
Let's see if that shitty janny will delete comments here too

Hopefully because people talk too much and won't shut the fuck up
The sperging is honestly more entertaining than the actual content at this point
So they're just gonna do Sandy again, right.
Watch them just do Sandy all over again
Yeah,The Whole Sandy Thing in the original comic was wild back then...
Alright everyone, make your bets! Who do you think the stalker (and therefore the jacket thief) is of all the characters shown so far? The trainer? The fans duo? Or just a random background passerby character?
The dumbest possibility is that it's a new character we haven't even met before. So that one.
Well the trainer would make the most sense, maybe if they wanna go big brain it could be Stacy somehow, but really I think it could be Aika since kip has made the funny airhead character be the twist villain already and it would be way easier to do that than come up with a new twist.
It will be a character from one of kip's other comics. Maybe kat
Yeah but at least there were hints in No Lunch Break that indicared (even if too subtly) that was something odd happening with Sandy
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I am flabbergasted each time I enter this thread and see people actually discussing the plot. I just check every once in a while to see if neuron activating shit like the sushi binge is happening and never look at the words. The last time Kipshit had a plot worth following is Lunch With Sister
Bro it literally takes 5 seconds to read the words.
Kip has always aimed for a "slice-of-life" style story but can't help putting edgelord parts in out of nowhere (like "I will fucking kill you" in lunch with sister).
It's kinda fun to speculate on such a meandering plot, never knowing where the story is going or when it will turn dark
To continue my thoughts:
This looks like we might get a scooby doo parody scene where the stalker is revealed, but it's also possible that kip will introduce a new character who is an actual fucking rapist.
I'm not saying this story is good, but I find it fun to speculate on.
Just look at nlb, it started as a cosy slice of life workplace comic, and ended with a "prison break" scene with a kidnapper who had super strength.
Kill yourself. Seriously, this is the kind of shit that built the tranny hugbox around kipshit

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I do suppose that the events of this image may finally be possible. I won’t get TOO carried away, but an intimate stuffing scene between Saiya and Tessa may be in the realm of possibilities now. I mean, Saiya does know how to get herself out of this position. Just fatten herself up and Stacy has to fire ya. She’s got some chub already even though it’s mostly hidden. But her and Tessa can hopefully enjoy fattening each other up if the plot allows.
Bro can you not read or something?
I'm not saying these stories are good, I'm saying that the erratic plot is fun to speculate on.
I don't even like slice of life, I was just pointing out that that's what kip generally shoots for.
Reading comprehension really isn't your strong suit, is it?
>Sue for damages
Sure, good luck with that... someone gaining weight isn't exactly good proof of sabotage

>Saiya is Tessa replacement
Jesus fucking christ we're gonna get a bunch of super unfunny pages covering this development, aren't we? At this point the plot is just so bloated and overcomplicated.
Plot twist the plot is the only thing doing a consistent job being bloated in this WG story

Hopefully we see Tessa gain more before the end of this tho
>Jesus fucking christ we're gonna get a bunch of super unfunny pages covering this development, aren't we?
Yarp. I hope you're ready for Saiya fail compilations to go viral
>the plot is just so bloated
Kinda hot, the plot needs more fat art
"Oohh, I'm so full of redundant characters!"
Maybe the person who wants to defame Tessa will go after saiya next. If it really is Tania then she might let her use that drink she gave Tessa.
you'll never have what happens next on kips bingo card. thats whats kinda good about kip but the problem is he takes it totally different places that go against the characters and make no sense. like this. saiya looks nothing like tessa. people tune into her for her huge breasts. they don't look anywhere near alike so how are we going to pull this off? knowing kip they will pull it off and people will like saiya / tessa, never knowing the difference.

how is that possible? stacey isn't stuffing anyone any time soon. you know, whenever I ask about this obsession with stuffing saiya no one answers. it would be nice, yes. she deserves it and worse because she's terrible but come on.

notice hes going out of his way to avoid showing tessa?

>Kill yourself. Seriously, this is the kind of shit that built the tranny hugbox around kipshit
no, that would be every comment speaking anything sensible, including thoughts as to how to fix this crap plot that kip clearly couldn't be bothered to outline, being deleted everywhere from here to his deviant art. its even happening on ehentai. I still can't understand why and how people sub to this mans patreon. id have been cancelled it over a year ago after the five million plot points he dared bring up and drop.
that drink was probably a simple protein shake. nothing happened after that drink.
>my dad's company
there's no way this is going where I think it's
I think you're right
Not!trump was the big bad all along!
This comic will end with a skydiving scene or something just as out there, mark my words
Not Stacy stuffing anyone, rather Tessa feeding Saiya as Saiya feeds Tessa. Saiya probably has zero interest in doing this gig, and as we know, fattening yourself is an easy way to get fired by Stacy.

This is a Kip story so naturally there’s no clear cut idea where things will go. For all we know this could happen too >>147382
she's going to keep tessa off stream because no one wants to see a bloated cow. she just said that. she clearly hates fat people. so there will be no stuffing.

theres no clear cut idea because kip himself has no idea. why can't people understand that?
That’s the point. Saiya might not want this new gig forced upon her by Stacy, so fattening herself or mutually with Tessa would get her out of the gig because Stacy would fire her. Then she also would no longer be forced on stream and Stacy would continue working to get Aika fit or move on to someone else. Again it’s a Kip story and we can speculate till the cows come home but it doesn’t really matter until we see next week how she reacts and how things play out.
Imo I don't understand what Stacy sees abt Saiya that would make her think shes a Tessa replacement. Tessa's whole appeal was that she was packin and hot which is why she showed her whole bod and had streams where shed be in the pool for example, Saiya on the other hand has pretty much none of the appeal Tessa had. Wonder where Kips goin with this.
I see what you're saying. I get it. seriously. but you're really trying to push this idea of saiya fattening up. saiya has never shown any interest in any of this. saiya goes along with whatever stacey says. period. there has never been an argument. so she will not "fatten herself up" and tbh I seriously doubt tessa is doing this any more either. I think she's totally turned off from the whole thing after she got stuffed into a taxi, forgotten about and then told off by stacey.

I get that the thought may have crossed her mind but thats it. kip should've left it with a quick illustration of stacey thinking it and cancelling it because this is stupid. its kip dragging this story out even longer.
Well if you're reaching I'm reaching because that's what I'm thinking
OSC NLB crossover inbound ?? Same universe so …..
Love Kips comics or hate them, Kip will always find a way to keep people talking about them.
The plot is so unpredictable I really just stick around to see how it progresses at this point.

>The plot is so unpredictable I really just stick around to see how it progresses at this point.

That's the neat part. It doesn't progress.
>it's been less than a week since her tits flopped out on stream
>she's somehow losing subs
>this is somehow related to what the other girl has been doing with her for the past like week and a half of story-time
>implying whatsherface can just start streaming and make any amount of money
None of this makes any fucking sense. The only people to even criticize Tessa's weight gain have been entirely off-screen, everyone else has been busting nuts over her every time they glance at her.
I hereby suggest we do a list of plot points throughout the story to keep our thoughts in track in this convoluted mess of a drama
it is amazing isn't it? just when you think kip has written himself into a corner and the plot must progress he weasels out of it.

exactly. the only ones to ever comment were the dudes and they worship her. aika, who loved her "fit and trim body", has yet to comment on her girth despite her walking into class, gut out, looking 5mnths pregnant and then being nude in the shower. stacey is downright obsessed with tessas weight and I kinda get it, it is her job, but you would think the bigger someone like tessa got the bigger her breasts get and lets be honest here, everyone is tuning in for her huge breasts. this is also why saiya cannot replace her.

if anyone really wants to jump back to the beginning and read this all over again I'm not about to stop them. I do want to warn them though. I'm surprised we've gone this long with commentary. if someone wants to do that it'd probably best be done as an image just like that one anon did of kips viewership that way it can just be reposted.
And we hope the next Webcomic Project that KipTeiTei is going to be Devil Girl. 😈
Is... Tessa going to try to fatten Saiya now...? Is that where this is going...?
"she knows this is what aika is into"? please explain, and remember that aika just came to her almost in tears because she thought she lost her friend and she ran away from her to come back here and deal with this.
I love how shocked Tessa is at basically being called fat
Saiya is becoming the type of person she hated so much at the start of the comic... Or something
If kip somehow manages to tie together all these plot threads, I'll be a little impressed NGL
>>147830 That was the moment when Saiya became Heisenberg
I kinda wish this would’ve all happened like 100 pages ago. It’s an interesting development, I just feel like it took way too long to get here.
Page 291 up on patreon
Not yet on kemono/DA
I wonder is it time to cut back to aika yet or not... 🤔
stacey has no idea. at all.

and I love that kip is moving past tessa and her gut. he shows it the very least he possibly can. I'm expecting tessa to be forced to work out now.
I dont think this plan wrks the way Stacy thinks it will wrk
> I'm expecting tessa to be forced to work out now
I hope so, her workout scene was the best part of the comic so far
tbh I'm trying to understand how and where stacey is getting all this. she's talking about saiya has the bimbo personality? since when? I don't even like aika and id rather see her on stream then saiya.

