
Whoops, posted twice by mistake
Also, maybe someone some rare oldies? Like, really rare, not so easy to find old drawings?
Hello? Is there anything yet? It’s getting awfully quiet around here. Take your time. I guess…
Well, what the fuck are you waiting for? If you're so impatient, post some art yourself
Sorry! I’m just curious if anyone is going to post. Anyway do you think you could find something for me? Can you find a two picture sequence of sailor moon and sailor mercy becoming gigantic fat orbs in space? I think the artist’s name is thestartraveler and it’s somewhere on his deviantart page.
Does anyone has the Sailor Moon comic BedBendersInc made back in the day? If I remember correctly only 2 or 3 pages were made.
Bump 🌙
In the name of the horny! I shall bump this thread! 🌙
I know you're the same person as before, just stop bumping like a retard
No. Why should I stop? I’m not a retard.
You're a retard for not knowing that bumping threads with no art is against the site rules.
Bump more stuff
I’m bumping this thread yet again. Jeez, where’s the art already?
Well, what the fuck did you expect? We can't update this thread every day, most of the Sailor Moon WG art is kinda old and we already posted it. Plus it's not like many artists are still drawing it
Yeah maybe I should have saw that coming…
I’m such a dumbass.
Bumping for the moon…🌙
Does anyone have the full comics of sailor cupcake? The artist’s name is oda-lee.
This was based in an Archie comic if I bad remember, his girlfriend being paranoid on what the other girl is capable of.
>>146840 (OP)
Does anyone got the one where Usagi is sweating like a pig, her school uniform about to burst and wondering why the weather is always hot?
Does anyone know the source for this?
Are you really so desperate as to post some shitty drawings made by a kid?
Well to be fair, a lot of Sailor Moon fat art happens to be pretty dogshit unfortunately.
What kind of Tumblr shit art style is that fourth pic? It would be perfectly fine if not for her colossal shnoz. Someone should edit pics from that artist and fix the noses. As janky as Thrownspear's facial expressions are at times I'd take his faces over Sailor Wario nose any day.
First time I've ever laughed at a post on here
>>180836 is Rayman's dick attached to his body or does it float around
>>180974 I dunno, I've never seen R34 of him fucking a nymph
Way better than original. I'm not animu trend is like a latest Dobson art, when he would invent any ugly art style to be original.
Bump. Does any have something new?
Nothing bump bitch. Fuck off.
Bumping your mo- you'd better contribute something to this thread
It's because it's irrelevant in the modern day. People who grew up on it are approaching mid 30s maybe even early 40s and most moved on, with little relevant content in the last decade except an extremely shitty remake .
Fetish art, much like news outlets, run on clicks and views for algorithm nonsense so making Sailor Moon content is effectively pointless especially to a group of 18-29 year olds who never even watched 'some old boomer show'. Unless some odd sudden interest pops up like 'Taylor Swift watched Sailor Moon for the first tine' don't expect anything anytime soon.
There's like 1 person producing "new" Sailor Moon fetish art, but it's like shitty remakes of crap FMSU did, and then their original stuff is... ew.

Some of the best Sailor Moon WG content came from Satsurou and Oji, but they long gone.
Overall it's hard to find good Sailor Moon fwtish art

It's not hard at all, it's just almost all of it is exclusively over a decade+ old, and also on DeviantArt, quality will vary.
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name on the art.... Yummysinpie it the artist
People have lost the ability to read it seems
Always love me some Sailor Moon.
Same. Why could people just make more sailor moon fats…
Both of you, shut the fuck up and post art. No point keeping the thread around if nothing new is going to be shared after two weeks, so actually contribute.
I mean true ig. But even then, a lot of the Sailor Moon fat art is low effort crap. Plus a lot of the good art was made like in 2016 or earlier.
>Usagi's mom
Very nice choice
I hate how true this is
Fine let me take the pic I get all your angles.
Maybe I'm not great, but I'm trying my best 🙄
Does anyone have a pic of sailor moon being big as the moon and sailor mercy was trying to help?
Isn't that Akane Tendo from Ranma 1/2?
Ik this probably sounds retarded but I feel like part of the reason why it's hard to find Sailor Moon fat art (and especially hard to find good ones) has to due with the fact that a lot of Sailor Moon fanart is drawn by women rather than men.
I mean...female artists can be pretty good too, but most of their art is just shitty tumblr-tier stuff. They don't actually put that much effort into it either
I'm not saying women suck at drawing. It's just that the vast majority of fat fetish artist (and just the fat fetish community in general) is made up of men

That looks great! Did you do it anon or someone else?
Someone else did this I was looking for something and found this.

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