toad.gif)
I might as well dump what I archived from the drawn threads, I think I made the request but I do remember resizing the sketches (I never knew there was a second one because I never paid attention to his sketch dumps) Nice to see Ivy getting some love.
(393 KB, 626x869, Chloe waiting.png)
>Chloe's forehead is basically nonexistent
Leave it to Pew to fuck up like this.
I hope he does the other Cana pic too

Chloe can't control herself at all 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

Great edit 🥰🥰
Da fuck is your problem? Nothing they said was worth that hostile response.
Anyone got Overly Insulated?
can someone upload the colored cana alberona sketch that got lost in the last thread please? and any colored sketches that got lost for that matter
>>151153 I tried asking what I did wrong and the mods deleted my comment
not a blob lover but damb, salt might make me one
Idk why but this kind look like fanart but I dont care bruh im rock hard I can’t even move
Im pretty sure theres a nude version, do they have it in this art style?
there's a version where she gets bigger and her top folds upwards revealing her massive tits. not sure if he's gonna remake it tho
Are there any OCs you guys wanted to see interact with Salt's OCs?
Oh, ok. Well we can hope he remakes it.
hey salt just dropped the 10 dollar sketches!
someone gotta color that Power one
Did Salt ever finish that Zelda story?
Anyone have the colored ones? I need that Zelda.
>>151525 I agree. Board has been a ghost town for some days. Much worse than before which is ironic all things considered.
he missed the opportunity to use the trope and make zelda a bottom-heavy girl
You mean the one they were illustrating for Undertaker33? That guy does... not exactly have a strong reputation for finishing stories. Or having a consistent productivity rate.
can we stop with the obvious choices?...I like to rub out to generic whores.. but just say fucking no...
on a lighter note, can anyone post that one animation salt did where Nat was deciding over a shit ton of nuggets or several burgers?
You ok there, bud? You have a stroke?
No I was saying something similar to what a character said in a game...
Wtf are you talking about
There was a work in progress animation salt did where bat was choosing what to eat and it was Vimeo but I can’t find it on there, if anyone has it on their hard-drive or some archived it, can anyone post it?
How the fuck could Iowa possibly be an obvious choice, you nigga? I'm pretty sure almost nobody in the west even plays Kantai Collection
Honestly, I used to commission BWS all the time (private commissions, like one I had him do of my step-mother as a gift) and I think he’s gotten way worse. It’s frustrating because I can’t really explain it.
Technically I think he’s at the top form but when I look at his art all I can see is efficiency towards deadlines and it reminds me too much off my office job and not enough fat girls like my mom.
>>151628 Why are you so worried about whether it's legal or not?
Something tells me you're full of shit. No way Salt agreed to draw your fucking stepmom lmfao
They have to be full of shit, I definitely remember Salt having a hard rule against doing art of real people. Any artist with two brain cells to rub together would reject that shit outright anyways.
as it turns out his aunt is lucy herself
It's not surprising why Salt is no longer doing anything much for you, because WHO THE HECK MIXES THEIR MOTHER INTO FETISHES?
>>151644 Why are you worried about it?
Ask the guy who commissions somebody to make fetishes out of their mother.

Nahh... You can do that though.
You must be joking... You clearly must be joking.
a few Nintendo princesses here.
>1st sketch, top left
>middle 3rd one
Fucker got no hands or lower half of his body...what happaned?
i think they're alright, nothing and no one I'm crazy into here>>151754
>Daisy and Rosalina but no Peach or Pauline
Filia, Natsuki, Haru, Rosa, Daisy.
Goddamn this is one of my favorites yet.
Who's the one getting shot?
who's the bulletproof chick and the lap pillow maid?
Why is Power eating flowers instead of meat? Just for the pun?
I’m gonna bring this to the colorization thread and see if anyone wants to color it
someone PLEASE color the rosalina one
So what BWS character ai are there?
wait this exists now? LETS GOOOOO!
Courtney and Val are going to break the sheet if he draws them at full size.
He's not going to, calling it now.
nah I was thinking Nikume and Serena would be the ones to do that...even though they aren't salt's OCs...but I still see him doing their reference sheets...
That Filia is fantastic
Courtney is definitely next!
Not that I disagree with you, but could you elaborate? It might have something to do with the composition or storytelling.
>>152267 I think that what he was trying to say was that it looks like AI made... Significantly more than usual. Perhaps "artists" are beginning to stick their fingers into the AI pot.
Composition. He kept her arms thin despite everything else being proportionate to her overall size, which already doesn't stand out from a lot of his other art lately. The most fanservicy thing about the main version is her belly being slightly over her apron, but it's too subtle. The boob alt at least has the detail of the button from her shirt hitting the bottom of the tray, but outside of that it's a lazy alt that's not different from his many other bare breast alts.
Thin arms? Buddy, those are not thin. They aren't massively thick but neither is she so it works.