I'm still waiting to see tessa struggling to stand and fit into her clothes with that huge belly. but you're right. lets hope kip does that because it would be a good distraction.
she's ill and thats why she was seen all bloated? ill, in a sushi restaurant? this will probably blow over and never be mentioned again but if I were them id take her to court for saying she became ill from eating there.

and I really don't think saiya is going to be sitting there enjoying streaming like stacey thinks she will.

I do think this means tessa will have to work out. lets hope kip will show it.
Isn't it funny that the current plotline, which is strong driving force for the story, works perfectly fine without Aika? You could cut her out of the story entirely and the comic would still work fine, as well as probably be 100 pages shorter as you suggest.
I see what you're saying but not quite. saiya is there because of aika. saiya wouldn't even be there if she wasn't trying to date aika and learning how to be more like tessa.

speaking of I'm expecting to see her really soon. id hope she went and gorged herself on food but we all know better.
I was soyfacing just like that during the sushi stuffing scene.
Honestly if Stacy had just said people would watch an cute emo girl streamer I would’ve understood, but how does Saiya have a bimbo attitude?

Eh. I personally like when we take a break and switch back to the cow.

Even if she did, we’d only see after the fact. Aika stuffing herself has mainly been offscreen. The best parts of the comic have been offscreen.
The fuck is even happening in this story anymore?
The fuck is even happening in this thread anymore?
The fuck is even happening in my life anymore?
This is a neat way to further push Saya and Tessa together, united in their mutual enmity to being under Stacy's thumb.
Stacey just needs to slip her hand a little lower down to get between Tessa's nice fat thighs.

Any guesses if anything super significant will happen on page 300?
Holy fuck how is this comic 300 pages.
aika watches the stream? when was that said? I'm kinda hoping for it to cut back and forth from the stream, to tessa struggling to work out to aika gorging herself in something like a montage.

nothing ever happens on the 100th page with kip. I'm tired of getting my hopes up.
>Tessa used to have itty bitty tiddies before becoming a literal titcow
Why is this hot
And saiya’s are bigger than hers used to be… that’s funny
Looks like things are gonna be juuuust fine.
Still not entirely sure where this is going - if Saiya's popularity takes off, will she join the stable of streamers under Stacy as she expands the brand? Or will she utterly doom the brand somehow? Sure, Aika will catch Saiya on stream, but it's not entirely clear whats to become of that development...
Cause she’s got huge tits
height difference in the 4th panel is hnnng
>we have never seen this bikini top before
That's it. This is an old bikini from high school
this is easily explained. she really liked that design so she bought it again in a bigger size.

looks like her belly got a bit smaller in panel 4.

and when did saiya get so well endowed?
It must be hard being as dumb as you.
I keep forgetting they’re like in their 20s
Isn’t that every big titted bitches backstory?
>in their 20s
I was a better autist, and I will be a better autist. The mediocrity of a man's art is perpindicularly to his belief that age isn't a number.
Can Kip fucking mantain the proportions right between different pages, let alone panels?
y'all really think she can do this? I don't know that saiya has enough personality to be a streamer.

im not understanding. did she gain the huge breasts when she blew up? but she was always fat right? it was stacey that got her to lose the weight so when did she get so well endowed?

and I'm still trying to figure out when saiya got those huge breasts.

no. he doesn't want his women big. I'm surprised tessa stayed big this long. he'd probably have her thin if he could get away with it.
Can you put your sister's dick back in your mouth so we can stop listening to you whine?
Saiya’s boobs look really nice. Her being embarrassed makes it even better. I thought she had a pudgier belly though.
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So once again it seems that Saiya's lack of backbone has made things worse for Tessa
And now she's going to act like a bimbo on Tessa's stream and potentially burn her last bridge with Aika
At least the dudebros will be happy to see some boobs
thats a good point. this is surely going to mess up her relationship with aika. aikas going to rightfully think that saiya kicked her to the curb for tessa and a new life as a streamer.
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small fixes
I just realized she's going to take a walk. maybe well get to see her struggling into some clothing and peoples reactions to her huge gut?
Maybe Stacy will stop her, ordering her to hide it if she goes outside?
Maybe, just maybe, we might have....


What? I can dream, can't I?
Those dudes are honestly the only characters worth caring about at this point
who is the story even for at this point?
So this development is interesting in that it might spark some rebellion in Tessa, knowing that she's replaceable how Stacy is capable of dropping her so readily, who fails to have a single caring bone in her body or a a shred of respect for Tessa. This anger at Stacy might spill over to Saiya but honestly, Saiya being such a dope is actually to her credit here, since it's clear that Saiya is only following Stacy's orders in a naive attempt to put things right..
No, I think there is some bubbling resentment floating.to the surface for a conflict between Tessa and Stacy that's been a long time coming. I suspect that Tessa will reject Stacy's plan - to hell with her - and do her own thing in defiance. She hasn't eaten since yesterday? Well lets look to remedying that~
Yeah, there's some feather damage on Tessa's wings. I think this page serves to highlight how damaging Stacy's negative perceptions of her weight can be since Tessa's wings have been fine with Saiya and all of her positive reinforcement. Could also suggest a slight exhibitionism within Tessa? Scene girl wants to be seen, even if she is extra thicc.
I think aika is going to notice Tessa streaming and check it only to find saiya there talking about and showing off her boobs.
I just noticed this but why are we cutting to the church? I get that maybe aika went there for solace in the "great winged one" but why would she care what tessa and saiya are doing? it just seems inappropriate.
She’s being tempted by sin!
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Because we want to see stuffing, fondeling, hot stuff and everything else this comic provide once every 100 pages. At this point it's just a chain of events which is hardly connected by some sort of love triangle abomination
So we're getting more slapstick that's not quite fap-worthy, not quite chuckle-worthy and has no relevance to the plot?
Truly the fat fetish equivalent of Tim Buckley
What is the purpose of this even
So did anybody have "Aika becomes a nun" on their bingo sheet?
Why exactly is this happening? Like seriously, did kip beat it to a ton of nun related stuff recently and aquire a fetish for it?
I will say that I do appreciate how comfortable Aika is with being a fatty. She's nicely grounded (and nicely rounded) in that way.
Too bad Kip seems to have gotten bored of her by now, honestly I prefer her to Tessa.
It looks like she's just participating in the service as an acolyte / altar girl, not actually a nun
Kip is finnish so I'm sure he's familiar with how milquetoast protestant churches actually do this stuff, so the nun garb must be intentional for fetish reasons
Probably throwing random shit at a wall to see what sticks.
Honestly same.
>>149774 With random fetishes being tossed around, is Kip gonna be Axel RoseRed 2.0?
that would make sense if this were a fetish comic. which it isnt.

kip is trying to tell a story here. I'm not sure that even he is aware of what story he's trying to tell but he is trying to tell a story.
Aika being part of a convent is an interesting character development at the very least. If anything, it makes her affections towards Tessa more unusual since you'd think she have a closer bond with her fellow sisters if she is that inclined towards faith.
I don't understand how you can say these things about Aika without a hint of irony
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heres some fanart.

whatever happened to all of the art anons?
I still can't understand how the fuck people can say nice things about this comic. Do they feel threatened by that loser of a janny?
When anything negative gets purged what choice do you have?
Chances are this'll be deleted too
On one hand I get it, since all threads would devolve into shitting on kip's lazyness. On the other hand this feels horridly sterile, like we're stuck in his patreon's comments
I don't know how to say things politely, but romantic comedies and telenovelas are supposed to be repetitive. 10-5 is when stay at home people watch melodramas. I just don't know the meaning of sensitivity because the East Coast hates crybaby scientists.
Eh, call me a "glass half-full" guy. Praise where praise is due, no one could fault this nun angle for being trite, boring or predictable.
this isn't a romantic comedy. I haven't laughed yet and the characters are frustrating.
I've laughed at how all over the place the plot is
Bro its just that we all get it, ‘haha kip plot bad!!1!1!1’ yes we know, the problem is that you all like to complain about it on every thread, but still come back here almost daily despite allegedly hating the comic so much. Its just beating the dead horse at this point. Id rather come here and see nothing at all than have to see you brainlets cry about how awful this plot is like we all aren’t reading it.
I get that but then comments where people try to predict what may happen next also get deleted. comments about cool stuff that could happen get deleted. it seems that the majority of the time whatever comments aren't praising kip are deleted, whether they're complaints or not and I never understood that. I understand getting sick of the complaints but deleting entire discussions people are having as to where the plot might go next? whats the point of that?
The point is that the janny is a fucking retard who can't judge things properly, and I ain't afraid of saying this. He better delete this message if he's got the balls
>>149747 i did
so predicable
i knew as soon as i saw the church
a few hundred pages ago i knew it could easily go that route

