
sorry if a thread like this has already died
>>148205 (OP)
Are you desperate or what? Stop keeping this thread alive already
>>148251 I dunno about that, a topic like this has a lot of potential.
It's clear that they are. Scrambled so hard that they didn't add an OP image.

It did poorly the first time around.

sorry was my first time starting a thread from my phone didn’t do the upload right :/

just wanted to start a thread 1st time doing this and kept getting errors so posted it in parts my bad
You shouldn't have bothered, can't even type out your sentences correctly.
Sauce of the first pic?
now hold on
this is better then those character threads
because there can be more then one women
if there aint enough girls for a thread then they are worthless (also applys to stupid artist threads of artists that ether dont upload offen or are just dead accounts) i rather have a theme cause theres more potential

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