Also not all pieces need to be "fanservicy" to be enjoyable. sometimes they can just be fun which I feel this one is. I completely disagree about the alt being lazy because it just feels fittingly fun.
>>152267 Storytelling? This isn't just an OC?
He should think about doing different kinds of alts that aren't just bare breasts or nudes, like giving them different outfits or having wardrobe malfunctions in different areas. Even a simpler alt like making her overall fatter would be better so we can see different details with her existing outfit.
>>152276 Can you please explain how this "piece" is just "fun"?
Why though? If he did that it'd mean he'd likely need to dedicate more time to that and result in less different pieces overall
>Thin arms? Buddy, those are not thin.
Compared to her legs and belly, yeah they are.

Yeah, I don't see how this is "fun" either.
I'd rather see fewer pieces from him overall if it means they stand out more from each other. He's starting to fall into the same trap that Metalforever fell into.
>>152281 Good. This site's been messing with my artistic mind the last few years. I was beginning to feel odd, thinking I maybe was born retarded. That's a relief.
It's themed after those old 50's skating diner signs. I like the poparty colours and the retro ascetic and find it fun because it's something you don't normally see and a cute plump girl skating around serving food is goofy in an enjoyable way
>>152285 I thought we were talking about 152263 so nevermind. I'm out of this conversation.
All good. Have a good one
I wouldn't call it goofy. If she were in a clumsy pose like having her about to lose her balance, then sure.
I mean you might feel that way but that doesn't mean everyone else does
Seeing anyone on skates like those is pretty goofy to me
Never said that anyone else did think the same.
Where's the animation guy? I'd like to see more of his animated works of BWS.
We get it, you retards hate this stuff. Just let others enjoy it without being hunted down
You can do this yourself. Just use AI and generate arts, based on BWS’s lora
Then he can go in bbwai and make animations if he so want it. He can make animation himself but I don’t believe in this
In any case, we may as well wait for the animation guy anyway. Or if anyone else is up for it, try.
By that I mean how parts of the piece point to what it's trying to say. The front and back covers of Losing Control for example say everything about what happened with Sam without you even having to read the comic.
Does anyone have a link or file of the two animations Salt did? I think one is "It has to be this weight" and Nat has a think/thinking?"
(280 KB, 1920x1079, a_cozy_kitchen_by_better_with_salt_dfkvuxj-fullview.jpg)
Very little of his art lately has had any storytelling. A lot of it is just girls without anything to add context, standing or sitting around in front of a plain background, maybe performing some basic action like eating something. Before this his art often had the girls in a scene or interacting with someone else, and you could get a sense of what their life was like or how their day was going. That's where a lot of the appeal came from.
I can agree, but I think, that the most bws’s arts don’t have storytelling. He can be popular until we have his simps and other bad famous artists. So I glad to know that AI users had lora with his style and many AI’s arts are better than his new arts. BWS’s journey as bas as presi where his previous artworks , when he needed use talent and didn’t have all those fat artists as friends, were better than new arts
You retards have dozens of threads to sperg on but it's always the bws thread for some reason lmao
Hi, if you're still in this thread, please let us know what stuff you have been doing lately.
Did the mod literally purge this thread too? I'm fucking sick of this shit, just let us critize artists without the fear of being banned
>>152427 I noticed that too, I asked a question about the character, and got my comment deleted.
Not everyone likes to have a thread filled with argumentative comments. If you have a problem, I'd suggest to shut up or make a new community salt thread.
>or make a new community salt thread.
Those get taken down now too, it's happened 3 times.
Already good, but I’m praying that in a few months time this gets the sequel treatment where she’s (more?) drunk and fat enough that she’s crushed the barrel
I feel bad for Gardenia, not gonna lie
No one gives a shit about your opinion. Go to 4chan /d/ or something.
Okay retard. Keep fapping to any art you find on the internet, even the shitty type
Same could be said to you going to the artists discords if you're bothered enough with other peoples posts, so you can only get positive reactions whenever someone posts new art.
Okay nigga, I saw you deleting the comments. Don't think this stuff will go unnoticed
salt posted something new...
can anyone post it here please?
Thus your shit's garbage.
How much longer is BWS going to suck JustSomeDude's dick?
I dont care this is Lucy cuz this body type is so hot god damn
Why can’t we just like Lucy for once with out someone saying cring shit that she is bad or something and just like her like BWS does (sorry not trying to be rude just tired that no one thinks Lucy is good or something)
I know, a lot of people here just seem to dislike her because of somedude commissioning BWS every time.
Plus, I like fat Lucy stuff since the Lucy's stuffing comic, and I'm not interested in other anons persuading me otherwise.
After the 40-something Lucy drawing this shit has gotten OLD, like the other anon said, can’t believe Salt is still sucking lucyguy’s dick at this point
I rather see more Erza or her Mom Lucy is hot with curves but it's getting old
Until someone else puts up the cash to comission BWS drawing other things. Till then we're stuck with whatever whims JustSomeDude has, which has been an unhealthy obsession with Lucy.
>a lot of people here just seem to dislike her because of somedude commissioning BWS every time.
It's the fact that JustSomeDude doesn't change it up, it's always Lucy or that Rebecca chick that looks exactly like her. It doesn't help that BWS never turns him down or apparently never asks him to change it up. >>149299 has proven that Salt can refuse ideas.