>>149940 probably, ignoring its a fetish comic(you know it should get to the point) this still Drags waaay to long like 40% of the comic is filler by a writing standpoint
> That's me in the convent.
> That's me in dress, tight, losing my religion.
this isn't a fetish comic.

yet everyone is obsessed with everyones weight.

and the main characters happen to have serious weight issues.

come on kip. make up your mind. what convent would have the nuns feeling all over the woman like this? this is downright inappropriate.
I'm not one to be overly critical, but jesus christ this page actually just sucks
I'm assuming that next page the Bishop is going to walk in on them
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I knew it, I fucking KNEW IT! The dude is a coward who just deletes people's comments blindly
and the bishop is gonna be a female because Kip doesn't like men in his comics unless they're background characters (with the exception of full night nanny).

FNN is his absolute GOAT comic

>girl is slightly older
>she's confident in her size
>confident in her own love of eating
>bullies the boy
>uses her fat to squish him
>mega gluttonous (lasanga scene)
>doesn't blue ball people with 50 useless pages of preamble
>doesn't drag on for hundreds of pages
That was the first kipteitei comic I read, made me set my expectations for their other works a tad too high since I'm not s huge fan of the others, the part in no lunch break where sandy force feeds the other three girls was great though
im just sick of gay shit 24/7. wish he'd give us more hetero stuff
actually, go back and read FNN again. it drug on too. that comic was about 56 pages IIRC and a lot of it was wasted pages. remember the little sister that kept screwing everything up? that was totally uncalled for and after all of that we got, what, three pages of feeding then three pages of sex and comic over. the problem with FNN is that it had so much potential or, even worse, thats the beginning. kip set up the characters. he could've told a story immediately afterwards starring cindy and connor without any boring filler but he didn't want to. instead we got this.

its the first kip story I really got into as well. I was familiar with his prior works but FNN was the first I followed from beginning to end. it wasn't that good but compared to this it was shakespeare.

at least it isn't incest.
Incest or not, it's still gay shit
No need to talk about yourself like that bud
If you want a sincere answer I'd say kip the character is not all to bright, very hungry, lazy, very horny for women who happen to be blood related for some reason, and secretly allows people to dominate her but also can take charge when the mood feels like it. Basically kip is pretty laid back and enjoys the simple things in life such as stuffing her face while watching TV. Her sister Kat is the opposite, being very stubborn, assertive, headstrong and the definition of a tsundere but while Kat thinks kip is a fat gluttonous dummy she sincerely cares and loves her a lot.
Could someone repost the Tifa and Aerith pics from the last thread?
Much obliged
Do you also have the nude version of Tifa's?
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>remember the little sister that kept screwing everything up?
do you think Kip named her Sanna as a dig at the Finnish PM?
"Exploded" I wish you meant literally, anon
Aika visits Chernobyl without a suit might as well be the next thrilling installment of this storyline
Heck yeah, imagine if she gets radiations and grows another pair of arms or some shit like that. It would still be cooler than Kip's average comic
Since when is Aika a fucking giant? Like seriously... has she gotten taller throughout the comic?
I believe that Aika is almost the same size as Tessa, only that in the drawing it is hardly visible but many times when she is with Tessa they look the same size, I don't know
She just looks pregnant in the second panel.
She just looks fucking stupid

Not that that's anything new though
I think the other acolytes are just womanlets, Aika is definitely not taller than Tessa
she was side by side with tessa many times over whether at the party where she kissed her or in the locker room where she was just wearing a towel. aika is not taller than tessa. I don't even want to bother to look up pics because this post will be deleted.
I’m sorry but what has this comic come to
I’m gone for a few days and we’re at the church now????? Like where did the cohesion go? Am I retarded or is it really this bad

This whole thing is just such a letdown for me since I’ve always enjoyed Kip’s comics a lot. For me, the length isn’t such a bother, like in No Lunch Break. But in NLB, the length actually BUILT UP to something. And yeah it wasn’t the most well-written story of the century, but the plot worked well enough. Well enough- that’s all a fetish comic needs imo.

I could write more about what I dislike about the current state of Kip’s content, but I mostly want to voice my disappointment. Anybody with me or what
Don't worry, that retard won't delete our posts...I hope
close but do you think shed be towering over everyone in the church?

and what is up with this huge belly? she's been working out lately. she hasn't gained at all. kip has made it a point to make sure no one has gained because this is not a fetish comic. why is aika so fat all of a sudden?
I think her shoes are just platforms for some reason. Her feet are noticeably higher off the ground compared to the others and the soles of her shoes look way thicker in the second panel.
How many fucking times do we have to fucking explain to you niggers
Kip is not into the giant sagging pannus bellies that are just loose skin and subcutaneous fat
He is into rounder fat bellies, and those are a real thing and not just a fantasy like you flabfaggots like to think
If you don’t like it, get the fuck out of this goddamn thread because it’s not going to change
Good fucking god I swear we have to explain this every week to you literal lobotomites
I hate it when people criticize this comic just to complain, but this sequence just isn't doing it for me. I've at least been able to get off to the previous situations, but this whole church thing just kinda came out of left field and I don't really get it. Like, yeah, they established that she goes to confession and stuff, but now she's a nun in training all of a sudden? I guess it's decent at humiliating Aika for her weight when she otherwise doesn't let it bother her, but I just feel this is a weird direction to take a fetish comic.
this isn't a fetish comic.

how many times must that be repeated?

this isn't a fetish comic. kip is telling the story that he wants to tell but this is not a fetish comic.
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Than why it posted here, you absolute mongoloid?
If it's so unfetishy, why doesn't he take it all somewhere else? Oh well, maybe because his "story" or whatever won't do shit on its own, and the only merit to his work is that he draws fat bitches.
I think it's clear at this point that the overarching plot is not the focus, but a way for kip to set up the little scenarios that pop into his head with these characters. This week he felt like drawing nun outfits and humiliation porn. Well what do you know, Aika is religious! We'll just cut over to her and cram her into a habit for a few pages... Last week he wanted to make memes about Tessa, and draw Stacy being a psycho. Before that was the sushi stuffing, with the motif of Tessa being a giant mermaid. And so on all the way back to the earliest pages. Getting to draw whatever he fancies probably helps make the patreon grind bearable. Great winged one forbid he'd have to draw hetero content to pay his bills.
The “traditional waist cloth”, combined with all the sisters being similarly short and shapely, makes me think this is a religion based around appearance.
Which Would go with the theme of kips “world”, what with the feathers being an external biological tell of externally based social status etc.
the plain sticc characters all tending to have complexes combined with the thicc girls tending to be tall and have weight related problems is based, and I won’t complain about Kip making his stories about fun Amazons and their funsized associates or the worlds dynamics which tend to push things in said direction: church of the wide hipped modest breast short stacks included.
Dude, jesus fucking christ calm down.
Also, "fantasy"? Kip's body type preference is ridiculously uncommon compared to the body types you describe as a fantasy. Go touch grass.
If this is the angle Kip is going for, I’m all for it. It’s great for fetish fuel. Also, the comparison between Aika and her fellow sisters is fantastic. I wish Kip would give us more of this and less of his typical garbage filler.
Do you think I care? Or Kip for that matter you dumb fucking flabfaggot
How about you go touch some fucking grass and enjoy the endless flabfaggotry from other artists instead of harping on Kip constantly because he doesn’t partake in your fucking cult?
If you don’t like the “uncommon” gain pattern Kip likes get the fuck out of this thread
Did I say I don't like Kip's body types you fucking retard? I was just saying that what you said was braindead bullshit.
Also, if anyone's behavior is cult-like, it's yours, you frothing moron
Stop kissing Kip's ass and get some fucking help for once, you cult-like retard
>waah waah you’re kissing Kip’s ass for not demanding he draw things the way us retards want it
No I’m just trying to get it through your thick skull why he’s not going to change and we’re sick of hearing your whining, but evidently I’m not going to get through your lead cranium so I don’t even know why I try, you and your ilk are just so fucking incessant and annoying
only took like 300 pages
So that's is what the motherfucker wanted to tell us all this time: Chubby amazons are the best and every other size sucks
I bet she's hiding a holy sausage inside it.
Plot twist: the bishop assumes aika is the second coming
Idc how bad anyone says this comic is. Kip makes good Aika ass shots and I’m here for it
boutta turn 85 years old while waiting for more
hard to enjoy the ass shots when this whole scene just makes me uncomfortable... I'm not even religious, but this all just feels so awkward and pointless
The point is the ironic contrast between Aika's degeneracy and supposedly 'conservative' nuns
Shhhhh, jannies don't wanna hear that. I made a post to the same effect, not even a criticism, just my confusion at this sequence, and it got deleted. We've gone from not deleting anything and having threads hate spammed into the ground to now nobody's allowed to say anything that isn't overwhelming praise.
I think its just that you retards reiterate the same things like broken machines and we are all tired of reading it.
Place your bets, fellas.
Will the bishop awkwardly ignore aika's gut?
Will he assume she is pregnant via immaculate conception?
Or maybe he will herald her as some kind hedonist profit?
Mix of 2nd and 3rd. Kip has a pregnancy fetish.
Yeah, definitely feeling this to be a setup for a food baby/immaculate conception snafu.
(933 KB, 1125x1575, one_serving_choice__page_301_by_kipteitei_dfv6xd1.jpg)
I want to believe all of you are right and that would work wonderfully if this were a fetish comic. it looks like her belly is about to burst out of this dress. maybe they'd then think she's pregnant and feed her since she's clearly feeling a bit faint. but she's trying to diet so I don't think well get all of that.

