
(160 KB, 706x856, 20220823123020-4fea6b65-la.jpg)
Does anyone have an archive of all of CGhonk's stuff? I mean everything, the animations, patreon, ESPECIALLY the most recent stuff.
I scraped rule34.xxx and already I see 168 files listed for CGhonk but only got 167 when downloading everything. If anyone has anything missing from this archive, please share, especially if it's from Twitter or Patreon or something.

Videos are most important, even more so if in higher quality than rule34's.

The Link:
>>148360 (OP)
Wait why'd he quit and deactivate? Did he at least let his patrons know why?
I remember seeing a twitter post about him not finding the stuff he did hot anymore
He should've done less hardcore and more weight gain sequences desu. Joking aside he'll probably be back these artist types usually just need time a way from fetish stuff. Also I wasn't kidding before a proper 3d animated weight gain sequences...

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