It's not from lack of trying. I spoke with someone recently who wanted to commission a more obscure character from BWS, but never heard back from him despite never working with him before. It's clear BWS has his favorites, and is willing to constantly pander to one guy's obsession toward a single character over 40 times instead of giving new people even 1 chance despite how atrocious his availability for commissions is.
Yes but there's a difference, Lucy is not a beautiful character and these two are xD
False. Those two and the Welrod belongs to the same person, and he also doesn't commission them anywhere near as often as what JustSomeDude does with Lucy/Rebecca. Also more diverse with what he does with them.
You do unfortunately realise that none of this will have much meaning, since it'll always end up getting erased by janitors?
It's a site for posting images, not whining excessively about Lucy, Rebecca, Welrod, just about anyone. May as well just keep our opinions to ourselves at this point...
And while we’re at it, post more bws art. And if anyone somehow finds a place where we can argue about this, have fun.
Good stuff man
Could anyone color that Natsuki and Filia pls?
Someone already did the Natsuki >>151796. I might color Filia later today
Tysm, that's a different one tho.
Is there an archive of the colored sketches anywhere?
(4.3 MB, 1433x2065, Hammy Sammy_ Part 1.png)
Hammy Sammy: Part 1
"If I take off all my clothes the number is sure to go down…"

There’s going to be a follow-up explicit piece to go with this one! It posts on Saturday!
now this is more like it
Thank you for the Filia color. If it’s not too much trouble do you think you could do Fukua’s colors too?
I need Chloe on a scale.
>>152949 Good lord, that's a huge bra.
Hey guys, salt posted something new to patreon....
Dang it, 29 seconds late xD
I don't think it was a commission looking at the description. I guess Salt just wanted to do something a little different for a change which hey if that's the case then good for them coz I think this came out pretty.
if it's a waist

then you're a boob
Man bws has talent for sfw stuff too, his style in an anime game or book cover would be amazing.
As much as I like this piece…that face for some reason freaks me the fuck out…
She looks like she could be a psychopath.

He's been doing a lot of smaller sizes lately for art that's fully colored from the start. USBBW and Immobile have been stuck with sketches for a while now.
That's the only good butt he's ever done.
Idk if whether or not you’re the same guy, but this has been brought up so many times in the previous threads to a point where it’s a thing that needs to be let go. Definitely a shame though.
(4.1 MB, 1578x1592, Hammy Sammy_ Part 2.png)
Hammy Sammy: Part 2
I hope the driver left the subs at the door...