I also really don't think kip is going to admit to his obvious preggo fetish which stinks because id love to see him try to draw some of his characters pregnant.
I WISH he did. His bloated potbellies would look so great as baby bumps.
personally I've been hoping for a pregnant and fully stuffed cindy for years now.
Has there been any indication of how long this comic is actually supposed to be in total?
Her getting knocked up from the seggs at the end of FNN would make for a god tier sequel.
thats exactly what I was thinking. and it'd be a really good story because she loved stuffing and he loved stuffing her. all she would do is keep gaining. it would be like craving control, where wed watch cindy get larger as the months progress. and it wouldn't even need to be a long sequel. he could do something like 3-5 pages per month. of course the 9th month would have to end with a bang, something like she's massive and overdue, but it could probably be done in about 75-100 pages.
this is all filler. no killer
"Massive" and "overdue" are two words Kip would never use in the same phrase...
Aika wardrobe malfunction waiting room :3
wtf she's just a nun now??
This really kills my enjoyment of the comic. There is no consistency whatsoever. Kip has always been bad at this but come on, use some references ffs.
Normally I defend Kip but Jesus, I can’t tell if this is deliberate to “keep her from getting too big” or if he actually just can’t draw consistent sizes to save his life
why does a church have mead?

since when is she so thirsty?

if the church has mead and she's used to this how did she get so drunk so fast at the party?
You really trying to find sense in this story?
the mead is supposed to be communion wine.
Do Kip simps have like 0 self awareness.
"Hm this person is criticizing kip, let's get the comment deleted!!!!"
I think it's just that retarded janny deleting whatever comment gets reported by the simps. I got banned for some bullshit reason called "kip shitposting" a few days ago, it was hilarious
Yessssss!!! As a burp fan and wardrobe malfunction fan, I'm very happy.
well, y'all never got your corset. instead you're going to get aika ripping a dress in half in church.

still don't understand why the church has liquor, why her tolerance is so low if said church that she's frequented all this time has liquor and when she got so thirsty but I'm not going to argue.
this stops that whole idea of divine conception btw. she can't be pregnant by the great winged one if she's over here drinking like that.
Ngl this is definitely the hottest scene from this entire comic. Kip is definitely at their best when they play into the humiliation/stuffing. Maybe Tessa’s makeout scene is up there.
>why the church has liquor
What is communion, heathen
God DAMN everything about this page fucks
>Aika can’t even explain away her gluttony due to being cut off by her own burps
>her dress slowly ripping
>that fucking burp
The whole segment is kinda dumb to be honest, being little more than "Aika Eats a Food". Don't get me the wrong, the stressed dress is nice, but it's pretty much brain switch-off territory here. There's no substance to really care about.
Damn that is a hefty ass burp. Aika looks so hot here
I mean, that’s not true. The last few scenes involving Aika are meant to show how her unrestrained gluttony is affecting her social life.
And if anything, I think this is a breaking point as a parallel to Tessa’s sushi fiasco. I’m interested to see how this gets unresolved like rest of this comic.
>still don't understand why the church has liquor
the intelligence of the average bbwdraw poster, everyone
a solid analysis that ends with a diss. this board always makes me laugh
bro that is grape juice. no one goes to church and gets plastered. even if they did, whats up with her low tolerance at the party if she already knew about liquor? did you forget her comparing it to oven cleaner?

a good point. were still waiting to see what happened with tessa. when we left off she was in the corner pouting and saiya was celebrating with stacey.
>still waiting to see what happened with tessa. when we left off she was in the corner pouting and saiya was celebrating with stacey.
Not even close. Stacey is now forcing Saiya to replace Tessa in her streams.
Anoyther day, another overzealous mod sanitizing the conversation so as to remove any hint of critique or negativity, even if it leads to interesting, harmless discourse about the comic - what was said yesterday that was honestly so objectionable?
I don't think even Kip overseeing this thread personally would be this thin-skinned. Pretty embarassing all round, both from the delicate pearl clutchers reporting as well as the mods mindlessly following through. Aren't there more pressing things to deal with?
What fucking mental problems does the mod suffer from, exactly? No, I'm really curious. It's even funnier when you get banned for "kip shitposting", now that's reaching
agreed kat from dws is peak tsundere +wg denial
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>Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.

It's starting to get old kip shoe-horning their humiliation fetish in every other page.
That’s the best part.
I keep saying this. one thing we gots to give kip credit for is the fact that no one ever knows what he's going to do next. no one knew they'd have some sort of silly 'verse' regarding gluttony. no one knows how this is going to go for aika. I'm not sure why this wasn't brought up before when aika was always this huge but whatever.

I don't even see the point. is aika humiliated? seriously? is she capable of such a thing? tessa would have had a heart attack right now but aika? I'm not so sure that she cares.

and this isn't a fetish comic.

why does that comment keep getting deleted? this is not a fetish comic which is why we don't get any stuffing or anything that would keep us interested. kip is trying to tell a story that just so happens to have a good scene every couple hundred pages.
>This isn't a fetish comic
Well, let's see here what is the trade off.

For one side, we got possibly one of if not the hottest cloth malfunction scene in the history of the Kipteitei comics

In the other side,

Yes, I am going to point this out forever (or until it gets a proper resolution)
did you forget what kip said? he's telling the story he wants to tell. I keep bringing this up and it keeps getting deleted. this is not a fetish comic. thats why we get so very little scenes worth talking about. id argue kip isn't sure what story he wants to tell due to all the plot holes but thats another topic.
Wait until you realise they shove their fat fetish into every page too!!!!!111!
I don't know about you but for me Aika is a complete nonsense in this story, trying to be "cute" and "hot" at the same time, failing miserably at the same time. She tries to be pure and innocent but seems more like a retard with 2 iq who is unaware of her actions and falls into the victimhood of crying and being the one who was treated badly, when she was the one who escalated the love triangle being totally justified the anger that Saiya has towards her. Not to mention, the last of the filler is extremely forced, and was only there for pitiful fan service because the fetish comic lacks fetishes. How much longer will we have to wait for this boring story to end?
Has Kip made a worse character than Aika before? Golly this shit mad boring
Does anyone have the nude version of the helltaker Cerberus pic?
The party earlier in the comic made it pretty clear that she’s a piss lightweight when it comes to drinking.
again, this is going to get deleted but ill say it anyway. she's clearly pretty important in the church. for some asinine reason they have mead. this isn't some renaissance fair but whatever. if she's been in this church for a hot minute this mead is nothing new to her so she should not be getting plastered. this makes no sense. its just an excuse for her to go feeling everyone up again and thats getting old, fast.

im not trying to complain. I know it sounds that way but I'm not. I'm trying to make sense of the plot. what is the point of this entire scene? we went from a nice belly scene to aika molesting everybody she can. is she about to get thrown out of the church? no. so whats the point?
kip has to show off his kinks before he makes any story progression. its hard for him to do both at once lmao
They’re legit just hugging it ain’t that serious.

