
>>146013 (OP)
Should be in the weight gain general thread instead of being it's own thing. You're doing this shit on purpose.
post some fucking images when starting a thread retard.
You're in on the thread spam aren't you?
that fucker says that in all new threads.
While your apart of said spam I suppose
It's spam because bratty girls are niche, and less popular then you make them sound.

Because those ideas are also niche, and it's killing off a bunch of threads. There's so many of you new thread fuckers right now that there's a bunch of dead on arrival threads, and it's causing those necrobumping fucks to do their bullshit too. No one is giving time for new threads to breathe before making something new, and causing dead threads to get bumped without anyone adding something.
We don't need 3 new threads every fucking day. Posts from yesterday are already halfway down the board because of how much necrobumping and new threads there's been from people not knowing how to take their time or knowing when to let go of a dead thread. Rates like that never happened before until last week.
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stfu dude, there might be spam threads, but this thread isn't one of them. the only one spamming is you with your whining. go bump the threads you want to stay instead of this one
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Anyone know more artists like beltpop and Midnite Morty? There's nothing like them they're amazing!
Hey who's the artist for the fourth one?
>>148567 That's all Midnitemorty
Who is The artist For this one?
Who is the artist this one?
The world needs more dragon quest fats
where did you find the third one?

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