
We have a Nintendo girls thread you mong.
She's not a Nintendo character. Well, not really.
>>145770 (OP)
The weight gain general thread proving how useless it is once again.

She's a Sega character believe it or not.
>>145770 (OP)
Why not Hack n' Slash in general? The world isn't ready to face the fact that morbidly obese Bayonetta can happen, considering all three Bayonetta's are completely different from one to another.
Why not use the goddamn weight gain general thread instead making something new? Hack 'n' slash is too specific.
A Sega girls thread could be fun.
That wouldn't work. Persona is also owned by Sega and we have a big thread for that series already. The only other Sega franchise that gets lots of fat art of their girls is the Sonic the Hedgehog series, which isn't allowed here because they're furries.
>>146332 What's the first image from? Looks like KafeKafei almost.
I could swear there was a 5-part uncolored Bayo sequence he did a while back in her 2 look. Even if I could find them I would've only saved the first 3 parts since it got too big for my tastes.
Source on the first one? It's perfect

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