Anyway guess Aika is going to get sad over dumbfuck 2 still being a shit friend and then Kip switches to dumbfuck 3 doing something? Idfk
And she chugged literally a whole pitcher of mead in seconds lol
Great opportunity for transitioning back to Saiya and Tessa next page.
I genuinely wonder what Aikas reaction to Saiya being the one on stream will be cause it could be quite a few different ones.
I’m pretty interested in where this twist goes. I think it ties both plots together in a natural way.
Aika with the naughty nun agenda! It's interesting that this could either be her religious zeal talking or it could be just her indulging in her own lust. If the latter then does it suggest further impiety in her part? Rather fittingly (or fattingly) for Aika that she wants it all, to have her holy cake and greedily eat it.
surely THIS reveal will result in some kind of plot progression

> it could be just her indulging in her own lust
based on her mannerisms in the fourth panel I think you might be on to something
Shhh the mod will shut you up!
Saiya's plan to win Aika over is going well I see. Although who knows? This streaming gig could be a long-haul thing and Aika slowly falls for Saiya as she becomes a more competent streamer, for all we know.
I think it would be interesting if saiya was put in the same position as Tessa where she’s trying to spend time with and hit on her crush but her fans and Stacy keep getting in the way.
Stupid whore needs to parry
Damn, Tessa's got good taste in games. Wonder if fat Gwynnevere will be making a special guest appearance.
Damn this is a great pic but Luffy being in it is a real turn off he covers some of the belly. I really wish it was just Yamato alone. Still a hot pic tho.
Was not expecting Tessa to have such a plump ass. And Saiya’s belly is activating my neurons.
On the one hand, could lead to booba
On the other hand, I can guarantee that the next plot point is Saiya flashing her tits and getting Tessa banned from streaming which will lead to another 50 pages of nothing
>Was not expecting Tessa to have such a plump ass
Really, anon?
When the objective is to stay on the same topic and the opponent is kipteitei 😯 >>153480
*To seiya on the right*
>>153480 If Aika's relatively small in her own dream does that mean she's in denial of how big she actually is? Yeah sounds like something Aika would do
I genuinely cannot believe this absolute fucking drivel has gone on for 300 pages
kips comics in a nutshell:

fanservice, filler, little story progression, rinse repeat
>>153840 Yeah.. I remember reading a comment just like this not too long ago. About 14 months I'd say. Possibly more. It was a better comment.
This is probably whats gonna make Aika go serious about her diet stuff.
ayano's wg: great story, terrible art

osc: terrible story, great art

personal opinion
Eh, Kip's art isn't anything particularly exceptional either tbh
Not saying your opinion is wrong or anything, but what story is there to be found with Ayano's wg diary? Isn't it essentially a drawn out WG progression sequence? I recall another character being introduced in her college days but that was about it really.
It is just a long sequence. Every single page has only been about ayano gaining and how its her fetish. Later on theres arcs for her friends but its just wg with different dynamics. One who gains slow and learned to live with it, one who gains faster than ayano because she cant control hersepf and hates it, and one whos even more into it than ayano but struggles to gain.
I reckon aika will start streaming for a stupid fucking reason that doesn't matter.
It will go really badly, but she's too stupid to be humiliated
This pic feels uncharacteristically lazy, even for Kip
Seems like pretty on brand laziness to me
Yeah this image sucks
I thought I was the only one. Thank God.
yea this pic is very mid, then again it is a repeat character and Kip is known to not like doing repeats very much
Wait im confused. Ik its a repeat but whats everyones main gripe with this pic. I dont really see a problem unless im to small brain to see.
Where page
Ladies and gentlemen, One Serving Choice! is now over.

Saiya overdosed on ketamine, Aika murdered several people, Stacy retired early and moved to Zanzibar, and Tessa ate herself to death.

What a treasure it was.
Where's the page + mods are cringe for removing genuine complaints
Page is out.
I think the mods are being anal and are removing anything "off-topic" I made a comment yesterday that just said "where page" and that got deleted too
So now Saiya straight up ignores/passes by Aika? Can't Kip stop making her more despicable in each appearance?
So she just doesn't give a shit abt Aika anymore -_-?? Also this means her little wing ears are gonna grow right?
They won't because even Kip doesn't give a shit about his own lore.
>>154114 I dont think its not her giving shit about Aika intentionally. She just seems unaware that shes even there given that shes been happy with people giving her compliments etc about streaming
I think what people are overlooking is that Aika used to let her belly completely out in front of Saiya but now she feels the need to suck her fat belly in and hide how big she is just like she did for Tessa. I personally want to see her suck in and have a wardrobe malfunction when it comes back out :)
Do it kip. Make her buff, you coward!
Given kips humiliation kink I’m betting saiya getting fit and potentially getting bigger feathers is a temporary thing to set her up for a great fall.
Also Tessa is probably going to do keep up Tania’s carb and protein loading in addition to Stacy’s fasting with saiya so she’ll probably gain faster
I get that she might have a secret fat fetish for Tessa, but wow, what a bitch.
Is the fit girl getting chubby? She’s got like a darker colored compression shirt over her midriff!
Long shot call, saiya starts drinking whatever liquid concoction Tessa had after her workout and she starts gaining.
It might be too early in her conference phase for that just yet… but it is possible!

Maybe she convinces herself she’s not be fit enough for aika and uses it do double down on her workout with bad results.

Also she wasn’t in the room when fasting was being talked about so she could get super hungry later.
Confidence… not conference…
Honestly there are plenty of potential ways for saiya to gain weight. Most likely as an endgame thing.

Getting neither Tessa or aika she fattens herself up out of sexual frustration and/or to punish herself.

As a means to redeem herself to them, offering to be their feedee in return for forgiveness (or they tell her that’s her cost of redemption).

Gets the same treatment fiina did after her breakup with offscreen depression. Would be a role reversal of the position she found aika in just like how it’s currently a reversal with Tessa.
>Honestly there are plenty of potential ways for saiya to gain weight
Here's my pitch:
Weight loss - tit shrinkage - lower views - gain weight - tit growth - more views - lose control of weight gain - fat
Well, her boobs and thighs don't seem to be getting bigger; buuut.....

That's the only time that I remember she doesn't show out her abs, Besides, the story could redeem itself if traded an failed corset arc for another, more subtle corset arc...I can dream, can't I?
wait why is saiya working out?? i thought the whole point was that she worked out to get closer to tessa, but she’s not even here
I wouldn't be surprised if Stacey told her to. Saiya is probably high on the thrill of being popular.
At the party saiya noticed that drunk aika mistook Tessa’s corset as her still having a toned body. In addition to trying to act like Tessa she’s trying to get her previous body too
so Tessa just skipped an entire week if college out of embarrassment? she might as well just drop out at this point
She was working out to get Aika attracted to her, nothing to do with Tessa.
We already know she’s going to face 0 consequences for it.
Didn't realize the Yamato piece was posted here. Looks like I subscribed on Patreon for nothin'.
Welp, I'll just stay subscribed till I feel like unsubscribing.
wait till you hear about the kemono
She’s not going to like how popular saiya has gotten in her absence.
Tessa's design looks alot better with the hair down
I feel like Tessa is gonna come back regain her popularity which makes Saiya back to square one where she was a nobody and she attempts to fatten up Tessa again to continue streaming for her.
>mandatory "college"
so it really is just high school with the numbers filed off
Or she snaps her corset open.
Attendance is mandatory because of scholarships at most colleges. Its easier to make everyone adhere to the rules than singling out the ones who have them.

But clearly kip wanted this to be a high school setting but didnt want to deal with claims of drawing underage girls, so instead we have this wierd disney tier community college
Anon, I'd like you to know this idea rocks and I'd love to see it.
Stacy's bangs/hairline makes me irrationally angry. It makes no sense and it looks like a reverse combover
(22 KB, 974x552, mercy_plz.png)
Meanwhile the corset be like
pretty sure that's the style Kip was going for
I like to think after a couple of weeks of whatever fasting or dieting Stacy had her on, and knowing just how much food she can put away, that Tessa is gonna be
> h o n g r y .

Should be fun to watch unfold~
Maybe it’s supposed to be traction alopecia?
I’m pretty sure this was just so Kip could shrink Tessa, don’t get your hopes up.
All I want is for Stacey to make the connection that more weight = bigger tits when it comes to Tessa. As she has said before in an earlier page, no one cares what Tessa does so long as the camera is on her tits. Tit growth has clearly been the hot thing when it comes to Tessa. She wears smaller bikinis to show off how much bigger they’ve gotten on her streams already.