And here’s the promised second part of Hammy Sammy! However, I had an idea I really liked for a third part, so expect an extra Sammy coming soon!
More slob or intense nudity maybe? That would suck.
Autistic anon confirmed
>eating a sub tip to center
fucking vile
>>153409 why is she so angry trying to eat a sandwich
She’s probably annoyed that she can’t control herself.
That sounds about right
Stuffed to the gills and still hungry. I'd be angry too.
Damn I hope the other Cana pic gets a higher res
Hell yea she’s freakin hot
I like how their fat body's are representative of their relationship. The girl who's happy more feminine has a more curvaceous body then the other girl. It's a nice contrast.
>>153682 Courtney just screams basic white girl who drinks Starbucks everyday to me. Still a good artwork.
Do a boob chart
>>153715 that's good, but someone should do a more accurate one using their heights that are given
I dunno man, she's fuggin perfect. Great body and totally devoted to gain with who she's with.
One day Salt will crack and make Halie huge.

One day...
That’s actually a good question, how would Halie get huge?
I know this makes me sound like one of those pro toxic masculinity guys, but salt should draw Halie growing a spine before he crosses that bridge
It won't happen, he and too many of his followers are against immobility. He will never draw one of his own OCs as an immobile.
And that's bad because...?
>Courtney Bio
>Claims she doesn't have fat fetish, yet gains hundreds of pounds for Shannon because she knows she likes it, and is the one who awakens Shannon's mutual gaining fetish.
Same level of bullshit as not having Couple Stuff end with immobility.
We’re not implying that she’ll be immobile, just that she might get bigger than Courtney.
I don't think that'll happen unless he makes Courtney lose weight. Courtney's biggest size is as big as BWS is willing to go for his OCs.
Did anyone here commission an immobile from BWS when he was open last month?
We get it! You like immobile girls and if anyone doesn’t agree with your views or an artist doesn’t pander to your exact tastes then they are weak.

No one cares you pretentious fuckwit!
Is Chloe really that small?
I’m pretty sure she’s 5’9”, making her the tallest in the group.
Nice edit. Thought halie would look worse fat but she looks nice. Also glad she remained short and didn’t get taller as she got fatter which some people tend to do lol.
That’s never made sense to me tbh, I feel that some WG artists do that to satisfy the “giantess” part of the fetish.
>>153732 cheers I'll drink to that
Did anyone here commission a immobile from BWS when he was last open for commissions?

Now make Halie the only fat girl there
That was already posted man…
>boob chart status: checked(?)
This is more to illustrate characters rather than sizes relative to each other, no real perspective. It’s a catalogue.
Sammy really does have the best fat distribution out of all of them.
I wonder how much each of them would weigh
Girl weight expert here

Courtney: 525
Shannon: 400
Halie: 120
Sammy: 425
Nat: 480
Chloe: 550
shannon & especially Courtney where huge at the end of their arc
unless shes that short or toned beneath the shirt, no way halie is 120. look at those thighs. those hams contribute significant mass, and that with fat distributing across the body(assuming her thighs are plump due to fat) in conjuction with the foodie lifestyle probably rubbing off on her at least a little(according to my headcanon) her total weight would clock in anywhere from 135 to 145.

just conjecture by me and not based on any calculator some im probably dead wrong but thats my take
Anyone got the new pic
5'2" and thin I'd be surprised if she was 120
no way. 500+ is far fetched even in magical fetish world, there are some models that are literally circular and barely 400
Courtney: 470
Shannon: 275
Halie: 105
Sam: 330
Nat: 370
Chloe: 450
anyone have welrods?
Welrod dude’s OC ref sheet? I think bluds is commissioning salt sometime this year for that…
Sammy's starting to go up the ranks. If Chloe doesn't step up she might get replaced if this keeps going as my fav Salt OC.
I low-key hope Salt decides to continue drawing Sammy bigger and bigger over time until she eventually overtakes Chloe in size - or at least do a one-off piece where she’s lost control to the point of being barely mobile.
She's built like a snowman
don't make us hopeful man
Could happen will it? hope so, but reality might beg to differ
The way Salt renders is incredible