Just turn that bitch into a Dairy Queen. Come on Stacey, literally just point the camera at her tits and be done with any and all midsection shit. Drop the hot tub streams unless her gut is covered and all you’re seeing are boobs. That’s the money maker right there bitch. Make Tessa a cow.
That's actually very hot. I would love it turned out that way
these pages are coming out a lot faster. looks like we’re nearing something that kip finds fun. we getting a full-on feederism love triangle?
>not covering the corset
Are they retarded

The one screaming is viscerally annoying in every page she shows up in. Characters getting irrationally angry over everything is not funny, just insanely annoying.
I don't think the purpose of her ranting is much of comedy as it's actually for characterization and possibly plot progression.

In the sense of characterization, of course she would be angry; she's trying to manage the weight loss of two fat girls, one of them having her streaming carreer hanging by her corset threads, and the other lacking self control and common sense to stop eating vorasciously. Even though she's being stupid saying that out loud, it makes sense with her personality.

And in the sense of plot progression, it's just an hypothesis but, perhaps someone hears the "one fatty to another" bit, and starts wondering what she meant by that and if maybe, JUST maybe, this "another fatty" is Tessa
Minor detail but did any else notice the heart belt is back?
They only care about booba.
Idk bout yall but I just wanna see Stacy get fat after trying to make Tessa and Aika diet. Like she’ll put on a couple lbs but just cope with it by saying “whatever I’m surrounded by whales no one will notice” and she’ll just slowly gain without realizing it.
316 pages, and we're back to square one.
the longer this comic goes on the more I find myself fantasizing about some kind of alternate conclusion involving vore
look at Saiya being a smug little slut with the tiny amount of fame she has now
I want to see Tessa or Aika put her where she belongs (inside a belly) and digest her into more fat on one of their big guts

If we ignore the huge amount of weight Aika and Tess have packed on sure. Contrast characters are fine, stop whinging.
It’s Tessa pred time
She lost weight now? This comic is dragging on for way too long, starting to feel like a snooze fest. I can't believe people complained about No Lunch Break.
No lunch break was kino compared to this. Sidney's proportions were way out of wack(belly was kind of cartoonish), but the gain was at least constant. I like One Serving Choice, but the wg seems to have taken a backseat to the story, and if your reading a fetish comic for the story then....
Idk what Forehead is mad about, Saiya is now ripped and confident on herself, she can just ditch Tessa & Aika and have Saiya do the Streams from now on.
She might come to that conclusion if something happens with that corset
>>155085 (Cross-thread)
i thpught the holy day would never come but they finally made purple tigress art
i wanted to commission it myself
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So at the moment we have Saiya wanting both Aika and Tessa, along with Aika now wanting both Saiya and Tessa. That just leaves Tessa who currently only wants Saiya alone.

Is Kip gonna contrive a means to pair up Tessa and Aika so that she fancies Aika as well, to complete the set?
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Ok, Ill try to make a recap:
Saiya, a young finnish(probably) girl, has just entered college, where there is a famous tits streamer called Tessa, who is kind of a jerk to her in the start. So she befriends Aika, a chubby nerdy girl who dont give a shit about high school social paradygms (this is a college god damnit, grow up). Some time later, in a party, Saiya and Tessa have a genuine talk with each other, which makes Tessa more fond to Saiya. So fond in fact that she spies her having lunch with Aika in the mall. But then, Aika eats so much that her skirt pops open, making this moment a fetish wakening both for Saiya and for Tessa. But its a way more drastic enlightment for Tessa, that begins to stuff herself to the brim every day at lunch so that she could have a chance to seduce Saiya in the corridor with her stuffed gut. It becomes though a shot in the foot, since after some months she becomes considerably flabbier(to the point that she needs to suck in her belly).
Meanwhile, after passing the holidays having her figure and self awareness ruined by her always feeding mother, Aika became HUGE. Its more or less at that point that Saiya realizes her passion over Aika. At The Party (Tessas Corset 1st appearance), Stacy(Tessa bitch friend) reveals to Saiya that shes the one that made Tessa famous, shes the brais behind the streaming success. Tessa tries to embarass Aika giving her a super strong booze because shes jealous over Saiya. But it becomes ANOTHER shot in the foot, since Aika starts drunly confessing her kink and lust for bossy toned midriff bitches just like Tessa (double ironic since before she began streaming, she was a shy nerd). Seeing this, Saiya runs out of the party, crying, heartbroken, and emo.

(7.5 MB, 4093x2894, Bayonetta_Big.png)
Okay bros I might have stumbled onto something here. Grace had to have implemented a party wide psy-op by spiking the alcohol with actual oven-spray.

It's the only way to explain the mass retardation and 180 personality shifts from the start of the story that happen right after the party and and get this okay the reason aika seems to have an inconsistent shape is she's a kipverse cryptid.

She mimics the exact shape and personality that's the most attractive to whoever is perceiving her, as we the reader spend more time observing her she takes on longer limbs and distributes the weight she gains more in her stomach because she knows that's what gonna get us off.

I gotta talk to kip about this, he has no idea what horror xey have zunleashed on us.
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Any new content abroad?
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>and and get this okay the reason aika seems to have an inconsistent shape is she's a kipverse cryptid
(583 KB, 1208x1500, jojo.png)
This is really funny; please don't delete it, mods.
>>155308 (Cross-thread)
Plot twist where Aika and Tessa get together completely putting Saiya in shambles. Saiya dreaming of the 2 fatties getting it down while knowing she won’t be part of it.
>>155342 (Cross-thread)
I wish for it too, probably won’t happen tho.
I'll miss Saiya's lil' poochy tummy.

But I can't deny a fit belly stretching in an out fit doesn't unga the bunga
>>155288 (Cross-thread)
calling either stress eating or mukbang streams to make up rent, with saiya also ending up fat as repentance for her fuckery over the last 300 pages
Random question how old were Cindy and Connor during Fnn?
Connor was 18 and Cindy was in the middle of college so presumably 21
Is it weird that I'm kind of rooting for the corset to survive?
At first I wanted nothing but death for the corset, and became frustrated when the corset was still alive after that damn party. But, with time passing, I began to be with terms on the fact that maybe Tessa won't use the corset in the story anymore, since she was already being so reckless with her atittude and clothing in public that her image is kind of blown by that point. Then, I realized the fact that no weight gain story before had a corset that survived, and this made me feel empathy with Tessa's corset. As being worn in the outside, rather than being hidden inside the clothing, it could experience the world around it, a world that have romance, drama, happiness, sadness, a world that gave this corset a will to live beyond his will to die for the "lewd cause". Now that I see this little piece of concealing garnment being so eager to live, I confess that I think I'll feel sorry for him if he really bursts open and die in the future.
just got out of coma since the baby sitter comic got done what is this crap
... She's gonna become homeless and find salvation within the church isn't she? The merry-go-round continues to spin..
it'd be best to be comatose again for a few more years to get out of the debt arc
Yeah most likely. Aika prob gonna use this opportunity to approach Saiya or smthin.
(95 KB, 622x1125, IMG_2880.jpeg)
I can’t even really feel any empathy for Saiya here. Also, asking random classmates for money is downright pathetic. Go get a job bitch. Like what is Kip even trying to do here? What direction is this supposed to take us?
Would be hard to get a job when things need to be paid at that moment.
I guess the path can go one or two ways, Tessa offers money (since she does pay her mom, so it would be a possibility) the other is Aika somehow swoops in to help with money, much like how Saiya helped with her gacha addiction who knows how long ago
Wait…where did she get the money to buy that new outfit? I assumed that was bought with her cut, but clearly it wasn’t. Is she taking her government allotted school housing/food allowance and using it to buy clothes and other unnecessary stuff, and now the financial department is demanding their money back because she actively chose to fail a class? And she didn’t realize any of this when she opted in for government assistance? What is this and why is it in my fetish comic?
Maybe Tessa bought it along with the other clothes she bought last time they went shopping???
Or oooor the third option, she loses her apartment, moves in with her sister, and gains a truckload of weight.
Remember when this was a WG comic? Seriously wtf is this shit. Lol
Saiya doesn't feel empathy for anyone since that stupid party. She's just been acting selfishly and doing things for no one but her benefit, even forgetting about her so called "best friend". I don't care if she promotes the wg in the comic, she's one of Kip's most despicable characters to date and the fact that she's the main character makes it all worse
hahahahahahahahaha why the fuck is this in this fucking porn comic what the fuck hahahahahhahahah
nooo i fucked up and now nobody is bailing me out for free :(
random motherfuckers on bbwchan be spitting more fire than kip
Lmao deserved. Get fucked bozo
>Saiya can't come up with the money in time
>Evicted from her apartment, she drops out of college and returns home in shame
>Without Saiya around to rescue, Aika can't complete her penance and loses her place in the church
>Tessa continues being a streamer but Stacy is even more controlling and abusive now that she got so close to losing her cash cow
>Comic ends with every character worse off than 300 pages ago
>Moral of the story: weight gain fetishism and yuri are le bad and if you like them you are a selfish manipulator like Saiya
truly the master of LYNCHIAN FETISH PORN that we all need in these trying times
Well, this is the ending of the 2nd act, and in the second act we normally have the lowest point to our characters before the climax. Now we need to see which character is going to be the first to refuse the bad to prevail, and to do something about it, starting the 3rd and final act of the story. Is it going to be Aika, offering to help Saiya the same way she helped Aika in times of need way back in the 1st act? Or is it going to be Tessa, that is willing to finally stand up against Stacy and put her streaming career to risk to help a friend in need?
Who cares, I just wanna see them all get fat(ter).
>>155768 inb4 saiya starts gaining to make money
pride cometh before a fall
or something
at least the plot is finally moving forward
What is she handing Saiya? Cash? A pamphlet? A massive wad of chewed gum?
Character regression you mean.
My god is it so hard to make fat bitches fatter
People have to have flaws you know, not everyone’s perfect
There's regular people flaws, then there's Saiya.
just having "flaws" by itself is not good writing. totally turning your character's arc upside down TWICE within the same 5 pages is not good writing.

It's probably a bug you're looking at. Should be fixed in some subsequent update.
Aika finally becomes based and tells Saiya to go fuck herself
This would have been more impactful if her "bad bitch" phase lasted more than 5 minutes.
>charity program gives money to random college students
>church service is called "initiation"
I didn't know the great winged one was running a cult
kip isn't very good at storytelling
bare with him
this feels like a friendship moment for the two and i think it's pretty nice.

Too bad they're likely gonna become more than that.
aika looking extra good in the first panel
Well, I hope this moment doesn't happen:

Saiya: I get it now! I don't need to change my looks and personality to please Aika and have her to myself....
Me: Finally, a good moral in the en-
Saiya: I need to prove to Aika that Tessa is a farse!
Gonna be honest I was half expecting her offer no actual help and just hand over a pamphlet about Jesus.
How long until we get into the euphoric religion bashing arc
Nope nigger art's the best art.
I hope Tessa finally tells her to fuck off and then goes on a nonstop binge fest afterwards
there is no hope
with kip only random
>>156760 Let's nigger this shit up.
that extra detailed tessa scared the shit outta me ngl. damn jumpscare
Tessa better finally confess to Saiya and blow up this love triangle, I'm tired of waiting
Perfect. Now go binge eat because you’re sad. I need Tessa to blow up like Aika did. She needs to up her game if she’s gonna compete with the cow.
Damn guess it’s Tessa’s turn to get fucked lol. Don’t even feel bad, mfer lost me since the beginning
You both know this shit won’t happen.
if that did happen she wouldn’t have a chance. Saiya still loves Aika. The comic is probably going to end with poly.
> if that did happen she wouldn’t have a chance. Saiya still loves Aika.
yeah but Aika doesn't reciprocate Saiya's love, she only wants a friendship
even just a few pages ago Aika was getting all bothered at the thought of "saving" Tessa before she realized that Saiya was the one on stream
As someone who comes here once every month, I am genuinely asking: for how long has this series been going on? Every time I come back there's about two or three new pages.
You are gonna hate the answer but this is going on for at least 2 years now
I actually think it’s gonna end with Stacey/Aika and Saiya/Tessa
I think it going in the poly direction isn’t gonna work
Yep, you hate to see it!
It just struck me as funny that the way Stacy's talking about maximising Tessa's assets on stream, that her channel could go up in smoke if they go too far and someone reported her channel or if Pigz flexed their content policies. At this juncture, would Tessa view a ban or suspension as a bad thing if it meant another opportunity to work with Saiya?
Following on this, we have seen each of the girls' get a "warning shot". Tessa already suffered a ban from the nip-slip on stream; Aika with her church group and Saiya with her failing grades.

I find it interesting that all three girls could find themselves kicked from their respective fields - Tessa could get perma-banned from Pigz; Saiya lose her school funding and go homeless; and Aika struck from her church. Could it be that Kip could be planning for all of them to fail and find a future within one another?
(1.2 MB, 1125x1575, dfzye0e-f16764bd-e42c-492d-92a8-2fb1fcd86b5b.jpg)
Speaking of which...

There's a small, non-zero possibility that the stream might be cut or unavailable if Tessa's gotten herself banned again, given how much Kip has been emphasising her increased bust.
You think shes grow that much shell have another slip???
Saiya is starting to view Aika more like her <> than her <3

She looks the exact same to me in that department
It’s only been said once and she looks the exact same lol
I’m gonna be honest chief. I can’t tell that her tits have gotten bigger at all. They look the exact same size as they were at the start of the comic.
(86 KB, 458x306, TessaTitz.png)
We don't have to be breaking out the calipers here, lol. Kip has been attempting to establish an apparent increase in Tessa's bust, even if the change isn't visually evident.
I predict Tessa will be eating on stream. Due to her being upset/jealous the last time we saw her.
She'd have to do something about Stacy first. While it seems Tessa is getting more fed up with being pushed around by her, she still follows Stacy's lead.
Oh I agree I'm just disappointment that he visually has failed on that front.
(255 KB, 732x491, wow so big.png)
Maybe Kip could try this sick trick they do in visual mediums called 'show don't tell' then.
Her belly is still somewhere in the backrooms but I have a feeling these are the last moments for the corset. Just break already you stupid piece of fabric! Also damn these thighs are PHAT
(233 KB, 556x934, Z9.png)
And here is my lame attempt on giving her the belly back
I'd rather her corset broke in public so she can't just cut the stream.
But this big everything goth GF is driving me insane so I cannot complain.
That face in the last panel
Or in jer room like a psycho
Why does this character look like a ripoff of Harley Quinn cartoons, and why doesn't it bother the artist?
No idea but glad I'm not the only one who cringed and thought she looks like shit
Tag yourself, I'm "goth bob"
Ight this is one of the times where I can’t hate everything about Tessa, she’s hot asf. Outfit ain’t it tho.
Nah I think so too, the corset with the underwear looks off.
the skindentation on her hips and boobs is melting my brain
Are you really going to lose yourselves to the lust?
Are you really going to ignore all the struggles and pain the corset had suffered so far?
Are you really going to wish death to the garnment that did nothing wrong but wish to live everything life has to offer?
This is the third and final act, the climax is near, his life is balancing between life and death, of which who is going to judge his fate it's the lard contained in Tessa's gut. It's an unfair, cruel and sadistic judge, that don't even bother to hear the pleas of our tragic hero, and since the beggining was told by the almighty artist that the final trial needs to be arranged against the life of the corset. No matter what, the corset must die in the end.
"Why?" , cried the defendant's small brother from the audience, watching the wicked judgement, unable to do something to help him."Why does he need to die?"
"Because that's how our world is supposed to be" said the leather crop top, sitting at his side, knowing that he would be the next. "As long as there were stories involving the increase of the weight for the sake of sexual pleasure, there were pieces of clothing to be destroyed to intensify the lewdness. Shirts, skirts, bras, pants, jackets, belts, and of course, concealing garnments.
We lived in blessful ignorance of the world around us so we could focus our minds to die for the excitment. We never had any long lives to think too much, and if we needed to, we were hidden inside shirts, jackets and other clothing so we could be blinded of whats really out there, so we don't fight back desnescessarilly. But that stupid human...she made a mistake.
She wore him in the outside for too long.
He couldn't let himself die now. Not that he saw how the world was vast and beautiful, and was willing to fight to really live. He hidden himself as long as he could, and hoped that he could see the end of the story. And the craziest part? He almost succeeded.
But the audience noticed his dissapearance, and the author couldn't let it go. Because if he made the mistake of ending the story before killing the corset, it would open the floodgate. Make a story that a corset survives the gaining ONCE, and you have the chance of ALL of the other pieces of clothing willing to rebel, to fight back against the author and the clichés, making the whole community rethink how a climax should be handed. He couldn't let this happen.
That's why he is being judged today.
Not because he wants to prove we need to be afraid,
But because he's scared that we are going to live.
So remember this:
Don't let them notice you
And be the difference"
Why did they deleted my super long coment criticizing the need to always kill corsets at the end of the story?
She’s definitely saving lives.
Her thighs are fat as fuck here
The thighs and hips got me both oogin and boogin
Bruh if Saiya is plotting to expose Tessas weight gain so she can give herself a boost that is so cruel. Tessa has been nothing but nice to her. Saiya is hands down Kips worst character
I think she wants to make her gain more weight rather than expose her (which would be better since it's the focus of the fucking comic), but we'll see. Bitch behaviour regardless but I'm fine with it as long as we see some good wg content.
She’s thinking of making Tessa gain weight again so she can have the spotlight, and Tessa wouldn’t be able to stream. Also “nothing but nice to her” is a lie but she’s changed so eh.
That's probably it, even though that was already a plotline that happened and was "resolved" like 50 pages ago or something.
I just want to see Tessa stuffed til almost puking again. That was hot.
Tessa was a bitch at the start, wym?
The power of the streaming egirl is revealed; her sins melt away from the memory
Tessa bitched out Saiya one time on like page 30 but has generally been nice to Saiya ever since the pool scene. Literally 2/3 of this comic is Saiya being a manipulative little cunt trying to win Aika over.
What I found interesting is that even though the thought came to her head, she very quickly thought no, showing that even if she is able to think such a petty and mean plan, she still have a moral compass (even if it's a really broken one). What we are going to see next is Saiya thinking about the pros and cons, if she don't think of another one
lmao she was being a bitch to Saiya’s crush at the party, she tried to ruin Aika and Saiya’s relationship, coy, manipulation, purposely told Saiya she likes Aika knowing it would fuck w her, literally the only reason the dressing room scene wasn’t sexual harassment was because Saiya gave in.
Now that I think about it, neither Tessa or Saiya would last in a relationship. They’re both just.. shit people.
Tag yourself, I’m the horse.
I'm the log being sat on :)
Kinda random and weird timing of saying this, but i wish there was a colored version of the epilogue of no lunch, idk if there is, maybe if anyone can let me know I’d appreciate it
Anybody know what's up? I'm not in the loop on Kip stuff, but not only did they not upload a page today, it seems like they took down the most recent page. Anybody know anything about that?
Kip is celebrating Juhannus so one less page this week. Also, page 326 went into their DA scraps for some currently unknown reason.
Stick to the comics and drawings please.
Is this wut Kip looks like
fuckin femboys, they always make me question my sexuality...
Yep, and he looks kinda shitty. Even worse than Jeetdoh lmao
but all we know is that Kip's African American. For all we know it could be Kip. That being said, this femboy doesn't look so good in this dress. Actually to his credit, Kip doesn't look very hot here.
Damn kip got dem gear chompies
Damn autocorrect
I wholeheartedly expected Kip to look like a discord mod.
Kip actually look cute. Didn't have this in my saturday afternoon bingo.
wtf i like kip now???
Excuse me, sir. This is a Wendy's. Let's keep irl stuff off the bbwdraw board.