Bro is underestimating those by 75-100 lbs save for the thin one based on the heights given. Do the BMI’s, those are some massive chests
Exactly. 500+ isn't far fetched at all for Courtney and Chloe. Foxy Roxxie, to give a real life example, is 500+ at 5'4" and Courtney is certainly even fatter than her and 5'6", so she's probably pushing 600 or even above. Chloe is mid-500s. Nat is in the 400-450 range. Sammy has probably made it into the 400s as of late. Halie is slightly over 100. Shannon is the most difficult one cause she's smaller in the ref sheet than towards the end of the comic or in the drawing where she encounters Halie. I'd say about 350 in the final pages of the comic.
what is with you retards that want BWS to make Haley fat

he has like 7 other fat OC's
She exists for contrast— BWS has confirmed as much
You'd think he'd do the same with either Courtney or Chloe, making one of them significantly fatter than the rest. But that's not going to happen.
It's speculation, but I'm pretty sure Shannon was made as a compromise for those who wanted to see Halie grow
Still crossing my fingers for Chloe to get even fatter
I've had the exact same thought. Shannon is basically fat Halie.
Hey guys, salt posted something on patreon. Can anyone post it?
Pass the story bro pls

Halie was not happy.

She wheeled her shopping cart into the confection aisle, but her mind was in another place. Another time…

How many months had it been? Four? Maybe five?

Even four months is a long time, so why?

She stopped and stood there, staring at the colorful packages cluttering the shelf but taking in none of it.

Why did she still spend so much time thinking about her!?

The small girl’s grip tightened on the handle of her cart as the store around her faded away. A memory lazily materialized out of the fog, starting as nothing but a simple pear but gradually becoming more human. Becoming the girl that had invaded Halie’s mind, like a series of snapshots forming a collage.

Her thick, flabby arms…


Her adorable, round face…


And good lord, her soft, heavy, enormous-

A pudgy hand waved into the corner of Halie’s vision, snapping her back to reality and sending her stumbling a couple steps back. She stared at the floor for a moment, trying to slow her pounding heart.

“Oh, hi, sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you! I guess I must have misremembered your name…”

Halie looked up, and the sight she was met with made her heartbeat jump even higher. A lump formed in her throat as she stood frozen, blinking rapidly at the redheaded girl who moments before had been nothing but a daydream.

“Hey! Not sure if you remember me? Eheh. I’m Nat,” she said with a smile. “You helped me at the gym a few months ago…”

Of course she remembered. The ill-fitting gym attire, the failed workout, all of it had been committed to Halie’s memory like a series of photographs. But looking at her now, were the photos imperfect?

Her clothes were different, obviously. Her teal tank top was replaced by a blue button-up (whose buttons looked almost as strained as Halie’s mind felt), while her yoga pants had been traded for a large pair of black slacks that were tucked up to the center of her waist and struggling to hold back her fat middle. But there was more.

Was she fatter than before?

Thankfully, her mouth was quicker than her misfiring brain. “Ahh! Y-yes! I remem- sorry!!” she shouted in panic. “Y-yes, it is-I mean, my name is Halie. Sorry, j-just, lost in thought!!”

A small part of Halie’s mind recognized that she was being too loud, but her impulse control was malfunctioning… probably because she was preoccupied with taking fresh snapshots of the constricted marshmallow standing before her.

“Oh good, I was really afraid I’d gotten it wrong,” Nat said with a sigh and a soft chuckle. A soft, bouncy, jiggly chuckle. “I wasn’t sure I’d run into you again. I, uhhh, haven’t been in a hurry to go back to the gym.”

Halie stopped herself from saying ‘I can tell,’ instead sputtering “Oh! Y-yeah, I didn’t notice you around. Was wondering if I just kept missing you…”

A chubby dimple formed as a mischievous smirk spread across Nat’s face. “Heh! Were you looking out for me?”

The thundering in Halie’s ears died. Her heart had stopped. For a breath, she heard nothing, but felt as every cell that made up her timid body began to scream.

But somehow, the redhead didn’t even seem to notice. She continued on, easy as can be with her smirk melting into a lovely shrug which made the buttons on her shirt stretch nice and tight. “But yeah, nah, we stopped going. It wasn’t worth paying for or anything. God knows I wasn’t planning on dragging myself down there again.”

Hundreds of impulses, dozens of thoughts, and still Halie had no idea what to say next. She was trying very hard not to stare at Nat’s flexing buttons, which is when she saw the bright nametag clipped to her lapel that simply read, ‘Natalie’.

It took a moment for Halie to remember she was at the grocery store. She managed to say “S-so, you work here then?” in a reasonable tone, though the gesture she made to the nametag may have been a bit shaky. “I shop here a lot! Surprised I’ve never seen you.”

“Ah! Yeah, I’ve been working here part-time for a couple of years. Just afternoon shifts though because of school.”