>It's 2023. Let's keep irl stuff off the board.
4chan, 2023.
aren't these pics kind of old? I remember seeing some of them before
Anyone have a link to the previous thread? I've been searching but I can't find it. I can find a bunch of older Kip threads but not #10 for some reason.
Anyone have the new page? It's on patreon
The asshole is messing with y'all
can you describe the page, please?
Kip forgor 💀
I won't post it because of morals and stuff, but it was good, but I doubt she can eat all of that, there is just no way.
I'm not really getting this sense of feigned drama. Why is Saiya pissed at Tessa all of a sudden? Why can't they just collaborate, especially if Tessa and Stacy can see there's fan support for the move? Just throw Saiya a stipend for her joint stream contributions and everyone wins.
Because Saiya has turbo autism and the only reason 99% of the drama happens the entire story is because she just can't talk things out with anyone like a normal human being.
It's a porn comic, you turbo autists. Who gives a fuck as long as it leads to someone getting fat. Nobody is forcing you to read it. Just glance at the new pages and if you don't see any belly or weight gain, fuck off until you do. If you don't like that this isn't high art, write your own.
>mind immediately jumps to sabotaging Tessa so she can make money
>gets mad when she realizes how awful of an idea that is

>dutifully returns to streaming despite her earlier humiliation at the sushi restaurant
>starts tearing up at the thought of getting to stream with Saiya or just spend time with her

Saiya proving once again that she doesn't deserve Tessa OR Aika in her life
She was tearing up because she wants to spend time with Saiya? I thought she was tearing up because someone wanted Saiya over her
Except...nobody here is actually getting fat? Or at least, not going beyond "chubby" status. Don't be a fucking retard please
the chat is
>where saiyachu at?
>will she stream with u
Tessa's tearing up because she feels that she's lost Saiya to Aika, Remember her reaction to seeing them both together a couple of pages back?

It's the same old romance drama of no one bothering to communicate and clear the air of misconceptions, hence people jumping to stupid conclusions.
>"It's a porn comic, you turbo autists."
>gets incredibly defensive over some mild criticism of said porn comic
You can always follow Kip on DA or subscribe to his Patreon if you don't like seeing mean comments.
Or he can straight up suck his dick, looks like he would be good at that
>>158338 I don't know if he'd be good but it stands to reason that he won't be bad at sucking dick.
The comic is clearly trying to push plot and character writing before all else, of course people are going to criticize that aspect of it if the characters are acting like retards.
Well, they ARE acting like retards...just like their creator Kip
I think Kip wouldn't be too bad at sucking dick.
this is barely a porn comic lol
if the characters were as fat as the amount of filler they would be landmasses
finland is a cool country but holy fuck this guy makes them look like retards
can they just make the characters fat holy fucking shit
I know this is par for the course but the manager is so fucking annoying I have no idea how anybody would think that a character like that is a good idea. Every time she speaks I wanna kill my self
Where is this story even going?
What if manager get fat
It’ll take Kip 250 pages but it could happen
(174 KB, 557x554, bb.png)
The good ending
Tessa’s manager is gonna have the worst downfall of all the girls in this comic. I feel like Tessa is gonna dump her and the manager is gonna either wallow in pity and get fat or try to gain weight to get big boobs like Tessa and stream but fail and just end up fat. Only can hope!!!
Does anyone know if Kip is makin the comic Patreon subs only? They have yet to post it on DA
Where did you find this?
So I guess now Kip posts the newest page on Patreon and later uploads it with the next new page on DA?? It's getting complicated...
Good fucking lord that third panel looks like ass. Actually managed to be a turnoff.

Also a general question about the last few pages, has Aika been looking a bit smaller after she “got even fatter” according to Stacy? I feel like Kip’s inconsistency has been out in full force…
What the fuck is going on in the third panel lmao
Act like the third panel isn’t there, makes it so much better.

I think we’ve reached a point where Kip doesn’t want the characters bigger but will make them look a bit bigger on certain panels to keep people interested, or yeah, he’s just shit at consistency. Probably just going to focus on adding weight to Tessa’s tits and Aika’s ass.
(6.1 MB, 2250x3150, Untitled67.png)
Wouldn't let me post them together, idk
Kip learn how to draw FUPAs challenge 2023
Very nice colours anon, I love the black and purple.
(6.6 MB, 2250x3150, Untitled71 (1).png)
Not too shabby for a beginner using a mobile app lol

Believe it or not I just now discovered how to use layers (so now I can attempt doing Tessa's official hair color scheme justice with it's transition from orange highlights - pinkish - to a purplish at the ends.
A bit slow, but getting there lol

Will have to try Aika sometime
>>158723 Don't be modest. This' the best art I've ever seen.
(6.0 MB, 2250x3150, Untitled73.png)
The layering & clipping tools makes it MUCH easier.
The more ya know 🤯
(4.7 MB, 2250x3150, Untitled74.png)
Files to large to post together?
Apologies to the mods for "blowing it up"
No worries anon these look great!
As a corset asperger, I'm actually rooting for the survival of the corset. Why are you, you ask? Well.

Tell me ONE WG story in which the corset survives.
More like corset retard. They're made to be broken.
Who said it? You don't count.
What was that crap supposed to be?
Holy fuck kip is really phoning in the effort now lmao
Bruh look at the last panel, shes so fucking wide she’s engulfing the sides of the chair. Also no way that shit supports all that weight.
(5.4 MB, 2250x3150, Untitled77.png)
To any new world anons, happy independence day, to old world anons, apologies & god save the king!

Ya know what happens when ya add 4 days off, w lots of booze, and a** loads of disco music?
Ya get colored pages 😂😂
Who knew!?!

In reality though, as far as story commentary goes, aika is alright but I'm hoping we get the GOOD ending...
Platinum trophy, total supremacy, 100% completion, the karl franz legendary ending...
Yeah your right Aika is good but we can’t reach the good ending without Saiya’s death

Also good work Anon
Bumplocking time

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