“Oh, I usually come during my lunch! I guess that explains why…”

Silence. It lasted a moment, a single heartbeat, but Halie’s heart had restarted and jumped straight to triple time.

“So!” Nat said with a bright smile, “Can I help you find anything?”

“Oh, no, I’m just gathering stuff for school…”

“Hmm? What for?”

“For my classes. I’m in culinary school.”

“Oh, that’s awesome! So you must be a really good cook then?” There was a shift to the woman, a glint in her eye and some excitement in her voice. She spoke earnestly, gesturing with her hands and lifting a hand to her bright hair. “All I can make is breakfast. I’m no good at anything else. Can barely even make frozen pizzas some nights!”

And she laughed.

She had a wonderful, bright belly laugh.

“I-I’m alright,” Halie stumbled, trying to sound humble despite the woman’s words making her feel like some sort of superhero. “Still have tons to learn though…”

“Well, if you ever need a good review, you can get one from me, easy. I know it may come as a surprise, but…” Nat gestured down at herself dramatically, “I like food quite a bit.”
Halie struggled not to pass out. This girl was too much. How could someone exist that was this inconceivably appealing?

Nat was snickering, a porky girl’s chuckle, and it brought one out of Halie herself. Strangely, the laughter felt… relaxing. And really good on her chest. An absent-minded finger lifted to play with a lock of her hair. “I might take you up on that sometime! My teachers are always saying how important feedback is.”

“Well, now you know where you can find me!” Nat said with a gesture to the building. “I need to get back to work, but it was super nice seeing you again Halie!”

“O-oh, you too!” Halie said, feeling both saddened and relieved that she was leaving. “I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah, for sure! See ya!” Nat said as she turned and began walking away.

The camera inside Halie’s mind broke.

It had survived the smiles and the strained buttons. But Nat’s ass- her immense, pocket-stretching, thigh-slapping, waddle-causing ass- caused the camera to metaphorically drop to the ground and shatter apart.

She wasn’t sure how long she stood there. Even after the woman had wobbled around the corner of the aisle and out of view, Halie still stood staring at nothing.

Had she acted weird? What if she was weird? Did she look cute? Oh God, she hadn’t brushed her hair after her nap… What if she’d messed this up? She’d never thought in a hundred years she’d run into her again like this…

All of those thoughts were in the back of her mind however, trying yet failing to tug down the lovestruck girl who now felt like she was floating on air. She replayed the sound of the fat girl’s chuckling and her… enticing offer. She’d thought her feelings were for nothing, that the girl she’d met at the gym was out of her life forever.

But today, fate had given her a chance.

And while the thought of seeing more of Nat made Halie’s knees weak with uncertainty, she knew one thing for sure-

She was really going to have a hard time thinking about anything else for weeks.
weight swap or skinny -> fat because of being around fat friends is S tier subfetish that's why
people trying to act as a bulwark against stuff like this always makes me cringe. what's wrong with a hypothetical here and there? it doesn't have to enter the long-term canon. you're just autistic
hey salt posted something new, can anyone post it?
>>154706 You post it. Don't announce that he posted something and ask for others to do it. Too many people are doing this.
Ever since the Beached Wailord art, he's been drawing May smaller and smaller. Is he starting to move away from USBBW sizes?
>>154715 Kinda has old school BWS vibes. And why is she in a cave?

>>154722 Uh... no?
(67 KB, 828x796, observed.jpg)
ur right, but still just a one off image. i think salt has been doing a good job representing various sizes lately, and thankfully theyve all been good (not a super bbw fan but salt makes them appealing to me anyhow). just a testament to his skill
>think salt has been doing a good job representing various sizes lately
He's been doing a lot of different poses and angles for SSBBWs and is getting into Chubby sizes more, so in that sense I agree.
However he hasn't been doing much with USBBW and Immobiles lately so there's still an imbalance going on, so I also partially disagree with you.
Ah yes, "10 years later".

That ought to keep the twitter freaks away.
>Kinda has old school BWS vibes. And why is she in a cave?
She's in her secret base. A feature in R/S/E

All the Mays he's done in the past are based on her remake (ORAS) design. The one he just did is from the original R/S.
>Doesn't draw a blob in a few weeks
>"is bws moving away from blobs??????"
>is bws moving away from blobs?
That's not what I said, asshole. I said USBBWs, they and blobs are not the same thing.

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